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MUNG BEAN (Vigna radiata) (L.) R.



Forestry Statistics and Measurement

Dayna J Navarro
The mung bean, also known as Vigna radiata, is a member of the Leguminosae
family of legumes and beans. Mung beans are a kind of pulse that is high in vitamins
and minerals and has a strong nutritional profile. These beans may provide a number of
health advantages, according to preliminary study. Their popularity is shown in their
widespread use across Asia, particularly in China and Southeast Asia. are members of
the Legume family and related to adzuki and cowpea.
Mung beans are high in enzymes, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which are
beneficial to your health. Mung beans include therapeutic compounds that help to
improve one's overall health. Eyes, hair, nails, and the liver all benefit from it. It
improves blood circulation as well.
Soaking seeds before planting is important because content around the seeds is
quickly increased. As a result of all the water, your seeds get the message that it's okay
to start developing. Soaking the seed softens the hard shell, allowing the plant to break
free and begin growing. While various seeds require different growth circumstances,
nearly all of them react to the presoak method.

General objective
Generally, this experiment aims to know the germination response of mung bean seeds
to the different soaking time.
Specific objectives:
1. To know what plots germinated first aftersowing
2. Collect the data for the different independent variables (height, number of leavesdeveloped)
3. Analyze your data using the Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research(STAR.
III. Materials and Methods
1.Site and Location of thestudy

The experiment has been conducted at P-12

Poblacion Manticao Misamis Oriental

2. The seed materials used for germination were bought from the local market in Manticao
Misamis Oriental. Other materials include water, aluminum or styro or plastic plates or Poly
Bags or plant Directly on your garden, soil, cell phones using the stopwatch function,
camera for documentations, counter devices, measuring cups, test tubes, amongothers.


Plastic Plates





A fully randomized design was used in a seed germination experiment trial at varying soak
times in a home-based laboratory, with five treatments and four replications totaling 20
seeds each and every duplication ((T1hr, R1, R2, R3, R4), (T2hrs, R1, R2, R3, R4), (T3hrs, R1,
R2, R3, R4), (T4hrs, R1, R2, R3,
R4), (T5hrs, R1, R2, R3, R4) to observe the germination, the measurement of height and
counting the number of leaves were included. The seeds were acquired from the Local Market
in Manticao Misamis Oriental and sown in disposable Tupperware with clay-loam soil.

a. Review the literature about mung beans from the internet, which will includephysiology,
environmental requirements, andetcetera;
b. Set up a CRD experiment using four replication pertreatment;
c. Use 20 mung bean seeds per experimentalplot;
d. Use aluminum or styro or plastic plates filled withsoil
e. Identify five (5) soaking times that you have to search from the web like soaking with water at
different numbers of hours based onliterature;
f. Vary the soaking time at 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, and 5 hours by timing usingthe
stopwatch function of your cell phone.
g. Obtain several dependent variables such as the number of days of the first germination ofthe
mung bean seeds, accumulated number of seeds that germinated per plot each day starting the
first day of germination, percentages of germinations, and thelike;
h. Record the data that will be collected in a tabular form in a record book or sheet; i. Encode
the data into the spreadsheet of the Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR)application
j. Analyze the data gathered from the experiment using STAR; k. Interpret the results of the
statistical analysis; and
l. Write the technical report; and

Figure 1. Experimental Design

IV. Results andDiscussions

1. Number of seedsgerminated
Seed germination occurred in all of the treatments. As a result of this discovery, the
percentage of germinated seeds grows every day since they were originally planted. After
24 hours of planting, most seeds did not germinate the same way, and after 36 to 48 hours
or 1 day, the germination was similar though not always and there are also seeds died
during germination.

seeds In general, the number of seeds
16 germinated increases after two
days, although there are some
seeds that die. The total number
of germinated seeds after 24
hours of observation is 256.
There are 359 germinated
seedlings in 36 hours and 359
in 48 hours.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
2. Plant Height and Number ofleaves
Based on observations plant height of mung bean really increasing in 7days. After the seeds
had ended plant heights were measured. Plants of varying heights were produced by replicating
each treatment. Plant heights often increase slowly as a result of the location in which they have
been placed but I days mostly height reach in 20 cmlong.

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

Replicate Plant Height in cm

s s Day1
Height incmDay2 Height incmDay3 Height in cm
Height in cm Day 5 Height incmDay6 Height in cmDay7

Figure 2.
As an observation the plant leaves for 7days, remains 2 as it is counted, The seeds were
terminated once they had reached the end of their life cycle, due to some died seedlings instead
of having a total of 40 plant leaves sometimes it is only 20, 28 32 and etc. Each plant depend on
the time that It has been soak and also the weather.

The number of leaves was

reducing owing to certain deaths
as well as the fact that it was quite
windy at the time, destroying the
majority of plant leaves.
2. Data analysis
The data employed was statistical analysis, and the graph was used to record the plant leaves,
plant height, and seed germinations. All of the information obtained is balanced.

V. Conclusions and Recommendations

In conclusion, it is obvious that after 7 days of germination and observation of the
seedlings, it develops quickly when placed in a sunny location. Every therapy has a unique
outcome. The plant height has increased rapidly since the first day till it was terminated, and the
number of leaves has remained constant at two. The information acquired from 24hrs 36hrs,
and 48hrs observations of germinations, throughout that hour of observation, seeds grew, and
some seeds died during the germination process due to the weather.
Therefore, in order to make the seeds grow well, it must be soak for 5hrs so that by the
time you've planted them in the ground, they'll have ready to be sprouted. As an observation
Mung bean is really fast in growing when the seeds is also good. Mung bean grows quite
quickly and produces excellent seeds.


1. Check the moisture level of your seedlings on a regular basis and water as needed. But don’t
water the plants toomuch
2. To have a good development of seedlings, plots must be placed in directsunlight
3. Make sure your pots' holes are correctly drilled to allow the water to soak in and prevent your
plants from beingruined.
4. You should not wait until the plants have dried before wateringthem.
5. Check on them on a daily basis to see how they'reprogressing.
VI. Photo documentations
Preparation Germination (24hrs, 36hrs, 48hrs)





VII. References
Marengo, .k (2019) Mung beans: Health benefits, nutrition, and recipe tips
retrieved from.healthline media: › articles

Hou, D.(2019) Mung Bean (Vigna radiata L.): Bioactive Polyphenols.retrived from NCBI

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