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My dream is to become a doctor

Ever since I sat in elementary school, I didn't know what I wanted to

be. Many ideals crossed my mind, but none caught my attention. After
entering junior high school, I thought I wanted to become a doctor. I
don't know how and where it started until I wanted to become a doctor.

Every time I go to the hospital or health center, I always pay attention to

the doctor who examines me. Subhanallah, how noble is a doctor who
tries to heal his patient and how proud his parents are to see that their
son has now become a doctor.

It crossed my mind if one day I could sit in that chair to replace it, and if
I could use that white coat symbolizing health in the future. God, I want
to be a doctor, I want to make my parents happy, I want to wear that
white uniform.
Friendship of Three Teenagers

In a village there are three teenagers who have been friends since
childhood. Their houses are close to each other so they often go out
together. When in kindergarten they went to school together. If one is
not ready, the other will patiently wait. Once they were ready, they left
The three teenagers were named Ali, Dedy, and Eka. But Eka is one year
older than Ady and Dedy. When Eka was in 1st grade, Ady and Dedy
were still in Kindergarten. Even though they are different classes, they
still maintain friendship between them. After coming home from school
they still play with other friends. These three friends really like to play
football every day, they gather on the field at exactly 03:00 in the
Together with other friends they collected money to buy plastic balls
that cost Rp 3,500. After they got the ball, Eka, Adi, and Dedy started
playing with enthusiasm until dusk. They returned to their homes to
shower and prepare to go to the musholla near their homes. When the
call to prayer came, they left together until they returned home
together. Before going home they had time to talk for a while, even
though they still had PR.

Almost every day they gather together, especially on holidays. They can

play until they forget the time and late at night. Until - until Dedy was
scolded by his mother. Dedy got angry because he came home late at
night. Day after day they pass together with jokes and laughter.
When Eka went to SMP, Adi and Dedy were in 6th grade. Since then the
three rarely play and go out together. Eka rarely leaves the house
because she is getting serious about her studies, but Adi and Dedy
realize how busy Eka is. In this 6th grade class, Adi and Dedy can still
play together, but they feel less satisfied because of Eka's absence.
When Adi and Dedy went to junior high school, they separated from
school. So they can't get together anymore. These three teenagers have
different schools, and they can no longer play together because they
come home in the afternoon. They are tired from school, so they prefer
to rest at home. These three friends pursue their own studies. By
studying hard and diligently they hope to get the best grades. So they
don't have any free time to play together. They prefer to play with their
friends at school.

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