Complete IELTS Unit 02 (Pp. 17-27)

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Starting off
0 Work in pairs. Match the photos (1-6) with the phrases in the box.
pesticide use outdoor farming genetic engineenng
battery farming crop rotation natural fertiliser

6 Work in small groups.

I What is 'organic' food?
2 Do you eat organic food? Why? I Why not?
3 Which of the photos in Exercise 1 relate to organic food?
4 How important are these points when you choose food to eat?
a price e packaging
b taste "" f country of origin
c freshness g contents
d appearance h farming methods

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Reading Section 2
Exam information
• Reading Passage 2 is divided into paragraphs or by Rob Lyons and Jan Bo an
sections: A, B. C, etc.
Today, many governments are promoting
• The para graph headings task comes before the
organic or natural farming methods that
avoid the use of pesticides and other
0 Work in pairs. You are going to read a magazine artifical products. The aim is to show
article about organic food. First, read the title and that they care about the environment
the subheading, then discuss what you expect to and about people's health. But is this
read about in the rest of the article. the right approach?

6 Quickly read the article. Are the wr iters for or A Europe is now the biggest market
against organic food? for organic food in the world,
€) Read headings i-ix below and underline the key expanding by 25 percent a year over the
ideas. An example (viii) has been done for you. past 10 years. So what is the attraction
of organic food for some people? The really
Questions 1- 7 important thing is that organic sounds more
'natural'. Eating organic is a way of defining oneself as
The reading passage h as seven paragraphs, A- G.
natural, good, caring, different from the junk-food-scoffing
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs B- G
masses. As one journalist puts it: 'It feels closer to the
from the list of headings below.
source, the beginning, the start of things.' The real desire is
List of Headings to be somehow close to the soil, to Mother Nature.
Research into whe ther organ ic food is B Unlike conventional farming, the organic approach means
better for us farming with natural, rather than man-made, fertilisers
ii Adding up the cost of orga nic food and pesticides. Techniques such as crop rotation improve
iii The factors that can affect food quality soil quality and help organic farmers compensate for the
iv The rich and poor see things differently absence of man-made chemicals. As a method of food
v A description of orga nic farming production, organic is, however, inefficient in its use of
vi Testing the taste of organic food labour and land; there are severe limits to how much food
vii Fear of science h as created the organic can be produced. Also, the environmental benefits of not
t rend using artificial fertiliser are tiny compared with the amount
viii The main reason for the popularity of of carbon dioxide emitted by transporting food (a great
organic food deal of Britain's organic produce is shipped in from other
ix The need to remove hidden dangers countries and transported from shop to home by car).
from food C Organic farming is often claimed to be safer than
conventional farming - for the environment and for
1 Paragraph A . ...viii .. consumers. Yet studies into organic farming worldwide
2 Pa ragraph B .. 5 Pa ragraph E ....... continue to reject this claim. An extensive review by the
3 Paragraph C ................ 6 Paragraph F ......... ....... UK Food Standards Agency found that there was no
4 Para graph D ................ 7 Paragraph G ···· ····· ·
statistically significant difference between organic and
conventional crops. Even where results indicated there
was evidence of a difference, the reviewers found no sign
0 Now read the article and choose the correct
that these differences would have any noticeable effect on
heading for each paragraph.
Exam advice Matching headings D The simplistic claim that organic food is more nutritious
• Read the headings, underlining the key ideas. than conventional food was always likely to be misleading.
Food is a natural product, and the health value of
• Read each paragraph carefully, one by one, to
different foods will vary for a number of reasons, including
choose the best heading.
freshness, the way the food is cooked, the type of soil it

@ Unit2
0 Look at Questions 8- 13 below and underline the
key ideas in the questions and the options (A-E) .
0 Now scan the passage to find where the key ideas
are mentioned. Read those parts carefully and
choose the correct options.
is grown in, the amount of sunlight and rain crops have
received, and so on. Likewise, the flavour of a carrot has
less to do with whether it was fertilised with manure or Questions 8-13
something out of a plastic sack than with the variety of Choose TWO letters, A- E
carrot and how long ago it was dug up. The differences
Questions 8-9
created by these things are likely to be greater than any
differences brought about by using an organic or non- Which TWO of the following points does the writer
organic system of production. Indeed, even some 'organic' mention in connection with organic farming?
farms are quite different from one another. A the occasional u se of pesticides
E The notion that organic food is safer than 'normal' food B using the same field for different crops
is also contradicted by the fact that many of our most C testing soil quality
common foods are full of natural toxins. Parsnips cause 0 reducing the numb er of farm workers
blisters on the skin of agricultural workers. Toasting bread E the production of greenhouse gases
creates carcinogens. As one research expert says: 'People
think that the more natural something is, the better it is for Questions 10-11
them. That is simply not the case. In fact, it is the opposite According to the writer, which TWO factors affect
that is true: the closer a plant is to its natural state, the the nutritional content of food?
more likely it is that it will poison you. Naturally, many
A who prepares the fo od
plants do not want to be eaten, so we have spent 10,000
B th e weather conditions during growth
years developing agriculture and breeding out harmful traits
C where the food has been stored
from crops.'
o when the plants were removed from the earth
F Yet educated Europeans are more scared of eating traces E the type of farm the food was grow n on
of a few, strictly regulated, man-made chemicals than
they are of eating the ones that nature created directly. Questions 12- 13
Surrounded by plentiful food, it's not nature they worry
W hich TWO negative aspects of organic farming
about, but technology. Our obsessions with the ethics
does the writer mention?
and safety of what we eat - concerns about antibiotics
in animals, additives in food, GM crops and so on- are A Consumers complain about the extra cost.
symptomatic of a highly technological society that has B Organ ic food may m ake people ill.
little faith in its ability to use this technology wisely. In this C Farm workers have to be specially trained.
context, the less something is touched by the human hand, 0 It requires too mu ch technological expertise.
the healthier people assume it must be. E It is n ot possible in some countries.
G Ultimately, the organic farming movement is an expensive
luxury for shoppers in well-manicured Europe. For
developing parts of the world, it is irrelevant. To European Exam advice Pick from a list
environmentalists, the fact that organic methods require • Use the key ideas in the questions to help you
more labour and land than conventional ones to get the find the right place in t he passage.
same yields is a good thing; to a farmer in rural Africa, it • Underline the answers in the passage and match
is a disaster. Here, land tends to be so starved and crop them to the options.
yields so low that there simply is not enough organic • The answers may come from on e section of the
matter to put back into the soil. Perhaps the focus should passage or from several paragraphs.
be on helping these countries to gain access to the most
advanced farming techniques, rather than going back to f) Work in pair s.
basics. "
• How popular is organic food in your cou ntry?
• Do you t hink people should be encouraged to eat
adapted from articles in Spiked
organic food? Why? I Why not?

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listening Section 2 6 Look at Questions 1-5 below and underline the
key ideas in the questions.
Exam information
€) ~ Listen to the first part of the talk and choose
• You hear one speaker talking about a social topic. the correct answers for Questions 1-5.

0 Work in pairs. You are going to hear a supervisor

Questions 1-5
talking to a group of new nurses at a large
hospital. Ask and answer questions based on Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
the pictures below. Who do you think has the 1 According to Debbie, why do some people fail
healthier lifestyle - you or your partner? to eat a balanced diet?
• When did you last ... ? A They don't know how to cook.
• What's your favourite ... ? B They don't have enough time to cook.
• How often do you ... ? C They don't feel hungry enough to cook.

2 Debbie recomm ends that staff should keep

fit by
A using a gym.
B taking up a new sport.
C changing some daily activities.

3 Which benefit of exercise does Debbie think is

most important?
A It helps you sleep.
B It keeps your heart healthy.
C It improves mental skills.

4 What advice does Debbie give the nurses

about health and safety?
A to avoid drinking coffee
B to use the canteen at night
C to take regular breaks

5 When she talks about hygiene, Debbie asks

the nurses to
A wash their hands regularly.
B keep away from germs.
C help with the cleaning.

Exam advice Multiple choice

• Listen for the correct idea or information - don't
just match words.
• Make sure you answer all the questions.

@ Unit2
0 Work in pairs. Look at the places A-H on the map Vocabulary
below. Pick a place and tell your partner how to Word formation
get there from the main building. Use the words
and expressions in the box to help you. 0 Complete each of the sentences below with a word
in the box.
next to traffic lights west/east (of)
turn (east/west/right/left) behind turning fte8:l#t healthy unhealthy healthier
right/left (of) go straight on opposite healthiest healthily
roundabout go past/beyond beyond corner
1 The key to good . he:~tf:th-. is eating a balanced diet.
2 Cooking at home can help people eat more
You go out of the front of the main
building, turn left and it's directly
opposite you.
3 Hospitals can become ................. if they are not very
4 People need exercise as well as a .... diet.
0 ~ Now listen and choose the correct answer for
5 Being generally active is much .... .............. than
Questions 6-10.
doing lots of exercise just occasionally.
6 Employees should be the .................. people in the
Questions 6-10 hospital.
Label the map below.
Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions
0 page 100 Word formation

6- 10. @ Which of the words in the box in Exercise 1 ...

1 is a noun? !!A
E .. 2 is an adverb?
3 are adjectives?
~ Work in pairs. Which of the suffixes or prefixes
underlined in the words below .. .
1 forms a noun? -1-1e.s.s
G 2 forms an adverb?
3 form an adjective?
A MAIN BUILDING 4 give a word an opposite or negative meaning?
fitness stressful reasonable i.Qact1ve [ regular
risk)' general!)' careless unusual

B 0 @ IELTS candidates often use the wrong form of

words or misspell words because of changes in
form. Correct the mistake in each sentence.
6 recreation centre 1 In general, people should eat more healthy and do
7 health centre some exercise. !!Aif(J
8 swimming pool and sauna 2 Pesticides may be harmy to our health.
9 health-food store 3 Some farmers feel that using natural fertiliser is
too unconvenient.
10 Jenny's Restaurant
4 The media often give usefull advice about fo od.
5 There has been a slightly drop in the popularity
of fast food in my country.
Exam advice Labelling a map or plan 6 I don't think that wealth people should get the
• Look at the location of each option on the map. best food .
• The ans~rs will come in the same order as the 7 Most people can easy do some exercise.
questions. 8 The number of people who live to 100 has
increased dramaticaly.
• Listen for each place name and fo llow the
speaker's directions.
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Speaking Part 2
Exam information
• You must speak alone for between one and two
minutes on a topic the examiner gives you.
• You have one minute to write some notes before
you speak.
• The examiner tells you when to stop speaking.

0 Work in pairs. Read this Speaking task and

discuss what you could say.

Describe somewhere you like to shop for food.

You should say:
where this place is
what this place is like
what you buy there
and explain why you like buying food at this

6 ~ Listen to Eva doing the task in Exercise 1.

Which of the places in the photos does she talk
€) Eva uses the points in the task to guide her talk.
Complete this chart showing her key points.

place where I shop St-vtde'1'tt.s - sltl.op

L...oect£ 1 .................
Or7tC\'11iC - ver)t 2 ..................
1--- -
where th1s place is NeC\r 11\./Y 3 .......... .. ... ..
PedestnC\'111 b-vtszy
Opposite 4 .............. ...
what th1s place is like Crowded, b-vtszy1 pop-vt£C\r
L-ots o-f 5 ........... .......
what I buy there Fr-vtit, ve
0, 11t-eC\t1 cltl.eese
6 ..................
0 ~ Listen again to Eva's talk. Complete this chart
showing the phrases she uses to start her talk,
FC\Vo-vtrite - o£d 7 ................. introduce her points and end her talk.
why I like buying food Food ood
at this place
8 .................. p£Me
starting a talk

introducmg points :r. reC\Hzy £i1<e 2 .................
0 Pron unciat ion: Intonation 7
So £et 11t.e 3 ........... ....... wltl.ere it is.
A'1'td 4 .. ... .. ... 1
1. 'VtS-vtC\££zy 5
As :r.'ve 6 ...
ending a talk

@ Unit2
0 Look at this Part 2 task and make some notes in Pronunciation
the table below about what you want to say for Intonation 1
each point.
When we speak, the tone of our voice rises and
Describe a meal that you enjoyed eating in a falls. A rise helps your listener understand that you
restaurant. haven't finished what you are saying or that the
information is new or exciting; a fall indicates the
You should say:
end of a sentence or utterance.
where the restaurant was
what you ate
who ate the meal with you 0 ~ Work in pairs. Look at this extract from Eva's
and explain why you enjoyed eating the meal talk and listen to how her voice changes on the
so much. words with arrows. Take turns to repeat what she

meal I enjoyed ~ ~
Er, she weighs everything vel}' quickly ... and you can't bargain
where the
restau rant was ~
with her ... but the price is always reasonable.
what I ate
@ Work in pairs. Look at some of Eva's sentences.
who ate with me Discuss where her voice might rise or fall.
why I enjoyed the 1 ... we're students, so we can't afford to eat in
meal restaurants very often.

2 I rea lly like going to the local market ...

3 ... everything you get there's fantastic - it's

so fresh.

4 ... it's a pedestrian street ... you know, there a re

no cars.

5 There's a large number of stalls that sell food -

and some shops, too.

6 I've got a favourite stall, it's run by a little old

~ Work in pairs. Listen to each other doing the task lady ...
in Exercise 5.

Exam advice Speaking Part 2 7 As I've mentioned, I like it because the food
tastes good, but also it's a very sociable place.
• Note down some key ideas for each bullet to
prompt you.
8 All in all, I like it because it's a great place to go
• Use your notes and the points on the card to
... it's a colourful experience.
guide your talk.
• Use phrases to introduce your points and to €) (o9\ Listen to the sentences and check your
help yOLtkeep going. answers.
• Use intonation to highlight key information and 0 Take turns to read the extracts to each other,
help your examiner follow your talk. using the same intonation.

It's good for you! @

Writing Task 2 I .Nowadays! Over time. a wide range of food products has
Exam information become available in shops and there are plenty of ways
that it can be produced. packaged and sold. 2 As a result I
• Task 2 is a discursive essay. Therefore. there are many different attitudes towards food,
• The question may contain more than one part to and not everyone makes the same decisions when they go
discuss. shopping.
• You must write at least 250 words in about 40 Most people shop to suit their lifestyle. J In particular I
Especially. single people who work long hours may buy
0 Work in pairs. Read this Writing task and say frozen or pre-cooked food. because they worry about how
whether the statements below are true (T) or much time they have. Some parents with large families may
false (F). Correct the false ones. 'I as well! also worry about time. but are likely to think about
their finances too. lf they only have a little money. they will
Write about the following topic. be interested in special offers. such as two for the price of
Most people are not interested in how their food
has been produced. They only care about how 5 On one hand I On the other hand. people who have plenty
much it costs. of time to prepare food themselves may choose what they
How true is this statement? What influences buy more carefully and consider a range of aspects that
people when they buy food? include quality and taste. 6 In addihon I Besides. a few
Give reasons for your answer and include any of these people will be concerned about how animals are
relevant examples from your own knowledge or treated and whether the food has been organically produced.
experience. 7Another I The other factor affecting choice is where you
live. ln my country. a great deal of importance is placed on
the freshness of food. We eat a lot of nsh and vegetables.
1 This essay is about consumers and food. T
2 There is one part to the question. and most of this is caught or produced locally. So cost is not
3 It is only necessary to discuss food production an issue. 8/n factI So, very few consumers talk about it.
and cost. li Concluding I In conclusion. it seems that cost is only one
4 I do not have to agree with the first statement. of a number of factors that people take into consideration
5 Some personal experience and examples have to when they purchase food. 10 Although I Even some people
be included. look at price before quality. others have little interest in
6 Work in small groups. Make some notes on these things and will spend a considerable amount of money
these questions relating to the task in Exercise 1. on food in order to satisfy their needs and beliefs.
Discuss your opinions and ideas.
1 How much do people care about a) how their 0 Work in pairs.
food has been produced, and b) the cost of their 1 How many paragraphs are there?
food? 2 What does the writer include in the first
2 What other things do people care about when paragraph?
they buy food? 3 Where is the writer's opinion about the
statements in the task?
€) @ IELTS candidates often make mistakes with
4 Does the writer include any personal
linking words and phrases. Read the sample
experience? Where?
answer on the right and circle the best option
5 Underline the writer's two main ideas.
from each pair of expressions in italics (1-10).
6 Which ideas and examples in the sample answer
0 Read the sample answer again. Which of your were also mentioned during your discussion?
ideas in Exercise 2 does the writer discuss? 7 Do you agree with the writer's conclusions?
Why? I Why not?

@ Unit2
0 Use your answers to Exercise 5 to write the plan Key grammar
for the sample essay on page 24. Countable and uncountable nouns
0 Key grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns 0 Look at this extract from the sample answer on
page 24. Which underlined noun is countable and
f) Work in pairs. Say whether these statements
which one is uncountable?
about the Writing task are true (T) or false (F).
... there are many different attitudes towards
1 You shouldn't copy from the question paper.
food ...
2 The answer can be in bullet points.
3 It is important to plan the answer. 0 page 102 Countable and uncountable nouns
4 Paragraphing is important.
5 Spelling does not have to be correct. E) Look at the highlighted words in the sample
answer. Which are countable and which are
(I) Work in small groups. Read this Writing task and uncountable?
answer the questions below.
@) Look at these words/phrases that are often used
with countable/uncountable nouns. Put them in
Write about the following topic.
the correct column of the table below.
Many children these days have an unhealthy
lifestyle. Both schools and parents are responsible a (wide) range of a little (very) few plenty of
a lot of a (large) number of many a few little
for solving this problem.
most a great deal of a considerable amount of
To what extent do you agree with this statement? much a/an any some
Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge or countable nouns uncountable nouns countable or
experience. uncountable nouns
£\ (wide.) Y"£\1-toe. o-F
1 Is it true that many children have an unhealthy
lifestyle? Why?
2 Are parents responsible? Why? What should
they do?
3 Are schools responsible? Why? What should they
4 Is anyone else responsible? Who? 0 @ IELTS students often make mistakes with
countable and uncountable nouns. Choose the
(i) Write a plan for the task. Decide how many correct expression to complete each sentence.
paragraphs to write and which ideas will go in
1 Recently, the number ;§Oilli!Jof fast food that
each paragraph. Also plan your introduction and
is eaten has increased .
2 For example, few I a few years ago there were
Exam advice Writing Task 2 not many m icrowave ovens in our country.
3 Technology brings much I many advantages to
• Analyse the question carefully first. You will lose
our lives.
marks if you don't deal with all parts of the task.
4 I think many I a lot of research must be done on
• Brainstorm your ideas and write a quick plan. organic farming.
• Write your answer in paragraphs following your 5 You can't get many I much information about
plan. your hea lth these days without using t he
® Now write your answer in about 40 minutes and 6 Unfortunately, I have little I a little time to cook
check your word count. You should write at least
when I get home.
250 words.
7 I think the amount I num ber of fast-food stores
should be reduced.
8 Some children eat much I a lot of oily and fatty
foods .

It's good for you! @

Vocabulary and grammar review Uni~ 1
Vocabulary Grammar
0 Complete these sentences with the correct form of €) Complete these sentences with the correct form of
problem , trouble, affect or effect. the adjective or adverb in brackets.
1 I hope my visit won't cause you too much 1 People who are ready to change their views
tro'JA.ble. . often find it e..~s'er (easy) to adapt to a new
2 Studying at a foreign university will greatly culture.
the way you see the world. 2 You will learn the language much
3 If you a re not careful about money, you ca n get (quickly) if you share accommodation with
into a lot of financially. people from the country - in other words, it will
4 Investigators are carrying out research into the save you a lot of time.
of culture shock on overseas students. 3 Many students are attracted to this university
5 Some students have had many adapting because it has the reputation of being the one
to our very different lifestyle. with the (good) teachers.
6 New technologies have had a n enormous 4 I think this is the (complicated)
on the way we interact. language I h ave ever tried to study; I really don't
know if I'm making progress.
6 Study the graph below and complete these 5 You'll find the film much (funny) if you
sentences with percent or percentage. Then decide
watch it in the original version.
if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) according
6 Many overseas students find understanding
to the graph. Correct the false ones.
other students a (big) problem than
1 Sixty-five .pe..rce.-xt of overseas workers in understanding their teachers.
Germany lea rn to speak German. 7 The (successful) students are not always
F~lse : 1 57. the ones with the best brains .
2 The of workers from abroad who learn 8 Many people prefer travelling by train because
to speak English is lowest in the United Sta tes. they th ink it is (safe) than travelling by
3 Workers from other countries who lea rn to plane.
speak English in the UK and the USA are 18 and
15 respectively.
4 Belgium has the third highest of
overseas workers learning to speak the
language, with the figure standing at
70 .
Workers from abroad who learn local languages by country (%)








0% (figures from HSBC Bank International

Expat Explorer Survey 08, Report
L Kingdom Three: Expat Expenence)

@ Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 1

Vocabulary and grammar review Unit 2
Vocabulary Grammar
0 Complete these sentences using the correct ~ Circle the correct option in each of these sentences.
form of the word in brackets.
I Can you give me some @Vice)! advices on how
I It must be very hard work being a } etn'll,e.r to stay fit?
(farm). 2 Children need clear information I informations
2 Although pesticides protect plants, they can be about the food they eat.
... (harm) to humans. 3 A balanced diet I Balanced diet consists of plenty
3 Our .. (enjoy) of the meal was spoilt by of fruit and vegetables.
the loud music in the restaurant. 4 Organic farming causes less pollutions I
4 I've done so much exercise at the gym that I'm pollution than traditional farming.
............ (total) exhausted . 5 Some people say that a little knowledges 1
5 Someone told me this soup was very . knowledge can be a dangerous th ing.
(taste), but I don't like the flavour. 6 I go to fast-food shop I fast-food shops as little as
6 The vegetables in our local shop have been possible.
.. (organic) produced. 7 A shift worker can have very stressful lifestyle I a
7 My brother has a really . (health) diet - very stressful lifestyle.
he eats nothing but fried food! 8 More research I researches is needed to make
8 Some people . .. (critic) conventional genetic engin eering safe.
farming methods, but they do produce high 0 Complete the sentences below with the expressions
yields. in the box. Use each expression only once. There
@ Write nouns for each of these adjectives. are two extra expressions that you do not need.
Three adjectives have two possible noun forms. a/an a few amount of deal of few little
many much number of plenty of
adjective noun
developing I d~.V~.fPpr-.~.11t I Only a small Y.<~r-.b~r... R:f consumers buy organic
active 2 2 I can't stan d cooking in . . dirty kitch en.
dangerous 3 3 Everyone needs to spend a .. ...... ..... time
fit 4
4 At the end of the week, I don't have ..... . ......
happy 5 money left to buy food.
5 You need to put a large . fertiliser on
independent 6
young plants.
toxic 7 6 You need free time in order to do your
own cooking.
nutritious 8
7 It's a pity that so . .. people are interested
reliable 9 in reading the labels on food.
accurate 10 .. . . . . . .. . . . ..
. .. . . . .
8 Obviously someone has put a great .. . ...... work
into this mea l - it's delicious!

Voca bulary and grammar review Unit 2 @

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