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Proposal For Above All Advertising


Your website is now ranked on 46 keywords in Google search engine. The site comes on the first page on
35 of the keywords. There are 11 keywords for which the site needs to rank on the first page. These
keywords can bring in an additional 20% traffic based on our current keyord research. Based on the
keyword difficulty factor, we can get you the rankings for these keywords within 2 months time.

After reviewing the PPC campaign, we found that you are getting a good conversion rate on the targeted
keywords. We do understand that not all these keywords can be targeted for first page rankings –
however we can target the 20% of these keywords that brings in 80% of the traffic to get rankings on the
first page through organic SEO. This will evidently save 80% of your PPC campaign costs.

The main aim is to get the site ranked in the top 5 for the targeted keywords and thereby increasing the
traffic and reducing the cost of the PPC campaign. We also aim to create the awareness of the site by
promoting it through different marketing channels to achieve higher rankings in search engines for
targeted keywords.


The Marketing and Link Building campaign will help to increase the activity around these top goals:

* Growing Awareness of the presence of the site in the online world (Increasing Popularity)

* Increase website traffic and user behavior

* Creating a community and thus increasing the customer base

* Broader customer reach

* Increase Rankings for targeted keywords

Our Services Includes:

1. Social Networking sites: The strategy around these will be to create a community of friends and
provide informative content and service, which in turn will be referred to their group of friends. This will
help to increase the popularity of the site and will provide us with an established customer base through
which we can promote our messaging.

The Social Networking is divided into two types of interaction medium:

Identity-based Interaction sites where we will create our online identities, which is critical in
defining our services and what we stand for. Examples are Naymz, Ziki, ClaimID, SuprGlu,

Provider-initiated Conversation sites will be helpful to push our content, service offerings and
other messaging and also provides us with the opportunity to find out what our customers feel
about your services. Examples are Myspace, facebook, Twitter, friendster, orkut........ - The
strategy is to position ourselves as a medium that provides informative contents and tips to the
end users and thereby increasing the popularity of the site. Also backlinks from properly
optimized profile is worth a lot of link juice to the end users.

Facebook, Orkut, Twitter etc these are the main social networking sites in terms of generating huge
traffic. More you get traffic more lead you will be getting. In case of Facebook we collect huge targeted
friend and fan for you through our social media marketing strategy. Orkut also can be the major
promoting platform for your business. We can gather targeted friends, related community to promote
your business. Now a day’s twitter is the most popular tool to get traffic to your website by tweeting and
increasing targeted follower.

2. Social Bookmarking: The strategy around these will be to create a community of friends and asking
them to bookmark our events, promotions etc, which in turn will be known by their group of friends. This
will help to increase the reach of our brand and will provide us with an established customer base
through which we can promote our events, products launches, parties etc. Examples are Digg, delicious,
simpy, mixx, Yahoo Buzz....

3. Article Marketing - Articles can be written and distributed to 100 SEO friendly article directories.
This not only gives a good link boost to the site as anchor text links are included in the body of the site.
We will re spin the articles in order to maximize the link boost from these site. This is a great way to not
only build quality links to the inner pages but also properly optimized articles gets high rankings for long
tail keywords on search engines listings pages.

4. Press Releases - Creation and distribution of news pieces. This is a major way to boost link juice to the
site. Google gives a lot of value to the anchor text links within the body of the press release. This also helps to
reach the target customers base as people sign up with different news sites RSS feeds ( Google news, Yahoo
News, RSS news) to get relevant news specific to their topic of interest. We can get the press release indexed
by Google within 24 hours of any release and get it distributed through major newswires.

5. Forum Posting - Posting on industry and products related forums about company events, product updates
etc. First we can post interesting threads or excerpts of our articles in the forums, with a link back to the site.
The post will be around interesting topics surrounding your niche that will propel others in the forum
community to post replies to the thread. This is a good way to build links to inner pages and also increase our
online popularity. Also we can post replies on other threads and promote our website through the signature
6. Video Marketing: This is one of most important part of social media marketing. We can target
popular video sites and upload company videos, informative videos and others and properly optimize
them for relevant keywords. Video sites are being indexed by search engines and we will optimize the
videos and the profiles with proper keywords and titles. In addition we will create a community in the
video sites and make the video viral, so that the viewing times is increased, which is an important aspect
in getting the rankings. Examples: Youtube, Hulu, dailymotion, veoh.....

7. Text Links - Acquiring high ranking relevant text links from Industry related sites.

8. Directory Submission: Google mainly frowns on those directories, which directory structure is not
created according to search engine guidelines. We have a list of 300 SEO Friendly Web Directories where
we can submit with multiple titles and descriptions for the home page. We can also submit to selected
Paid Directories, specific to your niche.

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