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21st century skills

21st century skills

1. Critical thinking
2. Creativity
3. Collaboration
4. Communication
5. Information literacy
6. Media literacy
7. Technology literacy
8. Flexibility
9. Leadership
12.Social skills
Learning skills:
the mental processes required to adapt and
improve upon a modern environment (especially
in work environment)

Literacy skills:
Discern facts, publishing outlets, and the
technology behind them. There’s a strong focus
on determining trustworthy sources and factual
information to separate it from the misinformation
that floods the Internet

Learning skills:
The intangible elements in life that can support
and develop performance. These intangibles
focus on both personal and professional qualities.
4C is essential for you to succeed in
school and the workplace
0 Critical Thinking

1 0 Communication

0 2

3 0 Creativity

Critical Thinking
• Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment
• The practice of solving problems, among other qualities
• With critical thinking, you don’t just learn a set of facts or figures. Instea
d, you will learn how to discover the facts and figures for themselves.
• Critical thinking empowers you to discover the truth in assertions, espe
cially when it comes to separating fact from opinion
 Creativity is the practice of thinking outside the box
 Creativity is inherent in learning. Any time one attempts a new task, there
is a level of creativity involved.
 You can learn how to be creative by solving problems, creating systems, or
just trying something that others haven’t tried or think before
The mini-c level of creativity
At the mini-c level of creativity, what one creates might not be revolutionary but it is new an
d meaningful to them.
Example: Jacob brings home his first painting from school. It is his first attempt to be approp
riate to the task and it is new and meaningful to him.
The little-c level of creativity
The little-c level of creativity reflects an aspect of growth from the mini-c level.
Example: Jacob’s parents love the new painting Jacob brought home today. They place it on
the refrigerator because they think it is good and they get enjoyment out of seeing it. It’s on i
ts way to becoming art.
The Pro-c level of creativity
At this level, one has the ability to be creative at a professional level and in a professional ven
ue. At this point, one would have had many years of deliberate practice and training.
Example: Jacob majored in art in college and his pictures now hang in galleries. His paintings
are recognized by art experts and critics as being creative.
The Big-C level of creativity
Those at the Big-C level will be remembered in the history books. The Big-C level includes an
evaluation of one’s entire career and entire body of work and then evaluates the entire body
of work against other great contributors and decides where one fits in.
Example: Over the years, Jacob’s paintings have been bought by people who have tremendo
us collections of artwork. His paintings hang in famous galleries and are regularly discussed b
y experts. Decades from now, Jacob will be considered one of the greatest artists of all time.

 Communication is the practice of conveying ideas

quickly and clearly.
 Develop effective communication skills, includes
minimizing tangents, speaking directly to an idea,
and checking other participants to make sure
they’re engaged
 Beware of non-verbal languages ( body
gesture, eye contact, voice tones and
 Collaboration is the practice of working together to achieve a common
 Virtually every job requires someone to work with another person at some
point, even if it’s for something as simple as what to get for lunch. Pr
acticing collaboration and teamwork helps understand how to address a p
roblem, pitch solutions, and decide the best course of action.
Help me solve the case….

I just finished doing group work that take place in Pacific Place Mall. Everyone alre
ady go home. Since is not my regular mall, its my first time here. I decide to goin
g around for a while. Time goes by, and i didn't realize that its already 10.30 P
M. Quickly I try to grab my bag to take my phone. My parents said before that onc
e I finished, call them to pick you up
Once I open my bag, i just realize that my phone is died because of low battery, I
didn't bring power bank or charger and i didn't have any money left in my wallet. T
he mall is getting quiet, less and less people left. Several store already close, and
the lights start turn off.
What must I do? Please help me?

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