Crafted SBM Monitoring Tool

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A network of leadership and governance and guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals
making them responsive and relevant to the content of diverse environment.
In place is a development plan (e.g. ESIP)developed collaboratively by the stakeholders and Put ✓ when the
community. document is present
Enhanced School Improvement Plan (ESIP)
Utilization of Safety Notification App
Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
Annual Procurement Plan (APP)
Work and Financial Plan (WFP)
Project Procurement Management Plan (PPMP)

Localized Child Protection Policy and Code of Conduct (including crises management plan)
Indicator 1 Approved GAD Plan/Accomplishment Report
WinS and WASH Plan
School Canteen Management Plan (including crises management plan)
Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix
Balik Ekswela Committee/Plan /Activity Completion Report
Action Plans (Ancillary Services and Learning Areas)
Learning Continuity Recovery Plan
School Disaster Risk Reduction Committee Plan (including crises management plan/ Quarterly
Earthquake Drills)
Researches/modules/SIM of teachers in different learning areas

The development plan is regularly reviewed by the school community.

Documentation of SOSA
PPAs Monitoring Report based on Action Plan
Indicator 2 School Report Card
Committee/ School Organization Meeting ( Documetation/ Minutes /Reports)
School issuances for meetings/ memoranda/conferences/ orders
School Planning Team (SPT) Documentation
The school is organized by a clear structure and work arrangements that promote shared
leadership and governance.
Teachers' Load or Class Programs
Places where the DepEd Vision/Mission and/or purpose are displayed
Supervisory Plan (Principal's Program)
Incator 3 School Calendar of Activities (three consecutive years)
Student's Guidelines/Handbook Rules of Discipline
Citizen's Charter
Organizational Structures, Roles, and Responsibilities e.g SGC, PTA, SPT, Project Teams, SPG/SSG,
Child Protection Policy, Grievance Committee, BAC
Leadership network facilitates communication between and among school and
community leaders.
Transparency and Accountability Board
Records of Dissemination/Reporting of AIP accomplishments
School FB Page/Online Digital Page
Indicator 4 CO,RO, DO Issuances of Corespondence letters ( Memos, Letters etc.)
School Organization Accomplishment Report ( Per subject Area)
PTA/SGC Conferences/Meetings
Minutes of the meetings and Attendance
Student and Family Contact Details
Visitor's Logbook
Long term program is in operation that addresses the training and development needs of
school and community leaders.
Accomplishment Reports/Training Matrixes CIP/ INSET/ LAC/PLC/TQC
OPCRF and Form 201/IPCRF Portfolio
Students and Teachers achievements (Academic and Non-Academic) e.g. streamers,
banners, list of winnings, trophies, records of deffirent kind of honors per class.
INSETs conducted and LAC Session Plan in all learning areas
Indicator 5
Interventions in Dropout rates (Evidence of effectiveness)
Intervention in Reading (Evidence of effectiveness)

Guidance Records ( Students referrals/ Action taken/ Students Career Orientation Plan etc.)
Reports of over aged promoted/ referral through PEPT and AE-ALS
Trainings with participation and involvement of stakeholders
Total Scores 0
Average Rating 0.00
Weighted Average Rating 0.00
The curriculum and learning systems anchored on the community and learner’s contexts and aspiration are
collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
The curriculum provides for the development needs of all types of learners in the school Put ✓ when the
community. document is present
Diagnostic Test conducted for the last three years (SY 2019-2021)
Indicator 1 Reading Program
Lesson Plan/DLL Monitoring and Observation reports/WHLP
Early Child Care Development Checklist (ES)
The implemented curriculum is localized
Indicator 2 Localized Instrucational Materials/ SIM/ SLIM/SLEM
Localized Test Tools / Assessments /LAS
The school and community developed methods and materials for developing creative
thinking and problem solving
Functional school based LR portal w/ embedded e-library/learning commons
Indicator 3 Soft/Compiled copies of SLM
Contextualized curriculum/MELCS
Learning systems are regularly and collaboratively monitored
Class observation note
Technical Assistance Provided by Master Teachers on the evaluation of IPCRF and demo
Master Teachers Mentoring Programs Reports
Indicator 4 Technical Assistance Provided by Division Personnel ( Documentation)
Post observation tool
Department Meetings/ Grade Level Meetings
Compiled LAC session guide/notes
Monthly accomplishment report
Monthly supervisory report
Appropriate assessment tools for teaching and learning are continuously reviewed and
Indicator 5 Compilation of Test Instrument/ Test Item Bank /Teacher Made Test
Test Result Compilations ( Quarterly MPS)
Learning managers and facilitators nurture values and environments that are protective of
all children and demonstrate behaviors consistent to the organization’s vision, mission and
Indicator 6 Intervention Program
School Learning Clinic
Active Participation to SDO's Seminar
Methods and resources are learner and community-friendly
Home visitation
Accessessibility of School Facitities to Learners and Stakeholders
Indicator 7 Documentation of Adopt-a-School program
Documentation of positive impact of parents' programs and projects
Involvement in the development of school policies and procedures
Total Scores 0
Average Rating 0.00
Weighted Average Rating 0.00
A clear, transparent, inclusive and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by the school
community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gasps and gains.
Roles and responsibilities of accountable person/s are collective body/ies are clearly Put ✓ when the
defined and agreed upon by community stakeholders. document is present
Schools & stakeholder's organization
Indicator 1 MOA/MOU
Teacher Induction Program
Minutes of the meetings and Attendance

Achievement of goals is recognized based on a collaboratively developed performance

accountability system; gaps are addressed through appropriate action
Indicator 2 Summary results of IPCRF results
OPCRF results
Records of improvement in learning outcomes per grade level per subject
The accountability system is owned by the community and is continuously enhanced to
ensure that management structures and mechanisms are responsive to the emerging
learning needs and demands of the community.
Teachers' Attendance Sheets/DTR/ Summary of attendance
M & E tools
Indicator 3 Professional Development Plan/ IPCRF Commitment Plan ( Timeline plan of teachers)
Community Extension Services/Programs ( Charity Work)
Records of events held spearheaded by Stakeholders (PTCA initiated APPs)
Comprehensive Guidance Program
Accountability assessment criteria and tools, feedback mechanisms, and information
collection and validation techniques and processes are inclusive and collaboratively
developed and agreed upon.
Record of PPA's assessment
Indicator 4 Assessment/monitoring tools (QAME)
Feedback/suggestion box
Programs Monitoring and Evaluation Tools (QAME Results)
Constitution and by-laws of Faculty Club and PTA/ Alumni Association
Participatory assessment of performance is done regularly with the community.
PTCA and SGC list of officers, annual projects, minutes of scheduled Meeting
BEIS Bulletin board ( Updated school profile)
Updated School Transparency Board
Indicator 5 Certificates of Recognitions, Trophies and other meriterious accomplishments of schools (
School Participation)

Records of best practices institutionalized/shared to neighboring schools/division/regions

Total Scores 0
Average Rating 0.00
Weighted Average Rating 0.00
Resources are collectively organized, judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and
efficiency to support targeted education outcome.

Regular resource inventory is collaboratively undertaken by learning managers, learning Put ✓ when the
document is present
facilitators, and community stakeholders as basis for resource allocation and mobilization
Deeds of donation and/or school priority needs

School Inventory Reports ( Educational Materials, Buildings, Facilities and ancillary rooms)
Job descriptions/ Personnel inventory ( Teaching and Non-Teachings)
Indicator 1 Parent Volunteers inventory (e.g. PTA's, 4 Ps)
Annual Budget and Expenditures Reports (MOOE)
Results of students' annual medical dental services, deworming, feeding programs
Records of Permit to teach and permit to Study
Talents pool ( Teacher affiliations to civic/ private organization)
Database of Partners
A regular dialogue for planning and resource programming, that is accessible and
SGC Meetings/ SOSA/General Assembly
Facullty Meetings
Homeroom meeting
Indicator 2 Brigada Eskwela Reports (Activity Completion Report)
Advocacy programs
Organization/Committee in the School that includes External Stakeholders (PTA, SGC,
Child Protection, etc.)
In place is a community-developed resource management system that drives
appropriate beheviors of the stakeholders to ensure judicious, appropriate, and effective
use of resources
Indicator 3 Liquidation reports/Canteen Reports
Summary of expenditures aligned with SIP/AIP
Financial Statements
Regular monitoring, evaluation, and reporting processes of resource management are
collaboratively developed and implemented by the learning managers, facilitators, and
community stakeholders.
Monitoring of PPAs with involvement of stakeholders
Indicator 4
Satisfaction of stakeholders on fund management
Program certification of downloaded school funds (MOOE, SBFP, etc)
Utlization, maintenance, and functionality of school facilities
There is a system that manages the network and linkages which strengthen and sustain
partnerships for improving resource management.
School Records Management
School EBEIS/LIS Report
Meeting Spearheaded by the school head
Indicator 5 School Property Custodian Inventory Report
DepEd Partnership Database System
M & E of Programs Supported Partners
Referral System/Protocol
Total Scores 0
Average Rating 0.00
Weighted Average Rating 0.00

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