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Volume 15, Number 9, 2020 Clinical Research

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2020.0195

Factors Affecting the Composition

of Expressed Fresh Human Milk

Quyen Pham,1 Pinkal Patel,1 Babak Baban,2 Jack Yu,3 and Jatinder Bhatia1


Breast milk is considered the ideal and preferred feeding for all infants through the first 4–6 months of life. It
provides many short and long-term benefits to the infant and mother. In the absence of breastfeeding, expressed
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breast milk is the best way to provide nutrition. In the United States, the majority of breastfeeding mothers
express milk at some point during the course of lactation. Breast milk is a dynamic fluid and its content changes
with duration of lactation and varies between and among women. Many factors such as maternal diet and
medications affect the constituents of breast milk. In addition, method of breast milk expression, handling, and
storage can also influence its contents.

Keywords: breast milk expression, breast milk handling, breast milk storage, HMO

Introduction functional state only during lactation.5 The first phase of

lactation, defined as secretory differentiation, starts a,bout 20

B reast milk is a highly variable and complex biologi-

cal fluid that contains more than 200 identified com-
ponents.1 Over time, as analytical techniques improved,
weeks of pregnancy. During this phase, the breast develops
the capacity to synthesize milk products, marked by matu-
ration of lactocytes. This phase requires the action of ma-
the number of recognized components has increased. The ternal progesterone, prolactin, and human placental lactogen.
American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast milk as The second phase, defined as secretory activation, is trig-
the only nutrient for healthy, term infants for approximately gered by delivery of the placenta and begins around 60 hours
the first 6 months of life and supports continued breastfeeding after birth (range of 24–72 hours).6,7 This phase is marked
for at least the first year of life.2 Breast milk consists of by copious breast milk secretion. The initial product from
several compartments, including true solutions, colloids (ca- the mammary gland following birth is colostrum, which is
sein micelles), membranes, membrane-bound globules, and available to the infant for the first 60 hours (range of 24–72
live cells.3 Its constituents can be broadly divided into cate- hours).6,7 Tables 1 and 2 list the various components of breast
gories, such as aqueous and lipid fractions or nutritive and milk. The nutritional components of milk are derived from
nonnutritive constituents. The concentration of contents varies three sources, by maternal stores, maternal diet and synthesis
among women, stages of lactation, and over the course of the in the lactocytes.
day. There are environmental and maternal factors that can
affect human milk composition as well as how the milk is Breast Milk—A Dynamic Biological Fluid
stored and handled.
The major changes of human milk content are observed
in the first month of life, and then remain relatively stable,
Normal Lactation and Lactation Cycle
although subtle changes do occur over the course of lacta-
Normal human lactation should be comfortable for both tion. Macronutrient components of breast milk vary within
the mother and infant and should be providing adequate milk mothers and across lactation, but are conserved across pop-
for the infant’s optimal growth and development.4 Lactation ulations despite variations in maternal nutritional status.9
begins with conception and pregnancy induces changes in the Overall, the nutritional quality of breast milk is conserved but
mammary gland such as ductal proliferation and subsequent some vitamins (vitamin A, C, B-6, and B-12) and fatty acid
alveolar development. The mammary gland reaches a mature (FA) composition depend on maternal diet. There are other

Department of Pediatrics, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, USA.
Department of Oral Biology and Diagnostic Services, Dental College of Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, USA.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, Georgia, USA.


Table 1. Breast Milk Components

Macronutrients Micronutrients
Carbohydrate Protein nitrogen Fat (emulsion) Vitamins Minerals
Lactose, Casein, whey, Urea, creatinine, Triacylglycerides, Pantothenic acid, Calcium,
oligosaccharides mucins, nucleotides, diacylglycerides, riboflavin, magnesium,
a-lectalbumin, free amino monoacylglycerides, thiamin, phosphorus,
lactoferrin, acids, peptides free fatty acids, ascorbic acid, electrolytes
secretory IgA, phospholipids, folate, vitamin (sodium,
lysozyme cholesterol B6, 12, K, D potassium,
and E, biotin, chloride), trace
niacin, retinol, metals (iron,
carotenoids zinc, copper,
selenium, iodine,
Adapted from Kleinman and Greer.8
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IgA, immunoglobulin A.

factors besides maternal diet, which may influence breast by a decrease in immunoglobulin and total protein concen-
milk content. Nommsen et al. found that after 4 months trations and an increase in lactose, fat, and total energy.
postpartum, the macronutrient concentrations of human milk Transitional milk supports the nutritional needs of the infant
are related to one or more of the following factors: maternal during the period of returning to birth weight. Breast milk
body mass index (BMI), protein intake, return of menstrua- after about 2 weeks of delivery is considered mature milk
tion, and nursing frequency. They also found that mothers which supports the healthy term infant through the first 4–6
who produce higher quantities of milk tend to have lower months of life. Usually, no dramatic changes in the compo-
milk concentrations of fat and protein but higher concentra- sition of the mature milk occurs; however, subtle changes
tions of lactose.10 Breast milk content is also influenced by occur in the milk content over the course of lactation. Total
milk expression and storage. For example, the fat content protein and lipids show a gradual decline during the first 6
decreases following storage, freezing, and thawing process. months of lactation, whereas lactose is initially low in co-
Ideally, breast feeding is the optimal way to preserve all the lostrum and transitional milk, but then increases in mature
components. However, if direct breastfeeding is not possible, milk and remains at the same level for up to 6 months.17
the alternative is milk expression either manually or by a Protein levels decrease over the first 4–6 weeks regardless of
manual/electric pump. Milk expression is defined as the re- timing of delivery.18 In addition to protein content, compo-
moval of breast milk from a mother’s breast without an in- sition also changes throughout lactation. In early lactation,
fant’s mouth at her nipple. Survey data indicate that 85% of ratio of whey to casein is *80:20 while it changes to *50:50
breastfeeding mothers express milk at some point before 4 in late lactation.19
months of age.11 Reasons for milk expression by mothers Human milk contains 32 soluble factors and 5 cell types.
include employed mothers returning to work, storing milk for The proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory milk cytokines
unexpected maternal/infant separation, to relieve breast en- continue to be described.20 Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), a
gorgement, or birth of a premature infant.11,12 new class of lineage negative lymphoid cells, appear to be
Factors known to influence human milk composition are important to the intestinal microbiome and adaptive immu-
discussed below. nity of the infant.21 ILCs are important in inflammation,
immunity, and tissue homeostasis. In a recent study, the
presence of ILCs in fresh human milk, with high ILC1s,
Maternal factors
followed by ILC3s and ILC2s were described.22,23 These
Stages of lactation. Human milk goes through three milk ILCs may impart innate immunity in newborns; the
major phases of change: colostrum, transitional milk, and effect of milk expression, storage, handling, and pasteuriza-
mature milk; however, these are not distinct classes of milk, tion on these cells and subsequent effects need further study.
but refer to the gradual alteration in the content of milk
throughout the lactation.13 The first fluid produced by mother
after delivery is colostrum. It is produced in small quantities Maternal genetic status. Genetic factors in lactating
and considered the ‘‘first vaccine’’ of the neonate and con- women have been shown to influence breast milk composi-
tains high amounts of secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA), tion, which explains the variations in its content among
lactoferrin, leukocytes, as well as developmental factors such women. The factors such as hormones, which have influence
as epidermal growth factor.14–16 Colostrum contains rela- on biosynthetic processes of the mammary gland can also
tively low lactose, indicating its primary function to be im- modify the milk composition.24 The prime example is human
munologic and gut priming (trophic) rather than nutritional. milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), which are the second larg-
Transitional milk produced from 7 to 14 days postpartum is est amount of carbohydrate after lactose in breast milk.
marked by accelerated milk production and is characterized HMOs are indigestible by the gut, their primary function is

immunological (prebiotics), and they influence intestinal col-
onization. HMOs act as a prebiotic, provide a carbon source

for commensal bacteria, such as Bifidobacteria spp., Bac-
teriodes spp., and Lactobacillus spp,25–27 which prevent col-
onization by pathogenic bacteria. For breast feeding infants,
HMOs play an important role in preventing respiratory tract
and diarrheal diseases.20,28 There are over 200 different oli-

Oligosacc and glycans

gosaccharides in human milk.29 The production of HMO is

HMOs, gangliosides,
genetically determined. Different HMO profiles occur as a
result of specific transferase enzymes expressed in lacto-
cytes.30 For example: human milk fucosylated oligosaccha-
ride synthesis is controlled by the same fucosyltransferase
genes (FUT2 and FUT3) that control secretor and Lewis
blood group types.31 FUT2 (alpha-1-2 fucosyltransferase)
gene is codified by secretor gene and allows classification
of Se+ (secretor) and Se- (nonsecretor) mothers. Nonsecretor
leptin, ghrelin

mothers (lack FUT2 enzyme) represent about 30% of women


worldwide. They produce milk lacking in alpha 1-2-fucosylated

oligosaccharides. Infants consuming the milk lacking these
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compounds exhibit delayed colonization of bifidobacteria,

higher abundance of streptococcus taxa, and are at higher risk
of diarrheal diseases.32–35 FUT3 (alpha-1-3-4-fucosyltransferase)
Table 2. Bioactive Factors in Human Milk

gene is codified by Lewis gene and allows classification of


Le+ and Le-. A nonsecretor mother secretes alpha 1, 3 fuco-


sylated oligosaccharides in two to fivefold higher concentra-


tions than secretor mothers.36 Maternal phenotypes can be

divided as Se+/Le+, Se+/Le-, Se-/Le+, and Se-/Le-. The breast
milk from these different maternal genotypes has shown sig-
nificant differences in HMO profiles, and may protect their

infants against certain infections to a greater or lesser extent

depending on the presence of specific HMOs.25,34,37–39
Growth factors

IL-6, 7, 8, 10; IFN-c, G-CSF, MIF EGF; HB-EGF,

Infant factors. There is an association between infant

birth weight and volume of milk produced.
HMOs, human milk oligosaccharides; MIF, macrophage migratory inhibitory factor.

This association appears to be related to greater sucking

strength, frequency, or feeding duration among larger infants,
all of which could increase milk volume.40,41 Milk content
differs from mothers who deliver preterm than at term.

Bauer and Gerss compared the composition of breast milk of

mothers who delivered premature infants <28 weeks over the
first 8 weeks of lactation with term milk. They found that the
carbohydrate, fat, and energy contents were significantly
higher in preterm milk than term. The protein content of both
preterm and term milk decreased with duration of lactation
demonstrating significantly higher values in extremely pre-
TGF-ß, TNF-a

term than term milk.18


Maternal diet. Maternal diet has been shown to have little

effect on total protein, carbohydrate, and certain minerals, but
affects FAs, certain vitamins, zinc, calcium, selenium, iodine,
and fluoride.42–44 Breast milk protein concentration is not af-
fected by maternal diet, but increases with maternal BMI, and
IgG, IgM

decreases in mothers producing higher amount of milk.10 Fat

Macrophage; IgA/sIgA;

in human milk is a highly variable component. Maternal diet


intake acts as an important contributing factor for determining

the variation in composition of polyunsaturated FAs in milk.
Insull et al. showed that diet composition affects breast milk fat
synthesis.45 Particularly, long-chain polyunsaturated FAs
stem cells

profile varies with maternal diet. Also, the nature of the fat
consumed by the mother influences the FA composition.

Dietary FAs are transferred rapidly to breast milk, and within

2–3 days, breast milk changes to mimic that of dietary fat.45

Besides fat content, the vitamin content of breast milk is readers should refer to LactMed.60 Following are some of the
influenced by the mother’s vitamin status. If maternal vitamin commonly used substances and their effects on breast milk.
intake is chronically low, its level in milk is also low.46
Smoking. Smoking may reduce milk volume through an
inhibitory effect on prolactin. Prolactin is essential for normal
Maternal health status. One of the common health lactogenesis and it promotes milk synthesis. Oxytocin stim-
problems today is obesity. The prepregnancy obesity rate has ulates contraction of the myoepithelial cells, which leads to
increased from 17.6% to 20.5% from 2003 to 2009.47 Pana- milk ejection. Hopkinson et al. compared milk volume in
gos et al. collected breast milk from lean (BMI 18–25 kg/m2) mothers who smoked cigarettes versus those who did not
and obese (BMI >30 kg/m2) mothers between 6 and 10 weeks after delivery of their preterm infants (28–32 weeks gesta-
postpartum and found that the total protein, lactose, fat, and tion). Milk production was significantly less among those
energy content of breast milk were similar between obese and who smoked, with or without adjusting for age, race, parity,
lean mothers, but obese mothers had increased saturated FA, gravidity, infant’s birth weight, and pumping frequency.
trans FA, and decreased monosaturated FA and polyunsatu- Total protein nitrogen, lactose, calcium, and phosphorus
rated FA content compared with milk of lean mothers.48 content did not differ in milks from mother who smoked
Maternal diabetes, cystic fibrosis, hypoproteinemia, allergic versus who did not smoke, while fat concentrations were
diseases, and type I hyperlipoproteinemia also affect fat lower in the milk from mothers who smoked.61
composition of breast milk.49
Alcohol. The literature on alcohol usage during lactation
and pregnancy is scarce. The potential effects of maternal
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Milk volume. Studies conducted across the world indicate

that the average milk production is *750 to 800 mL/day in alcohol ingestion on infants consuming breast milk depends
women with widely varying dietary habits and with varying on occasional use versus chronic abuse. Alcohol is excreted
nutritional status.46 During the early postpartum period, there into breast milk in concentrations similar to those in maternal
is a positive association between nursing frequency and milk blood. The effect of occasional alcohol consumption on milk
production when milk supply is being established.50–53 production is small, temporary, and unlikely to be of clinical
Hopkinson et al. studied 32 mothers of preterm infants and relevance. The moderate alcohol consumption by a breast-
found sufficient milk production was achieved when milk feeding mother (up to 1 standard drink per day, defined as 12
was pumped five or more times per day during the first month ounces of 5% beer, 8 ounces of 7% malt liquor, 5 ounces 12%
postpartum.52 The milk volume affects certain components of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 40% liquor) is not known to be harmful
breast milk such as protein, and lactose. Nommsen et al. re- to the infant, especially if the mother waits at least 2 hours
ported milk protein concentration was negatively related to before nursing. Expressing or pumping milk after drinking
milk volume at 6 and 9 months and positively related to alcohol, and then discarding it (‘‘pumping and dumping’’)
nursing frequency at 6 months and ideal body weight at 9 does not reduce the amount of alcohol present in the milk.
months. They also found milk lactose concentration to be Breast milk continues to contain alcohol as long as alcohol is
positively related to milk volume at 6 and 9 months.10 It is present in the mother’s blood stream.62 Refraining from al-
assumed that high fluid intake is needed to produce enough cohol drinking during breastfeeding is the safest option
breast milk. However, evidence suggests that lactating wo- (CDC), but if alcohol is used, lactating woman should limit
men can tolerate a considerable amount of water restriction their intake to no more than 0.5 g of alcohol/kg of body
and supplemental fluid has little effect on milk volume. weight, as intake over this level may impair the milk ejection
Prentice et al. found mother’s milk volume remained unaf- reflex.
fected despite losing 7.6% of their body water during fasting Caffeine. Caffeine is the most widely consumed psycho-
(from 5:00 am to 7:30 pm) over several days; however, active substance in the world. There is some evidence that
changes in milk composition (lower lactose concentration, caffeine intake may reduce breast milk production.63 Caf-
increased osmolality) indicated changes in mammary cell feine may cause irritability and sleep disruption in breast-
permeability.54 feeding infants whose mothers consume 10 or more
cups of coffee (*1 g caffeine) per day, but findings are
Each milk expression. Composition of milk differs from equivocal.64
the beginning to the end of a feeding or milk expression. At
the initiation of the expression or feeding, the milk (let down) Maternal medication use. The detailed and up-to-date
is defined as foremilk. The remainder of the milk obtained source of information regarding the safety of maternal
until complete breast emptying or feeding is finished is de- medications when the mother is breastfeeding is LactMed.60
fined as hindmilk. Hindmilk contains higher fat concentra- It is an Internet-accessed source published by the National
tion, energy density, and concentrations of vitamins A and Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health. Generally,
E.55–58 There is not much difference in protein content be- breastfeeding/breast milk is not recommended when mothers
tween foremilk and hindmilk.59 Prematurity also affects are receiving medications from the following classes of
volume of the foremilk and hindmilk. Degree of prematurity drugs: amphetamines, chemotherapy agents, ergotamines,
is significantly related to the relative proportion of fore- and statins. To cover the effects of all medications on breast
milk/hindmilk volume. Foremilk volume increases while milk is beyond the scope of this article.
hindmilk decreases with the degree of prematurity.57
Circadian variation. Breast milk is a dynamic biological
Substance use. Maternal substances usage may affect fluid, contents of which not only change over the course of
both milk volume and its composition. Authors suggest lactation but also over the course of a day. Lipid content of

breast milk displays circadian variation with higher concen- negligible since free FAs are cytotoxic and may lead to
tration found in evening samples.65,66 Circadian variations in cellular damage.85
protein and carbohydrate content is less pronounced than fat,
except higher levels of tryptophan are found in the evening Refrigeration. Freshly expressed breast milk can be stored
sample.67 Studies have shown diurnal variation in calcium, safely at refrigerator temperature (4C) for up to 4 days
phosphorus, magnesium, iron, nucleotides, cortisol, and without changing its integrity, such as pH, albumin, total
melatonin.68–75 protein, lactose, and lipid content.81,86 Bertino et al. found
that lipid composition and lipase activity remained stable up
Other factors affecting breast milk to 4 days in the refrigerator.87 Immunological factors in co-
lostrum, such as IgA, cytokines, and growth factors are not
How the milk is expressed and collected. There are diminished by refrigeration for 48 hours.88
various methods of breast milk expression. The most effec-
tive and safe is breastfeeding by the infant. Hand expression Freezing. Freezing human milk (-4C to -20C) is safe for
is the other method to collect breast milk. The ideal artificial at least 3 months. Freezing human milk beyond 90 days has
collection method is by an electric pump. An electric pump shown significant decreases in fat and energy content.89
cycles the negative pressure with a rhythmic action simu- There is a significant increase in acidity of frozen human milk
lating suckling, which would provide good fat content as by 3 months mainly due to increase in free FAs from ongo-
compared with hand expression. The tubing and breast flange ing lipase activity.90 Lactoferrin levels and bioactivity are
must be cleansed thoroughly (in dishwasher) to keep bacterial significantly lower in human milk frozen at -20C for 3
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contamination negligible. There are several different con- months.91–93 Certain cytokines, IgA and growth factors from
tainers available for breast milk storage such as, glass, colostrum are stable for at least 6 months at -20C.76,88
polyethylene, polypropylene, polycarbonate, polyether sul- Frozen breast milk should be thawed before using. There are
fone, or bags.76 The storage container can alter the cellular several methods to thaw the breast milk:
component of the milk, as the cells adhere to the walls of
glass containers but not to polyethylene or polypropylene o Place the container in the refrigerator
containers.77 Water-soluble constituents and IgA remain o Place in a container of warm or lukewarm water
stable in both glass and polypropylene containers. Poly- o Place the container under lukewarm running water.
propylene containers are easier to handle than glass. Warming thawed breast milk to room temperature should
 Glass or polypropylene containers appear similar in be done over a period of 20 minutes in lukewarm water
their effects on adherence of lipid-soluble nutrients to (at 40C). Breast milk should not be thawed or heated in a
the container surface, the concentration of IgA, and microwave since uneven heating of the milk occurs and
the number of viable white blood cells in the stored creates hot spots, which may not be safe for the baby.94
milk.78 Microwave effectively decreases bacteria in the milk, how-
 Polyethylene containers use cause a decrease of up to ever it significantly decreases the activity of immunological
60% in IgA and bactericidal effects of milk when factors.95,96 CDC does not recommend thawing breast milk in
compared with the use of Pyrex container (Pyrex is a microwave and recommends using breast milk within 24
type of tempered glass). hours of thawing in the refrigerator. Breast milk should be
Storage containers should be thoroughly washed before used within 2 hours if it is brought to room temperature or
use and breast pump kits must be completely dismantled warmed after refrigeration or frozen.
and thoroughly rinsed and washed. They should always
be air dried or dried with paper towels.79,80 Chemical
disinfectant is not ideal and if soap is not available, then
boiling water is preferable.81 Breast milk is a natural product, providing the basic nu-
trition and partial immunity for the newborn during several
months of early life. Human breast milk is a complex and
Temperature. Human milk is sensitive to the effect of dynamic fluid with a heterogeneous matrix. In addition to
temperature. Heating above the physiological temperature nutrient factors, milk is composed of immune cells, stem
significantly impacts nutritional and immunological proper- cells, epithelial cells, and bacteria.97 Most importantly, hu-
ties of the milk. man breast milk plays a crucial role in establishing infantile
microbiome by providing both the microorganisms as well as
Room temperature. Fresh expressed human milk can be nutrition, thus a multidirectional and symbiotic relation-
stored safely at room temperature (10–29C, 50–85F). The ship between milk and microbiota is created, and leads
optimal time for room temperature storage depends on to improvement and maintenance of homeostasis and tis-
cleanliness of the expression technique and actual tempera- sue integrity.98 Hence, while milk is composed of cells,
ture. For example: warmer ambient temperatures are asso- nutrients, and proteins beneficial to neonates, it is un-
ciated with increased bacterial counts. Four hours may be a doubtedly important for milk to be handled and upheld
reasonable limit to store fresh milk in room temperature appropriately so that all components are functional, intact,
(*25C).82–84 Breast milk should not be stored at body and viable.
temperature, as a study has shown that there was a 40% in-
crease in proteolytic products above the baseline and 440–
Disclosure Statement
710% increase in free FA concentration than in expressed
fresh milk.83 This degree of free FA concentration is not No competing financial interests exist.

Funding Information 22. Baban B, Malik A, Bhatia J, et al. Presence and profile of
innate lymphoid cells in human breast milk. JAMA Pediatr
No funding to declare for this article.
23. Yu JC, Khodadadi H, Malik A, et al. Innate immunity of
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