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Random Recipes

A list of recipes I found in a box that someone was getting rid of. I am simply typing these out for better
reading and to pass on to others. No ads, no stories, just recipes for people who want them. A few notes
on what I know about the recipes and how I’m choosing to type them up:

All temperatures are in Fahrenheit

All recipes were baked/cooked at 1000-foot elevation

All recipes that state “sugar” mean white granulated sugar. Brown sugar will be noted as such.

Recipes are assembled in the order that they were easiest to read off the cards that were written by the
original author.
Frying Pan Cookies

1 ½ cups chopped dates

2 eggs

1 cup white sugar

1 tsp vanilla

¼ tsp salt

2 ½ cups rice Krispy cereal

½ cup nuts

Place dates, eggs, and sugar in pan. Cook slowly, stirring until thick enough to hold together. Remove
from fire, add vanilla and salt, then rice Krispies and nuts. Stir and let cool. Form into balls about the size
of a walnut then roll in white or colored coconut and let set on foil until dry.
Best Doughnuts

4 beaten eggs

2/3 cups sugar

1/3 cups milk

1/3 cup shortening (melted)

3 ½ cup sifted enriched flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

¾ teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Beat eggs and sugar till light; add milk and cooled shortening. Add a sifted dry, mix smooth, chill. Roll 3/8
in thick on floured surface, let stand 15 mins. Fry in deep pot.
Chocolate Chip Cookies

1 cup butter

1 cup sugar

½ cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

2 ½ cups flour

1 bag of chocolate chips

Add ingredients to bowl in listed order, mix until smooth before adding next ingredient, place dough in
desired size on sheet and bake at 350F for 7 minutes for gooey texture 8-10 for crispy.
Graham Cracker Cookies

1 box Graham Crackers

1 cup of oleo (margarine)

1 cup sugar

1 cup chopped nuts

Break double crackers into single squares and cover a lightly greased cookie sheet. Combine melted oleo
and sugar in pan and cook until the sugar is dissolved and bubbly. Pour mixture over each cracker,
sprinkle chopped nuts over the crackers to preference. Bake for 10 minutes at 350F.

In place of nuts, try coconut or small chocolate bits. If you want a really good treat, put them all on!
Zucchini Bread

2 cups sugar

3 eggs

1 cup olive oil

2 cups raw, sliced, peeled zucchini

3 teaspoons vanilla

3 cups unsifted flour

1 ¼ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cinnamon

½ cup chopped walnuts

½ cup raisins

Mix all ingredients, grease and flour pan, bake at 325-350 for 1 hour. Makes 2 loaves. Freezes well.
Cherry Berry on a Cloud


6 egg whites separated

1 cup sugar

¼ teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon cream of tartar

Put egg whites in bowl, add cream of tartar, salt, and beat till frothy. Add sugar gradually and beat until
stiff (not dry).

Heat over to 275F. Put meringues in a greased pan. Bake 1 hour. Turn oven off and let set for 12 hours
or overnight. Do not open oven door.


2-3 ounces packaged cream cheese

2/4 cup sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups sugar marshmallows

2 cups whipping cream

Whip the 2 cups of whipping cream and combine with other ingredients pre-mixed in a separate bowl.
Put on meringues, spread all over, and refrigerate 12 hours/overnight

Serve with berries

Fruit Topping

1 large can cherry pie filling

2 cups halved fresh strawberries or any kind of fruit, just so it isn’t too juicy

1 teaspoon lemon juice

Sweeten to taste, may not even need any sugar

Author’s note: Recipe was damaged for fruit topping section and may be missing steps or ingredients. I
believe the note about sugar is related to mixing the fruit topping with the filling.
Frankly Cheesy Dinner

½ 16-ounce pkg Pennsylvania Dutch medium noodles (or any like it.

1/3 cup butter or margarine

½ tsp dry mustard

1/3 cup onions (finely chopped)

1/3 cup flour

2 ½ cup milk

1 teaspoons salt

¾ tsp Worcestershire sauce

2 cup shredded American cheese (or cheese of preference)

1-pound frankfurters cut in 1-inch pieces.

Preheat over to 350F. Cook noodles according to directions on package and drain. Meanwhile in a
medium skillet, melt butter and cook onion until tender. Blend in flour, salt, mustard, milk, and
Worcestershire sauce. Simmer, stirring constantly until mixture is slightly thickened (7 minutes). Stir in 1
¼ cup cheese until blended. In a greased 3-quart casserole, toss noodles and franks with cheese mixture.
Top with remaining cheese. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 350F.
Pineapple Crumb Squares

Crumb Mixture

1 cup light brown sugar

½ cup uncooked outmeal

1 ½ cup flour 1 teaspoon vanilla

1/3 cup shortening (margarine, etc.)

Pinch of salt

1 teaspoon vanilla


1 cup crushed pineapple

¼ cup sugar

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 teaspoon lemon juice.

With hands or hand blender mix all ingredients together until it makes a crumb mixture. Put half of the
mixture into a lightly greased 8”x8” glass baking dish and pat down.

Mix filling ingredients (minus lemon juice) together and cook until thick. Remove from heat and add
lemon juice. Cool slightly before using.

Spread filling over this and cover with remaining crumb mixture. Pat down gently. Bake in oven at 350F
for 25-30 minutes.

I usually make 1 ½ the crumb mixture recipe and double the filling – using a 9x12 or 9x13 inch pan for
Mystery Pecan Pie

1 8-ounce package of cream cheese

1/3 cup plus ¼ cup sugar

1/3 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoon vanilla

4 eggs

1 9” or 10” pie shell- unbaked

1 ¼ cup chopped pecans

1 cup light corn syrup

Combine cream cheese, 1/3 cup sugar, salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 egg; pour into pie shell and
sprinkle with pecans. Combine remaining eggs, sugar, vanilla, and syrup, pour over pecans.

Bake at 375F for 35-40 minutes until center is firm.

Author’s note: User TwilightConscious on Reddit says the mystery of this recipe is probably the cream
Drop Chocolate Fudge

3 cups sugar

3 rounded tablespoons of cocoa

2/3 cups Karo (white)

1 cup milk

1 ½ teaspoon vanilla

2 Tablespoons butter

Pecans or peanut butter

Combine sugar, cocoa, Karo, and milk. Place on medium heat and stir constantly until mixture boils and
sugar is dissolved. Continue cooking without stirring until the soft boil stage is reached. Remove from
heat, add butter and vanilla. Let cool until lukewarm. Beat until mixture thickens and is glossy. Add
pecans (or peanut butter) if desired. Drop from tray onto greased pan or pour.

4 cups sugar

1 cup boiling water

1 cup karo

2 egg whites

Nuts or candied fruit

Cook Karo, water, and sugar on stove until it spins a thread. Stir until sugar dissolves and scrape sides.
When syrup is almost to spinning stage, heat egg white until stiff but not dry. Put syrup back on heat
between additions. Continue baking until syrup is added and mixture is thick. Add nuts or candied fruit.
Pour or drop by spoon on buttered pans.
Macaroni and Cheese

1 cup uncooked noodles

1 cup bread crumbs

3 beaten eggs

2 cups grated cheese

2 cups milk

2 Tablespoons Margarine

1 pod pimento pepper

1 teaspoon grated onion

Cook noodles in 1-quart boiling salted water until almost tender. Drain noodles. Pour 1 cup milk over
bread crumbs and let stand for a few minutes. Combine all ingredients and mix with noodles. Pour into
greased casserole dish. Bake 350F until set.
Fluffy Frosting

2 egg whites

1 ½ cup sugar

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

1/3 cup cold water

1 ½ teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients and mix until smooth.

1-2-3-4 Cake

1 cup sifted flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

1/3 teaspoon salt

1 cup shortening

2 cups sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla

4 eggs

1 cup milk

Sift flour, salt, and baking powder together, Cream shortening with sugar and vanilla until fluffy. Beat
egg yolks until thick and light. Add to sugar mixture and beat thoroughly. Add sifted dry ingredients and
milk alternately in small amounts, beating well after each addition. Fold stiffly beaten egg whites. Bake
in 9-inch layers in 30 minutes at 375F
Basic Sponge Cake

4 eggs separated

1 cup sugar

1 cup sifted cake flour

1 teaspoon vinegar

Beat eggs separately, when the whites stand in peaks (stiff but not dry) fold in sugar. Beat yolks until
thick and lemon color, add vinegar. Combine these 2 mixtures. Fold in flour. Line a 9” cake pan with wax
paper. Bake at 350F about 18 minutes.
Chocolate Cake

2/3 cup soft shortening

1 ½ cup sugar

3 eggs (1/2 to 2/3 cup)

2 ½ squares chocolate (2 ½ ounces) melted

2 ¼ cup sifted softasilk flour or 2 1/3 cup sifted golden medal flour

1 ¼ cup butter milk

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

Grease and flour pans. Cream together until fluffy shortening and sugar. Beat eggs thoroughly, blend
chocolate. Sift together flour, soda, salt. Stir in alternately with milk. Bake at 350F for 30-35 minutes.
Mary Ann’s Cathedral Cookies

6 ounces chocolate chips

6 ounces mint chips

1 stick of margarine

10 ounces of miniature marshmallows

Melt and cool ingredients without marshmallows. Stir in Marshmallows. Form and wrap/roll in foil. Chill.
Later slice and serve.
Sunshine Salad

1 package orange gelatin

1 cup hot water

½ teaspoon salt

1 cup cold water

1 cup raw carrot shredded

1 cup green onion diced

1 cup celery dried

Dissolve gelatin in hot water, add salt and cold water. Chill till the mixture begins to congeal. Fold in
remaining ingredients, pour into oiled 1 ½ quart mold. Chill until firm.
Chicken Salad

1 ¼ cup cooked chicken

¾ cup diced celery

1 ½ hard cooked eggs

1 pickle

½ teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

Combine chicken, celery, eggs, pickles, and salt. Moisten with mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce.
Chicken Waldorf Salad

2 cooked Chicken breasts (cooled and diced)

2 large apples (diced and unpeeled)

2 stalks of celery (chopped)

½ cup walnuts chopped

2/3 cup mountain high yonaise (1/3 cup plan yogurt and 1/3 cup regular mayonnaise)

1 tablespoon honey

2 tablespoons crumbled blue cheese (optional)

Salta and pepper to taste.

Mix first four ingredients in a large bowl. Set aside. In a smaller bowl, stir together Yonaise, honey, and
blue cheese if desired. Pour over chicken mixture and mix well. Season with salt and pepper to taste and
garnish with a pinwheel of thin apple slices.

12 ounces butterscotch chocolate chips

3 ½ cups chow main morsels

1 cup peanuts

Melt butterscotch chocolate chips in pan stirring constantly to avoid burning. Add chow main morsels
and peanuts and stir in thoroughly. Drop onto parchment lines baking sheet and refrigerate until cooled.

Author’s note: Some online cooks have recommended mini marshmallows in lieu of peanuts.
Crescent Rolls

¾ cup warm water

2 packs active dry yeast

½ cup sugar

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs (slightly beaten)

½ cup soft shortening (part butter)

4 cups sifted flour

Measure ¾ cups warm water (not hot) into mixing bowl, while stirring, add active dry yeast. Stir in sugar,
salt, eggs, soft shortening, and 2 cups sifted flour. Once combined add remaining flour and mix until
smooth. Scrape dough from side of bowl. Cover with damp cloth and let rise in warm place until double
in size (1.5 hours). Divide dough into 2 parts. Shape as crescents or butter horns. Cover with dishcloth
and let rise until double (1 hour) brush with butter (gently) and bake at 400F for 12-15 minutes. Makes
32 rolls.

Author’s note: On the topic of soft shortening, user “mielelf” on reddit says: “It means you can
substitute some shortening for butter, if you happen to have some on hand. These recipes are likely
from a time before mega marts and there was rationing and just plain times when things were
unavailable. Shortening is much more consistent than butter, is often cheaper, and lasts much longer, so
here it is the default - problem is, shortening doesn't taste good, but butter does. If you can
compromise, say half butter and half shortening, then you get the grandma version of the best of both
Heavenly Hash Brownies


1 ¼ cup flour

1 cup sugar

½ teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

2/3 cup margarine

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup chopped nuts

1 cup miniature marshmallows

2 beaten eggs

2 squares bakers’ Chocolates

Chocolate Glaze

2 tablespoons margarine

2 squares bakers’ chocolate

3 cups confectioners’ sugar

3 tablespoons hot coffee

½ teaspoon vanilla

1/2 to 1/8 teaspoon salt (recipe unclear at time of transcription)

Sift dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, and salt). Melt margarine and chocolate. Gradually add sugar
to eggs. Add margarine and chocolate mixture with vanilla and eggs and beat well. Stir in sifted
ingredients, add nuts, and pour in greased (but not floured) 13x9 pan and bake at 325F for 25-30
minutes. Remove from oven and while warm arrange marshmallows on top.

If desired make chocolate glaze by melting margarine and chocolate. Add rest of ingredients and heat
well. Spread over marshmallows.
Baking Powder Biscuits

2 cups flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

2/3 cup milk

4 tablespoons fat

1 teaspoon salt

Mix and sift dry ingredients. Cut fat into mixture. Add milk gradually and toss on floured board. Kneed
gently and roll out to ½ inch thickness. Cut with biscuit cutter, dry in flour. Bake on ungreased pan at
450F about 12 minutes.
Refrigerator Rolls

2 cups warm water (not hot)

2 packages of active dry yeast

2 cups sugar

2 teaspoons salt

¼ cup soft shortening

1 egg

6 ½- 7 cups sifted all-purpose flour

In a bowl combine water and mix yeast while stirring. Stir in sugar, salt, soft shortening, and egg. Mix in
flour. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease surface. Cover with a damp cloth and refrigerate
for about 2 hours. Before baking, shape dough, cover, and let rise until doubles in size (1.5-2 hours).
Bake according to directions for each type of roll. 400F for 12-15 minutes.

Makes 4 dozen medium size rolls.


1 ¼ cup cornmeal

2/3 cup flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 egg

1 cup milk

3 Tablespoons fat (melted)

1 teaspoon salt

Sift all dry ingredients into a large bowl. Stir all coarse particles. Make a whole in center of dry mix. Beat
egg, milk, and melted fat (cooled) together. Pour this into dry mix and stir thoroughly. Pour into greased
pan and bake until mixture pulls from sides (25 minutes).

Author’s note: No temperature given for baking. Google suggests 375F. Try at that temperature and
make adjustments as necessary.
$250 Neiman Marcus Cookies

2 cups butter (no substitutions)

2 cups sugar

2 cups brown sugar

4 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla

4 cups flour

5 cups blended oatmeal (blended to a fine powder)

1 teaspoon salt

2 teaspoons baking powder

2 teaspoons soda

24 ounces of chocolate chips

2 cups nuts

Cream 1st 3 ingredients. Add egg and vanilla; mix together with flour and dry ingredients. Add chocolate
chips and nuts. Bake 10 minutes at 375F. Makes 112 cookies.
Crispy Baked Chicken

2/3 cups Hungry Jack Mashed potato flakes

1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese

2 teaspoons parsley flakes

1 ½ teaspoons accent flavor enhancer

¾ to 1 teaspoon garlic salt

1 cut up frying chicken (skinned if desired)

1/3 cups (2/3 stick) butter (melted)

Heat oven to 375F butter or line with foil a 15x10x1 inch baking pan. In medium bowl combine potato
flakes, accent flavor enhancer, and garlic if desired. Stir until well mixed. Dip chicken pieces in butter;
roll in potato flake mixture to coat. Place in a greased pan. Bake in oven for 45-60 minutes or until
chicken is fork tender and juices run clear.
Pasta e Fagioli (Olive Garden)

1 pound ground beef

1 small onion (1 cup)

1 large carrot, julienned (1 cup)

3 stalks celery, chopped (1 cup)

2 cloves garlic; minced

2 14.5-ounce cans diced tomatoes

1 15-ounce can red kidney beans (with the liquid)

1 15-ounce great northern beans

1 12 ounce can V-8 juice

1 Tablespoon white vinegar

1 ½ teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon oregano

1 teaspoon basil

½ teaspoon pepper

½ teaspoon thyme

½ pound (1/2 package) ditalini pasta (2 cups) 8 ounces

Brown beef- add next 4 ingredients, sauté for 10 minutes. Add remaining except pasta and simmer for 1
hour. Cook pasta for 10 minutes then drain and add to soup. Simmer 5-10 minutes.
Pork Chop Meal

3 pork chops

3 medium potatoes

3 carrots

2 Tablespoons fat

Salt to taste

½ cup water

Brown chops in fat in pressure pan. Add potatoes, carrots, and water. Salt lightly. Cook under 15th
pressure for 10-12 minutes. Suggestion- use cooked apples for dessert.
Package Dinner

¼ pound ground beef or chicken

1 sliced onion

1 sliced tomato

2 sliced potatoes

2 strips carrots

2 pieces of celery

Place meat or chicken in center of a square of foil. Add a slice of onion on top. Then add potato slices.
Next add tomato and place celery and carrots to sides. Season to taste, top with butter if desired and
close the foil making a tight package. Bake on a cookie sheet in over at 350F for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Serve in package to retain juices as a natural gravy.
Corn Pone Pie

½ pound ground beef

2 tablespoons chopped onions

1 tablespoon fat

1 cup tomato juices

1 teaspoon “waster” sauce (not sure if she was abbreviating Worcestershire sauce)

1 small can kidney beans or can corn

½ cup cornmeal

Brown meat and onion in fat. Add seasoning and tomatoes juice. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Add
beans. Pour into greased casserole dish. Top with cornbread batter using ½ cup cornmeal and no flour.
Bake at 425F about 20 minutes or until bread is brown.
Corn Pudding

1 can corn cr style or whole kernel blended

4 eggs (beaten)

½ teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons sugar

Dash of tobacco

1 ¾ cup milk

1 stick margarine

Bake at 325 until done.

Impossible Cheeseburger Pie

1 pound ground beef

1 ½ cup chopped onion

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

1 cup shredded cheese

1 ½ cup milk

¾ cup Bisquick

3 eggs

Brown beef and onion. Spread in pie pan. Sprinkle with cheese. Beat remaining ingredients until smooth
in blender. Pour into pie plate. Bake at 400F for 30 minutes or until knife comes out clean.
Taco Casserole

1 pound ground beef

1 package taco seasoning mix

3 cups regular corn chips

2 cups shredded cheese

1 cup sour cream

Brown Meat and drain. Add seasoning mix. Prepare as directed on package. Add chips and 1 ½ cups
cheese. Mix lightly. Spoon into 10x6 dish. Bake at 350F for 20 minutes. Top with sour cream and
remaining cheese. Continue baking until cheese is melted.
Chicken Pie

2 tablespoons chicken fat or butter

1 ½ tablespoon flour

½ teaspoon salt

1/3 teaspoon pepper

1 tablespoon dried onions

½ cup vegetables (peas or mixed)

1 cup diced cooked chicken

1 ½ cup broth

Melt butter or fat. Add flour and salt. Add chicken broth slowly and bring to boil. In a 1-quart casserole
dish pour chicken, vegetables, onions, and pepper. Pour fat and broth mixture over chicken and

Top with rich biscuits. Bake in oven at 425F about 30 minutes. Serve hot.


1 cup flour

3 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon shortening

½ teaspoon salt
Layer Salad

1 head of lettuce (chopped)

½ cup chopped celery

½ cup chopped green pepper

1 Spanish onion sliced thing

1 package frozen peas (uncooked)

2 cups mayonnaise

2 tablespoons sugar

4-ounce package of grated cheese

8 strips of bacon cooked and cut into bits

Beef Stew

¾ pound boneless beef stew meat

2-3 potatoes

2-3 carrots

1 medium onion

Salt and pepper

Optional: Garlic and/or Worcestershire sauce.

Use pressure cooked book for details.

Author’s note: That’s all it has, sorry if you were looking for more information on cooking a great beef
stew, but this is all she wrote.
Frozen Citrus Pie

1 can (6 ounces) frozen concentrated orange juice, lemonade, pink lemonade, or limeade.

1 pint vanilla ice cream (softened)

3 ½ cups (8 ounces) cool whip, thawed

1 6-ounce or 9-ounce graham cracker crust

Beat concentrate in large bowl for 30 seconds. Blend in ice cream. Fold in cool whip until smooth.
Freeze, if necessary, until mixture will mound Spoon into crust. Freeze until firm, 4 hours or overnight.
Let stand at room temperature 10 minutes before serving.

Store leftover pie in freezer

Pineapple Upside Down Cake

1 cup butter

1 No2 can sliced pineapples

2 tablespoons large whole pecans

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 cup sugar

1 cup brown sugar

1 cup sifted cake flour

5 tablespoons pineapple juice


3 eggs (separated)

Melt butter in large baking pan. Spread brown sugar evenly in pan and arrange pineapple slices on
brown sugar filling in spaces with pecans. Sift flour, baking powder, and dash of salt together. Beat egg
yolks until light, add in sugar gradually. Add pineapple juice and sifted flour. Fold in stiffly beaten egg
whites. Pour batter over pineapple and bake in moderate oven (375F) for 30 to 35 minutes.

Author’s note: This recipe card is covered in stains. Of all her recipe cards, this one was probably used
the most. You could probably taste brown sugar if you licked the card, it’s that bad.
Upside Down Hamburger Pie

½ pound hamburger meat

1 tablespoon fat

¾ cup chopped onion

¼ cup chopped green pepper

1 can cream of tomato soup

1 teaspoon barbeque sauce

½ teaspoon salt

2 cups biscuit mix

2/3 cup milk

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

½ teaspoon celery seeds

Brown meat in hot fat. Add onion, celery, and green pepper. Cook until onion is golden. Stir in soup,
barbeque sauce, salt, and pepper. Turn mixture into baking dish. Make biscuit dough rise to fit pan. Bake
450F for 20-30 minutes
Mary Summer Salad

1 head of cabbage

6 green onions

2 packages ramen soup noodles

½ cup sunflower seeds.


2/3 cup oil

8 tablespoons rice vinegar= ½ cup

1 tablespoon garlic powder

½ cup sugar

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon pepper

Add dressing, nuts, and other garnishes just before serving.

Fruit Pizza


1 ½ cup flour

¾ cup butter

½ cup powdered sugar


8-ounces Cream Cheese

½ cup powdered sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla








Mix crust ingredients and put into 12-inch pizza pan, bake crust at 350 for 10 minutes. Mix sauce and
spread on crust. Chop up fruit and remove pits and seeds as necessary. Top pizza with fruits as desired.
Serve once finished.

3 egg whites

¼ teaspoon cream of tartar

6 tablespoons sugar

Beat whites with cream of tartar until frothy. Gradually beat in sugar a tablespoon at a time. Continue
beating until stiff and flossy. Don’t overbeat. Bake at 400F 8 to 10 minutes.

Author’s note: Prior to temperature instructions there is a sentence that appears to say “Pilennto Pie
filling, sealing meringue to crust.” Not sure what that means but hopefully someone can help clear up
what the spelling says.
Ground Beef and Bean Bake

½ pound ground beef

1 small onion chopped

1 small green pepper

1/3 cup barbeque sauce or ketchup

Brown beef, onion, and pepper in skillet. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in barbeque sauce. Stir in
beans. Pour in casserole and bake at 350F for 30 minutes

Author’s note: I am aware that I am missing beans for ingredients. There are none listed on the card. Let
me know if there is a type of bean I should have included on this recipe.
Raisin Sauce for Ham

Part 1

¾ cup raisins

1 cup orange juice

1 cup crushed pineapple

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Part 2

¾ cup brown sugar

Dash of pepper

1 teaspoon corn start

¼ teaspoon salt

Part 3

1 tablespoon butter

20 maraschino cherries

Combine ingredients from part 1 and simmer for 10 minutes. Add in ingredients from part 2 and stir
until slightly thickened then add remaining ingredients
Gouda Cheese Spread

10-ounces of round gouda cheese

½ cup sour cream

1 tablespoon dry Itallian dressing and mix leaf lettuce


Cut ½” slices of top of gouda. Remove red wrap. Scoop out cheese leaving ¼” shell. Set aside. Grate
remaining cheese. Combine cheese, sour cream, and dressing mix. Spoon into lettuce and sliced shell.
Sprinkle paprika. Yields 1 cup.
Chocolate Fudge Frosting (fluffy, no cook)

1 pound sugar sifted

4 squares of chocolate melted or ¾ cups cocoa

1 stick of oleo or butter

1 egg

1 teaspoon vanilla

¼ cup milk

Cream oleo and half of the sugar. Beat in chocolate, eggs, and vanilla. Add milk and remaining sugar
alternately heating once until desired consistency. Will ice 3 layers. 30-36 cupcakes
Chef Salad

2 heads of lettuce

3 tomatoes

5 boiled eggs

6 slices of ham

6 slices of cheese


10 servings.
Zucchini stuffed with Clams

2 medium zucchinis

Clam broth

1 cup minced clams

Tomato slices

1 small onion minced

Grated mozzarella cheese

¼ cup butter




1 cup cracker crumbs

My friend Phyllis sent this and it’s just elegant!

Parboil zucchini cut in half. Scoop out insides. Save. Slit shells and turn upside down to drain. Melt
butter, sauté onions until soft. Add zucchini pulp to clams and sauté briefly. Add seasonings, cracker
crumbs, and enough broth to moisten. Pile into the shells, place tomato slices on top and cover with
cheese. Bake at 375F until hot and browned. Saltines make the best crumbs.

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