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Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.

0 【NEC Confidential】

Option Card FPGA Data Update

NEC Confidential

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

Table of Contents
1. PREPARATION ........................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.2. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.3. FILE PREPARATION ...................................................................................................................................... 4

2. PROCEDURE............................................................................................................................................... 5

2.1. NETWORK SETTING ..................................................................................................................................... 5

2.2. IDU POWER ON ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3. CONFIRMATION OF CONNECTION .................................................................................................................. 5
2.4. LCT LOGIN ................................................................................................................................................ 6
2.5. “MAINTENANCE MODE” SETTING. ................................................................................................................. 7
2.6. UPDATE FPGA DATA MODE.......................................................................................................................... 8
2.7. SELECT MODEM CARD .............................................................................................................................. 9
2.8. LOCAL PC SELECT ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.9. CHOOSE FILE ........................................................................................................................................... 10
2.10. CONFIRM THE RADIO DISCONNECTION ......................................................................................................... 12
2.11. COMPLETE FPGA DATA UPDATE ................................................................................................................ 13
2.12. CONFIRMATION OF VERSION INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 14

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

1. Preparation

LAN cable
LCT Port


IP address: DHCP

Fig. 1:IDU ProgramFile Update Diagram

1.1. Hardware Requirements

Windows XP
CPU Pentium M 1.6GHz
Display Color LCD (1024 x 768)
LAN Port 10/100BASE-T(X)

Windows Vista
CPU Intel Core2 Duo 1.6GHz
Display Color LCD (1024 x 768)
LAN Port 10/100BASE-T(X)

Windows 7
CPU Intel Core2 Duo 1.6GHz
Display Color LCD (1024 x 768)
LAN Port 10/100BASE-T(X)

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

1.2. Software Requirements

OS : Windows XP (English version), Windows Vista (English version), Windows 7 (English version)
IE8, Firefox3.6 or higher.

1.3. File preparation

Copy FPGA update file " MODEM-A_NWA-055300-001_00_v****.bin " to local PC. (Example)

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2. Procedure
Caution:The radio link connection cuts for a few minutes.
2.1. Network setting
TCP/IP setting follows Fig.2 (In case of Windows XP). Please follow the operation system about the method of
IP address and DNS server address setting.

Fig. 2: Setting of IP address on Host PC (Windows XP)

2.2. IDU Power ON

Turn on the power supply of IDU. You can access to IDU in about five minutes.

2.3. Confirmation of connection

When IDU and operation PC connections are established, the following screen is displayed. (In case of
Windows XP)

Fig. 3: Check PC LAN port is linked up(Windows XP).

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.4. LCT login

1. Input ""

2. Input User Name : "Admin"

3. Input Password : "12345678"

4. Click

Fig. 4: LCT login (Internet Explorer).

1. Start up web browser.

2. Input the following address.
3. Input the User name and Password.
Default User name and Password are the following.
User name : Admin
Password : 12345678
4. Then, click the “OK” button.

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.5. “Maintenance mode” setting.

1. Click

2. Confirm

Fig. 5: Maintenance mode

1. Click to “Maintenance” button.

2. Confirm the MAINT BOX changes into “Orange”.

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.6. Update FPGA Data mode

4. Click

1. Select 3. Select

2. Select

Fig. 6: Program File Update menu

1. Select the “Equipment Utility”.

2. Select the “Update(Strage -> NE) Utility”.
3. Select the “FPGA Data".
4. Click the “Execute”

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.7. Select MODEM Card

1. Select

2. Select

3. Click

Fig. 7: Select the “MODEM Card” menu

1. Select the “MODEM(U-Slot01)” in pull down menu.(Example)
2. Select the “U-Slot01/MODEM-A” in pull down menu.(Example)
3. Click the “Next>” button.

2.8. Local PC select

1. Select 2. Click

Fig. 8: Select “Local PC”

1. Select the “Local PC”.
2. Click the “Folder” button.

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.9. Choose File

1. Select

2. Click

Fig. 9: Select MODEM-A FPGA Data. (Example)

1. Select the “MODEM-A_NWA-055300-001_00_v****.bin” file.

2. Click the “Open” button.

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

3. Click

Fig. 10: MODEM-A FPGA Data select complete

3. Then, click the “OK” button.

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.10. Confirm the radio disconnection

1. Click

Fig. 11: Confirm disconnection

1. Click the “OK” button.

The radio signal stops when the OK button is clicked. Then, the upgrade of FPGA is begun,
and it will complete in about 5 minutes.

Wait for about 5 minutes.

Fig. 12: Waiting screen

Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.11. Complete FPGA Data Update


2. Click

Fig. 13: Confirm FPGA Data Update Complete!

If the update of FPGA Data is completed, LCT displays above screen.

1. Confirm the LCT massage “Update Complete” and,
2. Click the “OK” button.

3. Click

Fig. 14: Confirm disconnection

3. Click the “OK” button.
Option Card Data Update Procedure ver.1.0 【NEC Confidential】

2.12. Confirmation of version information

Login to IDU. (Refer to chapter 2.4 for the method)

1. Select

2. Select
3. Confirm

Fig. 15: Confirm FPGA Data Ver. (Example)

1. Select the “Inventory”.

2. Select the “Equipment Inventory Information”.
3. Confirm the “FPGA Information”.
Compare FPGA downloaded file name and displayed FPGA version.
Example) If FPGA downloaded file name is “MODEM-A_NWA-055300-001_00_v0112.bin”,
Then, displayed FPGA version is “1.12”


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