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2022/4/22 下午2:31 10 Tech Trends to Watch 2022 | Stylus


Technology (/Technology)

7 FEB 2022

Our annual round-up highlights the most significant currents shaping how
technology is developed, designed and used. Whether it’s new-era
cybersecurity machinations, fairer algorithms or virtual working tools,
brands will need to embrace these emerging innovations to meet
consumers’ ever-greater expectations of the technology industry.

Digital Lifelines
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of humanising technology – think of innovations that
make working from home less alienating or uncomfortable, or next-level connected homes extending
elderly consumers’ independence. Meanwhile, pandemic-era research is creating rapid advances in
medical developments, giving patients new hope. 
New-Era Entertainment Worlds
Consumer entertainment options are moving beyond the traditional realms of in-home hardware and
IRL touchpoints. Embracing Covid-19’s car use boom (
shortages-new-and-used-vehicle-prices-increase-waiting-times/100256070), brands are fitting out
vehicles as mobile leisure hubs. The metaverse continues to be a hot topic: beneath the buzz,
consumers and brands alike will interrogate what benefits these virtual realms can bring.
Eco-Ethical Tech’s Next Era
Tech brands are giving easily overlooked everyday hardware – from TV remotes to mouses –
sustainable overhauls. Ethics in data use and artificial intelligence (AI) creations also receive beneficial
overhauls with start-ups that include and educate the communities worst impacted by algorithmically
augmented modern life.
Fixing Data Dilemmas
As life moves inexorably online, new models for data management are needed to both protect against
cybersecurity breaches (therefore enshrining consumers’ private information) and to make the best use
of the infinite daily data collection. Services for the virtual economy must also mature to meet the
i b f 1/18
2022/4/22 下午2:31 10 Tech Trends to Watch 2022 | Stylus
growing number of crypto consumers.


At A Glance The Regional Focus of this Report – Global 

Relevant Industries


Automotive & Transport
Work & Careers
Race & Cultural Diversity

Trend Duration

Now 2 yrs 5 yrs 10 yrs 20 yrs

Innovation Platforms

(/digital-worlds) (/fast-consumption) 2/18
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Key Stats 


1. The Cybersecurity Imperative

Cybersecurity issues surged last year, with a reported 31% increase in online attacks on
companies since 2020 (Accenture (
cyber-resilience), 2021) – no doubt owing to the mass shift to remote working during the
pandemic, lacking comprehensive security planning. New-era cybersecurity models and
initiatives are needed to combat ever more sophisticated and damaging cyberattacks.

Industry insiders are championing the zero trust

( model for online security. In the
zero trust architecture, no people or devices are automatically validated during cybersecurity
processes, with each request authorised individually. Cybersecurity mesh
( is also key in the era of
distributed workforces. As classic centralised cybersecurity perimeters are no longer
appropriate, cyber mesh models create smaller individual cybersecurity parameters (i.e.,
firewalls/network protection tools) around each access point (i.e., people and machines).

Businesses must act to ensure the online safety of their workers. Recent research has found
that nearly a fifth (19.5%) of global consumers think that cybersecurity failures will be a
critical global threat within the next two years (WEF
(, 2022).

The mesh model of cybersecurity provides a more integrated, scalable,
flexible and reliable approach to digital asset access control than
traditional security perimeter controls.
Gartner, 2021 3/18
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A fifth of consumers think that cybersecurity failures will be a global threat within the next two years

2. Entering Auto’s Third Space Era

With car usage increasing during the pandemic (see The Post-Covid Car Opportunity (/the-
post-covid-car-opportunity)) and development of autonomous vehicles advancing,
automobiles are increasingly becoming an experiential third space for work, entertainment or

 Encapsulating this vehicle trend is Audi’s August 2021-launched Skysphere

( The
concept car features an adaptable wheelbase that can expand 25cm (9.8ins) to convert
between “a cosy first-class lounge” and “an agile sports car”. The Sports mode configures an
ergonomically optimised cockpit, while the roomier Grand Touring autonomous driving mode
sees the steering wheel and pedals retract for greater comfort.

This is not a car, it’s an experience device.
Henrik Wenders, Senior Vice President, Audi Brand 4/18
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In-car entertainment tech is revving up with the January 2022 launch of BMW’s in-
car Theatre Screen
brings-cinematic-experience-into-the-vehicle). The 31in, 8K-resolution panoramic screen
(integrating Amazon Fire TV) lowers when the car is in the Theatre mode, dimming lights and
lowering sunblinds to complete the cinema-on-wheels experience.
 Other new-era cars are prioritising relaxing escapism. My Mode Relax
(, also by BMW, provides various
sound and light palettes designed to encourage wellness and calm. From Audi, the
September-unveiled Grandsphere (
concept-2021-14199) autonomous concept, which is devoid of visible screens, controls and
buttons, offers riders a “digital detox”. For more, see CES 2022: Automotive (/ces-2022-

Audi Skysphere Audi Skysphere

Audi Skysphere Audi Skysphere 5/18
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BMW Theatre Screen BMW My Mode Relax

3. Mundane Sustainability Mechanisms

While corporations – rather than individuals – are responsible
investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change) for the majority of
global emissions and ecological damage, some 72% of global consumers agree that we’ll be
failing future generations if ordinary people don’t act to limit climate change (Ipsos
Views_Addressing-the-Sustainability-Say-Do-Gap.pdf), 2021). To cater to eco-conscious
consumers, tech companies are providing sustainable swaps for everyday hardware.

Samsung’s Eco Remote is completely batteryless, instead relying on solar energy to fuel the
device. Its latest update (
remote-2022-solar-rf-harvesting-charging) (noted in our CES 2022 (/ces-2022-home-
electronics) coverage) ensures power continuity even at night, harnessing radio-wave energy
from wi-fi routers. See Energy Cleans Up (/energy-cleans-up) for more on the green power

Meanwhile, Microsoft is tackling plastic waste with its September-announced Ocean Plastic

Mouse (,
made from 20% recycled plastic gathered from waste found in oceans and waterways, and
sold in 100% recyclable wood and sugar cane packaging. To encourage circularity, the brand
is also offering free recycling of consumers’ old computer mice. 

Also, see Streamlining Sustainability in Enter EthiTech (/enter-ethitech-empowering-social-

eco-action), and Tech’s Holistic Revolution (/techs-holistic-revolution). 6/18
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Microsoft Sea Plastic Mouse Samsung Smart Remote

4. Musing the Metaverse

Metaverse hysteria reached boiling point in October 2021, when Facebook rebranded
as Meta (
meta/) and announced (
metaverse/) a hiring scheme for 10,000 new workers to build the brand’s own virtual realm.
But what actually is the metaverse? A viral Twitter thread
( shows that brands are
using the term loosely, muddying the definition. Broadly speaking, the metaverse
( is a persistent virtual world that can host social
interaction and make use of the digital economy.

 In 2022, we anticipate a growing number of brands to develop sophisticated digital spaces to
tempt virtual consumers to explore and buy, following the lead of Gucci (/gucci-roblox-create-
gucci-garden-metaverse) and Nike (/nikeland-nikes-roblox-metaverse-rewards-reallife-play).
Done right, many view this as the future of sustainable luxury: instead of buying a luxury bag,
which would use natural resources and human labour to be produced as a new item,
consumers can show off virtual goods. In May 2021, a digital Gucci bag sold
us4000-gaming-platform-roblox) for $4,115 on Roblox, compared to its real-life version’s
price tag of $3,400. For more, see Deep Digital Deluxe in New Luxury Frontiers (/brand-

However, for the metaverse to make good on sustainable visions, it’s necessary to address
the behind-the-scenes fundamentals: how do we fuel and offset the colossal computing
power such systems require? Foreseeing this quandary, in January 2022, UK sustainability
consultancy Eco-Age launched its new division Eco-Verse (https://eco-
/ / t /) bill d “ BS id d b ff b t 7/18
2022/4/22 下午2:31 10 Tech Trends to Watch 2022 | Stylus, billed as “a no BS guide and buffer between
fashion sustainability and the metaverse”.


The metaverse will enable companies to dematerialise their offering
while retaining the uniqueness of the products. What brands will be able
to achieve – without the environmental footprint from a manufacturing
perspective – is going to be exponential.
Diana Verde Nieto, Co-founder, Positive Luxury

Meta Nikeland in Roblox

5. Data’s Collaborative New Direction 8/18
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The world runs on data, but these assets are often distributed and siloed, necessitating
complex data management tools to usefully combine different information sources. As
discussed in Consumers Reclaim Control (/ready-for-web-30-consumers-reclaim-control),
siloed data can also represent more of a liability than an asset, due to growing data leaks
and theft. 
Enter data fabric ( this data architecture and
service aims to standardise data management across platforms (the cloud, edge devices and
on-premises information stores), optimising access and curating data regardless of where it
is stored. Adopting such architecture will help businesses access the wealth of collected data
– some 68% – that they don’t currently analyse (Seagate
data/files/Rethink_Data_Report_2020.pdf), 2020).

A practical example of the benefits of a data fabric model is connectivity standard Matter

(, from tech industry body Connectivity Standards Alliance
( (CSA). It’s developing an Internet Protocol that will allow smart home
devices to communicate and coexist across apps, cloud platforms and brands, creating a
seamless smart home ecosystem. CSA members Apple
home-communications-standard), Google
(, Amazon (
US/alexa/matter) and Samsung (
products) have already announced Matter-compatible gadgets.  

Data Fabric Matter 9/18
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Data Fabric Matter

6. Ethical Algorithms
As discussed in Techquity (/closing-digital-divides), consumers are becoming more aware of
their algorithmically dictated digital lives and how the algorithmic bias can work against them,
with a disproportionately negative impact on marginalised groups

 Now, independent and inclusive AI centres are aiming to prevent technology misuse and
pursue less profitable and more beneficial research. Take the Distributed AI Research
Institute ( (DAIR), formed by prominent American computer
scientist Timnit Gebru ( (who was fired from
Google in 2020 for critiquing its use of large language models) in December 2021. The new
organisation aims to detect and analyse harms caused by AI applications
(i.e., misidentification (
arrest.html) of Black consumers via facial recognition technology and algorithmic misogyny
ocasio-cortez-in-a-bikini-tells-us-about-the-disturbing-future-of-ai)) and create a positive
technological impact for typically harmed communities.

In a novel but encouraging move, Gebru intends to acknowledge (via reward, payment or
involvement) the subjects of her organisation’s research and share any findings with
impacted communities. 

Consumers are becoming more aware of how algorithmic bias can work against them

7. Sickness Silver Linings 10/18
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Epidemics are historically a catalyst for significant scientific progress, as disease-driven

research propels innovation – a phenomenon explored in the Smithsonian’s Design and
Healing: Creative Responses to Epidemics (
and-healing/) exhibition (running until February 2023). 

This has been true of Covid-19, with the development of mRNA vaccinations revolutionising
treatment. Rather than introducing dead or inactive illness strains to provoke an immune
response, mRNA vaccines work by delivering genetic ‘instructions’ to cells; they then
produce the correct protein to fight infections, replicating the body’s own healing reaction. On
the back of the successful development of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines, similar inoculation
technology is being successfully developed to treat HIV (
events/news-releases/experimental-mrna-hiv-vaccine-safe-shows-promise-animals), cancer
responds-to-mrna-treatment-for-cancer/) and malaria
based-malaria-vaccine-2021-07-26/) (see Superhuman: MedTech’s Next Chapter
(/superhuman-medtechs-next-chapter) for more). 

Expect more groundbreaking medicinal development in the coming years thanks to the
ongoing Covid-adjacent research.

Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Institution

8. Rewiring WFH Comms 11/18
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Interfaces and gadgets that bring more fluidity to working from home (WFH) set-ups are sure
to win in 2022 as people continue to adapt to hybrid working and feel frustrated by laptop-
bound working days.

Untethering workers from their desks, Japanese-made wearable camera Linklet

( allows for hands-free interaction during Zoom or Microsoft Teams video
meetings. The ultra-wide-angle lens is worn around the user’s neck and shares a first-person
view, perfect for product demonstrations or teaching moments.

Meanwhile, VersaNotes (
product-301455237.html) from US e-writing tech company Boogie Board
( (launching later this year) offers an analogue-esque alternative
to digital note-taking. The set of three digital Post-it notes replicate the look and feel of
traditional paper notes, but using Boogie Board’s patented clean writing technology, these
can be easily erased and infinitely reused. This cuts clutter and waste while giving users a
break from their computer keyboards.

Also see Work, Untethered in CES 2022: Personal Electronics (/ces-2022-personal-


Linklet VersaNotes

9. The Virtual Economy Grows Up 12/18
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A record $30bn was invested in cryptocurrency last year (Fortune

(, 2021).
However, traditional banking services are yet to seize the opportunities presented by the
virtual economy, going so far as to demonise
cryptocurrency/) it. It’s no surprise that start-ups are plugging the gap, creating original
products to help consumers manage their virtual assets.

Take Singapore-based Request ( its first product

( allows freelancers to invoice on an
immutable blockchain and get paid in their choice of cryptocurrency. By doing so, global
remote workers can avoid the cost of converting fiat currency across borders, instead getting
paid their full sum directly into their personal crypto wallet.

In January 2022, Norwegian software developer Opera announced the beta launch of
its Web3 Crypto Browser (
project-web3/). Featuring an integrated crypto wallet, streamlined access to digital currency
exchanges and support for decentralised apps, it calibrates the online experience for virtual
economy consumers.

Financial brands should take note: crypto consumers want serious, trustworthy services to
manage their virtual assets. 

Request Web3 Crypto Browser

10. Empowering Ageing in Place 13/18
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By 2050, the population aged 80 and above is projected to triple, amounting to 426 million
people worldwide (WHO (
health), 2021). In anticipation of this demographic shift, companies are pursuing ageing-in-
place technologies, helping older consumers to live at home for longer.

In December 2021, Amazon launched Alexa Together (

Together/b?ie=UTF8&node=21390531011), a subscription service designed to support
ageing-in-place by adding fall detection, remote assistance and emergency helpline services
to the existing Alexa Care Hub offering.
CES 2022 (/ces-2022) saw a raft of new elder-tech care solutions (see our coverage (/ces-
2022-personal-electronics)). Among them, Chinese connected homeware brand Sengled
( debuted its wi-fi-enabled Smart Health
Monitoring Light. Besides illumination, the bulb uses radar technology to monitor biometric
markers, such as body temperature, heart rate and sleep quality, to provide discreet
oversight of an at-risk person. Also unveiled at CES, the much-lauded Labrador Systems’
Retriever robotic cart ( acts as a pair of helping hands
to carry heavy loads at home for consumers with mobility or strength issues.

Alexa Together Alexa Together 14/18
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Introducing the Labrador Retriever Robot at…


Labrador Systems Labrador Systems 15/18
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Future Insights
Prioritise Tech-for-Good Gadgetry
For all its harms, the tech industry has the potential to make life easier and more comfortable
for consumers facing new challenges. Seize the remote working opportunity and provide
devices that improve at-home working conditions, like the Linklet hands-free camera. Or act
as an ally for ageing populations by devising discreet monitoring mechanisms, such as the
Sengled smart bulb.
Build Better Data Models
With a fifth of consumers worrying about the critical threat of cybersecurity, keeping their data
secure is imperative. Brands have the responsibility to make the data gathered from
customers benefit them in turn. New digital information architecture, like data mesh, can
revolutionise the interoperability of smart devices – see the leading home tech brands
collaborating with Matter.
Automate Good Ethics
Help consumers green every step of their daily lives, including nudging positive micro-actions
and giving easily ignored tech accessories a sustainable makeover, as per Samsung’s Eco
Remote. Give your digital ethics an upgrade too: audit your brand’s algorithmic impact on
marginalised groups and include them in reparations, emulating the newly formed DAIR.

Take the next step into your best future

Stylus Advisory’s (/myadvisory?utm_source=report&utm_medium=module) world-
class strategists translate our trends intelligence into tailored global and market
insights to maximise your unique future business opportunities.
Our bespoke research projects can show you what your consumers want next – and

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