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REVISION TEST for JEE (MAIN+ADVANCED) 2024 NURTURE COURSE CHEMISTRY rer ‘Reademle Session : 2022-23, Atomic masses : H = 1, Li = 7, B = 11, C = 12,N = 14,0 = 16, F = 19, Na = 23, Mg = 24, Al = 27, P = 31, S = 32, Cl = 35.5, Ca=40, Fe = 56, Br = 80, L = 127, Xe = 131, Ba=137, Ce = 140, SINGLE CORRECT Marking Scheme : (+3 For Correct answer & ~1 for incorrect answer, 0 for not attempted) 1. Acharged particle having specific charge 4 x 10° colka is projected toward nucleus of Zn atom. What is the distance of closest approach if initial speed of projection is 3 x 10° m/s? (A)38.4 pm (B)3.84nm (C)3.84A (D)3.84 x 107 nm 2. During Milikan's oil drop experiment, out ofthe following, which is ot a possible change on oil droplet? (A) 1.6 x 10°C (B)24x 10°C (C)32x10C (D)48x 10°C 3. Statement 1: When projected towards an ato having heavy nucleus, mostof the o particle will pass thought itwithout appreciable deviation. ‘Statement 2: All the positive charge of an atoin is located ina small dense nucleus jocated at centre, (A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation forstatement-1 (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement:2 is NOT the conectexplanation for statement-1 (C) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true (D) Statement-1 is true, statement is false 4. Give the corret order of initials T (true) oF F (Falsé) for following statements. (i) The ratio of the velocity of electron in first three Bohr orbits of hydrogen atom is 2:3 : 6 respectively. (i) The ratio of magnitude of Total energy : Kinetic energy : Potential energy for any oribt is 1:1 :2. (ii) The wavelength of a green light is 500 nm, then its frequency is 6 x 10" He, (ayFrr (BET (qirr (Dyer 5. Ina.sample of hydrogen atoms, electrons jump from 10" excited state to ground state. Ix is the number of different ultraviolet radiations, yis number of ciferent visible radiations and zis number of different infrared radiations, The value of2—(x + 9) 8. [Assume athe Balmer series le within visible region] (A)17 (B)18 (cy19 {D)36 6. ifthe shortest WawalPhath Hien Lyman sris sx, the longest wevelenath inthe Balmer series of He-+ wouldbe x 5x, 9x 36x rg 3) oz wo 7. The de-Broglie wavelnegth (in m) of the electron ejected out when the radiation of energy “E’ {in d) strikes on the tata surface Pang tread frequency equal to hal of reden rqueney ie tay 008710 1B) 0694710 xVE (C166 x10%E ——_(p) SERIO” ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT Marking Scheme : (+5 For Correct answer & ~2 for incorrect answer, 0 for not attempted) 8 Whichof the following statements regarding Bohr’'s Model of an atom are ineorrect ? (A) Energy difference between successive energy levels will keep on decreasing as principal quantum nubmer (B) Distance betwen Bohr's orbit willkeep on decreasing as principal quantum number inereases. (C) lonisation energy of Li”? is equal to9 Rydberss. (D) A photon of energy 20 eV can cause excitation in He* ion presentin ground state. CHEMISTRY 1 9. Photons of EMR having wavelength 496 nm is subjected to.a metal sheet having work function = 1.5 eV. What coluld be possible values of kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectron? (a)0.5eV (B)1eV (C)12ev (D)02ev 9. If, in hydrogen atom, radius of n Bohr orbit is r,, frequency of revolution of electron in nis f, and area enclosed by n orbit is A, which of the following graphs is/are correct. Given that the graphs are obtained by joining the discreet points'as per the equation they follow irespective of whether at that point nis defined or not. t t (ay 8) ial § a log n—+ t t 3" (D) I (3) ) 10a( 6 log n—> Togn—> 10. _Inasample of hydrogen atoms, allatoms areiin excited state. When they de-exéite 16 the ground state, they emit the radiations of 6 different energies: Which of the following may be characteristic of any of these emitted radiations ? (A) The wavenumber of at least one of the radiation can be expressed as Sun 6f wavenumber of one radiation of Paschen and one radiation of liyman series. (B} The frequency of atleast one of the radiation is sum of frequéhelés of one radiation of Balmer and one radiation of Lyman series. (C) The wavelength of atleast one of the radiation is sum of Wavelength of one radiation each from Paschen, Balmer and Lyman series. (D) The ratio of longest wavelenathto shortest wavélenath’among the six different energies obtained is 135: 7. 0.05 11. Hf uncertainty in velocity is 6.62 x 102 m/sec. fora particle of mass of —=—9M Its uncertainty in position may be: (A)05 x 1058 (B) 1098 (C)0.8 x 10" (D)0.5 x 10°7 12. Forckectron, proton, doutétium molecule (D,) 8 u-particles a curve between 7(De-Broalie wavelength) wis speed is plotted. Select the eorrect statements). a 1 U1 HI (A) Curve lis for electrons (B} Curve Illis for proton (C) Curve lls for particle (D) Curve'lllsfor Deuterium (D,) CHEMISTRY 2 COMPREHENSION TYPE Marking Scheme : (+3 For Correct answer & -1 for incorrect answer, 0 for not attempted) Paragraph for Q.13 to Q.15 "Nucleus was frst discovered during Rutherford gold foil experiment, in which o. particles were projected towards a thin gold leaf and the deviations in their paths was analysed. Itwas obtained that number of particles deviated by an angle 0, [represented as N(0}] were found to be inversely dependent on fourth power of sin 1 Nooke a7. | NO 972 | Abo the angle of deviation was more if the line of projection (LOP) of «particle was closer to the line passing through the centre (LTC) Based on this information, answer the questions that follow. 13. Inwhich of the following case, will angle of deviation be maximum if all factors other than “b” are same & bets ety Lope ©€— te be Lora ee €) i 0 wy wp LOP- Line of Projection ; LTC -»iLine througli\Centre (A) (By (Cyl “(D) Same in all 14. Whichof the folowing statementis true as per observations of Rutherford Gold-foil experiment. (A) Number of particles passing withoutappreciable deviation willbe vety sina. (B) Number of particles deviated by lange angles will be more than those deviated by small angles. (C) Number of particlesdeviated by any angle will be same. (D} Number of parties wihich will be rebounded back willbe very few. 15. The number of particles deviated by angle 60° is; then number of particles deviated by angle of 90° will be x 3x (alx (Bl4x oF 3 Paragraph for Q.16 to Q.18. ‘A sample containing large number ofatoms of unielectronic species is subjected to EMR having wavelength = 1240 102 pparticular excited state “A. Oinde-excitation to the ground level total 6 different wavelengths were observed out 1240 cof which 3 wavelehglh Were shorter than 35 2-Am . From thisinformation, answer the questions tha follow. [Use : he = 1240 eV-nm; LE. of hydrogen = 13.6 eViatom. nm causing excitation in the sample which contains some atoms in ground state as well as some in one 16. Which should be the value of “n” for the original excited state “A” ? (ays. (Ba (2 (1 17. What should be the atomic number of the unielectronie species involved ? (aya (B)3 1 (2 18. _ Whichof the following wavelength can not be present in the six wavelength obtained ? (A) 624.36 nm (B)30.4nm (C) 163.16 nm (D)476.92 nm CHEMISTRY 3 Paragraph for Q.19 to Q.21 laser (ight amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) provides a coherent (in phase} monochromatic source of high intensity light. Lasers are used in eye surgery. CD/DVD players basic research, ete. Some modem eye lasers can be “turned” to emit a desited wavelength. The following table shows the A (nim), ‘v(5) and E(d} but some of the data missing. 1240 [Fake EleV) = 3 5m)! [Leserno. [xtnm) [ v6") | Eneray) | 1 | fal [Sxi0" 1 | 4879 i El Fl 10” 19. The value of A and F willbe ..... and... respectively. (A) 600, 3.3 x 10" (B} 600, 4.84 x 10!* (C)4.5 x 10° 620 (D) 620, 4.5 x 10° 20. fan electron absorbs energy equal to D in an excited single betwen fiydrogen atom How many maximum ‘possible lines will be obtained in hydrogen spectrum when elect¥on retums fo ground level ? (a)10 (B)6 (3 (D) None of these 21. Which ofthe following statements) is/are correct ? i) Allthe three radiation (from laser lie in visible region. (i) ‘The enraies D and B alone are notsufficient to remove electron completely from isolated gaseous H~ atom which is present at ground stata. (ii) Inthe spectrum the increasing order of for all type of lasers is II < IID 1. (iv) None of the above statement is correct. (A) Only (i) (B)Gi) and (i) only (C) (i), (i) and ii) only (D) (i) and (i) only MATRIX MATCH TYPE Marking Scheme : (+6 For Correct answer & 0 for incorrect answer, 0 for not attempted) 22. _IFX,,, represents the parameter for unielectronic spetie having atomic number Zand forthe shell having orbit number ‘r’ then match the column I with column Il Column Column It (a) 2 (P) (KE) ¢/ (KE), 5 B) 4 (Q) (PE), / (TE), 5 © 3 R) noite (S) (for 2 (lors. Given : 'KE, TE, & PE’ représéhis kientic, total and potential energy and (TE), = 0,"r represents radius of Boh'sorbit and for’ represents frequency of revolutions of electron in the orbit, 28. wavelength of 1* line6f Lyman series of hydrogen atom is x nm, then Column T Column IT 108 (A) Wavelengthof second ine of Balmer series (P) 3X of Hatom in nm 230 (B) Approximate Energy difference of and (Q) —— 1 orbit of Hatom in eV (C)_ Approximate energy difference of 3 (R)4x and 2" orbit of Hatom ineV ., 1470 (D) Wavelength of frst line of Paschan series (s) of Hatom in nm CHEMISTRY 4 NUMERICAL ANSWER TYPE Marking Scheme : (+3 For Correct answer & 0 for incorrect answer, 0 for not attempted) 24, Calculate minimum uncertainty involved in the location of a particle whose de Broglie wavelength is J50xA with an uncertainty of 0.01 A. Express answer in nm. 25, A He tke species emitted a photon corresponding tothe fis line of Lyman series. The photon Herated a pholoelectton from He* in ground state. The de-Brogle wavelength of the photoelectron is 2A, Calculate the atomic number of H-like specie. 26. If Photon having wavelength 6.2 nm was allowed to strike a metal plate having work function 50 eV then uncertainty in wavelength of emitted electron with KE,,... if uncertainity in the momentum is 13.24 x 10 kg mis ee CHEMISTRY 5

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