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1. What was Suresh Jayakar's project/idea?

- Suresh Jayakar's project/idea is a food truck that will bring vegetables and
fruits to areas where grocery stores are few. He got the concept after
witnessing a food desert where they couldn't find fresh apples, bananas,
or tomatoes. They must travel many miles to reach food stores in order to
obtain fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Do you think Jayakar's idea is feasible here in the Philippines? Specifically, in

provinces? Why?
- Jayakar's suggestion, in my opinion, would be beneficial in the Philippines'
provinces. Many people in the Philippines are in the same scenario as
Jayakar in terms of being unable to obtain fresh fruits and vegetables. The
majority of them are in the provinces, where there are few stores and a
limited supply of commodities. And there are the difficult-to-reach areas
that require a large vehicle to access.
3. With Suresh Jayakar's idea, how did design thinking solve life's problems?
- Jayakar came up with a concept that has yet to be presented to us using
design thinking. He thinks outside the box, and he didn't just consider his own
interests. He empathizes with his consumer in order to help them address
their problems in life. As a result, it is effective because it will benefit

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