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Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 1


Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 2

Power Transformers
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 4
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 5
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 6
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 7
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 8
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 9
types and construction
three-phase XFMR core types

single-phase XFMRElectrical
core typesMachinery - Lecture 1 10
3-phase transformers
Transformer Construction
Iron Core
• The iron core is made of thin
laminated silicon steel (2-3 %
• Pre-cut insulated sheets are cut
or pressed in form and placed
on the top of each other .
• The sheets are overlap each
others to avoid (reduce) air
• The core is pressed together by
insulated yokes.

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 2 11

3-phase transformers
Transformer Construction Winding Small transformer winding
• The winding is made of copper or
aluminum conductor, insulated with
paper or synthetic insulating material
(kevlar, maylard).
• The windings are manufactured in
several layers, and insulation is
placed between windings.
• The primary and secondary windings
are placed on top of each others but
insulated by several layers of
insulating sheets.
• The windings are dried in vacuum
and impregnated to eliminate

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 2 12

3-phase transformers
Transformer Construction
Three phase transformer iron
Iron Cores
The three phase transformer iron
core has three legs.
• A phase winding is placed in
each leg.
• The high voltage and low voltage
windings are placed on top of
each other and insulated by A B C
layers or tubes.
• Larger transformer use layered
construction shown in the
previous slides.

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 2 13

3-phase transformers
Transformer Construction Three phase oil transformer

• The dried and treated

transformer is placed in a steel
• The tank is filled, under vacuum,
with heated transformer oil.

• The end of the windings are

connected to bushings.

• The oil is circulated by pumps

and forced through the radiators.

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 2 14

3-phase transformers
Transformer Construction Large three phase oil transformer
• The transformer is equipped with
cooling radiators which are
cooled by forced ventilation.
• Cooling fans are installed under
the radiators.
• Large bushings connect the
windings to the electrical system.
• The oil is circulated by pumps
and forced through the radiators.
• The oil temperature, pressure
are monitored to predict
transformer performance.

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 2 15

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 16
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 17
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 18
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 19
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 20
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 21
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 22
1) On désire alimenter sous une tension de 220 V un récepteur monophasé
absorbant 50 A avec un facteur de puissance de 0,6 arrière (inductif). Ce récepteur
est situé à l’extrémité d’une ligne bifilaire de 40 km de longueur dont chaque
conducteur , en cuivre de résistivité 1,6.108 .m, a une section de 1 cm2 . On utilise
deux transformateurs parfaits identiques T1 et T2; T1 est utilisé en élévateur de
tension et T2 en abaisseur. Le rapport des nombres de spires est de 25.
Sous quel tension faut-il alimenter le transformateur T1?
Quelle serait cette tension si on n'utilisait pas de transformateurs ?

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 23

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 2 24
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 25
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 26
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 27
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 28
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 29
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 30
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 31
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 32
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 33
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 34
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 35
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 36
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 37
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 38
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 39
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 40
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 41
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 42
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 43
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 44
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 45
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 46
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 47
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 48
• Computations relating to machines, transformers, and systems of machines are
often carried out in per-unit form, i.e., with all pertinent quantities expressed
as decimal fractions of appropriately chosen base values. All the usual
computations are then carried out in these per unit values instead of the familiar
volts, amperes, ohms, and so on.

• There are a number of advantages to the system. One is that the parameter values
of machines and transformers typically fall in a reasonably narrow numerical
range when expressed in a per-unit system based upon their rating.

• The correctness of their values is thus subject to a rapid approximate check.

A second advantage is that when transformer equivalent-circuit parameters
are converted to their per-unit values, the ideal transformer turns ratio
becomes 1:1 and hence the ideal transformer can be eliminated.

• This greatly simplifies analyses since it eliminates the need to refer

impedances to one side or the other of transformers.

• For complicated systems involving many transformers of different turns ratios,

this advantage is a significant one in that a possible cause of serious mistakes
is removed.
• Values of VAbase and Vbase are chosen first; values of Ibase and all other
quantities are then uniquely established.
• The value of VAbase must be the same over the entire system under
• When a transformer is encountered, the values of Vbase differ on each side
and should be chosen in the same ratio as the tums ratio of the transformer.
• Usually the rated or nominal voltages of the respective sides are chosen.

>> If the base voltages of the primary and secondary are chosen to be in the
ratio of the turns of the ideal transformer, the per-unit ideal transformer
will have a unity turns ratio and hence can be eliminated.
the procedure for performing system
analyses in per-unit
1. Select a VA base and a base voltage at some point in the

2. Convert all quantities to per unit on the chosen VA base

and with a voltage base that transforms as the turns
ratio of any transformer which is encountered as one
moves through the system.

3. Perform a standard electrical analysis with all quantities in

per unit.

4. When the analysis is completed, all quantities can be

converted back to real units (e.g., volts, amperes, watts,
etc.) by multiplying their per-unit values by their
corresponding base values.
• When expressed in per-unit form on their rating as a base, the
characteristics of power and distribution transformers do not
vary much over a wide range of ratings.

• For example, the exciting current is usually between 0.02 and

0.06 per unit, the equivalent resistance is usually between 0.005
and 0.02 per unit (the smaller values applying to large
transformers), and the equivalent reactance is usually
between 0.015 and 0.10 per unit (the larger values applying
to large high-voltage transformers).

• Similarly, the per-unit values of synchronous- and induction-

machine parameters fall within a relatively narrow range.

• Manufacturers supply device parameters in per unit on the

device base.
• When several devices are involved, however, an arbitrary choice
of volt-ampere base must usually be made, and that value
must then be used for the overall system.
to convert per-unit (pu) values from
one base to another
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 54
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 55
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 56
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 57
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 58
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 59
(a) Equivalent circuit in actual units. (b) Per-unit equivalent circuit with 1:1 ideal
transformer. (c) Per-unit equivalent circuit following elimination of the ideal transformer.
pu in three-phase systems

• In dealing with three-phase systems, VA base, 3-phase, the three-phase volt-

ampere base, and V base, 3-phase = V base, l-l, the line-to-line voltage base are
usually chosen first.
• The base values for the phase (line-to-neutral) voltage then follows as

>> Note that the base current for three-phase systems is equal to the phase
current, which is the same as the base current for a single-phase (per-phase)
• The equations for conversion from base to base, Eqs. 2.50
through 2.53, apply equally to three-phase base conversion.

• Note that the factors of sqrt (3) and 3 relating Δ to Y

quantities of volts, amperes, and ohms in a balanced three-
phase system are automatically taken care of in per unit by
the base values.

• Three-phase problems can thus be solved in per unit as if

they were single-phase problems and the details of
transformer (Y vs Δ on the primary and secondary of the
transformer) and impedance (Y vs Δ) connections
disappear, except in translating volt, ampere, and ohm
values into and out of the per-unit system.
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 67
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 68
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 69
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 73
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 74
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 75
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 76
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 77
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 78
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 79
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 80
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 81
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 82
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 83
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 84
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 85
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 86
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 87
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 88
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 89
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 90
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 91
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 92
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 93
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 94
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 95
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 96
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 97
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 98
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 99
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 100
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 101
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 102
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 103
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 104
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 105
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 106
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 107
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 108
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 109
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 110
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 111
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 112
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 113
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 114
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 115
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 116
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 117
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 118
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Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 121
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Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 135
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Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 138
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 139
Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 140
PTs and CTs
• Transformers are often used in instrumentation applications to match the magnitude
of a voltage or current to the range of a meter or other instrumention. For example,
most 60-Hz power-systems' instrumentation is based upon voltages in the range of
0-120 V rms and currents in the range of 0-5 Arms.

• Since power system voltages range up to 765-kV line-to-line and currents can be 10's
of kA, some method of supplying an accurate, low-level representation of these
signals to the instrumentation is required.

One common technique is through the use of specialized transformers known
as potential transformers or PT's and current transformers or CT's. If constructed
with a turns ratio of Nl :N2, an ideal potential transformer would have a secondary
voltage equal in magnitude to N2/N1 times that of the primary and identical in phase.

Similarly, an ideal current transformer would have a secondary output current equal to
Nl/N2 times the current input to the primary, again identical in phase. In other words,
potential and current transformers (also referred to as instrumentation transformers)
are designed to approximate ideal transformers as closely as is practically possible.

Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 141

The equivalent circuit of Fig. 2.21 shows a transformer loaded with an
impedance Zb -- Rb + j Xb at its secondary. For the sake of this discussion, the
core-loss resistance Rc has been neglected; if desired, the analysis presented
here can be easily expanded to include its effect.

Following conventional terminology, the load on an instrumentation

transformer is frequently referred to as the burden on that transformer, hence
the subscript b. To simplify our discussion, we have chosen to refer all the
secondary quantities to the primary side of the ideal transformer.

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Electrical Machinery - Lecture 1 145
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