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In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each part.


Directions: There are two items in this part. For each item, you will see a picture on your test
paper and you will hear four short statements. The statements will be spoken TWICE.
They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers say. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture on your
test paper and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture.
Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.

Look at the sample below. Now listen to the four statements:

Sample Answer:


Statement (D), “The lady is practicing an extreme sport”, best

describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should
choose answer (D).

Now let’s begin with the picture marked number one (1) on your test paper.

1. 2.


Directions: There are three items in this part of the test. For each item, you will hear a question
or statement spoken in English followed by three responses, also spoken in English.
They will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed on your test paper, so you
must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the
best response to each question or statement and mark it on your answer sheet.
Now listen to a sample question.
You will hear : Sample Answer:
You will also hear :

The best response to the question, “Can I sit in the front row?” is choice (C), “Sure, that would
be fine.” Therefore, you should choose answer (C).

Now let’s begin with question number three (3) on your test paper.

3. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet


Directions: There are three items in this part of the test. For each item you will hear a short
conversation between two people. You will hear the conversations TWICE. They
will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers say. On your test paper, you will read a question about each
conversation. The question will be followed by four answers. You are to choose the
best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

Now, let’s begin with question number six (6) on your test paper.

6. When did the man have dinner in Bandung?

A. Two months ago.
B. Two days ago.
C. Last week.
D. Just now.

7. What is the woman probably going to do?

A. Book a room in Malioboro hotel
B. Stay in the conference room
C. Cancel her trip to Jogja
D. Try to advertise Jogja

8. What can be said about the man?

A. He employs a secretary.
B. He does his own business.
C. He’s buying some computers.
D. He works at John’s Corporation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two short talks. Each will be spoken TWICE.
They will not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to
understand and remember what is said. On your test paper, you will read two or
more questions about each short talk. Each question will be followed by four
answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your
answer sheet.

Now let’s begin with the following short talk.

9. Who might need the information? 10. What is the second step?
A. Store customers. A. Press the print screen key.
B. Platform builders. B. Paste the image.
C. Train passengers. C. Save your file.
D. Terminal operators. D. Double click to open it.


In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your
test book.


Directions: Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to
complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Read the text carefully and answer the following question

Angelica: How many meals do you have a day?
Lolita: I usually have three. But sometimes, I don’t have my breakfast because I have to hurry
in the morning.
Angelica: Do you often eat in the restaurant with your family too?
Lolita: No, I don’t. My mom enjoys cooking. She is a very good cook. So we hardly ever go to
the restaurant. Anyway, what is your favorite food?
Angelica: Well, I love traditional food, especially Sundanese food.
Lolita: What a coincidence! My mom’s good at cooking typical Sundanese cuisine. You may
come to my house and give it a try.

11. What are they talking about?

A. Typical morning activities.
B. Someone’s eating routine.
C. Frequency of eating out.
D. Their favorite food.
E. Their favorite restaurant

12. Rudi: Who finished the project?

Heri: Citra did. Last night, ...
A. she worked over time
B. she finishes it on time
C. she hasn't started it yet
D. she will do it
E. she explained it to us.

13. Fiona: “What did you do last night? I called your phone but you didn’t answer it.”
Kiara: “………”
A. I have read these books many times.
B. I don’t hear your calling.
C. I’m cooking in the kitchen.
D. I went to the book store and left my phone at home.
E. I don’t know my phone rings.

Read the text carefully and answer the following question

The Habitat Penang Hill

The Habitat Penang Hill is an educational tourism place with a forested place with a
forested view, various exciting floral ecosystem, and marine panoramic beauty. It provides the
most authentic, diverse and educational Malaysian rainforest experience. Starting at the forest
floor, our Naturalists will take you on a journey along our Nature Trail to explore the myriad
of flora and fauna – plants, trees, insects, reptiles, and mammals that call The Habitat home.
You can also explore the biodiversity of the rainforest canopy on our 230m Langur Way
Canopy Walk. It is a ride that allows you to experience wonderful sensation when skywalk
along the groups of shady trees. The ride was built tree-friendly. Besides, you can visit Curtis
Crest Tree Top Walk at the top of Penang Hill, and embrace the 360-degree panoramic views
of Penang Island from the highest viewing point of Penang.
Other facilities you can enjoy besides The Canopy Walk are The Red Garden, Butterfly
Bank, and Fragrance Garden.
The Habitat Penang Hill ticket prices range between RM10 and RM20. It opens from 9.30
a.m. to 6.00 p.m. You can ride a monorail from Penang Hill to reach this place.

14. It is a ride that allows you to experience wonderful sensation when skywalk along the groups
of shady trees. The ride was built tree-friendly. (2nd paragraph, 3rd sentence)

What does the underline phrase mean?

A. It will not potentially detriment any trees around it.
B. It will not make the trees look friendlier than usual.
C. It will not operated if the trees are too shady.
D. It will not bring any danger to visitor
E. It will not harm the people who walked in

15. After reading the text, the readers will most likely ….
A. Promote what he knows to his family and friends
B. Have better interest in coming to see the object
C. Discuss the possibility of exploring the hill
D. Develop new attraction sports there
E. Provides the most authentic and education

Read the text carefully and answer the following question

Andy Rubin is the founder and CEO of playground Global, a studio that provides
resource, mentorship, and funding to start making hardware device. Andy is mostly known for
his instrumental work on mobile device, acting as the co-founder and CEO for both Android
and Danger inc. and SVP of mobile at Google.
Andy joined the Google team in 2005 through the acquisition of Android, which under
his leadership became the most used mobile operating system in the world. He also built
Google’s mobile and digital content business and keyman in the development of Google Play.
Prior to his time at Google. Andy is a president and CEO of Danger Inc. where he created
Sidekick, one of the first mobile devices to offer a direct internet experience.
Andy started his career as a software engineer at Apple Inc. and later helped to build and
ship Web TV, the first interactive television-based internet service, as well as a partner at
venture capital firm, Redpoint Venture.

16. What was Andy Rubin’s great achievement in the world of mobile device?
A. He created many games in cell phone.
B. He improved operating system in cell phone.
C. He joined with google and became its manager.
D. He made android to be the most used mobile operating system in the world.

17. …became the most used mobile operating system in the world. (par. 2)
The underlined word is similar meaning with ….
A. final
B. later
C. before
D. prominent

Read the text carefully and answer the following question

Last week, Mr. Damari’s wife had an accident, her youngest child, Yusuf, was at home
when it happened. he was playing with his new toy car. Suddenly Yusuf heard his mother
calling,” Help! Help! He ran to the kitchen. His mother had burnt herself with some hot
cooking oil. She was crying with pain and the pan was on fire. Mr. Damari had gone to the
office. The other children had gone to school.
Yusuf was too small to help her mother, and she was too frighten to speak sensibly to
him. But he ran to neighbour’s house and asked his neighbour to come and help his mother.
The neighbour soon put out the fire and took Yusuf’s mother to the clinic.
When Mr. Damari came home, his wife told him what had happened. He was very
proud of his son,” When you are a man, you will be just like your father,” she said.

18. How did the neighbour help Mrs. Damari?

A. He called Mrs. Damari husband and ran to the kitchen.
B. He called the fireman and put out the fire.
C. He put out the fire and took Mrs. Damari to the clinic.
D. He called the fireman and advised Mrs. Damari to stay calm.

19. The main idea of the second paragraph is ….

A. Mrs. Damari got accident.
B. Mr. Damari was proud of his son.
C. Yusuf asked his neighbour to help.
D. Mr. Damari and his other children had gone.

20. Receptionist: Indah Travel, …?

Caller: Is Ardhi Herman in, please?
Receptionist: Yes, he is. I’ll put you through.
Caller: Thank you.

What is the best answer for the blank section?

A. May I help you?
B. Who is it?
C. May I call you later?
D. Can you help me?
E. Would you like to help me?

21. Caller: Good morning. Can I speak to Dinah?

Rumi: I’m afraid she is still meeting until I l o’clock. Would you like to leave a message?
Caller: No, thanks. ...
Rumi: Certainly. You may call again later.

What is the best answer for the blank section?

A. I’ll come.
B. Can I meet her?
C. Can you call me back?
D. May I call later?
E. Goodbye.

22. Sasha: Mom, do you know my brown sweater is? I’m going to wear it.
Mom: Well. … She is going to camp to mountain this afternoon.
Sasha: That’s too bad. It’s my favourite sweater.
A. It is prepared by your sister.
B. It will be put in your cupboard.
C. It has been washed by your dad.
D. It was borrowed by your sister.
E. It is on the table

23. Kano: How do you feel the temperature here?

Andi: ………….
Bina: I think so. We need to open all windows
A. So hot here.
B. Good Job.
C. Yes, I Believe
D. nice weather
E. good weather

24. Gina: I feel very tired lately. Do you have any suggestions?
Bobby: You should take some vitamins and rest enough so that your body condition will remain
on guard.
Gina: .................
A. I totally don’t agree with your idea
B. Ask yourself first
C. Ok, I’ll try what you suggest to me, thank a lot
D. You would better mind your own business
E. Is it true?

Read the text carefully and answer the following question

Sunny: I need to lose weight. How do I start to do that?
Laura: If I were you, I would reduce my food portions little by little and start exercising
Sunny: Okay. Do you know what kind of exercise that’s best for losing weight?
Laura: I think you should ask that to Meghan. She’s an athlete, so she must at least know
something about exercising to lose weight.
Sunny: That’s worth a try.
Laura: Do you need her number? I have it if you want.
Sunny: Sure. Thanks

25. Based on the dialogue above, what does Laura want?

A. Sunny wants to reduce her weight.
B. Sunny wants to get a vaccine.
C. Sunny wants to have kids.
D. Sunny wants to be an athlete.
E. Sunny wants to go on vacation.

26. What will Sunny probably do after she talks to Laura?

A. She will do an exercise.
B. She will get a diet.
C. She will be an athlete.
D. She will contact Meghan.
E. She will reduce her meal.
27. Ryan: … to the concert of Rossa this weekend?
Hani: That’s good idea.

What is the best answer for the blank section?

A. How about going
B. How about to go
C. How about to see
D. How about seeing
E. How about goes

28. Budi: Shall we have a picnic to Watu Ulo the weekend?

Rina: … I’m sure we’ll have some fun there

What is the best answer for the blank section?

A. Oh, I disagree
B. I’m sorry, I can’t
C. That’s good idea
D. What a tiring journey
E. Not okay

29. Andi: Are you next Saturday?

Danu: I believe so.
Andi: We were wondering if you’d like to go to basketball game with us. We have an extra.
Danu: I’d love to!

Where will they go?

A. To the gym
B. To the game centre
C. To a sports match
D. To a basketball game
E. To an exhibition

30. Meg: Tim, are you free on Sunday morning?

Tim: Sorry, but I've already made other plans. I'm going to visit my grandmother.
Meg: ….
Tim: How kind of you to ask, I'd be delighted. Hmm… I can visit my grandmother on Sunday
A. I'd like to invite you to join the English Club
B. I strongly believe in this invitation well.
C. I should you must come to the party
D. I would like to introduce myself.
E. I could not recognize you.

31. Mom: Ani, you remind if this afternoon we have a family event?
Ani: Yes ma’am, I remember
Mom: Do not be late!
Ani: Yes ma’am, but ………, do I?
Mom: Yes, mom just reminded
Ani: Yes mom
A. I do not have to went home.
B. I do not have to gone home.
C. I do not have to go home.
D. I do not have to work home.
E. I do not have to walk home.

32. Wawa: My friend and I are going swimming this Saturday. Do you want to join us?
Toni: No, thanks. ……. because my nephew is coming.
A. I'd love to.
B. I’ll join you soon.
C. I prefer to stay home.
D. I’ll stay at home.
E. I like to join you.

33. Ela: Mom, do you need some help? You look so busy this morning.
Mom: Of course, dear. I need another pair of hands to wash the dish.
The underlined sentence expresses …….
A. Accepting help.
B. Offering help.
C. Refusing help.
D. Looking for something.
E. Apologizing.

34. Bob: Sony, will you give me that book?

Sony: Sure, ………
Complete the dialogue above with right expression ……….
A. I don’t want to.
B. I am busy today
C. I will
D. I will not
E. I have to go

35. Elsa: Will you help me to build a snowman?

Olaf: Yes, of course. ………
Complete the dialogue above ….
A. I won’t
B. I will
C. I will not
D. Will I?
E. Shall I?

36. Romy: May I help you?

Deny: Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks.
The underlined sentence express ….
A. Asking help
B. Giving help
C. Offering help
D. Refusing an offer
E. Accepting an offer

37. Ronaldo: Sir, would you like me to close the window for you?
Mr. Adi: Yes, please. It’s very cold inside.
The underlined sentence express:
A. Asking help
B. Offering help
C. Refusing something
D. Accepting an offer
E. Suggestion

Mr. Johan Bright,

HR Manager
ABC 12 Company Ltd.,
Jakarta, 17430

Dear M. Bright,

According to your advertisement in last Friday’s Erlangga Newspaper for a sales executive
vacancy, I would like to apply for that position, As requested, I have attached my complete
resume and my recent photograph.
I am interested in a job and I believe that I fulfil the qualifications for the job. I graduated from
the marketing department at a reputable university. I have two years’ work experience as a
sales executive in an international marketing company, so I have good communication skills in
English, both oral and written. I am also skilful in operating computers.
If you wish to give me a chance to discuss further my past experience and skills, I can be
contacted at the following email address or phone at 08111665243. I am
looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards


38. Why is the applicant interested in the position?

A. He read an advertisement.
B. He has two years experiences.
C. He has the qualifications for the job.
D. He masters oral and written English.
E. He wants to be professional sales executive.
39. From the text, we know that the applicant …
A. will be interviewed soon
B. is smart and has multi-skills
C. needs the job as soon as possible
D. meets the requirements for the position
E. is a professional sales executive.

40. Ridwan: Why are you working so hard these days?

Lasya: I would get some appreciation if ........
A. I finished the work on time
B. I reach the target of selling
C. I can get more money
D. I were the manager
E. I would get the best score


Directions: Read the following text below. Answer the question with the best and complete
sentence on your answer sheet.


Hi, Guys! Our neighbourhood will hold a Fund-Raising Activity next month. It is intended to
help victims of the landslide which happened yesterday. Everyone who is interested in this
activity, please join us. You are also invited to donate your used clothes. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Maryam as chief program coordinator at her house
from 07.00 a.m. – 03.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.


41. What is the announcement about?

A survey has found about 13 percent of first-time smokers in the country are junior high
school students. It also revealed 89 percent of young female employees were smokers.

The survey was conducted in five major cities across the country, including Surakarta in
Central Java.

Muhammad Syahril Mansyur, the Surakarta Health Agency’s respiratory illness division, said
that the finding of the survey showed an alarming growth rate of Indonesian smokers. ""This
situation is a cause for concern,” he said. “It appears the country’s younger generation is
uneducated about the health risks of smoking.”

The Indonesian anti-tobacco campaign has reportedly been deemed as ineffective as the
government refuses to sign the international convention on tobacco control. It said that
cigarette producers contributed to a large amount to state revenue and gave jobs to thousands
of workers.

42. What is the article about?

43. Based on the text, we can conclude that....

Faraday studied the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a DC electric current. While
conducting these studies, Faraday established the basis for the electromagnetic field concept in
physics, subsequently enlarged upon by James Maxwell. He similarly discovered
electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. He established that
magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the
two phenomena. His inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the foundation of
electric motor technology, and it was largely due to his efforts that electricity became viable
for use in technology.

As a chemist, Michael Faraday discovered benzene, investigated the clathrate hydrate of

chlorine, invented an early form of the Bunsen burner and the system of oxidation numbers,
and popularized terminology such as anode, cathode, electrode, and ion.

Although Faraday received little formal education and knew little of higher mathematics, such
as calculus, he was one of the most influential scientists in history. Historians of science refer
to him as the best experimentalist in the history of science. The SI unit of capacitance, the
farad, is named after him, as is the Faraday constant, the charge on a mole of electrons (about
96,485 coulombs). Faraday’s law of induction states that magnetic flux changing in time
creates a proportional electromotive force.

Faraday was the first and foremost Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of
Great Britain, a position to which he was appointed for life.

Albert Einstein kept a photograph of Faraday on his study wall alongside pictures of Isaac
Newton and James Clerk Maxwell.

Faraday was highly religious. He was a member of the Sandemanian Church, a Christian sect
founded in 1730 that demanded total faith and commitment. Biographers have noted that a
strong sense of the unity of God and nature pervaded Faraday’s life and work.

44. According to the text, what was Michael Faraday good at?

45. How was Michael Faraday described as a chemist?

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