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Delusional Disorder

Group 12

Pearl Kothari (19UCS071)

Mohit Singh (19UCS072)
Shubham Agrawal (19UCS073)
Keshav Mundra (19UCS074)
Aarzoo (19UCS075)
Divyanshi Goyal (19UCS077)

Delusional Disorder or paranoid disorder is a mental illness in which people who have it
cannot tell what is real from what is imagined.

The cause of this disorder is currently unknown by the researcher’s but according to some
practical implementation, many researchers believe that genetic, biochemical, and
environmental factors play a major role in its development.

There are certain symptoms of this disorder like:

● An irritable, angry behavior

● Hallucinations that are related to the delusion.
● catatonic behavior

Treatment for this disorder majorly includes some type of counseling (psychotherapy) or
certain medication but medication is highly resistant for this type of disorder.

Psychosocial Treatments:
● Individual-psychotherapy
● Cognitive-behavioral therapy
● Family-therapy

In most cases, delusional disorders can be treated with patient care and support. The
strong partnership between the treating physician and the patient's health is an important
part of Psych Central's relationships.
In cognitive-behavioral therapy, new methods that teach new healthy and adaptive ways
to cope with stress and faith can benefit.

Prevention: There is no known prevention but early treatment and diagnosis can help
from disruption of patient personal life, family, and friendships.

Keywords: 1.) Paranoid Disorder

2.) Psychosocial Treatments
3.) Complications
4.) Message
5.) Psychotic disorder

Delusional disorders are disorders of the content of thoughts, false belief, firm, fixed and
unshakable, unexplained by social, cultural backgrounds. The primary feature of this
disorder is the presence of one or more delusions that persist for at least one month for
someone to be suspected.

Delusional disorders are of several types each having different symptoms like
Erotomanic Delusional Disorders includes a belief that a person is in love with them,
Grandiose Delusional Disorder includes a sense of over pride or develops unreasonable
egoistic behavior. Some are seen in severe depression like in the case of Somatic
Delusional Disorders and some develop a sense of jealousy and disloyalty with respect to
their partner which overall affects the person’s both physical and mental health is related
to Jealous Delusional Disorder. Some people have a belief that someone is planning to
harm them or they are getting mistreated, for which they might make complaints to legal
authorities which comes under the case of Persecutory Delusional Disorder.

This disorder is not an age-specific disorder, and can happen to people of any gender and
any age group but more likely to occur in the later stages of life and those with poor
sight and hearing and who take too much stress and consume drugs and alcohol on a
regular basis.
(I) Why is this issue important?
When you change your mind, you lie a lot about a certain rule. However, when
diagnosing delusional disorders, it must be imaginary, and due to substance use. A person
with symptoms of a delusional disorder such as I go to drugs or alcohol, as was said in
front of them, and I do it so that the symptoms don't even get worse. Certain substances,
such as alcohol, opioids (heroin and prescription pain relievers), and benzodiazepines
(drugs that help sleep and relieve anxiety) can temporarily relieve associated symptoms
and attract central nervous system functions. so that blood pressure, heart rate, and
airways. Also, to reduce anxiety and stress and keep you out of the way for a short time.
But such incidents develop the brain and often change the use of activity, which can lead
to drug addiction. This can be particularly annoying for you if you have a comorbid or
mental disorder, a delusional disorder, then The Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Agency (SAMHSA) and nearly 8 million Americans (ages 18 and up) struggle with
concomitant mental illness and addictions. A special treatment program includes
concomitant ailments treated, which for the most part help overcome any treatment of
difficulties and ailments in two different people. Substance abuse can increase human
imagination and lead to overreactions (e.g., increase to atone for the sins of self-harm and
continue to behave). Thus, errors can be exacerbated as substance abuse, and the need for
proper treatment to remedy substance abuse can be made.

Fantasies can be missed, and duly undiagnosed. The undiagnosed and untreated can be a
substance abuse to mental illness, and may lead to additional drug; alcohol has a
crystalline appearance and addiction problems. Family members are often the best
sources for their loved ones to know when a problem arises. Then, rejecting the notion of
it is concerned with addiction and disappointment, does not want to admit it, and he was
in danger, which is a problem.

Main Themes
Delusional Disorder is a psychotic disorder in which a person can’t differentiate what is
reality and what is not. The word Delusion means an unshakeable belief based on an
incorrect interpretation of reality. The name Delusional Disorder is used because
delusions are the main symptom in this. It involves circumstances that could occur in
reality, for example, one of your friends planning to kill me, someone is following, being
poisoned, etc.

In some cases, people having Delusional Disorder completely disrupts their life by
indulging so efficiently in their false beliefs. Patients behave normally if we don't talk
about their delusional themes.

Delusional Disorder can be characterized by Bizarre and non-bizarre delusions which

should persist for at least one month. Non-bizarre delusions are beliefs of something
which has a possibility of occurrence in a person’s life, for example, someone is cheating
on you, someone very close is going to die.etc.

Delusions are deemed bizarre if it is not related to ordinary life experiences, for example,
an individual’s belief that a stranger has replaced his internal organs with someone else’s
organs without leaving any wounds or scars. In this people lose control over mind or

(I) What are the complications of Delusional Disorder?

There are many complications of Delusional Disorder such as becoming depressed, as a
result of difficulties associated with delusions. It can also lead to legal problems in
extreme cases, for example, a person having an erotomanic delusion who harasses the
object of delusion could be under a serious case of arrest at legal terms. Also, people
become isolated and separate themselves from others, especially if their delusions
damage their relationships.

(II) What’s the outlook for People with Delusional Disorder?

It depends on the person, the type of delusional disorder he has, the support of family and
friends, and willingness to stick with the treatment.

Delusional disorder is typically a chronic illness, but if properly treated, many people can
get relief from their symptoms.
Many people with this disorder try to avoid seeking help. People don't easily accept that
they have a mental disorder and they say their symptoms are due to some environmental
change or due to workload. They also feel too embarrassed to get treatment. If not treated
on time, delusional disorder can stay for lifelong.


Delusional disorder is a type of psychological disorder. They are unshakable beliefs in

something that isn't true or based on reality.

There are several types of delusional disorders:

1. Erotomaniac
2. Grandiose
3. Somatic
4. Persecutory
5. Jealous
6. Mixed

They are mainly found in people in later stages of life and are mostly
found in people who consume drugs and alcohol regularly.

The symptoms can be reduced by taking sleeping pills or certain drugs.

Substance abuse can increase human imagination and lead to overreactions, for example,
increase to a tone for the sins of self-harm and continue to behave.

It can be treated using “Psychosocial treatments”.

● Individual psychotherapy
● Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
● Family therapy

Those struggling with addiction, which is considered the best option, should be included
in a treatment that can treat the condition simultaneously. Some drugs used to treat
delusional disorders conflict with the substance; Therefore, it is important to know which
spells and practitioners have different reasons for the person. Some medications should
be avoided when dealing with non-addicts. So you have a history of abuse or addiction.
The deceptions associated with hard work in pursuit of drug use or addiction usually
involve extensive detoxification treatments and treatments suited to concomitant

Medications: The primary medications used to attempt to treat the delusional disorder
are called antipsychotics.

● Conventional antipsychotics also called neuroleptics

● Newer medications — called atypical antipsychotic drugs.
● Other medications that might be used to treat Delusional Disorder include
tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Message: Delusional disorder is rare. Hence it is necessary that we accept this disorder
like others. Caring for someone with this disorder can play a major role in their treatment.
For example:

● We must watch our vocal tone while talking to them.

● We should stay neutral.
● Giving space to them is necessary.
● Encourage them to fight and move on.
● And one of the most important things, educate yourself to help them manage.


We are really grateful because we managed to complete our PTS term paper within the
time given by our lecturer Dr. Rajbala Singh. This assignment would not have been
completed without the team effort and cooperation from our group members Aarzoo,
Pearl Kothari, Divyanshi Goyal, Keshav Mundra, Shubham Agrawal, Mohit Singh. We
also sincerely thank our lecturer of PTS Dr. Rajbala Singh for guiding us and teaching us
this course. At last, I would like to thank our friends and fellow batchmates for the


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