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Meeting Name: SAS TRAINING

Start: 10am
Date of meeting: 7/10/2022 Time End: 11:30am

Meeting Leader: Ti

Meeting purpose: Location:

Objective of the meeting


Tien Huynh Minh tien.huynhm
Quyen Bui Nguyen Bao quyen.buin
Khoa Bui Ngoc Dang khoa.buind


Learn how to create TW/CD and Cash Contract
Topic Notes

# This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
1. Who in charge : SA,RA,TLS can be in charge of CD/TW shop
2 .Flow for process :
- There are two option to select when create contract:
+ Select product : provide product details then the informa
+ Client identification : provide information of customer th

- Choose select product when create contract:

+ Create contract:
*Choose product offer : commodities, Loan product para
checked with manufacturer ) , Service preferences
* Search for product and fill in application
* Personal information: personal data ( middle name sho
contact and verification client
* Other information : internal code
* Send to evaluation and refresh to pass In Preprocess
* Choose role SA/RA
* Personal information (extra ): Contact address , Additio
* Employment information (extra) :Employment (status)
* Pass Inprocess
+ Application detail : Application events, Application statu
TW/CD Contract (test at C1 level) + Sign contract : sign and then prepare materials.

# This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
1.Who in charge: Only TLS can be in charge of CL shops ( for e
2. Condition for cash loan : customer had CD/ TW contract +
3. Flow for process : have offer -> customer accept -> TLS call
same with CD/TW contract.
4. Disbursement
- Cash contract has payment information which require custo

- Disbursement methods : card account , bank account , part

+ Card account :
* PAN number
+ Bank account:
* Account number
* Bank name
+ Partner bank:
* Partner bank name
Cash Contract(test C1 level) * Partner branch

- Condition for disbursement:

+ Greater than 100 mil : through account
+ Less han 100 B24mil : cash or account

- When disbursement failed:

+ Greater than 100 mil : cancel
+ Less han 100 mil : get through partner bank

# This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.

10am 3:30pm
11:30am 5pm

Tien Huynh Minh





d Cash Contract

# This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
arge of CD/TW shops.

ate contract:
ails then the information of customer
tion of customer then product details


, Loan product parameters (IMEI code which should be

a ( middle name should have "Armit" word ), ID documents ,

ass In Preprocess

act address , Additional personal data

mployment (status)
s, Application status requests ,Application status history

# This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.
e of CL shops ( for example shopcode 010168)
CD/ TW contract + have offer
er accept -> TLS call -> recalculate offer -> the rest is the

which require customer to fill so as to make disbursement

bank account , partner bank



# This item's classification is Internal. It was created by and is in property of the Home Credit Group. Do not distribute outside of the organization.

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