Kent Garcia Portfolio

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STUDY EPISODE Diversity: The

Community and
1 1 Home
Activity 1.1 Exploring the School Campus
Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________
To realize the Intended Learning Outcome, work my way through these steps;
1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning area in the campus, then classroom.
2. Observe and use the checklist as you move around the school premises.
3. Analyze your gathered data about the school environment.
4. Reflect on the characteristics of a social environment that promotes learning.
5. Present your idea of a good school environment through any of these:
a ) Descriptive paragraph b ) Photo essay
c ) Sketch or drawing d ) Poem, song or rap

As you move around the campus, observation forms are provided for you to document your
observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A
good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better
learning results.
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to indicate
their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available and say how each will contribute to
the students learning and development.
Will it contribute to the
Facilities Description student’s learning and
development? Why?

 Many Schools were

Office of the Principal damaged during the war,
and many of them are no
longer suitable for
education. Pure Hands
funding rebuilding school
in Yemen, providing
school supplies to the
students, paying salaries
of teachers who have not
been paid for years and
providing financial
support for some
university students to
motivate them to continue
their education. 

Facilities Description Will it contribute to the

student’s learning and
development. Why?

Counseling Room  If there is a good

environment in
accommodating the
student, the student will
enjoy to study
Canteen/Cafeteria  Healthy foods they sell
can help the students to be
healthy so that they can

Medical Clinic  The clinic can

accommodate the sick
student and give medicine
that help them in there
health, only few students
will be having a sick so
that they will be easy to
them to study.
Audio  The area was complete with The teaching and learning
Visual/Learning the facilities, it is have an of teachers and student
Resource Center tv, fan, monitors and through the use of an
projectors. electronic devices, can be
improve students..
Science Laboratory  The laboratory was learning goals of
complete with the laboratory experiences
equipment. include enhancing
mastery of science subject
matter, developing
scientific reasoning
abilities, increasing
understanding of the
complexity and ambiguity
of empirical work,
developing practical
skills, increasing
understanding of the
nature of science,
cultivating .
Gymnasium  The are of the room or The main objective of the
building equipped for gym is to help the
gymnastics, games, and students develop more
other physical exercise. strength and stamina in
terms of their health and
other activities. The
formation of the gym will
enhance the overall
development of the
students as they will be
exposed to many types of
exercises to improve their
fitness and endurance

Will it contribute to the
Facilities  Description student’s learning and
development? Why?

Home Economics  It can help the student to

Room have a knowledge in
industrial works that can
really help them.

Industrial Workshop

PTA Office

Comfort Room for  If the facilities are clean

Boys and have a good smell if it
is near the classroom, the
students will no be

Comfort Room For  If the facilities are clean

Girls and have a good smell if it
is near the classroom, the
students will no be
distracted. They can also
use this to take rest, to fix
their self

(Please Specify)
An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the space

Guide Question Classroom Observation Report

1. Describe the community or The school community highway in the city,
neighborhood where the school is improvements can be done if school and
found. community officials would collaborate with
each others. Concern parents, teachers and
student can also involved in making things
move up to a new level.
2. Describe the school campus. What The school campus is almost free from dirt
colors do you see? What is the and pollution. The tall trees near the school
condition of the buildings? buildings give the area a green color
3. Pass by the offices. What impression One give me impression that I am welcome.
do you have of these offices? Since no one made me feel ignored, I felt
comfortable in observing
4. Walk through the school halls, the The school have a large area, they have 3
library, the cafeteria. Look around and department libraries, faculty rooms, school
find out the other facilities that the clinic, and other department facilities.
school has.

1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes, religious
figures, lessons, visual aids, announcement, do you see posted?
 Jesus Christ, the national emblem of the Philippines, the president of the
Philippines, about educational, board display,
2. Examine how the pieces of furniture are arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located?
How are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
 teachers typically place their desks at the front of the classroom. While being in
the front of the class affords the teacher a good view of the students' faces, there
are advantages to placing the teacher's desk at the back.

3. What learning materials/equipment are present?

 Books, newspaper, magazine, and audio, visual and electronic devices and
speakers, blackboard, whiteboard, slides, monitor, laptop, projector
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
 Range of 30-40 students

5. Is the room well-lit and well-ventilated?

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT
Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to record your data.

Classroom Facilities Description

(location, umber, arrangement, condition)
1. Wall displays Found in the four corners of the class rooms, there
are in the middle area of the walls, the upper display
are much bigger than in the lower to make it visible.
2. Teacher’s table A desk at the front of a school classroom used by a
teacher. In grade schools these often resemble tables
or desks with cabinets; at the university level lecterns
are often encountered.
3. Learner’s desks they are arranged in columns, rows depending on the
number of the students and the desk are not properly
cleaned and even vandalism can be observe. The
blackboard is wide provided for 4. Blackboard
teacher and for the student's stability and value of
focus to learning.
4. Blackboard Two types of boards, the left side is blackboard and
the right side is whiteboard.
5. Learning materials/Visual aids Power point presentation, laptop, projectors

Write your observation report here.

Name of the School Observed; University of Cagayan valley

Location of the School; Tuguegarao city

Date of Visit;

How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to
school? What are your classrooms?
 In every Learning Squared program, we seek to understand the level of change and
impact that we have created, enabling us to allocate resources to programs with the
highest impact and define how to improve that impact on a long and short-term
basis. We look at quality-of-life metrics such as poverty and school attainment and
access to quality and affordable education.
How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does this relate to
your knowledge of facilitating learning?
 A school environment is a crucial component of student’s life. Schools should provide students
with a safe environment in which to nurture and grow emotionally, behaviourally and
academically; and at the same developing relationships with others. Each and every student
requires structure, respect, stability, limitation and boundaries and safe environment or an
environment. In the school environment, there are things that positively influence students’
performance. Such things include having good friends within the school, perceiving that teachers
are caring and supportive, believing that discipline is efficient and fair, participating in
extracurricular activities, being a part of a school and having a sense of belonging. Students
become incorporated in their environment when they perceive that the adults in the school mind
about them as individuals and their learning.
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Or why not?
 Yes, because the school environmental friendly, where can see the green color that give fresh air
and help individual to stay relax and continue to work.

2. What kind of school campus of conducive to learning?

 A school campus that is conducive in learning are like there are good and relaxing
environment , and facilities.
3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning?
 A classroom that are conducive learning is a positive place where a student can come to
work toward specific goals set before them in the class objectives. The teacher is to be
positive, organized, outgoing, confident, and compassionate. In conclusion a classroom is
conducive to learning has a positive effect on a student because it can determine how and
what the person is learning.
4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3?
 As a future educator it is important for us to apply conducive to learning to classroom,
but how can I accomplish this is in the future. First I will make sure that my future
learners are comfortable to me as well as to their classmates. I will also make sure that
there is no distractions in their learning and they are safe as possible. It is also important
that the classroom is set up in every manner. In conclusion, the students must be
comfortable in all aspects I will do my best in the future for me to accomplish all this
ways to have a conducive learning to classroom.
5. Write your additional learnings and insights here.
 Classroom management is the process by which teachers and schools create and maintain
appropriate behavior of students in classroom settings. ... Establishes and sustains an
orderly environment in the classroom. Increases meaningful academic learning and
facilitates social and emotional growth
Activity 1.2 Observing bulletin board displays
The display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most
readily and versatile learning resources.
To achieve the intended learning outcomes, work your way through these steps: 1. Examine for
bulletin board displays. Include samples of those found at the entrance, lobby, hallways and classrooms.
2. Pick one and evaluate the display. 3. Propose enhancements to make the display more effective.
As you look around and examine board displays, use the observation guide and forms provided
for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

Read the following carefully before you observe.

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do
you see?
 Classroom display boards are a great way to get your students engaged, excited
and working together, helping to maximize learning and personal skills. Each
classroom have their own and consist of two, one inside and one outside of their

2. Where are the displays boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see
 The board display that is located inside the classroom were located in the back
or in the both side of the wall

3. What are the displays about? What key messages do they convey? What images and
colors do you see? How are the pieces of information and images arranged?

4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used?

5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like)

6. Are the messages clear and easily understood?

7. Think about what got your attention. Why did it get your attention?

 -

8. Take a photo of the display boards (if allowed).

Based on the questions on the observation guide, write your observation report:
Observation REPORT
(You may paste pictures of the Board displays here.)
The purpose of the display board in that context is to catch the viewer's attention and explain what was
performed and what was learned. Outside school, display boards are used for business trade shows,
marketing, genealogy, life celebrations, arts and crafts, and memorials.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got the most interested in. evaluate
it using the evaluation from below.

Topic of the Board Display ______________________________________________

Location of the Board Display in School ___________________________________

Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.

4- Outstanding 3- Very Satisfactory 2- Satisfactory 1- Needs Improvement

Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments
Effective Communication 
It conveys the message quickly
and clearly.
Attractiveness   
Color and arrangement catch and
hold interest.
Balance  
Objects are arranged, so stability
is perceived.
Unity  
Repeated shapes or colors or use
of borders hold display together.
Interactivity  
The style and approach entice
learners to be involved and

Legibility  
Letters and illustrations can be
seen from a good distance.
Correctness  
It is free from grammar errors,
misspelled words, ambiguity.
Durability  
It is well-constructed; items are
securely attached.

Bulletin Board Evaluated by:


Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:


Strengths Weaknesses
Description of the Bulletin It is neat and well organized. It Some of the letters are not
Board layout is also durable. legible in a distance

Evaluation of educational The bulletin board portrays or The display board shows less
content and other aspects. shows various saying about educational information.
life and love of god

Recommendations or
Suggestions for
Improvement put some information like latest news and educational
related information

Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name:

Based on your suggestions, make your board display lay-out. You may present your output through any
of these:
 A hand-made drawing or layout
 And electronic (computer) drawing/illustration or layout
 A collage

My Board Display Layout

What do you think was the purpose of the board display?
 In the classroom, teachers use the display board to teach children different topics in a creative
way. The main advantage of teaching with display boards is that it helps in visual learning,
which helps the children remember what they have learnt for a longer period of time.
Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience? Why? Why not?
 Yes, the board display design reflects to the likes/interest of its target because the draft fits in to
the board wherein the content is all about the achievements of the students and by displaying
some of the best students works on the classroom display board, other students tend to be
motivated and set a goal. 
Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not?
 Yes, the language used was clear and simple because the audience was the students so they need
to present an information that is easy to understand and very informative content for the students.
Was the board display effective? Why? Why not?
 Yes, board display is so effective especially to students because it gives information to them
about the mission and vision of the school. And by these board display students got motivated
when their names was posted in the board if they have some achievements or when they are
involved to sports so that numerous people could see their participation in school.
What suggestions can you make?
 In my suggestion school must continue to display about the happenings in school so that the
audience will always be informed or updated. In order to persuade more viewers or audiences,
they must also used a good quality of materials in order for the content to enhance its beauty and

Based on your suggestions, propose an enhanced version of this display board. Use the form
My Proposed Board Display

New Words, New Learnings

Board Title:

Vocabulary Words Activities

Rationale (Purpose):
The purpose of this board display is to educate learners or the audiences to know more deep
and unfamiliar words that they did not encounter yet. This activities can be an additional
information for them to use for their upcoming essay activities or in their English subjects.

This board will be their guide and reminders for their upcoming activities and it also helps
them to improve their work by using the given vocabulary words. It will also help them to prepare
and have a knowledge for their upcoming topics.

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:

The board is divided into four columns. The first column was given which is the vocabulary
words. The second column was already translated into Tagalog. And the third column will be their
task to translate the word into their first language and they are going to define the word in the
fourth column.
Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
The content of the board display are changing, so I will use a materials that are easily to
remove like pins. I will also put a visual content that serves their achievements for their past
activities and sample pictures for the documentation. Brief summary, and instruction for their
future activities. All the contents will be printed and the board display will use glass for covering.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:

The materials for aesthetic enhancement are wood, and coloring materials. In order for the
visual content to be clear and have a good quality I will use photo paper for the pictures and bond
papers for printing the other content of the board.

1. Name at least five skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board
displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.
 It’s really important that teacher should have good skills in doing or creating a board displays.
For us, the above mentioned skills are helpful for the teacher to come up with effective board
displays. As a future educator, we should be skillful in creating a board display and must have
those different skills mentioned above.

2. Which of the following skills you named # 1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences
in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?
 The purpose of the display board in that context is to catch the viewer's attention and explain
what was performed and what was learned. Outside school, display boards are used for
business trade shows, marketing, genealogy, life celebrations, arts and crafts, and memorials

3. Which skills do you still need to develop? What concrete steps will you take on how you can
improve on or acquire these skills?
 Shapes or colors or use of borders holds display together. An improvement should be done
here since you cannot see any much of a color that can attract the students or other people.
Interactivity The style and approach entice learners to be involved._

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

My Personal Illustration of Effective
School Environment
Effective School
The effective school must possess these kinds of aspects. These involve stimulating
Let your creativity and secure learning environment on which the child are free from any harm of
shine! murder or accident. Professional leadership must also take place because the
learners always depend to what the teacher instructs. Focus on teaching and
learning are some point that should have to take into consideration, too. There
On the opposite box, should have a purposeful teaching, shared vision and goals, high expectations of
present an illustration all learners, accountability and learning communities.
showing your idea of
an effective school
environment through
any of these:
 A Descriptive
 A Photo Essay
 A Sketch or
 A poem, song
or rap
LEARNING EPISODE Learner Diversity:
Developmental Characteristics, Needs and
2 Interests

Activity 2. 1 Observing learner characteristics at different stages

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________

To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work your way through these steps:
Step 1 Observe 3 groups of learners from different levels (preschool, elem, and high school).
Step 2 Describe each of the learners based on my observations.
Step 3 Validate my observation by interviewing the learners.
Step 4 Compare them in terms of their interest and needs.

 Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to document your observations.
An Observation Guide for the Learner’s Characteristics

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided
space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation checklist if a more detailed
observation is preferred.


1. Observe their gross motor skills how they carry themselves, how they move, walk, run,
go up the stair, etc.
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberates/smooth?
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc.


1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.

2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their


1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad, easily
cries, mood-shifts)
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behavior. Are they self-conscious?


1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note their language
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for evidence of
their thinking skills.
3. Were the opportunities for problem solving? Describe how they showed problem solving
Learner’s Development Matrix

Record the data you gathered about the learner’s characteristics and needs in this matrix. This
will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at different levels. The items under
each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other aspects
which you may have observed.

Development Preschooler Elementary High School

Domain Indicate age range of Indicate age range of Indicate age range
children observed: ___ children observed: ____ of children
observed: _____
The child love to move. Some times help himself She’s doing all
Physical He is still learning how things by himself
Gross-motor skills to write. He
needs to be guided
Fine-motor skills

Self-help skills

He is still adapting to He is confident in the She is competitive
Social the new environment class and she’s doing in the class she
Interaction with good loves to talk with
Teachers his teacher.

Interaction with


He still can’t control He needs discipline She already knows
Emotional his emotions. because he can’t control how to control or
Moods and his emotions. manage her
temperament, emotion/feelings
expression of



He can communicate Everyone

Cognitive He is trying to already but not so good communicates well
Communication communicate

Thinking Skills



Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed. Based on these
characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Level Salient Characteristics Implication to the Teaching-Learning

Observed Process

Preschool  Preschoolers like to  Therefore, the teacher should

Age range of move around a lot. remember to use music and
learners observed movement activities not just in PE
3-4 but in all subject areas.
 Therefore, teachers should not
expect preschoolers to stay seated
for a long period of time.

Level Salient Characteristics Implication to the Teaching-Learning

Observed Process

Preschool Therefore, the teacher should remember to

Age range of use music and movement activities not just
learners observed in PE but in all subject areas.
Elementary Therefore, the teacher should not only
Age range of focus on teaching academically but also
learners observed he/she must give time

High School Teachers should remember to have some

Age rang e of activities that will help the student in
learners observed socializing with others


1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when you were their
age? What similarities do you have with the learners you observed?
 Identifying and meeting individual learner needs boosts their morale and encourages them. In
some cases, the learner does not gain much from mass instruction. As such, when the teacher
provides individually prescribed instruction it significantly helps many learners to understand
and grasp educational concepts

2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did she/he help or not
help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social, and cognitive)? How did it affect you?
 The teacher that I cannot forget is my teacher in PE when I was still in my first year high
school. I cannot forget her because of the grade she gave to me in second grading. I don’t
know why she gave me that grade. I’m really disappointed that time. It’s the first grade I get
since elementary. It really affects me emotionally and socially, socially because after the
releasing of grades.

3. Share your insights here.

 I think the people who are the most successful as teachers are the ones who are able to
remember what it was like being uncertain and not knowing. When you become an expert,
things are easy. So the idea is to try and see where [students] are coming from and why
they’ve developed this misconception and what you can do to specifically address it.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Which is your favorite theory of development, how can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip
some readings about this theory and paste them here.
My favorite theory is the Psychosexual Development proposed by Sigmund Freud.
Freud’s Psychosexual Developmental Theory was one of these important products in which
Freud explained that child experiences, experienced at different ages in childhood, directly go on
to dictate personality and behavior patterns in the later adult. This general theory has since
birthed virtually countless studies, disciplines, and other academic and business establishments.     
Freud actually gave the idea about "inner conflicts" that can affect one's behavior. For instance,
our pupils/students may be categorized into Phallic, Latency or Genital stage of psychosexual
development. Our role as teachers therefore, is to assist our pupils/students solve or go through
their inner conflicts on these stages. We can actually help if we give them ample attention in
their certain needs.   As my conclusion, the application of Freud ideas to teaching and learning is
that it gives us an explanation of some of our pupils/students' behavior that are manifested inside
the classroom. As teachers, the decision is still upon us on how will we use this knowledge to
assist our students As my conclusion, the application of Freud ideas to teaching and learning is
that it gives us an explanation of some of our pupils/students' behavior that are manifested inside
the classroom. 

LEARNING EPISODE Focus On Gender, Needs, Strengths, Interests,

3 Experiences Language, Race, Culture, Religion, Socio-
Economic Status, Difficult Circumstances, And Indigenous

Activity 3.1 Observing differences among learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests, and
experiences; and differences among learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic,
religious backgrounds, and difficult circumstances.
Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________
The learners’ different and the type of interaction they bring surely affect the quality of teaching
and learning. This activity is about observing and gathering data to find out how student diversity
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps;
Step 1. Observe a class in different parts of a school day. (Beginning of the day, class time, recess, etc.)
Step 2. Describe the characteristics of the learners in terms of age, gender, and social and cultural
Step 3. Describe the interaction that transpires inside and outside the classroom.
Step 4. Interview your Resource Teacher about the principles and practices that she uses in dealing with
diversity in the classroom.
Step 5. Analyze the impact of individual differences on learners’ interactions.
The observation form is provided for me to document my observations.
An observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation
report on the space provided on the next page.
1. Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups,
religious, and ethnic backgrounds.

During class:
1. How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact
whit one another and with the teacher. As there groups that interact more with the
teacher than others.
2. Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they behave
and interact differently?
3. Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or
compete against each other?
4. Who among the students participate actively? Who among them ask for most help?
5. When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates
try to help them? Or do they raise their hands, so that the teacher will call them
Outside class:
1. How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogeneously, by age? By
gender? By racial or ethnic group? By their interests? Or are the students in mixed
social groupings? If so, describe their groupings.
2. Notice students who are alone or who are not interacting. Describes their behavior.

Interview the teachers and ask about their experience about learners in difficult
circumstances. Request them to describe these circumstances and how it has affected
the learners. Ask about the strategies they use to help these learners cope.

Ask the teachers about strategies they apply to address the needs of diverse students
due to the following factors:
 Gender, including LGBT
 Language and cultural differences
 Differences in religion
 Socio-economic status

Name of the School Observed: __________________________________________________

School Address: _____________________________________________________________

Date of Visit: _______________________________________________________________

The class that we observed started the discussion in recalling their topic last week. The
teacher asked the students some questions and to give their idea about the last topic. Some
students was able to summarize and answer their teacher. After that the teacher already present
her presentation for her students. Throughout the discussion the students was attentive and

My observation to the teacher has patience, she really did her best to teach her students.
She always make sure that her students are always listening and while discussing she asked
questions that can help her students to understand more the topic. She ask for volunteer
students to participate but if she cannot wait she randomly pick students to answer the given

For the students they are attentive as well, as I observed most of the student are always
reciting when their teacher asking some question. They always responding and active
throughout the discussion.

1. Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the classrooms.
What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to the leader, a mascot/joker, an
attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?
 The persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the classrooms are
the teacher and the students. The students act as learners and the teacher as facilitator.
The teacher joke sometimes but not every time as well as the students. There are students
who are attention seeker and there are also students who appeared to be the leader and a
little teacher, they are the one who teaches their classmates who have less knowledge on
the subject matter.
What makes the learners assume these roles? What factors affect they behavior?
 The learners assume these roles because of the given performance by the teacher. For
example they need to be a teacher for their classmate because they were task to report the

2. Is there anyone observed who appear left out? Are students who appear “different”? Why do
they appear different? Are they accepted or rejected by the others? How is this shown?
 Yes there are student who appear different. For example there are learners who are
belong to the poor, and black complexion are being rejected by some of their classmate.
This is always observed during grouping and class discussion and even during or after
class. Students who belong to the average group don’t want to have a group mates who
are in minority level. Another example is when one student commits mistake and red the
text with wrong pronunciation other student immediately laugh and tease their classmate.
What does the teacher do to address issues like this?
 Based on my observation teachers always stop the student when they are doing these
issues inside and outside the classroom. They always talk to those students to give some
moral information and encourage not to do it anymore.

3. How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual differences of the
 Positive teacher-student relationships evidenced by teachers' reports of low conflict, a
high degree of closeness and support, and little dependency have been shown to support
students' adjustment to school, contribute to their social skills, promote academic
performance and foster students' resiliency in academic classroom.

4. What strategies does the teacher use to maximize the benefits of diversity in the? How does the
teacher leverage diversity?
 Let your knowledge of your students' diverse cultures inform your teaching. This, along
with a sincerely caring attitude, increases student participation and engagement.
Sensitively use multicultural literature, especially children's literature, to honor students'
culture and foster cross-cultural understanding.


1. How did you feel being in the classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or unity among the
learners and between the teachers and the learners?
Since we are still facing the pandemic crisis and implemented the new mode of learning, I can still feel a
sense of oneness or unity among the learners and the teachers. As we all know in our situation right now
it is hard to communicate to one another because of the COVID 19. But because of the technologies we
are still united as one. The teacher influenced the class interaction considering the individual differences
of the students by manifesting a fairly values inside the classroom. The class also participate on the
activities that was given to them, they are all responsive and responsible to all the given task. During
their discussions the teacher give a chance to her students to give also their idea about topic. Sharing
ideas in the class is so important so that everyone have communication and the relationships between the
teachers and students are stong.
Activity 3. 2. Observing differences among learners with disabilities, giftedness, and
To realize the Intended Learning Outcomes, work your way through these steps.
1. Observe at least two of these classes.
a. SPED class with learners with intellectual disabilities
b. SPED class with learners with physical disabilities
c. SPED class for the gifted and talented
d. A regular class with inclusion of learners with disabilities
2. Note the needs of theses learners that the teacher should address.
3. Interview the teachers to find out more about the learners.
4. Write your observation report.
5. Analyze your observation data.
6. Reflect on your experience.

Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the Learners’ Characteristics

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report
on the space provided.

1. Observe the class to see the differences in abilities of the learners.

2. Try to identify the students who seem to be performing well and those that seem to be
3. Validate your observations by asking the teacher about the background and needs of
the learners.
4. Observe the behavior of both regular students and those with special needs. Note their
dispositions, pace in accomplishing tasks, interaction with teacher, and interaction with
5. Observe the teacher’s method in addressing the individual learning needs of the
students in his/her class?

Name of the School Observed __________________________________________________

School Address ______________________________________________________________

Date of Visit ______________________________________________________________

As a future educator it is important to us to determine our learner’s characteristics and needs

so that we will be able to help them in terms of their weaknesses. As we all know learners has
different learning styles and intelligences, some students are intelligent and some are not
gifted. Based on my observation some learners learn fast in the use of visual, video
presentation and presenting images to explain the topic. There are also students who learns by
hearing and kinesthetic learners who learns best by feeling or experiencing. I also found out
the different characteristics; some students are very serious and really focusing on the task
that was given to them, some cannot recite maybe they do not know the answer. As I observed
the different characteristics they portray I noticed that even though they are having difficulties
in answering the questions of their teacher sometime they can still focus on their assigned
tasks and they can manage their behavior by finishing their assigned works. There are also
learners who can work dependently and there are also some that are independent which they
still need the assistance of their teacher. On their listening skills, I think they are already
mature enough to follow the instructions given to them on their ability to concentrate.
1. Did your observation match the information given by the teacher?
 Yes, because the methods was used by the teacher can handle situations, in which it will
gives opportunities to all learners to learn by the teaching methods used.
2. Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class? What practices or strategies
are done or should be done to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the learners?
 The three types of learning abilities are auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. After knowing
which will help you remember better, this will help you in the different styles of studying
which are note taking, reading and marking, planning for a research paper, and time

3. Describe the methods used by the teacher in handling the students’ differences in abilities. How
did the students respond to the teacher? Did the teacher use differentiated instruction? If yes,
describe how.
 There are student who excel in written works in which they have the highest score in
quizzes, summative test and etc. there are also students who excel in communication
skills, they are good in reasoning, recitation and giving ideas about the topic. There are
also excel excel in performance task, they always completed the given activities in the
target deadline.


1. Recall the time when you were in elementary or high school. Recall the high and low achievers
in your class. How did your teachers deal with differences in abilities? Was your teacher
 In my high school and elementary, those who are seating in front are those students who
are performing well and those who are seating at the back are fond of making noises are
those pupils who are low performing. But our former teacher treat us all equal there is no
smart and dumb. The teacher give more attentions to those who are low performing
because she/he needs to help student and for them to stop making noises instead in
listening to the discussion.
2. What dispositions and traits will you need as a future teacher to meet the needs of the learners?
 Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening,
collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective
teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange
of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.


Activity 3.3 Observing the school experiences of learners who belong to indigenous groups.
To realize the intended learning outcomes, work your way through these steps.
1. Ensure that you have reviewed the no. 3. Focused on Indigenous Peoples in the Learning
essentials of Episode 3.
2. Observe in a school with a program for IP learners. Below are some suggested schools:
a. Ujah School of Living Traditions, Hungduan, Ifugao
b. Sentrong Paaralan ng mga Agta, General Nakar, Quezon
c. Sitio Tarukan Primary School, Capas Tarlac
d. Mangyan Center for Learning and Development, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro
e. Paaralang Mangyan na Angkop sa Kulturang Aalagaan (PAMANAK), San Jose Occidental
f. Tubuanan Ati Learning Center, Balabag, Boracay Island
g. Balay Turun-an of Living Traditions, Brgy Garangan and Brgy. Agcalaga, Calinog, Iloilo
h. T’boli school of Living Traditions, Lake Sebu, Sount Cotabato
i. Daraghuyan-Bukidnon Tribal Community School, Dalwangan, Malaybalay, Bukidnon
j. Talaandig School of Living Traditions, Lantapan, Bukidnon
k. Bayanihan Elementary School, Marilog, Davao
l. Lumad BAkwit School, UP Diliman, Quezon City
Please note: ensure proper coordination of your college/university to obtain permission from these
schools before you visit.
If an actual visit is not feasible, consider a “virtual visit” through social media. And if still not
feasible consider a “virtual” field study through watching Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines videos.
There are several available at YouTube. You can start with this video by Dep Ed:
DepEd Indigenous Peoples Education Office. National Indigenous Month (October) Video, 2013.
Retrieve from:
3. Write your observation report.
4. Analyze your observation data using the Indigenous Peoples Education Framework.
5. Reflect on your experience.

Use the observation guide provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for Indigenous Peoples Education

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report
on the space provided.

If you are watching videos you searched, instead of actually visiting a school, have these
question in mind as you are watching the videos. You can try to get in touch with the creator
of the videos and interview them too.

1. Before you observe, read about the specific IP group in the school you will visit.
Know their norms and customary greetings. This will help you blend in the school
community and interact with respect.
2. Observe and note the different parts or areas of the school environment. How are
learning spaces around?
3. What activities do they do in these different areas of the school?
4. Who are the people who manage the school? Who are involved in teaching the
5. Observe how the teaching-learning process happen. Describe the learning activities
they have and the teaching strategies that the teacher uses.
6. Describe the interaction that is taking place between the teacher and learners, among
the teachers, and in the school in general.
7. What instructional materials and learning process resources are they using?
8. Interview the teacher or principal about the curriculum. Find out the curriculum goals.
You can use the questions found on the Analysis part of this activity.
Write your observation report here.

(You may include photos here.)

Name of the School Observed __________________________________________________

School Address ______________________________________________________________
Date of Visit _______________________________________________________________

(You may include photos here.)

Curriculum Design, Answer each question based on your observation and
Competencies, and Content interview data.
1. Does the school foster a students feel accepted, supported, and respected by their
sense of belonging to teachers and classmates. Research shows that if students
one’s ancestral domain, a do not feel comfortable and connected in your classroom,
deep understanding of the they will struggle to learn.
community’s beliefs and
practices? Cite examples.
2. Does the school show Be kind to people and be a good listener. Let people talk
respect of the about their faiths the way they understand them, and
community’s expression accept that you are not the expert on their traditions. ...
of spirituality? How? Read the sacred texts of other faiths, but remember that a
lot of tradition and interpretation surrounds them.
3. Does the school foster the
indigenous learners a deep
appreciation of their
identity? How?
4. Does the curriculum teach knowledge is the knowledge that helps a society make
skills and competencies in decisions about activities, such as agriculture and
the indigenous learners education, that are acceptable to their lifeways.
that will help them Indigenous knowledge, along with western- based
develop and protect their knowledge, helps create development solutions that are
ancestral domain and culturally acceptable to the society being helped.
5. Does the curriculum link
new concepts and
competencies to the life
experience of the
6. Do the teaching strategies
help strengthen, enrich,
and complement the
community’s indigenous
7. Does the curriculum
maximize the use of the
ancestral domain and
activities of the
community as relevant
settings for learning in
combination with
sessions? Cite examples.
8. Is cultural sensitivity to Cultural sensitivity in classroom instruction is an
uphold culture, beliefs and important consideration for effective teaching. There are
practices, observed and several students with different cultural backgrounds and
applied in the values and hence, for instructors to facilitate effectively,
development and use of consideration must be given to the cultural clusters that
instructional materials and the students belong to.
learning resources? How?
(For example, Culture
bearers of the Indigenous
Peoples are consulted).
9. Do assessment practices
consider community
values and culture? How?
10. Do assessment processes
What do you think can still be done to promote and uphold the indigenous people knowledge
systems and practices and rights in schools?
Traditional knowledge is rooted in Indigenous lifeways and relationships with the environment
and is valuable not only to Indigenous Peoples, but to all societies. It must be protected and supported
and emphasis must be placed in transmitting Indigenous knowledge to future generations. As we all
know education is for all the people. Education is recognized as both a human right. It is so important
for us to promote and uphold the indigenous people knowledge system and practices and rights in school
because they have their own traditions, and cultures that they believe in. We can promote the rights and
practices of the indigenous people in school by making an organization that helps them to boost their
confidence and not to be afraid to the other people because they are all the same. We know that
discrimination is also their number one problem so we need also to council the students that everyone
are equal, the same, and have all the opportunity to study.


Reflect based on your actual visit or videos that you watched.

1. What new things did you learn about indigenous peoples?
 we help indigenous peoples like better assert and protect their rights. We ensure they are
included in processes and decisions that affect their ancestral lands and vulnerability to

2. What did you appreciate most from your experience in visiting the school with indigenous
learners? Why?
 Protecting indigenous cultures is crucial for saving the world's biodiversity. ... From animals
to insects and plants, biodiversity loss cannot be effectively addressed without tackling the
rapid disappearance of indigenous cultures.

3. For indigenous learners, as a future teacher, I promise these three things:

3.1 Be open to and respect indigenous peoples by

 Showing respect and to be open to the indigenous learners make them motivated in
studying. As a teacher we need to acknowledge the need of students to find a place of
belonging within school and community. Recognizing the student's desires because they
different to others, we need also to provide students with opportunities to share their
culture and practices to other students. In this ways they can feel that they are respected
and accepted in the society.
3.2 Uphold and celebrate their culture, beliefs and practices by
 Teachers must include them in different activities in school. They must feel that they are
always belong in the group. Their cultures, beliefs, and practices should be acknowledge.
For example they can introduce their traditional dance, their traditional clothes and others
especially during the Buwan ng Wika.
3.3 Advocate for indigenous peoples education by
 As a teacher our important role is to advocate students for education. We can do
volunteering, encourage them and motivate to strive and study harder. We can also help
indigenous people in assisting and giving their needs especially the materials for

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

With the principle of individual differences in mind, what methods and strategies will
you remember in the future to ensure that you will be able to meet the needs of both the high
and low achievers in your class? Make a collection of strategies on how to address the
students’ different ability levels.

LEARNING EPISODE Learner Diversity: The Community and

Home Environment

Observing the learner’s community and home environment

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________

To realize my Intended Learning Outcomes, I will work my way through these steps:
1. Select a learner from the class which you have previously observed.
2. Interview the teacher about the learner's characteristics and the community.
3. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner's residence.
4. Interview the parents about
a. the rules they implement at home concerning their child's schooling.
b. the learner's activities and behavior while at home.
5. Write the Learner's Profile.
6. Analyze your observation and interview data.
7. Reflect on your observation experience.

Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation/Interview Guide for Home-School Link

Read the following carefully before you begin to observe/interview. Then write
observation report on the space provided.

The Learner
1. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him/her in each of the domains of
 physical
Interview body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight), level of
the Teacher
physical activity (fast, slow, lethargic, active, etc.)
1. What are the most noticeable characteristics of the learner? (Emotional disposition,
 social interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly gets into
behavior and discipline, sense of responsibility, academic performance, relationship with
fights, liked by others, etc.)
emotionalwith adults,
moods, social adjustment)
temperament, cries easily, loses temper, happy, shows enthusiasm,
2. How does the teacher communicate
excited, indifferent, etc.) with the parents? How often? What do they discuss?
How do they decide(appears
cognitive of the best course of action
to understand to copes
lessons, resolvewith
theor problems?
lessons, excels, lags behind,
3. How does thereasoning skills, turns
teacher utilize in assignments
resources and requirements,
in the community to supportetc.)
the teaching-learning
process? How does the teacher work with the community to meet the needs of the learners?

Interview with Parents

1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly, family
pictures in the living room, etc.)
2. Use the interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which you
feel comfortable.
Suggested Parent Interview Guide
Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide. Be free to translate the
questions, if necessary.

Name of Learner:
Date of Birth: ___________________________________________ Age: _______
Grade/Year Level: _______________________________________ Gender: ________
Number of Siblings: ___________________________
Birth Order: _________________________________
Parents: _________________________________________________________
Mother: _________________________________________________________
Age: ______________ Occupation: ____________ Educational Attainment: _____________
Father: ____________ Occupation: ____________ Educational Attainment: _____________

Learner's Physical Aspect:

1. Mother's Health during pregnancy with the learner:
 According to the mother, she is healthy during the pregnancy.
2. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child:
 According to the mother, the child is healthy and don’t have some health
3. Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk:
 10 months
4. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present:
 In the past the child really like candies, soft drinks, and junk foods and do not
want to eat fruits and vegetables. But in the present the child already eat
vegetables and healthy foods.
5. Who took care of him/her as a child?
 The parents
Learner's Social Aspect:
1. Describe your child's sociability (friendly, outgoing, or shy, loner).
 The child is good in socializing to other people, she is friendly, and outgoing
because she always like to experience new things.
2. Who were the learner's playmates?
 Her classmates and their neighbors as well as her cousins and relatives.
3. As a child then, was he/she allowed to play outside?
 According to her mother she is allowed to play outside because it is important
for the children to socialize and play with other children too.
4. Is he/she allowed to go out with friends?
 According to her mother, yes, as long as they will not go far.
5. Do you have rules for him/ her to follow regarding going out?
 Yes
6. What are these rules?
 According to her mother she always remind her child not to go with the
strangers and be careful always.
1. What are your expectations of your child?
 I want him/her to be a respectful, god fearing, responsible, and a very discipline
2. How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child?
 A healthy environment is so important to the child so I want him/her to feel
safe all the time. I will also be a good parent to them, I will provide all their
needs and want as long as they are responsible too.
3. Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you
do to meet his/her emotional needs?
 Yes, my child can open his/her problems to me since I am their parent. I don’t
want them to feel alone especially when they are not feeling well and. I can
give them pieces of advice if they have some problems.
4. What do you do when he or she is not successful in something?
 As we all know we always want our children to be successful in all things but
they are not perfect to do that. It is okay for me if they are not successful in
something as long as they did their best to achieve their goals. But they also
need to try again and not to give up things.
How do you discipline your children?
1. Do you have rules in the house? What are they?
 Yes, before they got married they should finished their study first. Before they
go outside they should tell where they will be going.
1. How do you impose the rules?
 I will always remind my children to remember this rules because this is also for
their own sake.
2. What are the consequences of breaking the rules?
 To be a future parent, I don’t want to give some consequences if they break the
rules because I want them to be free but they always know their limitations.
Learner's Cognitive Aspect:
1. What are the child's interests?
 Dancing, and playing volleyball
3. What is he/she good at in school?
 She is good in Science, and English
4. In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty?
 Mathematics
5. How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her?
 I will always focus on her if I already that he has difficulty to understand the
lesson. And I will motivate her by my words and help her to understand the
topic easier.
6. Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits?
 Yes
7. What are these rules? How are they implemented?
 She should have study hours, there should be a limitation in browsing his
phone. She should always finish his assignment in target time.
After you have gathered all the necessary data. Write the learner’s development profile using the outline
below. Type the profile on a separate sheet and attached it to this learning Episode.


The Learners' Development Profile

Name of the Learner __________________________________________________________
School _____________________________________________________________________
Date of Home
Date of Birth: Age:
Grade/Year Level: Gender:

Family Profile
Number of Siblings:
Birth Order:
Occupation: Educational Attainment:
Physical Development
Occupation: Educational Attainment:
In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner. Combine
the teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.
 The physical development of the child grows fast. As the child grow her physical appearance
change like her body, height, weight, and other physical changes that developed. Her height and
body was inherited with her mother.

Social Development
In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner. Combine the
teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.
 The child is so friendly, she is good in socializing to other people. She loves to adventure new
things and experience new things. She is an outgoing person. She is so happy when she is with her
friends, cousins, and relatives.

Emotional-Moral Development
In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the learner.
Combine the teacher's, parents' responses, and your own observations.
 According to her mother she inherited the attitude of her mother. The child is so responsible,
respectful, and god fearing, the child is also generous. she was disciplined well by her mother
because she already know what the right and wrong doings.

Cognitive Development
In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner. Combine the teacher's,
parents' responses, and your own observations.
 She is good in academic especially in science and English subjects. But he has difficulty in
understanding the lesson in Math subject. The child has a good performance in school , she is
active and always participate in the activities of the school.
Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answer
the questions here.
1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced
by the learner? Explain your answer.
 Some children and young people may be feeling more isolated, anxious, bored and
uncertain They may feel fear, and grief, over the impact of the virus on their families.

2. Relating your, data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do
you think contribute to the over-all adjustment of the learner in school?
 The way she communicate and act in the school is what she learned and taught by her
parents. For example the good and bad behavior she learned in their house especially in
her parents will continue or she can bring it in their school.
3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, what
are these effects?
 Yes, communication between home and school has an effect on the learner. This is so
because this type of communication is for continuance and reinforcement of what is
accomplished at home or in school since the student does not stay in school every hour of
the day. By teachers regularly communicating to parents, they are able to identify the
learning needs, the learning gaps and how they can bridge it with more permanence.
Through this, both parties can monitor the student’s progress and performance and can
compare notes. The more involved the parents are, the easier for the learner to cope and
deal with challenges in school. Parents can adjust their parenting style to accommodate
study skill needs of the child. Achievements of the child can be shared. Supportive
availability of parents encourages a positive attitude towards learning that results to
higher achievement or scores in test, increased completion of homework and even better
4. How can the teacher partner with the community to contribute to the development and
learning of the students? Who are the people or which institutions can the teacher tap to seek
advice regarding the development and learning of students?

1. Reflect on your own development as a child. What type of parenting did you experience?
How did it affect you?
  When I was still a child until this present, I observed that the style of parenting I have is
authoritarian type of parenting. Wherein my parents are always in authority and rules are
given. But even if these type of parenting is not available I could still manage my time
because I inherit the attitude of my grandmother which makes them happy that at this age
of mine, I do not even engage myself in going out with my peers in the sense that I am
afraid of the bad influence that might bring me to descend and as what my parent says,
“temptations are always there surrounds you so be careful in doing something.” Her lines
blessed me, anyway this affects me on my studies in the sense that, instead of spending
my time with other, I rather choose to work on my projects and any school activities.
2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you
work well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?
 As teacher to be, I could establish good home – school collaboration by observing the
behavior of the learner in my class. I would be responsible enough on their attitude for
instance; if ever there is a trouble behind that creates a conflict, problems in my students
subsequently I will call the parents of that learner such that even they will be able to
know how their child performed in my class. Wherein through this, we can say that there
is relationship between home– school links.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts


H - ouse with a good behavior
O - of the family to
M- manage his/her children to the good
E- environment values or in the learning

S- students learning should be

C- confine by teachers to parent through a
H- ome school link in
O- rder to have supervision
O- n the learning of the students that shapes
L- ife to the future


1. Reflect on your own development as a child, what type of parenting did you experience? How did
it affect you?
 When I was still a child until this present, I observed that the style of parenting I have is
authoritarian type of parenting. Wherein my parents are always in authority and rules are
given. But even if these type of parenting is not available I could still manage my time
because I inherit the attitude of my grandmother which makes them happy that at this age
of mine, I do not even engage myself in going out with my peers in the sense that I am
afraid of the bad influence that might bring me to descend and as what my parent says,
“temptations are always there surrounds you so be careful in doing something.” Her lines
blessed me, anyway this affects me on my studies in the sense that, instead of spending
my time with other, I rather choose to work on my projects and any school activities.

2. As a future teacher, how would you establish good home-school collaboration? How can you work
well with the parents? How can you help them? How can they help you?
 As teacher to be, I could establish good home – school collaboration by observing the
behavior of the learner in my class. I would be responsible enough on their attitude for
instance; if ever there is a trouble behind that creates a conflict, problems in my students
subsequently I will call the parents of that learner such that even they will be able to
know how their child performed in my class. Wherein through this, we can say that there
is relationship between home– school links.

LEARNING EPISODE Creating an Appropriate Learning

5 Environment

Managing Time, Space and Learning Resources

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________

Grade/Year 5.1______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________

Observe and use the observation sheet provided for you to document your observations.

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.

2. How many boys are there? How many girls?

3. Focus on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?

4. Can the learners already work independently?

5. Describe their span of attention.

Analyze and answer these questions on observed classroom management practices. It is also
good to ask the teacher for additional information, so you can validate your observation. Write your
notes below; and then organize your data in the Table that follows.

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books,
students' belongings, supplies, etc.)? Describe these areas. Will it make a difference if
these areas for specific purposes are not present?

2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room? List them down. Do these rules
reinforce positive behavior?

1. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules? If the Resource Teacher is
available, ask him/her to describe the process. What's the effect of students' participation
in rule-making on student's behavior?

2. What are the daily routines done by the Resource Teacher? (prayer, attendance,
assignment of monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

3. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement? Does this help in
managing the class?

4. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

5. If a learner is not following instruction or is off-task, what does the Resource Teacher
do? Describe the behavior strategies used.

6. What does the Resource Teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (Behavior



Reflection as a future teacher.

1. Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?
 Positive discipline is an approach to teaching that helps children succeed, gives them the
information they need to learn, and supports their development. It respects children's right to
healthy development, protection from violence, and active participation in their learning

ACTIVITY 5.2 Identifying the Different Aspects of Classroom Management

MATRIX Observe a class and accomplish the given matrix.

Aspects of Classroom Description Effect on the Learners

Management (to be filled out after you
answer the analysis questions)
1. Specific Areas in the Teacher table, chairs of the It can support the learning
Classroom blackboard, board display,
and cabinets.
2. Classroom Rules Be quiet when the teacher effect in an online controlled
is talking. experiment is a positive or
Be quiet when classmates negative effect from an
are talking. intervention that only becomes
pronounced after a certain time
t has passed.
3. Classroom Procedures These include stuff like Student will know what
walking quietly in the exactly to do during the
hallway, using hand activities.
signals, raising your hand
in class.
4. Daily Routines

5. Seating Arrangement The seating arrangement The student when day are
can be changed and chairs moving from one plays to
can be used instead of another the space provided in
benches. Sitting refers to each columns and rows.
how people have 4-5 rows
and consist of 5 chairs in
every row.
6. Handling misbehavior/off -
task behavior
7. Reinforcement of Positive
8. Others

9. Others
10. Others

1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners' behavior?
 Classroom routines can increase student confidence and comfort levels since learners
know what is expected of them in different situations. Set routines are especially helpful
when working with young learners and teens that need extra support in regulating their

2. What should the teacher have in mind when she/he designs the classroom organization and
routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind?
 they are prepared, set clear and fair expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with
students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis. They are able to adjust their
teaching strategies to fit both the students and the material, recognizing that different
students learn in different ways.

3. Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? motivating
students? Why were they effective?
 teachers plan out their lessons and physical room layout, they should also spend time
defining the student behavior management strategies that they will use during the school
year. This sets the class up with the right expectations and provides boundaries for easily
identifying when a student’s behavior should be considered an outlier. Here are eight
strategies that teachers can incorporate into their classrooms to establish guidelines and
promote appropriate behavior.


Reflect on the following and write your insights.

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade year level do you see
yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level Whys?
Classroom routines can increase student confidence and comfort levels since learners know what
is expected of them in different situations. Set routines are especially helpful when working with
young learners and teens that need extra support in regulating their behavior.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these
Classroom rules are the foundation for a functional and successful classroom in any setting.
Rules vary from procedures as they determine what the classroom looks like, what type of
behavior is acceptable and encouraged, and help students work towards a common goal. In other
words, they set the tone.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

If students feel responsible for their own behavior, and understand the expectations set for them,
they will be able to act accordingly. Therefore, having the students work together to make the
rules for the classroom is to prevent misbehavior from happening.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Paste pieces of evidence of classroom rues that work in class. You may also put pictures
of the classroom of the physical space and learning stations which contribute to the effective
implementation of classroom management.

LEARNING EPISODE Classroom Management and Classroom



Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________


Observe the classroom routines of the Resource Teacher by accomplishing the given checklist.

Checklist on Classroom Routines

Check Yes (/) if observed and (x) if not observed.

Classroom Routines Observed () Not Observed ()

1. Movement into the 
2. Transition in classroom 
3. Movement out of the 
4. Use of lavatories / comfort 
room / washrooms
5. Passing of papers 
6. Passing of books 
7. Working with pairs/groups 
8. Tardy students 

9. Absent students 
10. Submission/Collection of 
11. Submission of projects 
12. Asking questions during 
13. Asking for assistance 
14. Joining classroom 
15. Lining up 
16. Walking in line 
17. Fire drill / emergencies 

18. Movement between 

19. Use of classroom supplies 
20. Checking of assignments 
Others, please specify

Analyze the routines set by the Resource Teacher by answering the following questions.
 1.Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why
not? When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in the
classroom, children know what's expected of them and how to do certain things on their
own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to spend more time in
meaningful instruction.
2. Which of those routines were 'systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your answer.
 When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in the
classroom, children know what’s expected of them and how to do certain things on their
own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows teachers to spend more time in
meaningful instruction.

Reflect on the various routines observed.
1. Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?
Why are routines important in the classroom?
 Students to quickly accomplish day-to-day tasks that are required of both the teacher and
students. Routines also help to create smoother transitions between activities and
therefore allow fewer opportunities for disruptions to occur.

ACTIVITY 6.2 Listing Down Classroom Rules

Observe a class and list down the classroom rules formulated by the Resource Teacher. Cite the
importance of these rules.
Classroom rules are imperative and must be reinforced for learners' safety and security. Rules
also teach discipline and self-control. Rules eliminate stress and will provide a more pleasant, secured
and non-threatening environment. Rules ensure the students' engagement and focus in their classroom
Classroom Rules Importance
1. E.g. Read directions well. - Ensures less error in answering the activity.
-Make sure that you follow the given
2. Follow the teacher’s directions the first instruction from your teacher so that you
time they are given know what to do next

-Cooperation is so important especially when

3. Cooperate with your classmates it is grouping or group task to have a better
-Show respect to your classmate not only to
4. Be respectful of classmates who are your teachers.

-If you want to say something or you want to

5. Raise your hand to speak share some of your ideas raise your hand so
that you can be acknowledge
-This is so important so that they respect your
6. Respect others’ property property too.

1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?
 Classroom rules are the foundation for a functional and successful classroom in any
setting. Rules vary from procedures as they determine what the classroom looks like,
what type of behavior is acceptable and encouraged, and help students work towards a
common goal. In other words, they set the tone.
2. Are classroom rules really important? The rules
at school improves your relationships with your teachers and demonstrates that you care about
your education. Showing you respect the academic rules of the campus like "no cheating" helps
build a trust with your teachers.

Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the Resource Teacher. Will you have the same
rules? If not, what rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Take some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher which are worth
emulating. Tell something about the pictures.
LEARNING EPISODE Physical and Personal Aspects of
Classroom Management


Identifying Personal and Physical Aspects of Classroom Management

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________

Observe a class and interview the Resource Teacher. Ask how the personal and physical aspects
of classroom management ensure proper classroom management and discipline.
Check if these aspects were observed in the classroom.
Aspects of Classroom Management YES NO
1. Personal Classroom Management
1.1 Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect from the 
1.2 Is the teacher’s voice modulated and can be heard by the entire 
1.3 Was the teacher present in class? 
1.4 Did the teacher arrive on class in time? 
1.5 Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards teaching? 
2. Physical Classroom Management
2.1 Is the classroom well-ventilated?
2.2 Is the lighting good enough?
2.3 Is the classroom free from noise
2.4 Does the seating arrangement provide better interaction 
2.5 Is the design/structure of the room inviting to classroom
2.6 Is the physical space/learning station clear from obstruction?
Analyze the different elements of personal/physical classroom management and answer
the following questions.

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

 A teacher's use of voice is important because it serves to communicate attitudes and
emotions in ways that are often ignored in early childhood classroom research. When
teachers take different roles in relation to children, they use their voice with different
pitch, melody, and loudness.

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

 Teachers who show up ready and on time demonstrate that they take themselves and their
responsibilities seriously. If you slack off in showing up on time, you'll have dissatisfied
students, will get minimal pay raises, and won't get any consideration for a promotion.

3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?

 The major importance of the physical environment is that it can affect students' comfort
and, to some extent, their ability to learn. Students who are uncomfortable are unlikely to
learn as well as those who are comfortable. In addition, the environment can affect the
morale of students.

Reflect on the aspects of personal and classroom management.
1. What does this statement mean to you as a future teacher? Explain.
“No amount of good instruction will come out without effective classroom management.”

2. What are your plans in ensuring effective classroom management?

 Set guidelines and stick to them. Every teacher has rules for their class, but teachers who
stick to the rules they set are the most effective in managing their classrooms.
ACTIVITY 7.2 Demonstrating knowledge of positive and non-violent discipline in the
management of learner behavior.

Observe the classroom management strategies that your Resource Teacher employs in the
classroom. You may also conduct an interview to substantiate your observation.
Check the management strategies employed by the Resource Teacher.
Check (/) observed, put an (x) if not observed and O for no opportunity to observe.
Effective Classroom Management Strategies Observed Not No Opportunity
Observed to Observe
1. Model to the students how to act in 
different situations.
2. Establish classroom guidelines. 
3. Document the rules. 
4. Refrain from punishing the entire class. 
5. Encourage initiative from class. 
6. Offer praise and rewards. 
7. Use non-verbal communication 
8. Take time to celebrate group effort 
9. Let students work in groups. 
10. Interview students to assess their needs. 
11. Address bad behavior quickly. 
12. Consider peer teaching. 
13. Continuously engage the students. 
14. Assign open-ended project. 
15. Write group contracts. 
Others (Please specify)
Analyze the checklist you have accomplished and answer the given questions:

1. How many strategies were employed by the Resource Teacher? Did these contribute to better
classroom management? Explain your answer.
 classroom management strategies can be used to help maintain student focus and create
student consistency around class expectations. Understand your students. Get to know
each student as an individual. Build rapport with them based on trust and understanding.

2. What were not used by the Resource Teacher? Were these important? What should have been
used instead? Explain.
 Building relationships with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do.
Without a solid foundation and relationships built on trust and respect, no quality learning
will happen.

As a future teacher, reflect on the observations then answer the given question.
1. What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to diverse types of
 In order for our students to be able to be successful in the 21st century, they need to be
able to answer complex questions and develop solutions for these problems. The inquiry-
based learning strategy is a great tool to do just that.
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
Show piece(s) of evidence of learning to capture the classroom management strategies used by the
Resource Teacher.
LEARNING EPISODE Understanding the School Curriculum
8 Close Encounter with the School

Curricula in the School Setting

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School:
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________

It’s time to look around. Discover what curriculum is operating in the school setting. Recall the
types of the curriculum mentioned earlier. Can you spot where these are found? Let’s do a hunting

1. Locate where you can find the following curriculum in the school setting. Secure a copy, make
observations of the process, and record your information in the matrix below. Describe your
Type of Curriculum Where Found Description
1. Recommended Curriculum (K DepEd and CHED Every school must observed
to 12 Guidelines)

2. Written Curriculum The lesson plan, book’s provide a general outline

(Teacher’s Lesson Plan) modules. which may include
objectives, needed
materials, relevant
examples, step-by-step
procedures and many other
helpful tools.
3. Taught Curriculum (Teaching teachers to the students is Taking the students into
Learning Process) termed as Taught consideration, they decide
Curriculum. how to achieve the intended
learning outcomes. They
decide the distribution of
time to a particular
4. Supported Curriculum Curriculum is the play a key role in students'
(Subject Textbook) curriculum supported by learning. These are all
available resources. Such elements of Supported
resources include both Curriculum.
5. Assessed Curriculum It can located during the The teacher to assess the
(Assessment Process) lesson pre-existing knowledge and
progress of the learners.
6. Learned Curriculum Evaluation or assessment of show what the expected
(Achieved Learning Outcomes) the student level of learning or
understanding should be,
and it should be reasonable
to the level of the learners
7. Hidden Curriculum (Media) A hidden curriculum can be students earn good grades or
defined as the lessons that extra credit for turning in
are taught informally, and homework on time, listening
usually unintentionally, in a attentively, participating
school system. during class, raising their
hands, and generally doing
things they are told to do,
the students may learn that
compliance is important and
that certain behaviors will
be academically rewarded

Which of the seven types of curriculum in the school setting is easy to find? Why?
Which is difficult to observe? Why?
Are these all found in the school setting? How do curricula relate to one another?
Draw a diagram to show the relationship of one curriculum to the other.
Make a reflection on the diagram that you have drawn.
ACTIVITY 8.2 The Miniscule School Curriculum: The Lesson, A Closer Look

This activity requires a full lesson observation from Motivation to Assessment

1. Secure permit to observe one complete lesson in a particular subject, in a particular grade/year
2. Keep a close watch on the different components of the miniscule curriculum: the lesson
3. Follow the three major components of a curriculum (Planning, Implementing, and
Evaluating/Assessing). Observe and record your observation.

Observe And Record Observation on the Following Aspects

Major Curriculum Key Guide for Observation (Carefully look for the
Components indicators/behavior of the teacher along the key points. Write your
observation and description on your notebook.)
A. Planning 1. Borrow the teachers lesson plan for the day. What major parts
do you see? Request a copy for your use.
Answer the following questions:
a. What are the learning objectives/learning outcomes?
b. What are included in the subject matter?
c. What procedure of method will the teacher use to
implement the plan?
d. Will the teacher assess or evaluate the lesson? How will
this be done?
B. Implementing Now it’s time to observe how the teacher implemented the prepared
lesson plan. Observe closely the procedures.
a. How did the teacher begin the lesson?
b. What procedure or steps were followed?
c. How did the teacher engage the learners?
d. Was the teacher a guide at the side?
e. Were the learners on task? /Or were they participating in the
class activity?
f. Was the lesson finished within the class period?
C. Evaluating Did learning occur in the lesson taught? Here you make observations
to find evidence of learning.
a. Were the objectives as learned outcomes achieved?
b. How did the teacher assess/evaluate it?
c. What evidence was shown? Get pieces of evidence.


Write a paragraph based on the data you gathered using these key questions?

1. How does the teacher whom you observed compare to the ideal characteristics or competencies
of global quality teachers?
 The skills that characterize globally competent teaching include: Creating a classroom
environment that values diversity. Integrating global learning experiences into the
curriculum. Facilitating intercultural conversations and partnerships.

2. Was the lesson implemented as planned? Describe.

3. Can you describe the disposition of the teacher after the lesson was taught? Happy and eager?
Satisfied and contented? Disappointed and exhausted?
4. Can you describe the majority of students’ reactions after the lesson was taught? Confused?
Happy and eager? Contented? No reactions at all?
 stimulate discussion and creative and critical thinking, as well as determine how students
are thinking. Questions help students retain material by putting into words otherwise
unarticulated thoughts.


Based on your observations and task in Activity 2 how will you prepare your lesson plan? Make a short
paragraph on the topic.
ACTIVITY 8.3 Constructive Alignment of the Components of a Lesson Plan


Using the diagram below fill up the component parts of a lesson plan
I. Title of the Lesson: _______________________________________________________
II. Subject Area: ____________________________________________________________
III. Grade Level: _____________________________________________________________

Outcomes Teaching Method Assessment

Fill this up Fill this up Fill this up


Answer the following questions based on the diagram.

1. Are the three components constructively aligned? Explain.
 A qualitative learning process properly aligns these three elements objectives,
educational and teaching activities, and evaluation methods they are then “constructively
2. Will the outcomes be achieved with the teaching method used? Why?
 The achievement of learning outcomes is what students take with them as they enter the
labor market and develop themselves through in their work and in lifelong learning. It
should therefore be transparent and transferable to society. This is also where intended
and achieved learning outcomes meet.
3. What component would tell if the outcomes have been achieved?
 Learning Outcome statements may be broken down into three main components: an
action word that identifies the performance to be demonstrated; a learning statement that
specifies what learning will be demonstrated in the performance; a broad statement of the
criterion or standard for acceptable performance.


What lessons have you learned in developing or writing a lesson plan?

What values will it give to the teacher if the three components are aligned?

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Learning Artifacts for Activity 1-3

Present an artifact for activity 1, 2 and 3.
Activity 1 Artifact
1. Present evidence for each kind of curriculum operating in the school setting/ This can be in
pictures, realia, documents, or others.

Activity 2: Artifact
1. Present a sample curriculum in a form of a Lesson Plan

Activity 3
1. Present a matrix to show the constructive alignment of the three components of a lesson plan.
a. Example:
Lesson Title: __________________________________________________________
Subject Area: _________________________________________________________

Lesson Outcomes Teaching Methods Evaluation

LEARNING EPISODE Preparing for Teaching and Learning

Demonstrating an understanding of Research-Based Knowledge Principles of

ACTIVITY 9.1 Teaching and Learning

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________

Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________


Observe a class with the use of the principles of learning given in Revisit the learning Essentials.
I will identify evidence of applications/violations of the principles of learning. I can cite more than one
evidence per principle of learning.

Principles of Learning What did the Resource Teacher do to

apply the principles of learning
1. Effective learning begins with the setting
of clear and high expectations of learning
2. Learning is an active process
3. Learning is the discovery of personal
meaning and relevance of idea.
4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative
process. Learning is enhanced in an
atmosphere of cooperation and collaboration.

1. What principles of learning were most applied? Least applied?

Most applied

Least applied

Give instances where this/these principle/s could have been applied?



From among the principles of learning, which one do you think is the most important?

Identifying Learning Outcomes that are Aligned with Learning


Observe a class, this time focusing on how the learning outcomes were stated. Determine if the
learning outcome/s was/were achieved or not? Give evidence.

1. Write the learning outcomes stated in the lesson.

Learning Outcomes (SMART Objectives?) Achieved

Yes No Yes No


2. Cite pieces of evidence that these learning outcomes were achieved.







1. Do SMART objectives make the lesson more focused?



Reflect on the
Lessons learned in determining SMART learning outcomes


ACTIVITY 9.3 Distinguishing Between Inductive and Deductive Methods of Teaching


I will observe one Resource Teacher with the use of this observation sheet. Using the guide
questions, I shall reflect on my observations and analysis.

Teacher-centered Student-centered
Did the teacher lecture all the time? Were students involved in the teaching-
learning process? How? Or were they mere
passive recipients of instruction?

Was the emphasis on the mastery of the Was the emphasis on the students’ application
lesson or on the test? Prove. of the lesson in real life? Give proofs.

Was class atmosphere competitive? Why? Was class atmosphere collaborative?

Did teacher focus only on one Did teacher connect lesson to other
discipline/subject? disciplines/subjects?

What teaching-learning practice shows that teaching approach was:

a) Constructivist - connected to the past experiences of learners; learners constructed new
lesson meanings

b) Inquiry-based

c) Developmentally appropriate – learning activities fit the developmental stage of


d) Reflective

e) Inclusive – No learner was excluded; teacher taught everybody

f) Collaborative – Students worked together

g) INTEGRATIVE – Lesson was multidisciplinary – e.g. In Science, Math concepts were



1. What are possible consequences of teaching purely/subject matter for mastery ad for the test?
2. If you were to reteach the classes you observed, would you be teacher-centered or student-
centered? Why?


Reflect Principles of Teaching worth applying on


SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Post proofs of learning that you were able to gain in this Episode. You may attach the lesson plan
(s) used by your Resource Teacher to show the intended learning outcomes and the methods used in
LEARNING EPISODE The Instructional Cycle


Applying the Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Strategies

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________

Observe one class with the use of the observation sheet for greater focus then analyze the
observation with help of guide questions.
1. The more senses that are involved, the e.g. Teacher used video on how digestion
more and the better the learning. takes place and a model of the human
digestive system
2. Learning is an active process. active learning is the process of learning via
engaging with the content. ... Active learning
promotes recall and deeper understanding of
material, as students are engaging with the
content rather than simply listening to it.
3. A non-threatening atmosphere The teacher shows a good personality and
enhances learning. respect on the learner’s.
4. Emotion has the power to increase the effects of emotion on learning and
retention and learning. memory are not always univalent, as studies
have reported that emotion either enhances or
impairs learning and long-term memory
retention, depending on a range of factors.
5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of The teacher Good thinking concerns itself
information with higher-order-thinking skills to develop
creative and critical thinking. Most teachings
are confined to the recall of information and
6. Learning is meaningful when it is In every discussions, children's understanding
connected to students’ everyday life. of the learning concepts and the world around
them. Teachers make learning meaningful
when they, link new learning to children's
previous experience, relate concepts to
children's lives and provide children with
hands-on learning
7. An integrated teaching approach is far Integrative learning is an approach where the
more effectively than teaching isolated learner brings together prior knowledge and
bits of information. experiences to support new knowledge and

What is the best method of teaching? Is there such a thing?

Reflect on this question?
How do we select the appropriate strategy for our lessons?

ACTIVITY 10.2 Determining Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning

Observe a class and answer the following questions.

1. Did the Teacher state the learning objectives/intended learning outcomes? (ILOs) at the
beginning of the class? Dis he/she share them with the class? How?
2. What teaching-learning activities (TLAs) did he/she use? Did these TLAs help him/her attain
his/her lesson objectives? ILOs? Explain your answer.

3. What assessment task/s did teacher employ? Is/are aligned with objectives to the lesson
objectives? ILOs?

1. What are your thoughts about Outcome-Based Teaching and Learning (OBTL)?

Reflect on the use of OBTL.

ACTIVITY 10.3 Applying Effective Questioning Techniques

Observe a class activity. You shall focus on the questions that the Resource Teacher asks during
the classroom discussion. Write the questions raised and identify the level of questioning.
Types of question Examples of question that Resource Teacher
1. Factual / Convergent Closed
/ Low level
2. Divergent / Higher-order/
Open-ended / conceptual
a. evaluation
b. Inference
c. comparison

d. application
e. problem-solving

3. Affective

1. Neil Postman once said: “Children go to school as a question mark and leave school as periods1”
does this something to do with the type of question that teachers ask and the questioning and
reacting techniques that they employ?

Reflect on
The importance of using various reacting techniques
LEARNING EPISODE Utilizing Teaching-Learning Resources and

Visiting the Learning Resource Center


Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________

Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________

As you visit and observe the Learning Resource Center, use the observation guide provided.
Ask the assistance of the center staff courteously.

An Observation Guide for a

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.
1. Go around the Learning Resource Center
2. Find out what learning resources are present
3. Examine and describe how the materials are arranged and how they are classified. Are they free
from dust and moisture? Are they arranged for easy access?
4. Read the guidelines/procedure for borrowing of materials. Are these guidelines/procedures
posted are available for the users to refer to?
5. Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and procedures. Take photos of the center (if allowed).
After you are through with your observation, classify the resources available that you believe are
most useful. Use the activity form provided for you.


Available Learning Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches
Resources Capabilities where the Resource is Most
(Enumerate in bullet form) Useful
1. Print Resources

2. Audio Resources

3. Non-electronic
Visual Resources

4. ICT resources

Impression about the LRC:

Name and signature of Observer:

Name and signature of the Learning Resource Center in-charge:

Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their function and characteristics?

Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teacher? Why? Why not?

What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?


What are its weaknesses?

What suggestion can you make?

1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resources Center caught your interest the most? Why?
 through the efforts of the teachers, the main strength of the learning resource center is its
attractiveness to the students. A lot of pictures are posted on the walls, which by
themselves, serve as learning materials to the students. The ICT resources are properly
maintained as well.

2. Which gadgets/materials are you already confident to use/operate?

 Were the learning resources/ materials arranged properly according to their functions and
characteristics? Yes, the learning resources/materials are arranged properly according to
their functions so the student can easily use it when they need it.
3. Which ones do you feel you need to learn more about?
 People who possess the character strength love of learning are motivated to acquire new
skills or knowledge or to build on existing skills or knowledge. They feel good when they
are learning new things, even though they may occasionally become frustrated when the
material is challenging.

ACTIVITY 11.2 Observing Technology Integration in the Classroom

Class Observation Guide
Read the following questions and instructions carefully before you observe.
1. What is the Lesson all about?
2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using?
3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources.
4. Closely observe the learners’ response to the teacher’s use of learning resources. Listen to their
verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness,
eagerness, and understanding?
5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning and are they showing their interest in the
lesson and in the material? Are they learning and are they showing their interest in the lesson and
in the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do
their actions show attentiveness, eagerness, and understanding?


Date of Observation ___________________________________________________________
School _____________________________________________________________________
Subject __________________________________ Topic _____________________________
Grade/Year Level

Grade or Year Level of Class Observed:
Date of Observation
Subject Matter
Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher

Teaching Aids Used Strengths Weakness Appropriateness of

(Enumerate in bullet the Teaching Aids
form) used

Use the Technology Integration Form to analyze the class you observed. Refer to the Technology
Integration Matrix on p. 123, in which level of technology integration do you think the teacher you
observed operated? Why?
Based on the Technology Integration Matrix, what is the characteristic of the learning environment in
the class that you observed? Point your observations that justify your answer.

Overall, were the learning resources used effectively? Why? Why not? Give your suggestions.

1. Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do
differently if you would teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?


ACTIVITY 11.3 Exploring Education 4.0


Class Observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe.
1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher’s objectives?
2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing.
3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

Analyzing the information, you got from observing the class, surf the internet to select electronic
resources, including OERs social networking sites, and apps with virtual or augmented reality thar
will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Evaluate the resources you found, using the set of criteria
discussed in the Revisit the Learning Essentials part of this Episode. Use the form below to note
your analysis and evaluation.

Electronic Resources Evaluation Form

Grade/Year Level
Subject Matter/Topic
(Based on the class
you observed)
Name and Describe Put a check if the resource satisfies the criterion Describe
Type of the how you
Electronic electronic can use it
Resource resource if you
(include were to
author/ teach in
publisher/ the class
source). you
Accurate Appropriate Clear Complete Motivating Orga-
1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources for the class.
What made it easy? Difficult?

2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider? Explain.
Which of the new trends in Education 4.0 would you like to explore mor for your work as a teacher?

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have, and what skills would you
continue to work on to be better at utilizing education 4.0 resources?
ACTIVITY 11.4 Professional Development Through MOOCS


PPST Domain Competencies I Want to Work On MOOCS MOOC

related to the Provider
(include a
1. Content
Knowledge and
2. The Learning
3. Diversity of
4. Curriculum and
5. Assessing and
6. Community
Linkages and
7. Personal
Growth and

From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you believe are the most
appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.

1. MOOC Title ______________________________________


Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline

Why did you pick this MOOC?

2. MOOC Title ______________________________________


Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline

Why did you pick this MOOC?

3. MOOC Title ______________________________________


Objectives of the MOOC:

Content Outline

Why did you pick this MOOC?


1. How can MOOCs help you in your future career as a professional teacher and as a lifelong learner?

2. What did you learn from the way the providers use technology to teach in the MOOCs?

3. How will you prepare yourself for MOOCS, as a learner, and as a teacher who may someday teach

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

LEARNING EPISODE Assessment FOR Learning and Assessment
AS Learning (Formative Assessment)

Observing Assessment FOR Learning Practices (Formative Assessment)
Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ____________

1. Observe what teacher does or listen to what teacher says to find out if the students understood
the lesson while teaching learning is in progress.
What Teacher Said Tally Total
What Teacher Did Tally Total

2. Did the teacher ask the class” Did you understand”? If she did, what was the class response?
3. Did the students make the teacher feel or sense they did not understand the lesson or a part of the
lesson? How? __________________________________________________
4. If they did, how did the teacher respond? ______________________________________
5. Were the students given the opportunity to ask questions for clarifications? How was this done?
6. If she found out that her/his lesson was not clearly understood, what did teacher do? Did you
observe any of these activities? Please check.
________ Peer tutoring (Tutors were assigned by teacher to teach one or two classmates)
________ Each one-teach-one (Students paired with one another)
________ Teacher gave a Module for more exercises for lesson mastery
________ Teacher did re-teaching
Others, please specify______________________________________________________
7. If she engaged himself/herself in re-teaching, how did she do it? Did he/she use the same
teaching strategy? Describe. __________________________________________
8. While re-teaching by himself/herself and/or with other students-turned tutors, did teacher check
on students’ progress? ________________________________________________

If yes, how? ___________________________________________________________



1. Why should a teacher find out if students understand the lesson while teaching is in
progress? It is not better to do a once-and for-all assessment at the completion of the entire
2. Why is not enough for a teacher to ask “Did you understand, class?” when he/she intends to
check on learners’ progress? ___________________________________
3. Should teacher record results of formative assessment for grading purposes? Why or why
not? ____________________________________________________________
4. Based on your observations, what formative assessment practice worked? ________
5. For formative assessment, why is peer tutoring in class sometimes seen to be more effective
that teacher himself/herself doing the re-teaching or tutoring? ___________

6. Could an unreasonable number of failures at the end of the term/grading period attributed to
the non-application of formative assessment? Why or why not?

 Formative assessment is tasting the soup while cooking. Reflect on this and write your
 Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection
4. Snapshots of peer tutoring or other activities that show formative assessment in practic

ACTIVITY 12.2 Observing Assessment AS Learning Practices (Self-Assessment)

Observe a class and find out practices that reflect assessment as learning. Record your observations.
1. Did teacher provide opportunities for each person to share one reflection about how
the learners to monitor and reflect on they learned within the class or small group
their own learning? today. Invite students to reflect on their areas
of difficulty or concerns and then share
problem-solving strategies. Invite students to
think about a recent mistake or error they
made and how they have learned from it.
2. What are the proofs that students were
engaged in self-reflection, self-
monitoring and self-adjustment?

3. Did students record and report their

own learning?

4. Did teacher create criteria with the students' critical thinking skills, analytical
students for tasks to be completed or skills and scholarly values Encouraging
skill to learned? student engagement through enthusiasm
shown for learning and teaching Inspiring and
motivating students through high‐level
communication, presentation and
interpersonal skills

1. If the students are at the heart of all assessment, then all assessment should support students
learning. Do you agree? Why or why not?
2. Does assessment as learning have the same ultimate purpose as assessment for learning?
 learning involves looking at assessment information at the end of the teaching and
learning process to rank students' achievement levels against a standard. ... Assessment
FOR learning embeds assessment processes throughout the teaching and learning process
to constantly adjust instructional strategy.

The primary purpose of assessment is not to measure but to further learning. Reflect on your personal
experiences of assessment in school. Were you given opportunities for self-assessment? If yes, what was
its impact on your learning?
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts
1. My Accomplished Observation Sheet
2. My Analysis
3. My Reflection
LEARNING EPISODE Assessment OF Learning (Summative


Aligning Assessment Task with the Learning Outcome

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________

 Observe at least 3 classes- 1 Physical or Biological Science or Math, English, Filipino; 1 Social
Science or Literature/Panitikan, EsP and 1 P.E/ Computer/EPP/TLE.


OUTCOME/S TASK (How did assessment improve on it.
teacher assess the tool/ task
learning assigned to
outcome/s? the learning
Specify outcome/s?
P.E/EPP/TLE To dance tango Written quiz. No Performance
Enumerate the steps test- Let
of tango in order. students dance

Social Science.

1. Are all the assessment task aligned to the learning outcomes?
2. What are the possible consequences if teacher’s assessment are not aligned to learning
outcome/s? Does this affect assessment results? How? ___________________________
3. Why should assessment tasks be aligned to the learning outcomes? ________________
 The teaching methods and the assessment are aligned to the learning activities designed
to achieve the learning outcomes. Aligning the assessment with the learning outcomes
means that students know how their achievements will be measured.

 Reflect on past assessment you have been through. Were they all aligned with what your teacher
taught (with learning outcomes?)
 How did this affect your performance? As a future teacher, what lesson do you learn from this
past experience and from this observation?
ACTIVITY 13.2 Observing the Use of Traditional Assessment Tools

 Observe classes and pay particular attention to the assessment tool used by the teacher.
 With teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
Direction: Put a check (✔) on the test which teacher used. From your teacher’s test items, give an
Type of Put a Learning Outcomes Sample Test Comments (Is the
Traditional check Assessed Items of assessment tool
assessment tool/ (✔) Resource constructed in
Paper and pencil Here Teacher accordance with
test established
Explain your answer.
Response type

2.Matching type

3.Multiple Choice


Type of Put a check (✔) Learning Sample Test Comments (Is

Traditional if resource Outcomes Items of the assessment
assessment tool/ teacher used it Assessed Resource tool constructed
Paper and pencil Teacher in accordance
test with established
Explain your
Response type

2.Short answer





1. Which assessment tools/tasks were most commonly used by teacher which one were rarely used?
Why were they rarely used?
2. Based on your answers found in the Tables above in which type of assessment tools and tasks
were Resource Teachers most skilled in test construction? Least skilled?

3. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is a written paper-and-pencil test, be

considered an authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.

How good are you at constructing traditional assessment tools? Which do you find most difficult to
construct? Any lesson/s learned?

ACTIVITY 13.3 Observing the Use of Non-traditional Assessment Tools and
Scoring Rubrics

 Observe classes in at least 3 different subjects and pay particular attention to the assessment tool
used by the teacher.
 With teacher’s permission, secure a copy of the assessment tool.
 Study the assessment tool then accomplish Observation Sheet.
 Did your Resource Teacher explain rubric to the students?
 Which type of rubric di that Resource Teacher use- analytic or holistic?
Authentic Learning Sample of Product/ How product/ Comment/s (is
assessment/ Outcome Performance Assessed performance was the scoring
Non-traditional Assessed assessed rubric
/Alternative One example of a constructed
product assessed. according to
(Put a photo of the Describe how the standards.
product/ product/
documented performance was
performance in My assessed. Which
Teaching Artifacts. was used analytic
INCLUDE THE rubric or holistic
RUBRIC IN MY rubric?



1. Between analytic and holistic rubrics which one was more used? Why do you think that type of
rubric was used more?
 holistic scoring gives students a single, overall assessment score for the paper as a whole.
Analytic scoring provides students with at least a rating score for each criterion, though
often the rubric for analytic scoring offers teachers enough room to provide some
feedback on each criterion.
2. Based on your answer in #1, what can you say about the scoring rubrics made and used by the
Resource Teachers?
 students' performance in situations that more closely replicate real life than an isolated
test. Rubrics also help teachers to focus their own attention to the key concepts and
standards that the students must obtain.
3. Will it make difference in assessment of students work if teacher would rate the product or
performance without scoring rubrics? Explain.
 students know what is expected of them, and demystify grades by clearly stating, in age-
appropriate vocabulary, the expectations for a project. ... Rubrics also help teachers
authentically monitor a student's learning process and develop and revise a lesson plan.
4. If you were to improve on one scoring rubric used, which one and how?
5. Can an essay or other written requirements, even if it is written paper-and-pencil test, be
considered and authentic form of assessment? Explain your answer.
6. Can rubrics help make students to become self-directed or independent learners? Do rubrics
contribute to assessment AS learning (self-assessment?) What if there were no rubrics in
Does the Scoring Rubric is this FS BOOK 1 help you come up with better output?
Are authentic assessment tools and tasks new? Reflect on your experiences of tests for all the years as

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

 Accomplished Observation Sheet
 Observations
 Reflections
 A photo of a product assessed and a documented performance test
 Samples of scoring rubrics used by Resource Teachers- one rubric to assess a particular product
and another rubric to assess a particular performance together with your comments/s and
improved version/s, if necessary.
ACTIVITY 13.4 Scrutinizing the Types and Parts of a Portfolio

1. Ask your Resource Teacher for samples of portfolio, if any. If there are, select one best portfolio
from what you examined.
2. If none, research for a sample portfolio and include them My Learning Artifacts.
3. Based on the sample portfolio given by your Resource Teacher/ researched by you, accomplish a
Observation Sheet #
4. Put a check in right column.

What a Portfolio Includes

Elements of a Portfolio Present? Missing?
1. Clear objectives- The objectives
of the lesson/unit course are clear
which serve as a bases for selection.
2. Explicit guidelines for selection-
What, when where, how are
products/documented performances
3. Comprehensible criteria- the
criteria against which the portfolio
is graded must be understood by the
4. Selective significant pieces- The
portfolio includes only selected
significant materials.
5. Students reflection- There is
evidence that students reflected on
their learning.
6. Evidence of student’s
participation in selection of content
of portfolio- There is proof that
students took part in the selection of
the content of the portfolio.
1. Which OBE in mind, which should be the basis for then selection of pieces of evidence to show
that what the students was supposed to learn was learned?

2. Scrutinize the elements of this portfolio. Based on the parts, under which type of portfolio odes
this fall?

Elements of a ________________ Portfolio (Which type of portfolio?)

1. Cover Letter- “About the Author” and “What My Portfolio about My Progress as a
2. Tables of Contents with numbered pages.
3. Entries- both core (required items) and optional items (chosen by students).
4. Dates on all entries to facilitate proof of growth over time.
5. Drafts of aural/ oral and written products and revised revisions i.e (first drafts and
corrected/revised versions.)
6. Student’s Reflections

3. Where and when does the teacher make use of each of the 3 types of portfolio?

Have portfolios made the learning assessment process more inconvenient? Is the effort exerted on
portfolio assessment commensurate to the improvement of learning and development of learner’s
metacognitive process that result from the use of portfolio?
SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

 Sample/s of Improved Written Test, both selected-response type and supply type.
 Sample/s of product and performance assessed
 Sample/s of a rubric
 Sample/s of students’ reflection on his/her portfolio
ACTIVITY 13.5 Determining the Level of Teacher’s Questions

1. Observe s teacher in the classroom.
2. Note his/her questions both oral and written.
3. Score him/her according to the level of questions that he/she asks from remembering to creating
and metacognition and self-system thinking. You may also refer to written tests for samples of
questions in the various levels.
4. Make tally, then get the total. Use Table 1 and Table 2 separately.

Table 1 Number of Questions per Level

Cognitive Rank Cognitive Rank Tally of Total
processes processes (and Assessment
(Bloom as Kendall and Tasks/
revised by Marzano) Questions
Anderson and
Self- system 6

Metacognition 5

Creating 6-
Evaluating 5

Analyzing/An 4 Analysis 3 /

Applying 3 Knowledge 4
Understanding/ 2 Comprehension 2 /

Remembering / 1-Lowest Retrieval 1 ////- Example 4

Table 2. Examples of Assessment Questions/ Assessment Tasks

Tally and Total Rank Tally and Total Rank Examples of Rank Based
Score of Score of Assessment on Use
Cognitive Cognitive Tasks/
Processes processes (and Questions
(Bloom as Kendall and Given by
revised by Marzano) Resource
Anderson and Teacher
Self- system 6- Highest e.g., Teacher
Thinking asked
Why is the
important to
Example: Metacognition 5
Creating= I

Evaluating=I 5-Highest

Analyzing / An= 5
Applying-III 4 3

Understanding- 3 4

Remembering= 2 2

1-Lowest 1-Lowest
Rank Rank

1. Which cognitive skill had the highest number of assessment questions? Lowest number?
 Higher order cognition is composed of a range of sophisticated thinking skills. Among
the functions subsumed under this category of neurodevelopmental function are concept
acquisition, systematic decision making, evaluative thinking, brainstorming.
2. What do these (lowest and highest number of assessment questions) reveal about Resource
Teacher’s level of questions?
3. Based on Kendall’s and Marzano’s taxonomy, which are the highest cognitive skills? Give an
example of an assessment question for each two highest cognitive skills- metacognitive skills
and self- system thinking.

If you were to rate yourself on HOTS- where will you be from a scale of 1 to 5(5 as highest where will
you be?

As a future teacher, reflect on how will you contribute to the development of learner’s HOTS?
ACTIVITY 13.6 Analyzing a Table of Specifications

1. What parts must a TOS contain to ensure test content validity?
2. Why is there a need for number of items per cognitive level?
3. With OBE in mind, it is correct to put learning outcome not topic in the first column? Why or
why not?
4. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS?
5. Complete the given TOS.

Read this conversations and reflect on teacher’s assessment practices. Write your reflection here.

Student A: Saan naman pala pinulot ni Teacher ang kaniyang tanong? Ni isang tanong sa tinuro,
wala? (Where did Teacher get her test? Not one of what she taught came out!)

Student B: Oo nga! Nakakainis! (You are right! How annoying!

Did you have a similar experience? Reflect on it. Will the required use of Table of Specifications as
guide in test construction solve the problem of misaligned tests?

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

 Accomplished Observation Sheet
 Analysis
 Reflections
 Completed Sample TOS
ACTIVITY 13.7 Computing Student’s Grades based on DepEd Grading System


1. Secure a sample of a Student’s Report Card from your Resource Teacher.

2. Study a sample of an unused Student’s Record Card. Observe in contents.
3. Ask permission from your Resource Teacher for an interview with him/her and with a group
student regarding the new grading system.


1. What are the new features of the latest grading system? What things are you required to do
with this grading system which you were not asked before?
2. Which do you prefer- the old or the new grading system? Why?


1. What do you like in the new grading system?

2. Do you have problems with the new grading system? If there is, what?
3. Does the new grading system give you a better picture of your performance? Why or why
4. Which do you prefer- the old or the new grading system? Why?


Read DepED Order #8 s. 2015. You may refer to Appendix A.

Based on DepED Order 8, s. 2015, answer the following:
1. What are the bases for grading?

2. How do you compute grades per quarter for grades 1 to 10 and grades 11 to 12. Give an

3. How do you compute grades at the end of the school year?

4. What descriptions and grading scale are used in reporting progress of learners?

5. What are the bases for learners’ promotion and retention at the end of the school year?

6. What is the report on learners’ observed values?

Show sample computations of a grade:
 In a subject of your choice from grade 1 to 6 (if you are a future elementary teacher)
 In your specialization if you are a high school teacher)
 Show the percentage contributions of written work, performance tasks and quarterly assessment.
Then give the descriptor. Refer to DepEd Order # 8, s. 2015.

Analyze data and information gathered from the interview and from your review of an unused Student’s
Report Card and the DepEd grading system.
1. Do teachers and students like the new grading system? Why or why not?
New study suggests that people rated as more attractive are more likely to get higher grades and
to go to college. In fact, the difference between the GPAs of the gorgeous and the unsightly was
equivalent to the difference between kids who come from a two-parent or a single parent home
What are the good points of the new grading system according to teachers? According to
2. What are teachers challenged to do by this new grading system?
The new system will cause grade inflation to skyrocket, making high grades less meaningful on a
student's transcript. Students can slack off in one quarter, knowing they will still get an A for the
semester without having to worry about cramming to learn the material for a final exam.
3. Do you favor the distribution of percentages of written work, performance tasks and quarterly
Students to make sense of material/experience in relation to oneself, others, and the conditions
that shaped the material/experience; Reimagine material/experience for future personal or social
4. Did you like the experience of computing grades? Why or why not?

In an era where the emphasis is self-directed learning and demonstration of competencies-knowledge,
skills and values learned (outcomes-based education)-do grades really matter?
ACTIVITY 13.8 Reporting Students’ Performance

Proceedings in a Card Distribution Day
1. Observe how cards are distributed on Card Disribution Day. Describe how cards are distributed.

2. Describe how the Resource Teachers communicated learers’ assessment results and grades to

3. Did parents raise questions or concerns? If yes, what were their questions/ concerns?

4. How did the Resource Teacher handle their questions and concerns? What answers did he/she

Interview with Resource Teacher

1. How do you give feedback to your students regarding their performance? When do you give

2. How do you report student’s performance to parents? Does the school have a regular way of
reporting grades to parents?

3. What problems on grade reporting did you encounter with parents? How did you address

Interview with Students

1. Do you see the meaning of your grades in the School Report Card?

2. Does knowing your grade motivate you to work harder?

Interview with Parents

1. Does your child’s Report Card give you a clear picture of your child is performing?

2. If you were asked what else should be found in the Report Card, which one? Why?
3. Do you find the Card Distribution Day important? Why or why not?
4. Any suggestion on how to make Card Distribution more meaningful?

1. What were the most common issues raised on students’ performance?
 Academic concerns, which might include issues such as learning difficulties or
disabilities, underachievement, lack of attention from teachers, and bullying, affect a
number of students throughout their academic careers, from elementary school to college.

2. Based on your observations and findings, what practices must be

a) Maintained and

b) Improved to make grades and reporting meaningful?

1. Grades are often a source of misunderstanding. How should I do reporting so that it will
result to effective learning?
LEARNING EPISODE Knowing the Quality Teacher
14 The Teacher as a PERSON and as a

Activity 14.1 Teacher Personal Qualities: A View from my Lenses

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________

1. Secure a permit to observe a teacher.
2. Review the list of the Personal Qualities given above.
3. Follow the code given whether you will observe by seeing only or you will observe and
interview the teacher to gather information.
4. Write down in the column of data results the description of the personal qualities that you have
found out. If the personal quality is not observed by you or is not revealed in your interview,
write not observed or not manifested.

Personal Qualities Observe (O) Data Results

Interview (I) I have found out that…
a. Dignified Observe

b. Healthy Observe

c. Spiritual Observe
d. Knowledgeable Observe

e. Humble Observe
f. Determined Observe
g. Cooperative Observe

Activity 2 will focus on the Professional Competencies of the Teacher. You may change
your sample Teacher in Activity 1 with another teacher or you can still observe the same teacher.
In case you will not change your teacher to be observed the same teacher will be your sample for
both Activity 1 and Activity 2. Aside from direct observation, you will also do a Survey in
Activity 2.


Did you learn from your observation of the teacher? Now let us analyze the information that
you have gathered.

Answer the following Questions.

1. In Activity 1, what do you consider as the 3 most outstanding significant personal qualities
of the teacher you chose as your case? Why do you consider these as outstanding?
a. _____________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________
c. _____________________________________________________________
Good teachers are the role models, whether in school, at home or in the community. From
the teachers that you had from elementary to college, did the personal qualities that they possess,
help you learn better as a student?
Identify one personal characteristics of your model teacher that has made a great impact
in your life as a learner. Reflect and describe how this quality influenced you.

Activity 14.2 Is the Teacher a Professional Teacher?

1. Secure a permit to observe and conduct a survey
2. Request the following information from the teacher:
a. Name
b. LET License No
c. Evidence of Professional Growth (Masters or Doctorate, Seminars attended, etc.)
3. Request a co-teacher or the head (only one of the 2) to answer the checklist/rating scale
about your sample teacher.
4. Answer the same survey instrument yourself.
5. Compare the answer of the co teacher or that of the head with your answer on the survey. In
what items do you have the same answer?
6. Show the results in a summary table.

Competencies of the Professional Teacher: A Special Case

Dear Ma’am/Sir:
I am a future teacher and I would like to know the characteristics of a professional
teacher. I will be very glad if you could answer the survey form about your co-teacher
I will keep in confidence your identity, however, please allow me to use the data in my
This is requirement in our course, Field Study 1.

Thank you very much.

BSEd Student

Name of the Teacher:

PRC License No. Grade level Taught:
Answer the following statements based on your OBSERVATIONS of the teacher. Check Yes or No or
Does the Teacher exhibit the
Professional Competence competence of a professional
teacher? Check your answer
1. Practices the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers Yes No Doubtful
2. Teaches the subject matter very well with mastery 
3. Keeps self updated with educational trends, policies and 
4. Uses varied teaching methods that facilitate learning with 
skill and ease
5. Engages the parents and other stakeholders to cooperate as 
partners in educating the children
6. Teaches with compassion based on the knowledge and 
understanding of the characteristics and needs of diverse
7. Prepares curriculum plans, implements these with innovation 
in every lesson
8. Designs or selects and utilizes appropriate assessment 
strategies and tools for lesson taught
9. Make classroom atmosphere physically (arrangement) and 
psychology (friendly, inclusive)safe and secure for learning
10. Serves willingly beyond teaching work by participating in 
other extracurricular activities when needed

Name and Signature of the Teacher Information (Peer)


Name and Signature of the Supervisor Information (Head)


Your Name and Signature (Pre-Service Student)


Did you learn from your observation and interview on teacher’s professional competences?
Now let us analyze the data.

Answer the following questions

1. In Activity 2, do you consider the Teacher as a Professional Teacher? In what competencies is
the teacher Strong? ___ Weak? ____ Doubtful? _____ Why?
2. Did you answer to the survey from coincide with the answers of the co-teacher or head of the
teacher you observed?

Now, it is time to reflect on Activity 2
Complete the following sentences as your reflections from the results of Activity 2.
1. As a future teacher, the result imply that I should
All of your students are eager to learn, focused and positive, without behavioural issues. They
frequently and earnestly thank you for the hard work you put in. ... The student may respond in a
more positive and focused manner if you can work together to find a method that helps them
learn in their own way.
2. If all the teachers teaching today possess the professional characteristics and competencies as the
teacher/s observed then learners will be.
Teachers' competency is important for the process of student 'well development' in ensuring
quality learning especially for students in vocational colleges. Teachers' competency will give
positive effects on students' academic development and skills, and help teachers to improve their
teaching techniques.
SHOW Your Learning Artifact
Show here the artifacts of this Episode.
1. Short narrative about the teacher with a description of the personal qualities and professional
characteristics that you have observed. You may request a picture from the teacher.

My Teacher, My Hero

(Picture of the Teacher Observed)

Narrative (about the personal and professional characteristics of the teacher)

LEARNING EPISODE Towards Teacher Quality: Developing a
Glocal Teacher of the 21st Century

A Day in the School Life of a Quality Teacher

Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________

Activity 15.1

Note: Observe and record observations on the following aspects as key guide to observations.
Teacher’s Major Key guide for Observation (Carefully look for the indicators/
Responsibility behaviors of the teacher along the key points. Write your
observations and description in your notebook. This will be one of
your artifacts.)

A. Actual Teaching This Teacher

1. is learner-centered.
2. acts as a facilitator of learning.
3. has mastery of subject matter
4. sees to it that learning outcomes are achieved.
5. is pleasant and fair in dealing with the learners.
B. Management of Learning This teacher
1. allows all learners to participate in the lesson.
2. considers the needs of the learners in the seating arrangement.
3. uses instructional support materials to help learners understand
the lesson.
4. sees to it that learning is achieved within the period of time.
5. dismisses the class on time.

C. Administrative Work This teacher

1. keeps records of learners attendance every day.
2. keeps record of formative and summative tests.
3. submits reports and other documents on time.
4. does other tasks as requested by superiors.
5. cooperates with peers and staff in the cleanliness and safety of
the school.
Refer to the results of your observation to answer the questions that follow.
1. Which of the three responsibilities shows majority of the indicators being practiced?
A. Actual Teaching?
B. Management of Learning?
C. Administrative Work?

2. Which demonstrated behavior, do you find in the teacher that is worthy of emulation when
you become a teacher? Describe.
 Great leaders are approachable, and that is a quality teachers need to embrace. Now there
are times when we don't want to be approachable at all, more so with parents than with
students. We would like to hide from our phones and email, go into a cave, and just
teach. The reality is that great leaders and teachers should be approachable. To teach, you
need your students to feel comfortable asking you questions. Otherwise, you will find
yourself in the situation where students have been working for thirty minutes on an
assignment, and they have nothing done because they were too afraid to ask you what to

3. Which of the major responsibilities does this teacher find difficult to comply with? What are the
 teachers have to ensure that each student in class is learning and engaged, we also have to
make sure that we are in line with the goals of the school. Most of the time, that goal is
the same: educate students so that when they enter the “real world,” they will be capable
of making good choices. Sometimes, though, there are more things going on with the
school than any one teacher knows about. Testing, pep assemblies, student government,
and club activities are all important parts of the school experience.

4. From your perspective, would you consider this teacher as quality teacher? Why?
 Some qualities of a good teacher include skills in communication, listening,
collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other characteristics of effective
teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-world learning, exchange
of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

Now, that you have spent one school day to observe this teacher, it would be good for you
to reflect on all your observations by answering reflective questions below.
1. Are you inspired to become a teacher after your observation? If yes, why? If No, why not?
Yes, The best teacher I ever had was my history teacher in high school. I preferred English and
science to history, but she was able to see past the dates and facts and make the subject come to
life beyond the basic curriculum. For instance, we looked through old newspaper articles about
historical events and then wrote our own blogs as if we were journalists living during that time. I
was inspired by her unconventional techniques, and I strive to bring the same passion for
innovative ways to learn to my classroom.

2. When you become a teacher in the future, how else would you do better as a professional
Don’t restrain yourself from trying a new approach or a new method of teaching. Your students'
reactions will help you determine if your approach is working or not. Not only is it the simplest
form of enhancing your teaching performance, but it’s also another great way to show your
students a side to you they didn’t know existed, keeping things lively and fresh in the classroom.

3. What are some of the concerns that you foresee in the future as a quality teacher? Do you think
you will be ready to address these? Give at least 2 concerns.
There were responses from a number of different countries, but the majority came from the
United States and Australia. Below where the responses came from. The three questions I asked
included: What are your 3 biggest concerns with being a teacher?

4. In what aspects of the teacher’s day, would you like to congratulate the teacher you observed?
Can you show your appreciation to this teacher by sending a Thankyou card? (Include this in
your artifact)
It is a good idea, as a school or district leader, to help teachers learn, develop, and grow. Whether
that’s encouraging teachers to attend workshops or helping them take courses and related teacher
professional development, these initiatives help build capacity and confidence that leads to
teachers that feel able, supported, and appreciated.
The Creation and Management of the New Learning Environment as
Activity 15.2 a Skill of the 21st Century Quality Teacher


1. Draw or sketch the current classroom where you are observing
2. Indicate and label all significant parts and furniture that you find inside including
these but not limited to:
a. Doors, windows
b. Teacher Table, Demonstration table
c. Cabinets, chalkboard
d. Gadgets, equipment
e. Plant boxes, etc.
f. Others not included in the list
3. Draw your vision of a classroom for the 21st century.

A. Current Classroom I am Observing

Grade level______
B. My Classroom for the 21st Century


Make a comparison of your drawings A and B. Describe the similarities and differences.
Explain why.
Features of the Present My Vision of the Future Why the similarity?
Classroom Components Classroom Why the difference?

Based on the task that you made, what challenges await you as a future teacher? How will you
manage learning in the future classroom? How will you prepare yourself to respond to 21st teaching-
learning and become a global teacher?
Make a short paragraph on how you will manage teaching-learning in the 21st century classroom.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

These are the artifacts that you need to file in this episode.
1. Activity 15.1 Report on the Observations including evidence that go with it.
Activity 15.1 Narrative on the Day in the Social Life of the Quality Teacher

2. Activity 15.2 Drawing of the process classroom and a Drawing of your Vision of the
Classroom for the 21st Century.

3. Activity 15.2 Narrative on how you manage teaching-learning in the 21st Century classroom.

On Teacher’s Philosophy of Education
Activity 16.1 Analyzing DepEd’s Philosophy of Education
Resource Teacher: ______________ Teacher’s Signature: ___________ School: __________
Grade/Year Level: ______________ Subject Area: _________________ Date: ___________

 Determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission statements,
core values and mandate and on the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide.
 Study the DepEd Vision and Mission statements. Core values and Mandate.
 Read the features of the K to 12 Curriculum based on the Kto12 Curriculum Framework and
Guide Sec. 5 of R.A. 10533.
 Accomplish the table below by answering these questions. Which philosophies are express?
 Cite relevant statements to back up an identified philosophy of education. You are given an
Philosophies of Education Which philosophies are Which philosophies
expressed in the DepEd expressed in the K to
Vision, Mission Statements, 12 Curriculum
Core Values, Mandate? Framework and
Give proof. Guide and Sec 5 of
RA 10533? Give
1. Essentialism – each mastery of Essentialism – The core
the basics; curriculum isvalues of maka-Diyos, maka-
prescribed. tao, maka-kalikasan, and
Subject matter – centered there are maka-bansa show that DepEd
universal, objective values;is essentislist. DepEd believes
inculcate values in subject matter in unchanging values that
need to be inculcated.
2. Perennialism – teach those that Any proof of perennialism?
last, the classics; there are
universal values; inculcate these
universal objective values
3. Progressivism – very child- Any proof of progressivism?
centered; teach those that interest
the child; one learns by experience;
learners learn by doing so teacher
teacher’s teaching is experiential;
values are subjective; no
inculcation of values since they are
subjective, instead teachers help
students clarify their values
4. Reconstructionism – school is Any proof of
agent of change; school is reconstructionism?
preparing students for the social
changes; teaching is involving the
students in discussion of moral
5. Existentialism – teachers teach Any proof of existentialism?
learners to make a choice, to make
decisions and not merely to follow
the crowd; one who does not make
a choice and so simply follow
others do not leave meaningful life
6. Pragmatism – That which is Any proof of pragmatism?
useful, that which is practical and
that which works is what good; that
which is efficient and effective is
that which is good, e.g. showing a
video clip on mitosis is more
efficient and more effective and
therefore more practical than
teacher coming up a visual aid by
drawing mistosis on a cartolina or
illustration board

Activity 16.2
Articulating My Personal Philosophy of Teaching


 Observe how a teacher relates to every learner and he/she proceeds with her teaching.
 Accomplish this Observation Sheet.

Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested in class by
observing what and how teacher teaches and relates to learners.

Philosophies of Education Teaching Behavior (State what the

teacher said, taught or did)
1. Essentialism – each mastery of the basics; In what way was teacher essentialist?
curriculum is prescribed;
Subject matter – centered there are universal, e.g. He/She saw to it that the students
objective values; inculcate values in subject matter mastered basic concepts and skills.

He/She inculcated values.

2. Perennialism – teach those that last, the classics;
there are universal values; inculcate these universal
objective values
3. Progressivism – very child-centered; teach those
that interest the child; one learns by experience;
learners learn by doing so teacher teacher’s
teaching is experiential; values are subjective; no
inculcation of values since they are subjective,
instead teachers help students clarify their values
4. Reconstructionism – school is agent of change;
school is preparing students for the social changes;
teaching is involving the students in discussion of
moral dilemmas
5. Existentialism – teachers teach learners to make a
choice, to make decisions and not merely to follow
the crowd; one who does not make a choice and so
simply follow others do not leave meaningful life
6. Pragmatism – That which is useful, that which is
practical and that which works is what good; that
which is efficient and effective is that which is
good, e.g. showing a video clip on mitosis is more
efficient and more effective and therefore more
practical than teacher coming up a visual aid by
drawing mistosis on a cartolina or illustration board

7. Rationalism – emphasizes the development of the

learners’ reasoning powers; knowledge come
through reason; teacher must develop the reasoning
power of the learner
8. Utilitarianism – what is good is that which is
most useful that which brings happiness to the
greatest number of people;
9. Empiricism – source of knowledge is through the
senses; teacher must involve the senses in teaching-
10. Behaviorism – behavior is shaped deliberately
by forces in the environment and that the type of
person and action desired can be the product of
design; behavior is determined by others, rather
than by persons own free will; teacher must
carefully shape desirable behavior; drills are
commonly used to enhance learning. Rewards
reinforce learning.

11. Constructivism – learners are capable of

constructing knowledge ang meaning; teaching-
learning therefore is constructing knowledge and
meaning; teacher does not just “tell” or dictate but
asks learners for knowledge they construct and
meaning of lesson.

12. Other philosophies


1. Based on your findings and observations in your Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which
philosophies of education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say so?

 Essentialism and Perennialism are the two types of teacher-centered philosophies of education.
Essentialism is currently the leading style of public education in the United States. It is the
teaching of basic skills that have been proven over time to be needed in society.

2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what should
that be and why?
 believe a good teacher, first, has a powerful faith in the future. Like the forester planting an oak
seedling knowing he or she will never see the tree in all its glory, I know I may never see the
fruits of my labors as teacher. My calling is to plant and nurture seeds that will grow and shape
The good teacher knows and understands students, how they develop and learn. I know that
students actively construct and transform their own knowledge based on past experiences and
prior learning. I know that students do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate. I believe
it is my responsibility as a teacher to be an effective diagnostician of students’ interests, abilities,
and prior knowledge. I must then plan learning experiences that will both challenge and allow
every student to think and grow.
What is your philosophy of teaching? This describe what you believed you should teach, how
you should teach and how you should relate to others in school- with the learners, your colleagues, your
superiors and all other stakeholders. Write them down. This is your title, “My Philosophy of Teaching”
My Philosophy of Teaching
These may be of help:
I believed that the learner ………. (concept of the learner)
I believed that I should teach the learners …. (what)
By …… (how)
I believe that I …. (how should you relate to learners, colleagues, superior, parents and other
MAPEH (Arts)
Module 1
Elements of Arts

i. Topic
 Lines
 Color
 Texture
 Shape
 Perspective
 Space
 Form

ii. Learning Competencies

a. define and describe the different elements of art
b. evaluate and name the used elements in every presented artwork
c. create artworks guided by and/or utilizing the elements of arts
d. develop a new level of skills by knowing and utilizing these elements
e. value the importance of these elements of arts by considering these in creating artwork/s

iii. Pre-activities/Pre-Test
 Observation report about the presented visual artworks, what are the things they notice about
the content of the arts, the idea or concept of this artwork.

iv. Lesson Proper

The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form
such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or
emotional power.

The Elements of Arts:

1) Lines
- Line is an important element at the disposal of every artist. Through the lines, as
in painting or sculpture, the artist represents figures and forms.
- Lines always have direction. They are always moving.
- Lines are use in any work of art, may either be straight or curved.
Kinds of lines:

- Are lines of repose and serenity.
- Express ideas of calmness and quiescence.
- Found in reclining persons, in landscapes, calm bodies of water, and in the
distant meeting of the earth and sky in what is commonly called the horizon.

- Lines that denote action.
- Suggest poise, balance, force, aspiration, exaltation, and dynamism.
- Can be seen in a man standing straight, a tall tree and in statues of saints, and
heroes give an impression of dignity.

- Suggest action, life, and movement.
- They give animation to any composition in which they appear.
- Suggest grace, subtleness, direction, instability, movement, flexibility
joyousness, and grace.


- Express energy, violence, conflict, struggle.
- May also classified into three groups:
 Lines which follow or repeat one another
 Lines which contrast with one another
 Transitional lines which modify or soften the effect of others
2) Color
- Of all elements of visual arts, color has the most aesthetic appeal.
- Delight in color is a universal human characteristic.
- Color is a property of light. When light goes out, color goes with it.
- The color of an object is determined by the rays which are reflected to the eyes of
the beholder.
- Color has three dimensions or attributes: HUE, VALUE, and INTENSITY.
- It is the dimension of color that gives color its name.
- When we say, the flower is yellow, we’re naming its Hue. Colors such as Red,
Blue, Green,
- Violet, and Yellow indicate Hue.
- Blue, Red, and Yellow are the Primary Hues.
- If these primary hues are mixed in equal parts, the Secondary Hues are produced.
These are
- It is sometimes called Chiaroscuro, refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.
- It is a quality which depends on the amount of light and dark in color.
- They give the expression of depth and solidity and lend form to paintings.
- Another dimension of color, refers to its brightness or darkness.
- It gives color strength.
3) Shape
- Is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline or external surface.
- An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.

4) Texture
- Is an element that deals more directly with the sense of touch. It has to do with
the characteristics of surfaces which can be rough or smooth, fine, or coarse,
shiny or dull, plain or irregular.
- Texture is best appreciated when an object is felt with the hands.
- Characteristic of surfaces which can be rough or smooth, fine, or coarse, shiny
or dull, plain or irregular.
5) Perspective
- Deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by means of
which the eye.
- Judges spatial relationships.
- There are two kinds of Perspective: Linear Perspective and Aerial Perspective.

- Is the presentation of an appearance of distance by means of converging lines.

- Is the representation of relative distances of objects by gradation of tone and
6) Space
- An element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of
depth achieved in a work of art.
- In painting, as in architecture, Space is for great importance.
The exterior of a building is seen as it appears in space, while interior is seen by
one who is inside an enclosure.

7) Form
- Applies to the overall design of a work of art.
- It describes the structure or a shape of an object.
- Form directs the movements of the eyes.
- Since form consists of size and volume, it signifies visual weight.
v. Learning Activities
 Before Discussion
o Motivation
- The teacher will flash a different picture of an artworks. The students will do a
picture analysis, they will observe, compare and contrast the different pictures
that are being presented and present their observation to the class.
 During Discussion
o Recitation
- Volunteers or anyone who have class participation are given plus points.
 After Discussion
o Application
- Group Activity: Each group consist of five members.
- Instruction: take 5 photos in your home in any areas and objects that you can see
that consist or represents some of the elements of arts. After taking, list down
your identified elements in every photo then present it or discuss it in our class.

vi. Assessment Activities

 Witten Quiz
Identify the correct answer for each item.
1. Is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline or external surface.
2. It is sometimes called Chiaroscuro, refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.
3. Are lines of repose and serenity.
4. Lines that denote action.
5. Suggest action, life, and movement.
6. Suggest grace, subtleness, direction, instability, movement, flexibility joyousness, and
7. Deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by means of which the
8. It is the dimension of color that gives color its name.
9. Another dimension of color, refers to its brightness or darkness.
10. Express energy, violence, conflict, struggle.
11. It has to do with the characteristics of surfaces which can be rough or smooth, fine, or
coarse, shiny or dull, plain or irregular.
12. It describes the structure or a shape of an object.
13. They are always moving.
14. Since form consists of size and volume, it signifies visual weight.
15. Can be seen in a man standing straight, a tall tree and in statues of saints, and heroes give
an impression of dignity.

 Performance task
 Create your own artwork. Have an advance reading about the Principles of Arts, plan
your ideal artwork with the elements and principles of arts. Create the artwork after
discussing the continuation of the previous topic, or after discussing the principles of

15 points 10 points 5 points

Creativity Unique, detailed and Work generally unique, Work somewhat unique,
interesting exceptional detailed and interesting. detailed and interesting.
work. Explores several Explore some different Shows some developing
different options and options and takes some ideas but without a true
takes many creative creative risks. sense of originality
Comprehension of use Effective use of the Reasonable use of the Adequate use of the
of the elements of arts. Elements of Arts Elements of arts Elements of Arts
throughout the design throughout the design throughout the design
process to produce a process to produce a process to produce an
cohesive end product. thoughtful end product. end product.
Planning and Effective use of class Reasonable use of class Adequate use of class
Organization of Work time; demonstrate clear time; illustrates time; manages effort
focus and intent intelligent use of throughout the design
throughout the design modification to original process.
process. design idea
Craftmanship Neat Execution. Above average Adequate degree of skill
Exhibits intent while rendering with slight achieved.
recognizing own deficiencies evident in
limitation. final project.

vii. Additional Activities

 Assignment
- Have an advance reading for the next topic (Principles of Arts).

viii. Answer Key

 Quiz:
1. Shape
2. Value
3. Horizontal Lines
4. Vertical Actions
5. Diagonal Lines
6. Curved Lines
7. Perspective
8. Hue
9. Intensity
10. Crooked or Jagged Lines
11. Texture
12. Form
13. Lines
14. Form
15. Vertical Lines

ix. Reference
Humanities Report. (August 15, 2015). The Elements of Visual Arts and Performing Arts.
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a define and describe the different elements of arts
b evaluate and name the used elements in every artwork
c create artworks guided by and/or utilizing the elements of arts
d develop a new level of skills by knowing and utilizing these elements
e value the importance of these elements of arts by considering these in creating artwork/s


A. Topic: Elements of Art
B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and printed copy of the topic
C. Resources:

Good morning class
“Good morning Ma’am”
“Before we start the discussion, lets have first an

“I want you to study the pictures that I will present,

and I want you to list down what you have seen in
the pictures”.
“Yes Ma’am”
The teacher will flash a pictures of artworks. The
students will do a picture analysis, they will
observe, compare and contrast the different pictures
that are presented.
The shape, color, lines and others.


The activity that you did a while ago are related to

the topic that we’re going to discuss today.


In your idea what is Art?

“The expression or application of human creative
skill and imagination, typically in a visual form
such as painting or sculpture, producing works to
be appreciated primarily for their beauty or
emotional power”
“In creating art or arts we need to consider the
elements of art. We have the Lines, Shape, Color,
Texture, Perspective, Space and From”

“Why are the elements of art very important?

“Because a person can't create art/s without
utilizing at least a few of them”
Yes, you can’t create an artwork with the absence
of these elements.

“These are the different types of elements;”

“According to what you have read, hat is line?”
“Line is an important element at the disposal of
every artist. Through the lines, as in painting or
sculpture, the artist represents figures and forms”

“Lines always have direction. They are always


“Lines are use in any work of art, may either be

straight or curved”
“Yes, very good”

“These are the different kinds of lines:”

• Are lines of repose and serenity.
• Express ideas of calmness and quiescence.
• Found in reclining persons, in landscapes, calm
bodies of water, and in the distant meeting of the
earth and sky in what is commonly called the

• Lines that denote action.
• Suggest poise, balance, force, aspiration,
exaltation, and dynamism.
• Can be seen in a man standing straight, a tall tree
and in statues of saints, and heroes give an
Impression of dignity.

• Suggest action, life, and movement.
• They give animation to any composition in which
they appear.

• Suggest grace, subtleness, direction, instability,
movement, flexibility joyousness, and grace.


• Express energy, violence, conflict, struggle.
• May also classified into three groups:
 Lines which follow or repeat one another
 Lines which contrast with ine another
 Transitional lines which modify or soften
the effect of others

“Next is the Color, what is color?”
“Of all elements of visual arts, color has the most
aesthetic appeal”

“Delight in color is a universal human


“Color is a property of light. When light goes out,

color goes with it.”

“The color of an object is determined by the rays

which are reflected to the eyes of the

“Yes, very good”

“We have three-dimension of colors”

Color has three dimensions or attributes: HUE,

• It is the dimension of color that gives color its
• When we say, the flower is yellow, we’re naming
its Hue. Colors such as Red, Blue, Green,
Violet, and Yellow indicate Hue.
• Blue, Red, and Yellow are the Primary Hues.
• If these primary hues are mixed in equal parts, the
Secondary Hues are produced. These are
the Orange, Green, and Violet.
• Color and line should not evoke an emotion as
much as express it.

• It is sometimes called Chiaroscuro, refers to the
lightness or darkness of a color.
• It is a quality which depends on the amount of
light and dark in color.
• They give the expression of depth and solidity
and lend form to paintings.
• Another dimension of color, refers to its
brightness or darkness.
• It gives color strength.

“Let’s go for the next types of elements, which is
the shape. What is shape?”
“Is the form of an object or its external boundary,
outline or external surface.”

“An element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or

limited to height and width.”
“Yes, we always encounter these shapes everyday
and aware about this.”
“Give an example of Shapes.”
“Circle, square, rectangle and Triangle and others.”

“Now let’s go to texture, what is Texture?”
“Is an element that deals more directly with the
sense of touch. It has to do with the characteristics
of surfaces which can be rough or smooth, fine, or
coarse, shiny or dull, plain or irregular.”

“Texture is best appreciated when an object is felt

with the hands.”
“What are different textures we can feel by
“Characteristic of surfaces which can be rough or
smooth, fine, or coarse, shiny or dull, plain or

“Deals with the effect of distance upon the

PERSPECTIVE appearance of objects, by means of which the eye.”
“Next is Perspective. What is perspective?”

“Judges spatial relationships.”

“Perspective can create illusions of space and depth

on a flat surface.”

“There were two kinds of Perspective: Linear

Perspective and Aerial Perspective.”

• Is the presentation of an appearance of distance
by means of converging lines.

• Is the representation of relative distances of
objects by gradation of tone and color. “An element of art by which positive and negative
areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a
SPACE work of art”
“Next is the space. what is space?”

“In painting, as in architecture, Space is for great


“The exterior of a building is seen as it appears in

space, while interior is seen by one who is inside an

“Form applies to the overall design of a work of

“And lastly, the form. So, what is Form? “It describes the structure or a shape of an object.”

“Form directs the movements of the eyes.”

“It consists of size and volume, it signifies visual


“This element of arts is three dimensional and

encloses volume: it includes the height, width and

D. Generalization The expression or application of human creative

skill and imagination, typically in a visual form.
“based on what we have discussed and on what you
have learned, what is Arts?
1. Line
- Horizontal Lines
“What are the different Elements of Arts? And - Vertical Lines
what are their types?” - Diagonal Lines
- Curved Lines
- Crooked and Jagged Lines
2. Color
- Hue
- Value
- Intensity
3. Shape
4. Texture
5. Perspective
- Linear Perspective
- Aerial Perspective
6. Space
7. Form

E. Application

Group Activity: Each group consist of five


Instruction: each member should provide one

picture to have 5 pictures in all in one group, take
any photo in your home in any areas and objects
that you can see and represents some of the
elements of arts. After taking, list down your
identified elements in every photo then present it or
discuss it in our class.

Identify the correct answer for each item.
1. Is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline or external surface.
2. It is sometimes called Chiaroscuro, refers to the lightness or darkness of a color.
3. Are lines of repose and serenity.
4. Lines that denote action.
5. Suggest action, life, and movement.
6. Suggest grace, subtleness, direction, instability, movement, flexibility joyousness, and grace.
7. Deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of objects, by means of which the eye.
8. It is the dimension of color that gives color its name.
9. Another dimension of color, refers to its brightness or darkness.
10. Express energy, violence, conflict, struggle.
11. It has to do with the characteristics of surfaces which can be rough or smooth, fine, or coarse, shiny or
dull, plain or irregular.
12. It describes the structure or a shape of an object.
13. They are always moving.
14. Since form consists of size and volume, it signifies visual weight.
15. Can be seen in a man standing straight, a tall tree and in statues of saints, and heroes give an impression
of dignity.
Have an advance reading about our next topic: Principles of Art.


Grade 9-
MAPEH; Arts Grade 9-
Marcos 2- 10-19-
1hr 17mins
3pm 21
Name: KENT GARCIA Contact Number: 0909395070154

Deficiencies (if any):


Prepared by: Verified by: Noted by:


Resource Teacher Field Study Instructor

GRADE 9 - MAPEH- 9 2-3pm Tuesday MS Teams


Name: KENT GARCIA Contact Number: 0909395070154

Grade 9-
MAPEH; Arts Grade 9-
Marcos 2- 10-19-
1hr 17mins
3pm 21

Deficiencies (if any):


Prepared by: Verified by: Noted by:


Resource Teacher Field Study Instructor

GRADE 9 - MAPEH- 9 2-3pm Tuesday MS Teams


Name: KENT GARCIA Contact Number: 0909395070154

Grade 9-
MAPEH; Arts Grade 9-
Marcos 2- 10-19-
1hr 17mins
3pm 21

Deficiencies (if any):


Prepared by: Verified by: Noted by:


Resource Teacher Field Study Instructor
GRADE 9 - MAPEH- 9 2-3pm Tuesday MS Teams

Name: KENT GARCIA Contact Number: 0909395070154

Grade 9-
MAPEH; Arts Grade 9-
Marcos 2- 10-19-
1hr 17mins
3pm 21

Deficiencies (if any):


Prepared by: Verified by: Noted by:


Resource Teacher Field Study Instructor

GRADE 9 - MAPEH- 9 2-3pm Tuesday MS Teams

Name: Keith Garcia – Grade 9
School: Baggao Natioal High School
Date: 10-25-21
Time: 8-9am
Subject: MAPEH; Physical Education
Topic: Physical Fitness

The topic that I discussed with her was the Physical Fitness, we define first the Physical fitness
and then we go to the two components which is the Health-Related Fitness and Skill-Related Fitness. I
discussed the components that are under in Health-Related Fitness which are the cardiovascular
endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, body composition, and flexibility. We discussed it,
we define and give example activities on how these components works. Like for example the Muscular
Endurance, what are the activities that can be done to measure the endurance of our body like the trends
physical activities which are the running, cycling, and dancing. Next is the Muscular Strength which the
activities can be done with this component is weight lifting, push-ups and others. The Muscular
endurance exercises like push-ups, pull-ups and others. I also told her the difference between muscular
strength and muscular endurance. The Body composition, which I also taught him the formula and on
how to solve it to identify weight status and to be aware if she is underweight, normal, overweight and
obese. And lastly, for the last component of health-related fitness which is the Flexibility. Flexibility
exercises like the different types of stretching (Neck Stretch, Chest Stretch, Shoulder Stretch, Wrist and
Endurance, or aerobic, activities increase your breathing and heart rate. They keep your heart, lungs, and
circulatory system healthy and improve your overall fitness. Examples include brisk walking, jogging,
swimming, and biking. Strength, or resistance training, exercises make your muscles stronger. Some
examples are lifting weights and using a resistance band. Balance exercises can make it easier to walk
on uneven surfaces and help prevent falls. To improve your balance, try tai chi or exercises like standing
on one leg. Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay limber. Yoga and
doing various stretches can make you more flexible.


Name; Kent Raymund c. Garcia
Age: 22
Gender: MALE
Address: Calantac, Alcala ,Cagayan
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman catholic

Mother: Jane Garcia
Father: Marcelo Garcia

Elementary: Calantac Elementary school
Junior High School: Baggao National High School
Senior High school; Baggao National High School
College: University of Cagayan Valley

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