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Giving Advice Game You should…, / You shouldn’t…

You ought to…, / You’d better…

Why don’t you…?
What should I do? 
What you can do is…

33. I am 34. My father 36.

putting on wants me to stop
much weight. going to school.
35. Finish
Start again

32. Everyone 31. My parents 30. My teacher

thinks I stole my want me to go always sleeps in 29.
classmate’s live with my aunt. class. Go back 5
money. I don’t want to. spaces

26. 27. 28. I live in

25. I was fired I missed my dangerous part
Go forward 3 from my job. flight. of town.

23. I just found 22. My mother 21.

out my best is angry with My teacher
24. friend is a killer. gives us too much
Start again homework.

17. 18. My job is too 19. 20.

My best friend is stressful. I work I feel lonely. I have a cold
very angry with from 7 A.M to 10 and fever.
me. P.M everyday.

16. My best 15. I oversleep 14.

friend lied to and often go My landlord just 13
me. late to school. raised the rents. Go forward 3

10. I want to 11. Our new 12. My

quit smoking home is near the neighbours are
9. airport. It’s too very loud at night
but I can’t.
Start again noisy. and I can’t sleep.

8. There are too 7. I lost my 5. I have no

many naughty wallet at the 6. money.
boys in my class. supermarket Go back 3
today. spaces

1. 2. Doctors told 3. I ate too 4. I missed the

me to stop eating much last night. I school exams
Start my favourite have a today. I was
food. stomachache. caught in traffic.

Copyright © Kisito 2006

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