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In a small village, a girl lives with her mother. The girl is very beautiful. Everyday she
puts make-up and wears her best clothes. She doesn't like to help her mother work in a
field. The girl is very lazy.

One day, the mother asks the girl to accompany her to go to the market to buy some
food. At first the girl refuses, but the mother persuades her by saying they are going to
buy new clothes. The girl finally agrees. But she asks her mother to walk behind her.
She doesn't want to walk side by side with her mother.

Although her mother is very sad, she agrees to walk behind her daughter. On the way to
the market, everybody admires the girl's beauty. They are also curious. Behind the
beautiful girl, there is an old woman with a simple dress. The girl and her mother look
very different!

"Hello, pretty lady. Who is the woman behind you?" asks them.

“She is my servant,” answers the girl.

The mother is very sad, but she doesn't say anything. The girl and the mother meet
other people.

"Hello, beauty. Who is the woman behind you?" asks them again.

Again the girl answers that her

mother is her servant.

She always says that her mother is her servant every time they meet people. At last,
the mother cannot hold the pain anymore.

She prays to God to punish her daughter. God answers her prayer. Slowly, the girl's leg
turns into stone. The process continues to the upper part of the girl's body. The girl is
very panicky.

"Mother, please forgive me!" she cries and ask her mother to forgive her.

But it's too late. Her whole body finally becomes a big stone. Until now people still can
see tears falling down the stone. People then call it the crying stone or in Indonesian
mean batu menangis.
The Legend of crying Rock. Folklore timeless. From the time of elementary school until
now this story is still often heard familiar ears, often even raised on the screen. Stories that
we often hear about this lawless child is always managed to make us shed tears. How not to
shed a tear if we hear the story of an elderly mother who still struggles to support her child
while the child is living there is no gratitude at all, even reply to the crime, it is true
proverbial breast milk rewarded with water. Well, of course we all do not want to be a child
who is not filial to our mother, because our heaven is also in the soles of our mother's feet.
Well, so we can always be a dutiful child, then in this article I will review the story of the
stone crying completely

The history of stone crying

That's how this story is known to people, the story of a widow living with her daughter. This
story comes from the interior of Borneo precisely in the village of Bayur. The inhabitants of
the Bayur village were livelihoods as farmers and fishermen. With these livelihoods they can
build a house and provide for daily needs. Day after day, the moon and the year changed to
know when there was a fire accident in the village of Bayur. The fire left people's homes
burned with no residue. The occurrence of a fire made people afraid to stay in village of
Bayur and decided to move to the city. But not all residents moved into the city, some of
them who can not give up their jobs as farmers and fishermen remain in the village of Bayur.
One of the residents who remained in the hometown was a woman with a daughter. The
woman is a widow because her husband has died.

Life must go on and on, like a stone crying story even though having to work alone and
living a child does not make the widow then surrender and surrender to fate. The widow
goes to the fields daily to keep her alive. The longer the widow gets older, but her daughter
still does not care about the condition of her parents, every day she just beautify herself,
asking for money to buy clothes and beauty needs regardless of the condition of his parents.
Until the time came he asked for a powder and forced his mother to obey his wishes.

The mother is very dear to his son finally obey his orders, they both went to the market. But
the bitterness hit the widow, on the way to the market when people asked who the old lady
the child did not admit that she was her mother. The child is embarrassed to admit that it is
his mother because his mother is only wearing rags while she is very beautiful and
charming. Until finally the mother could not bear to hear the same answer over and over
while holding back tears in his heart he said "oh my son my son has rebelled against me,
give punishment for him, punish him". The loving God granted the widow's wish. His prayer
was granted, little by little the girl's body turned into stone. With great regret over his
disobedience to his mother the child cried for forgiveness. But the rice has become porridge,
apology can not change the situation, the whole body of the girl turns to stone but she still
can cry, people who walk and see it call it stone crying. Until now the story is known as the
legend of stone crying.

The moral value of stone legend crying

 The legend of the crying stone teaches us that a disaster is not the end of life. Stone
crying teaches us that in the unfortunate moment we have to keep trying to continue
our life and we should not let go of it.

 Stone crying shows us that the mother's love is very sincere and unlimited, no matter
what the circumstances happen, a mother will continue to struggle for her child's

 Through the story above, we can see that God always grants the prayer of parents,
especially a mother who is persecuted by her child, because the mother's prayer will
lead us to be successful in the future.

After we look at its history and the moral value of the story, it is now time for us to always
be a dutiful child to parents, especially our mothers. remember our mothers who have given
birth to us with the stakes of life, have raised us with love all the time and our mother who
always pray for us to be the best, the time yes we hate to berate our mothers lest we get
calamity just because we disobey like story the Legend of crying Rock.

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