CI HW - International Organizations Well-Function

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Please discuss various factors that may affect International Organizations from well-


You can use your own views and experiences to justify the claim.

International Organizations functions mainly because of the States hence without the States it

will experience problems. So from my view I think one of the things that will lead International

Organizations from well-functioning is dispute of the members of the International

Organizations that will result to another thing that is funding. Main function of International

Organization is to help people so one organization must have a final decision that is agreeable

from all members of it so if they are dispute they will not be able to have the final decision.

Worst case scenario is if they are not able to settle the dispute amongst them the State would

probably withdraw and pull out from that organization which will cost lack of funding. But,

for an International Organizations to function well is to have enough funding. In conclusion, I

believe that dispute amongst the States members and low of funding will be the reasons of an

International Organization from well-functioning.

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