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雅思听力真题 Version 40144

主题提示:Feedback on media internship

A) Julie
B) Mike
C) both of them
21) Company expected me too much --- A
22) Get along well with the journalists ----A
The girl is complaining while the boy says OK
23) Learned from interview ----C
24) Excited about the publication ---C
25) Consult journalist is useful ----B
26) Learned practical knowledge ---A

27-30)Multiple choices
27) What Julie learned from interview
C. Not simply reading questions
28) What Mike learned from business journalism
A. The scientific term B. the informality/informative format
29) Julie’s problem when worked on website
B. Too much childish languages
30)Mike’s view of Julie’s work
A. It's a ideal job for Julie

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雅思听力真题 Version 40145

Section 3
主题提示:A conversation between John and Lisa on how
long should children watch TV.

21-24) Multiple choices

21. The kids who are active viewers perform:
A. as well as non-active viewers B. worse than non-active viewers
C. those who watch for appropriate time are better than children who don’t
watch TV at all
22. Children can be allowed to watch adult programme only when
A. children become mature enough
B. parents should join kids watching TV and discuss with them;
C. parents watch first and make judgement

23. What kinds of kids watch TV the most:

A. Parents are office managements
B. Parents are manual workers
C. Parents are unemployed
24. The influence of watching TV on kids:
A. one of the major influences B. Influence more than their parents

25. What is the effect of TV on children mentioned in the recording:

A. Damage their eyes B. Enlarge their vocabulary
C. Disturb their concentration D. Cause concentration panic

27-30) Matching
A.Use existing research;
B.Do more research;
C. Not covered
27. Age groups -----------B
28. Family background ----------A
29. Religious reasons --------C
30. Family influence ------A

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雅思听力真题 Version 50103

Response to nursing course
21-24) Multiple Choice
21.What’s the age of the participates ?
C a wide range of age groups
22 What’s professor’s opinion on group study?
Create supportive studying environment
23.What is the learning environment in class?
C supportive learning environment (it is said that students help each
24.What surprised the participants?
A number of assignments (both man and woman complain that they didn’t
expect so many assignments)
25.What’s students’ opinion on the section of the course “the
name of XXX”?
A it's essential
26-30) Matching (The suggestions teacher gives to students)
A. Get regularly feedback from teachers
B. Find answers for specific questions
C. Contact university staff for help
D. Make sure you're well prepared
E. Set realistic targets
G. Review notes regularly
26. Lecture G (the man said that lecture is difficult so he recommends reviewing
27. Online forum B (it is said that online forum is a good source, but you need to
prepare your question first)
28. Placements D (the woman said that you need to get ready before find
29. Library C (both the man and the woman said that you need to get familiar

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with the librarian)

30. Reflecting on Learning E (it is said that new students may have high
expectation on scores, however they therefore face many challenges, which
indicates that the target should be reasonable)

雅思听力真题 Version 50113

Section 3
A man who majors in politic asks his tutor to change a course for him

21-28) Table Completion

Table 1: Original Course Title: Politics: want to shift to
The 1st Option: 21. journalism: it is too popular
The 2nd Option: 22. business studies ; woman said

Table 2 Three Major problems:

The problems
Problems Information Further information
Lectures (is) too difficult She Recommend her to
23.recorded them, it participate in a discussion
works well group
26. Not enough tutorials 24. More/regular 25. More careful
review of notes preparation

Poor assignment Please do more Visit support unit of the

28.background student service 27. for help
reading (woman said she did not
want to bother them, teacher
said it is their duty to serve

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29. Next visiting time: 17th February for feedback

30. Contact with the Senior Advisor
(Hoped to get the feedback, to see whether the problem was solved, so as to make
the next appointment, but the teacher would not be in school, so they had to ask
the advisor.)

雅思听力真题 50114

Section 3
Water hyacinth
21-22) Choices (2 in 5)
A. Plants are poisoned
B. Farmers can’t get fish
C. Structure of dam is weak
D. People are poisoned
E. Electronic products are affected
23.Where does the problem come from:
A. Latin America B. Africa C. Europe
24. What decreases due to this phenomenon?
Soil erosion
25. When will the risk brought by this biological solution show itself?
A. Immediately B. 6 months later C. Many years later
26. What is the evaluation result of mechanism solution to water hyacinth:
A. Ineffective / inefficient B. Dangerous C. Expensive
(It is said that it is the best solution, but it’s slow and costs much)
A. Decrease global warming 27) Cut down dried water hyacinth--- D
B. An alternative energy resource For grow substance; turn into sth plants can grow in
C. Fast profit mechanism --expensive
D. Materials for plants to grow in 28) Mushroom farmer--- C profit quick earned
E. Good for human health 29) Oyster and straw mushroom --- E
(it is said that oyster contains much zinc, etc.)
30)Cows --- B

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雅思听力真题 Version 50115

Section 3
Chocolate in Australia

21-25) Matching: Teacher’s suggestions

21. Chocolate histories:
C Write fewer words too much detail, less details
22. The origin of chocolate (producing area):
add some up-to-date materials (adding a map)
23. Chocolate geographies: adding cases analysis
24. Polite chocolate producer: More interesting information/less confused
25. Chocolate XXX’s environment --- need a visual aid
26-30) Multiple choices
26. Why Australia cocoa crop is better than *****:
A. It’s imported from other country
B. It’s from small producer 他们有一个 supply line 生产线一样的
C. It’s made affordable
27. Why Australia cocoa Crop is better than *****:
C. extra nutrition (it is said that nutrition will be added while sowing )
28. What is done to the waste chocolate?
A. Making the recycled paper cups B. Feed the animals
C. Dumped into the soil
(Waste products have the potential to be processed as a
reinforcing material feed (concentrate) that can be used to replace
rice bran as an important component in livestock feeds, both ruminants (cow, goat,
buffalo) and livestock (poultry such as chickens, ducks).
29. Why the part of **** be removed: It is an unnecessary part
30. What improvements can be made?
A. More about waste management of the industry

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雅思听力真题 Version 50116

Biology course discussion
21-22) Completion
21. Share ideas
22. Do much deep researches
23-25) Table completion
Date Research Location/venue Names of persons
13th May 23. Mountain building
24. 17th May *** and john

25. 29th May Libraries John

26-30)Multiple choices
26. Presentation for 30-40 minutes
27-28. Including questions and discussion time
29. Articles from journals
30. Download courses from internet

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雅思听力真题 Version 50117

Section 3
A female student’s essay got a low score and the tutor is giving

21-24)Multiple choice
21. Her grade is bad because:
C The essay is not supported by evidence (the tutor said that the essay has
good topic and the length is OK, but lacks evidence)
22. Problems with examples:
B Some of them are not relevant
23. Jen find it extremely difficult to :
C Decide how much detail to include (The tutor asks
her what’s the problem, she said that she didn’t know
whether to find the general information or details)
24. Professor’s suggestion:
A Try to read in other’s standpoint
25-30) Flow Chart Completion
(The preparation process of a paper)
25. Decide the purposes of the essay(plural form);
(First, set the purpose and summarize what you want to say)
26. Find out what readers know and expect ;
27. Collect only relevant material ;
28. Write one sentence to summarize the whole essay
29. White a outline note
30. Write first full draft

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雅思听力真题 Version 50119

Section 3
Authenticating a painting by Da Vinci
31. Why did John think Pollock’s painting is fake?
Easy to fake
32. What is reason that 5 dollar’s painting is fake?
Lack of document
33. Why did international agency think it is fake?
The picture has a mark on the back
34. John and Emily both agreed that
Scientists and artists can work together to evaluate

35-40) Matching

A Ultra-sonic detector
25 Use D to scan and mark for building the 3D model
26 Use F for different wall materials B Gamma ray
27 Space for holding H windows C X-ray
28 Use E to find two walls D Laser beam
29 Finding outer wall is made of I
30 Use B for wall material’s extra information E Radar detection
F Thermal-graph
G camera
H Stone
I Glass
J Brick
K wood

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雅思听力真题 Version 50120

Section 3
Language learning

21-26) Multiple choices

21. The research report was based on:
Recording equipments in each room
22. Ben thinks it’s not proper because:
A it’s done without the child’s permission B Ben thinks it’s too easy
23. Why does Ben have doubt?
A The child is too young to record B It’s done all over the world
C parents’ simplified language doesn’t have long-term effect on
24. Why does the man like to learn through dialogue?
A ***** B he thinks that it’s also a good way to learn grammar
C He is very confident and is not afraid of talking to foreigners
27-28) The woman asks that what methods are used to do the project
Survey; video interview; experiment; dairy; observation.
29-30) Choice
What difficulties does the man encounter in data collection?
A Missed appointment
B Broken facilities
C Technical errors
D The date cannot be used
E Interruption (he finds the classroom is always occupied)

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雅思听力真题 Version 50121

Section 3
A man and a woman discussing about studying accounting and

21-23) Multiple choices

What are the benefits of this course according to the girls from the accounting
B Useful teaching staff (lecturers and tutors are helpful)
E Important to future career (beneficial for my job in dad’s bank)
G Small tutorial class (better than lectures due to intimacy)
What are the two qualities of the accounting as the girl described?
24. Challenging content (difficult, push students to limits)
25. Practical focus
26-30) Completion
26 The course has a lot of lectures .
27. He enjoys learning vocabulary
28-29. Grammar and writing are difficult.
30. Teacher sometime is strict

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雅思听力真题 Version 50122

Section 3
Research on dolphins

21-24) Multiple choices

21. Dolphins can produce sound because of
Head structure
22. Which is not affecting dolphins’ population?
23. The reason why government established shelter:
Scientific research evidence
24. Where place holds the most population of dolphins:
B UK west coast C Eastern/western island

25-30) Matching
Six types of dolphins:
Common ----can be found throughout NZ
Hector’s dolphin----swim in large group
Orca dolphin----swim behid the ship
Dusky dolphin----live close the southeast coast
Bottlenosed dolphin----live only off to north eastcoast
Maui dolphin----found special in Kansas island

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雅思听力真题 Version 50124

Section 3
Two students are talking about their reasons of choosing their subject.

21-24) Multiple choices

21. In the first year, the boy is looking forward to study
A Chemistry
B Survey
C Math
22. What is the aim of Bsc module?
Developing management skills
23. The energy institute was famous for
A Wave energy
B Geothermal energy
C Wind energy
24. What did the girl want to find out?
A Registration arrangement
B Scholarship
C Accommodation
25-28) Matching
A Jude (male) B Jenny (female) C both
25. Which institution is the sponsorship from? ---C
26. Who chose “Good teaching” as a reason?---B
(The woman said that she lay more weight on the quality of the professors)
27. Who chose “better equipment or facilities (library)” as a reason? ---A
28. There was an award to_ _’s historical performance---B
29. Credited as his/her historical performance.----B
30. The 1st in XXXX in the country—the answer is unclear

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雅思听力真题 Version 50125

Section 3
Harry and Fiona discuss their report)

21-25) Multiple choices

21. Which one did Fiona felt is the most impressive part?
A Volunteers’ ***** B Professor’s attitude C Student’s work
22. Fiona and Harry agree with that silver bowls comes from?
A The church B Rich man’s burial object (陪葬品) C *****
23. Which part does Harry worry the most?
A Word limits B Too much materials C Can not finish on time
24. What’s the plan for the afternoon
A Decide approaches to finish the assignment B Visual materials C *****
25. Which part does Fiona feel most confident about?
A Subject matters B Presentation C Language (skills?)
26-30) Matching
 Good introduction of subjects
 Enjoyable to read
 Full of illustration
 Useful book list
 Too much details
 Mistaken information
 Miss some important information
26. Book 1---mistakes in places information
27. Book 2---good instruction of subjects
28. Book 3---useful booklist
29. Book 4---miss some important information
30. Romans remained in Scotland---enjoyable to read

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雅思听力真题 Version 50126

Section 3
Cookery books

21-25) Multiple choices:

21. Why so many people buy cookery books:
A For basic need B Lifestyle C Save time
22. What’s the characteristics of an old cookery book as Sue noted?
A Hundreds of recipes B Written by a professional cook
C Poorly organized
23.Why ancient cookery book is not practical nowadays?
Ancient cookery books are for professionals
24. What does the organization of ancient cookery books tell?
Not for enjoyment
25-30) Matching
A list of sic books and teachers’ opinions on them
A Good on history
B Suitable for self study
C Up-to-date
D Short and light in weight
E Topic well researched
F More practical
G Visible and clear

25. Prepare food nutrient ---C

26. Book 2 information missing ---A
27. Food development---E
28. Core food discipline---G

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29. Marketing---B
30. Answers and questions---B

雅思听力真题 Version 50128

The moa in New Zealand
21-26)Multiple Choices
21) One similar thing between the moa and the dinosaur
A. Both are of interest to the public
B. Both are found at similar time
C. Both have fossils remain
22) What is the difference between moa and other birds?
A. No wing bones B Tail C Has smaller head
23) The special feature of their chicks
A Nver return to their nests
B Most of them die at 2 month
C. Can't find food by themselves
24)What’s the teacher’s reaction to the female’s response?
25) A. Doubt B. May think it true C. Certain
25) The student’s attitude to lecturer in report
A He is surprised B He is worried C. He is amused
26) The reason why the Moa become extinct?
A Climate change
B. Human interference :Maori
C Other competitors
27-30) Matching
A. the tallest female 27) the Northern island Moa---A
B. has less left fossil 28) the costal Moa----B
C. the biggest eggs 29) the Stout-legged Moa---F
D. it may feed itself at night 30) the Eastern Moa---D (it is said that it
E. more vocal traits uses supersonic to hunt at night, but it
F . have poor eyesight doesn’t have bad vision)

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雅思听力真题 Version 50129

Two students are filling out the questionnaire on their opinions on their course and
school facilities

21-26) Matching
A. Both the students agree with the statement
B. The students neither agree with nor disagree with the statement
C. The students disagree with the statement
The sequence may not be the same
21. Need more advertise services and academic support---B
22. Course outlines are good ---B
23. Other materials the course need to read are important ---C
24. Feedback for assignments are useful ---A
25. The library's resources are not enough ---A
(both think that the library is overcrowded and several people have to share a
desk to study. Both man and woman think that the library can only accommodate
few people.)
26) There are not enough materials to use due to the large number
of students.---B
27-28) Multiple choices (2 in 5)
27. Which two parts of college should be improved:
B. catering facilities
28. C. healthcare service (they says students have to wait for a
long time ii they go to see a doctor or go for meals)
29-30) Completion
29. Hope that there will be more part-time work in the career office
30. In your academic years, you can do help desk, this service is quite
good and need to be promoted

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雅思听力真题 Version 50131

Talking about the assignment

21-25) Matching
A. Attend a class
B. Review the past materials’ reference
C. Search the information from library
21. Summary---B (the woman said that she had send the materials, and the
summary was submitted in the beginning of the term)
22. Structure---C (the man says that there is one in the library and he will go to
check it)
23. First draft---A (the woman says she will talk about this in the class tomorrow.)
24. Revision---C( the man asks whether this will be included in tomorrow's class.
The woman says yes, but also referred to the library.)
25.---B (The man says they could use the reference)
26-28) Completion
26.Concentration includes different media purposes,
such as analysis or entertainment
27. Changes in technology (the man focuses on the technology's influence)
28. They both agree that it's important to use a wide varieties of headlines
29-30) Multiple choices (2 in 5)
What should that student research on?
B. Media group takeover
D. It depends on the loyalty of the public

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雅思听力真题 Version 50105

Section 3
A boy and a girl talks about sneakers
21-25) Multiple choices
21. The website is
A Simple and clear to understand (it is said that the website is useful)
B It is interesting C It is much relevant to their research topics
22. What is the most difficult part?
B The foot movement
23. How does the boy investigate the shoes?
A Download…diagram B Borrow a sample from the tutor
C Take apart his old shoes
24. The division of labour concerning the report was:
A the woman finished half of the summary
B the woman finished most of the summary (summary is done by the man)
C the woman finished almost all the summary
25. What do they need to do this weekend?
Answer the questions left by their professor
26. They will ask the tutor about
A where to borrow equipment (the man can use the ppt as well as the white
B how long the presentation will be C who the audiences are

27-30) Matching: tutor’s suggestions

A Change the layout B Write it longer C Give an example/ more details
D Switch the focus to other part E Write in simple language F Write it in the
last part
27. Introduction: summary---F
28. Result---D
29. Conclusion---E (it should be easy to understand result)
30. Discussion---C (it is said that the student should add
more detail using graphic forma)

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雅思听力真题 Version 50108

Section 3
主题提示: Students talk about their cooking lessons
21-26) Completion
21. 4 years course, not three years
22. Need to do two placements (入学测试) in the 3rd year
23. Need to attend a seminar every two weeks
24. The end of the second semester
25. Attending lectures are compulsory
26. All of this information can be found in the handbook
27-30) Multiple choices
27. Dr Gibson suggests the students take books (from)
A The library B Borrow from classmates C Buy new books from the bookstore
28. The best way to contact Dr Gibson is by
A Email B Voicemail C Phone calls
The woman said that it would be inconvenient to answer the phone call
for Dr Gibson and he would probably forget to check the message as well. So the
best way to contact him is by Email because he would reply as he saw it. (In the
recording the teacher also said that the phone call would turn into voicemail if
there’s not one reply it. In the end, the teacher said that usually most teachers use
emails to contact each other.)
29. Writing courses are run by
A Library B Specialist staffs C Self-assessment
30. In what format are weekly assignments supposed to to hand in
A Paper B Disk C Online
(In the recording, the teacher said they could use disk if they hand in the term
paper; Then they talked about hand in online; In the end, they talked about the
weekly assignments and said they should be handed in by hand copy)

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雅思听力真题 Version 50110

Section 3
主题提示: Traveling survey
21-26) Multiple choices
21. “Area” would be understood as
A Geography B Tourist site
22. What’s the most popular point about culture
A ***** modern elements involved B ***** art and entertainment last long
in the past
23. What are their respondents?
A Domestic and local resident B Local inhabitants and international tourists
C Domestic and international tourists
24. What should be noticed about the survey?
B Before the deadline (the woman mentioned a date and said that the task should
be finished before the date)
25. What should be asked for the background of the respondents?
A Background B Age (the man said that backgroundis a good point, but he
prefers to think about how old they are)
26. How should the data be shown
A Table B Pie graph C Flow chart
(the man said that table is too simple flow is too** then pie graph
The woman agrees)

27-30)Matching travelling attraction

(4 in 7)
27. Mexico-----food festival
28. Greece-----ancient buildings
29. Britain----- opera theatre performance
30. India-----traditional dances

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雅思听力真题 Version 50112

Section 3
主题提示:Japanese teacher comments on the teacher’s presentation

21-24) Multiple choices

21. What did student learn ?
A The originator of JIT
22. What part is missed in student’s essay?
The definition of Just-In-Time
23. Where did the tutor suggest student to get presentation material from?
A. Internet (distraction) B. Magazine C Textbook
(At first they tried the Internet, but didn’t get too much information)
24. The tutor thinks that JIT doesn’t suit service industry because
Service product are not accountable (unlike manufacture industry)
25-30) Matching
在演讲技术、学术方面讨论他的 last presentation
Too formal, Too irregular
Too sudden, Too technical
Too unenthusiastic Losely related too vague
25. Speech delivery ---too irregular
26. purpose---too informal
27. Vocabulary---too technical academic
28. Transition---too sudden
29. Visual aid---loosely related (pictures don’t have much to do with the
30. Body language---too unenthusiastic (they said that the student is not
interested in the topic)

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雅思听力真题 Version 50132

主题提示:Teacher and two students talk about education
21-30) Multiple choices
21. Boy A choses the subject because
C He is impressed by a teacher's class
22. The female chooses the subject XXX because
B It is good/useful for ***
23. What was he worring about
C Too much materials to be finished
24. How to choose research method?
According to the student’s own interest
25. The man and the woman both agreed to
Prepare reference note early
26-30) Matching: timetable and some assignment methods
A. Not counted in grade Sequence is not 100% sure
B. Agree in advance 26) Outlines--D
C. Work in pairs 27) Abstract---E
D. Can not alter later 28) First chapter--C
E. Final stage 29) D raft--A (isn't graded)
30) ***--- B (approved before)

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雅思听力真题 Version 50133

Section 3
主题提示: Professor and a student talked about job
21-26) Multiple choice
21-22. What should the secondary school graduates put emphasis on?
Motivation and desire to learn (The man said those employees who have
lower education got lots of working experiences and the students who have just
graduated from schools were lack of skills and experiences, thus they maybe
should emphasize the characteristics of themselves, like eagerness to learn,
willingness to… and easygoing character, etc.)
Educational qualification
23-24. Why is it difficult for women to get re-employed when a child of her is
Lack confidence and having little time to work (for she need to
take care of the family)
25-26. Companies are unwilling to employ the person who are
Sacked from the former job Unemployed for a long time
Long term unemployment means the person is easy to quit. The
woman asked what types are unpopular in finding a job, and the man said the
person who had, for example, betrayed the former companies, and quit the job
only because they don’t like it….)

27-29) Multiple choice (3 in 7)

Why are companies unwilling to employ the retired worker?
27. Their professionals are outdated (little bit older in age and lack of
experience of new industry (industrial knowledge))
28. It’shard to train them again
29. They are much aged (comparatively old)

30) Completion
The presentations and appearance
(Man said, “ well, if a person doesn’t know to wear a suit as he attempts to have a
conference with the client, he can’t be the right one, and they may pay attention to
your appearance, like what you wear and the cosmetics put on…)

雅思听力真题 Version 50134

第 24 页 共 101 页
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Section 3
主题提示: Project on corporate rebranding

21-26) Multiple choices

21. What do Tom and Sue think are the shortcoming of IMA’s definition of
A It uses too much jargon(术语) B It should include more examples
C It is too narrow
22. Tom and Sue agree that the main cause of the failure of corporate
rebranding is:
A Poor design of rebranding logo
B Inaccurate assessment of the current position.
C Inadequate funding for the rebranding.
23. What aspect of project management does Sue want to learn more about?
A Financial implication
B Transferability of its principle
C Advantages of hiring concultants
24. Why the male recommended the book to Sue?
A It’s up to date B It’s aimed area of research C It’s clear
25. Why did the female recommend email?
B To set up model
26. Why Tom and Sue chose little company to research on re-branding?
There are plenty of small companies locally, easier
27-30) Multiple choices (2 in 5)
27-28. What about the reconstruction of the ice-cream company?
A Spend (not) too much on its logo B Change recipe
C Price rise to a high pointD Taste differently (formula changes)
E Too new for customer to accept
29-30. What about the failure of a car wash (raw cash) company?
A Chose a wrong location B Price is too high C it is popular
D XX E ads strategy
雅思听力真题 Version 50135

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Section 3
主题提示:Assignment of curriculum design

21-25) Multiple choice

21. Joy and Tim must finish their assignment because:
B they want to start the practice session soon
22. Tim thinks they should ignore the theory because:
B they want to focus on classroom management
23 Joy believes students should put on discussion board:
A what they have read already
24. Tim wants to highlight:
B Role of students in classroom
25. Joy and Tim want to get the interview of the teachers because
A they take too much time from the teachers

26-29) Matching
26. They should begin with classroom management
27. They should begin with observations and discussion board.
28. They should begin with lesson planning
29 They should begin with case study
30 . Should study lab supervision and technology use if time remains

A. Use of Technology
B. Observation and discussion
C. Classroom management
D. Lesson plan
E. Case study

雅思听力真题 Version 50136

Section 3

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主题提示:Discussion between two students on their majors and


21-30) Multiple choices

21. Why did penny study three-years placement:
Research focus
22. Why did penny choose this university: Good record of employment
23. What did Cosmo worry about?Whether he has studied the wrong subject
24. Why did Cosmo want to study aboard: Broaden his horizon
25. What is penny’s purpose of writing this dissertation:
Explore both views from the debate
26-30 Matching: 以下为对应的选项
26. Green technology----students in other subjects coming to this course
27.Enterprise- mainly online
28.Biology course---- the most popular course of all options
29.Finnal thesis--- assessed by laboratory report
30. XXXXX-----explore academic research background

雅思听力真题 Version 50137

Section 3

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主题提示: Classroom management on young children

21-24) Choices:
21. Why do this research? Worked with them
22. What preparation has been made?B
23.(Open-end question) B
25. Observation
26. Video recording
27. Questionnaire
28. Read articles and books
29. Web research

雅思听力真题 Version 50139

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Section 3
主题提示:Professor’s feedback on the student’s report

31-40) Completion
31. Benefit of completing this program?
B Helps her to choose the courses next semester C For lectures next
32. How is the venue chosen?
A Easy to access B Selected carefully C Randomly picked
33. XXX
34. Why use other people’s data?
A Make the data of his own more reliable
35. What’s the purpose of the girl doing the experiment?
A Measuring ***** B Measuring a tree C Find out the
ingredient of the soil
36. Which method is simpler?
A Use an elevator
37. Match equipment:
More training
38. What’s the problem of their report?
Too complicated (better delete something)
39. What about the design of their project?
Need a wider range of references
40. What’s the comment on group talk with strangers?
Repeat group talk next time

雅思听力真题 Version50140

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主题提示:Peter and Lyn( Lynaire ) discuss Prof John Smith's article

about online course.

21-26) Matching
A. Peter B. Lynaire (Lynne) C Professor--John Smith
21. Computer can be applied to certain courses---C
22. Be cautious to internet institutions' innovation when applying ---B
23. The opinion about personal contact--B
24. Technological development -A
26. The old method brings teaching problem A
27-30) Multiple Choice
(Peter is thinking that they should use computers better. Lynn
thinks that students should need teacher's directions. Smith
thinks computers could make more profits)
27. What does the man thinks about the usage of internet in the campus?
A The students are so dependent on the internet
28. What's the meaning of John Smith's "term"?
B They cannot access to the computer
29. reference to the term should be" divided"
30. What is Smith's view on ***
C a simple way to make profit
(computer companies should invest in buying more...)

雅思听力真题 Version 50142


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主题提示: James (male) introduces his application info about Baker Art college
21-25) Multiple Choices
21. Why did James choose to study in the Baker?
B Good reputation in his subject area (sculpture)
22. What did he find in his study?
B Surprised that he can finish the theoretical course
23. What about the assessment of James’s course (first term)
B Judgement made by students on each other
24. The girl enquires the English language course for what?
B Selling art pieces in a Galleries
25. before she goes to this college, she need to get more information
C Choices of modules
26-30) Matching--second semester's option
A. A lot of background reading 26) History of Art--C (hard yet fun in
B. Stay at studio long studio, people come and give presentation
C. Many outside speakers on ancient art works)
D. The most difficult course 27) Sculpture option--G (got things with
E. Student do their own research properties of metals..).
F. Focus on display 28) Painting digital--B (takes ages to get
G. Using materials right light...)
29) Theory of Art--E (very practical, do
things on your own investigations)
30)Photograph--F (dull, work with camera)

雅思听力真题 Version 50143

Section 3
主题提示: Absence in workplace
21-25) Choices

第 31 页 共 101 页
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21. What’s the reason of doing this research:

A. Number of people attending reduced B Whether it can be changed
C. Cost increased
22. How to make questionnaires work efficiently:
A remind them by email B handout one by one
23.Why divide into different groups:
A. manage the survey better B Convenient for analysis C Need smaller
24. How to check information of another company?
25 Most managers’ attitude towards the absence of eomplyee is?
A XX B should have severe punishment C access to the health
26-30) Matching
tutor’s suggestions:
a. To expand it
b. To expand it
c. To reorganize it
d. To leave as it is
e. To cut it short
f. To delete it

26. Introduction -D (need change, but we need to finish other parts first)
27. Background -A (place it in another part)
28. Reference - E (too much reference, need to make them shorter).
29. Methodology-C
30. Result -F

雅思听力真题 Version 50146

Section 3
主题提示:Bees and elephants

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1&2 Choices:
What’s the result of elephants stamping on crops?
B Farmers reduce conservation of elephants.
D Conflict between community
E Elephant turn angry toward human
3&4 How will bees influence elephants?
A Sting baby elephant
B Sting inside trunk
C Sting eye area to blind

5When a hive is on the tree, elephants will

A Go away
B Destry the hive
C Destry the tree
6 What is effective against elephant in the beginning ?
Bee containers’ hive
7 What else can keep elephants from destroying crops?
Cowbell hang in the fence
8 The experiment result is not accurate because
B They did not see bee before
C Experience of other elephant is different

9 What surprised the observer when they play the record?

It is within such a short time
10 what is win-win situation?
Economic benefit

雅思听力真题 Version 05316

Section 3
主题提示:Construction materials and environment
21-26) Multiple choices

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21. The process of soil capturing carbon dioxide is

A better in wet B faster in dry soil
C dry and wet soils are the same
22. What’s the benefit of concrete additives?
A It is beneficial to the farm *** B ***** animal habitat
C Waster recycled
23. Hector’s article ignored the problem of
A potential danger (tutor: *** risk ) B resource is hard to obtain
C understood by different context around the world
24. What can reduce the harmful effect of ***
A Specialized tools (professional instrument)
B ***** C Block off the safe area for ~~
25.The most interesting part of the woman’s research is (the answer is
not clear)
A Geographic range B It combines two disciplines
C It is a new topic
26. The male student’s suggestion is
A ignored by construction industry
B recommend more research on animals
C introduce a new law ( will be some regulation)
27-30) Matching
A only Hector (male) B only Flocci (female) C both the Hector and Flocci
27. Applied new radical research method---C
28. Difficulty in reading, make readers more interested ---B
29. Problems remain unsolved in future---A
30. Will do more research---A

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雅思听力真题 Version 07316

Section 3
主题提示:Discussion on a biological lecture

21-30)Table Completion (one word only)

Subjects focus on Something need to do (Judged by the
**** Sleeping 21. habits Complete a 22. chart Not enough 23.
Blood Heart disease Problems with School stadium
pressure 24. diet has not enough
25. space
Stress level Stress of different Compare with 26. Use school
social groups ; students gym. It does not
require extra cost
(but it was
27. closed

**** Main 28. causes Conduct a surprising Data is not 30.

for problems 29. test for students clear enough

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雅思听力真题 Version 08319

Section 3
主题提示:Two students talking about changing major

21-25)Multiple choices
21. Why the woman continues her current subject?
A Score for credits
B Want more guide from the tutor
C Not yet made a decision of changing
22. Why does the woman consult her family members to discuss the decision?
A They can give her good advice (the family knows her very well)
B Disappointed on her decision
C For funding of her tuition
23. The man's attitude towards sport course (which is good for girls):
A It has good reputation
B It can help to find better job
C The girls enjoy it
24. Which factors the woman need to concern when changing a major?
A Extra pay B Make up lessons C****
25. What’s her opinion of the course?
A It’s barely practical B It’s a route to job
26-30) Matching(flow chart)
26. Information about the new course: consult the tutor
27. Notice: the Finance Office
28. Send an email to:warfare director 后勤主任
29. Contact administration office ,
30. Please go and contact the: residence hall

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雅思听力真题 Version 30796

Section 3
主题提示:A teacher introduces the courses

21-23) Multiple choices:

21.Topic: About marketing branch
22-24. The teacher asked the students to read prospectus for?
A Study aids 教具 B Subjects offered C Group size
D Support of students E Teaching hours
22. Marketing plan A----A
23. Marketing Plan B----B
24. Marketing group C----C
24-26) Completion
There is information about:
24. Sports
25. Entertainment
26. Accommodation
28-30) Multiple choices
The students may ask the following THREE questions. (3 in 7)
A. Research opportunities
B The drop-out rate
C Postgraduate students
D Support****
E The failure rate (TRAP! “rather than the failure rate”)
F Assessment methods (ow to give exams)
G Academic teaching staff

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雅思听力真题 Version 09159

Section 3
主题提示: Two students discuss on one assignment about
a survey on mature students) There are four parts in the
assignment. Part l introduction, P2 survey, P3research, and P4 conclusion

21-30) Completion
A Introduction;
B Review of literature;
The first: Dower ton’s theory of experience
21. The second : Salinger’s theory of Application (or Theory of self-motivation)
 Two approaches
22. Scientific approach
23. Artistic approach
 Two methods:
24. Interview and observations
25 The number of respondents: 136 (450 is mentioned in the beginning, but
later it is said that the number is a hundred thirty six )
 Difficulty and problems:
26. Problem: lack of time
Because of bad design of the instrument…
27. Some students' study has distance
 Finding:
28. Bad instrument design, e.g., some of our questions don’t work well. Some
questions in the survey are useless.
29. Compared with the younger ones: the mature students have greater
30. Mature students had a great variety learning styles

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雅思听力真题 Version 30797

Section 3
主题提示:One lecture on reading habits

21-23) Multiple choices

21. Title of research: Reading Habits
22. Reading categories:
A fiction C newspaper
23. Choice of studying efficiency curve
B slightly increase till mid-day, then drops , (a
steady growth in the morning, and in the afternoon it begins to drop with another
wave; before night it hit the bottom
24-27) Table completion
Method: 24. Interview(ing)
Selection method: 25. Random selection
Catalog: Newspaper Magazines

26. Books 27. Leisure Fiction

28-30) Completion
28. Employed group----50%
accounts for half of reading group;
29. Unemployed ---5%
represents the least group, about 5%
30. Retired---20%
occupies about 10-20%

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雅思听力真题 Version 30709

Section 3
主题提示:Tourism in conservation area

21-30) Completion one word only

21. Job responsibilities:Interview the tourists
22. See environmental damages
23. farming
24. The area covers 21,000 (square kilometers)
25 10.5 km
26 Sample
27. On site measurement
28. Analyze soil from the site
29. Study photographs to check the changes
30. Borrow map form local faculty

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雅思听力真题 Version 40821

Section 3
主题提示:Hotel crime

21-30) Completion
21. Crimes happened in Hotels room
22. The speaker has worked for organization “prevention crime” for 5.5 years
(Five and half years)
23. Crimes mainly took place in York /London
24-25)Reasons of hotel crime
24. Reason 1:people not lock door
( “left unlocked”)
25.Reason 2:people do not check identities
26. in Hotel, to prevent crimes, it’s better to always use main entrance,avoiding
using undergo****
27-28) The efficiency of the speaker’s work?
27. Her works is not so good; only reduced the crime rate by:7.5%/6.5%
28. To enhance relationship between:insurance companies and tourism
29-30) New trend of hotel crimes
29. New crime trends: toward more violent crime
30. New crime trends: often increase in poor area

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雅思听力真题 Version 50904

Section 3
主题提示: Conversation between Bob and another woman about

21-30) Multiple Choice:

21. Man is now studying
B a talk
22. Bob said children are now:
A too confident about themselves B intelligent
23. Bob wanted to teach
A primary school children B mid school teenagers
C adults (taught about kids before,now want to teach adults)
24. What does Bob thought insufficient in his
A It’s old-fashioned B hard work
25. When did the woman study in college?
A 19 year ago B After she had family (unsure)
26. What did the woman say about her first semester?
A Unsuccessful B Too stressful
27. Man said his report is
A uninteresting B unique
29. What subject did the man use to study in the university
liberal arts 文科 (Language and literature)
30. In next stage,they talked about
Changes of the university's life

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雅思听力真题 Version 50305

Section 3
主题提示: Two students’ project assignment

21-30) Completion
Subtitle;Summary Report
21. Mentions the number of students
22. Report findings
23. Focus on the area of improvements
24. Nature of research
25. Action points
26. Size of sample
27. Methods:Interviews and questionnaires
28. Project background
29. Case studies

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雅思听力真题 Version 20136

Section 3
主题提示: A man who is studying chemistry wants to
change his major into engineering. Then the course
coordinator offers him guidance and advice

21-26) Table completion

科目 Subjects 优点 Advantage 缺点 Disadvantages
Chemistry Medical 21. Results in Last year Chemistry is a little 22
Science was good boring

Double degree Recommended the second If changing to study that

major of 23. Japanese degree, it will increase the
24. extra workload of the
second major

Engineering You can have more 25. job 26. Higher fees
opportunities if you
choose to shift to this

27-30) Matching
A Chemistry
B Engineering
C Both
27. The first is ---- C Both
28. The second is ---- B Engineering has a high
initial salary, but it is narrow…
29. The third is --- A Chemistry has a wide range of employment
30. The last one is --- B Engineering highly accepted by foreigners and easy to
find international jobs in the future.

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雅思听力真题 Version 07336

Section 3
主题提示:Allowance of students

21-24) Multiple Choice

21. What does the student wants to know about?
A Student debt B Various student’s problem
C Advice of students
22. What percentage of student have academic problems?
A 25% B 45% C 55% D. 15%
(a quarter of students have academicproblems)
23. What is the problem of most students?
A Taking many courses at same time
B Can not finish the work on time
C Have part-time jobs
24. What do students use to solve their economic problem?
B Loans (In the past: grants. Now: major financial aid-loans)
25-30) Flow chart Completion
25. Need a: financial goals plan, then make a monthly spending plan
26. Need to write money diary (日记账)
27. Cover fixed expenses (固定开支)
28. Save money for buying books
29. Optional expenses (可选开支)
30. Budgeting advice

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雅思听力真题 Version 50986

Section 3
主题提示:Discussion on a student’s essay

21-26) Multiple choice

21. Why does she go to see the professor?
A Ask for re-mark B Need more guidance
C Ask information about master degree
22. What does the girl feel about his essay’s content?
23. What does the professor think about the reference books
in her assignment? more than required (The professor
appraises her for reading more than required)
24 .The girl says that Roger’s research is relevant to this topic
but the professor says Roger thinks in a different way
25. The professor says that she misinterpreted some theories
26. What’s the woman’s attitude towards the essay?
A Angry B Confuse C Disappointment

27. Get publication about virtual learning conference
28. ‘Open wise’ by administrators
29. Workshop held every two weeks (”The professor will invite
her to workshops twice a month”)
30. The writing focuses on topic of business and science

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雅思听力真题 Version 50991

主题提示:Two students discuss about a research on relationship between
psychology and music

21-24) Multiple choices

21) Lecturers like the topic because
B. other classmates are interested in it
22) The feature for this survey
A. Has lots of participants involved
23) When interviewees listen to the teenager-year music, they ask
B. whom does it remind you of
24) Sarah doubts the finding because it’s
C. unreliable

25-30) Matching
A. Information is inaccurate 25) ****-----C
B. Statistics are incomplete 26) Introduction pages----A
C. Make it more relevant 27) Concern about the background---D
D. Make it brief Too much, too detailed
E. Respondents are not interested 28) Part of finding defectives---G
F. Need experts' opinions Not interesting or not appropriate
G. Not fit for everyone 29) Future market research---B
Their former presentation goes too far to
music/philosophy; need to discuss both sides
30) Limitation of research---F

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雅思听力真题 version 40806

主题提示:Music education

21-26) Multiple Choice

21) Why do S and T choose the topic of rock music in the experiment?
A. It is useful for measurable result
22) Why does S use this book?
A Its widely used B It’s practicalprofessor recommended C It’s updated recently
23) Why does S suggest to add the statistic in the bibliography?
C. She thinks it will help her with the figures
24) What does Warwick University research on?
A Psychology B. Physical C Music
25) What does the University of Sydney’s research focus o?
B. Relationships between music and relaxation
26) Drawback of the university of Lowa?
Small number of people

27-30) Matching
27) Lack of questions in questionnaire internet resources
28) Noise in headphones borrow equipment
29) Unreliability of CD players get help from technicians
30) Short time for report writing divide the workload

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雅思听力真题 Version 09321

主题提示:A man and a woman discuss about their ecological design
for their working place, an architecture that can collect rain.

21-26) Map Matching

A. Basement
21. C 22. G 23. B 24. A 25. D 26.E
B. Hot water shower
C. Cooling tower
D. Old air pull out
E. Small windows
F. Temperature checker
G. Weather indicator
H. Rainwater store
I. Fresh air pull in
J. Rainwater checker

27-30) Multiple Choices

27. What is the special feature of the building?
A Much taller than other ecological buildings
28. What about one area in the building?
Employees are not happy
29. Missing
30. What is the disadvantage of the cycling water?
It may have hazardous difficulties

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雅思听力真题 Version 40121

Section 3
主题提示:Difference between students and workers
21-24) Choice
21 Why Fedth want’s to work?
A. Apply the science knowledge she learned to real work
B. Broaden experience, c.Put scientific research into practice

22 What is her concern during her work?

teamwork (she likes to work alone)
23 Difference between the worker and student:
Postpone task
24. What’s the difference between giving presentation as a student and as a
A. Plan more time for audience B Let audience participate
C.Understand audience’s feedback
25. How does she get along with older colleagues?
Socializing together socialize together(going out after work together)

25-30) Matching:
Arrangements for work:C
A. Customs background 26.Peter---D
B. Plan daily schedule 27. Kim H --F
C. Visit customs 28.Alice XXX---A
D. organizing meeting 29.The fourth people-E
E. Database analysis 30. Kaul---C
F. Technology

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雅思听力真题 Version 30148

Section 3
主题提示:Discussion on eco-tourism, with South Africa (Kruger National Park) s
an example

21-27) Comparison of eco-tourism to normal tour

21 Normal tour go to the famous iconic sites;
yet Eco-tourism is in the undeveloped areas
22 Normal tour living in international hotels while co-tourism has various choices
with a wide range of accommodation and
23 local accommodations are owned by communities
24 New staffs who are selected from local residents
need training
25 Eco-tourism in South Africa goes to sea: the big
26 Local housing project and visitors have the chance to join in the 27.
conservation projects

28-30 Multiple choices

28 B Tourism and sustainability of resources(The tutor asks
whether the tourism is sustainable)
29 C Full definition of ecotourism (clear description)

30F Disadvantage of tourism

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雅思听力真题 Version 40117

Section 3
主 题 提 示 : A male professor and a male student( Ivan) and a
female student ( Patricia) are discussing about learning German.

21-23) Multiple choice

21) Why does Patricia feel unhappy?
B. She don't grasp a skill to learn independently
22) What did Ivan do in the library?
C. Send emails message
"All of the people pretend to be busy with something. Some just
read newspaper, and Ivan was also bored and was sending
23. When they attended a conference, what did they feel:
A. Too many( packed) people in the library (the library is very"

24-30) Table Completion

24) global listening skill
25) The third is video, you have to pay attention to the speaker's eye
contact , gestures and the distance etc.
26) Stop the tape
27) The male student asks the importance of dictation
28) When listening to the broadcast, pay attention to the note-taking
29) When watching the video, you have to cover the subtitles with a card
30) When watching TV, watch more and focus on chat show(s)

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雅思听力真题 Version 6027Z

Section 3
主题提示:A research on shopping
21-24) Gap filling
21. Occupation: cashier
22. How much is spent per week on shopping: 50 pounds
23. Where do people often go: big department store
24. What difficulty: to buy jeans
25-27) A pie chart of 3 ways of consumption

25. 50% of people spend 45 镑 per month

26. 15% of people spend 75 镑 per month
27. 35% of people spend 20 镑 per

28-30) Multiple choices (3 in 6)

What is the most difficult to get?

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雅思听力真题 Version 50107

Section 3
主题提示:A student who is called Jack is inquiring an internship
21-25) Multiple Choice
21. What skills does this man want to learn?
B. To organize ideas (they are teaching) C. Handle data in school
22. The man’s strength is:
B. He can work for long hours He has been working with many people and all
of them admire that he could work for long hours.
23. The work office will help the man with his
A. CV B. Personal statement
C.Choosing school application form (the woman said it is
unnecessary to fill the form)
24. Why the man choose IT and business:
A. Update his knowledge knowing the new development in the industry
B. Be good at presentation
25. Next term he will choose to
A. Continue the same language B. Change to another [ a new]
C. Discontinue the language (previously learned German,
Peter wants to learn an Asian language.)

26-30) Matching (5 out of 7):

What working chances will the several companies offer?
A. Make business contact 26. B (contact customers)
B. Understand customer 27. C (strict rules on time, because the team
relations work has to make up to the deadline)
C. Time management 28. F (because this is an accounting firm)
D. Use a foreign language 29. A (understand the relationship, he said he
E. Travel to another country should pay attention to the network)
F. Financial 30. D (A girl had been working there before,
G. *** learned a new language, Spanish)

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雅思听力真题 Version 20148

Section 3
主题提示: Volunteer organization
21-26)Multiple choice
21 The tutor asks the man what was the initial problem when the organization was
A Didn’t have a clear subject
B Didn’t have a formal structure
C The leader takes charge of all issues by himself

22 What is the thing that the staff isn’t satisfied with?

B Howwork

23 What is the problem of the manager there?

A **** B He made so many decisions himself
C He took the responsibility himself

24 . What do they think about the new recruitment of this

Surprisingly well

25 What’s the achievement of the organization?

A Children are involved to help

26 How is the problem solved?

B When the accountant quits

27 The tutor suggests her reading some books about management of changes

28-29 The tutor suggests improving this organization through culture and

30 The role of the secondary

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雅思听力真题 Version 60144

主题:Oil drilling from the sea

21-24) Matching
21. Tough terrain

22. Solar energy

23. Special Shape (like bullet)

24. Under seabed stay a place in the sea

25.-30) Multiple choice

25. Why scientists need AUV?

A Collect data B Project budget

26.Where does the oil leak come from?

A Tanker B Fishing boat C Vehicles on land

27.What do scientists analyze about the oil from under the sea?

A.How long

B.How much


28.What is the difficulty in the research?

A Oil is complex and unpredictable.

B It’s hard to reach the deep sea

C There are very few species in the sea
29. Why choose this instrument?

A.Because it is most advanced tech

B.Because it can detect

30. What benefit will it bring?

A Know about how animals adjusting to environment

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雅思听力真题 versioin 60139

Section 3
主题提示:Art and music in hospitals
21-24) Multiple choice
21 Previously, art and music design in hospitals puts focus on
A. Patients with psychological problems
B. Staff in the hospital
C. Children
22. What did they feel after putting art and music into medical tool?
C They don’t like it at first
23. Why don’t they let patients turn on the music?
A It’s impractical
24. What is woman’s attitude of this study?
A Surprised, because it is inconvinient for staff

A Patients spend less time on medicine
B Cooperation
C Art and music have little impact
D Patients concert more about details
E Blood pressure and heart rate average
F Patients ask for less medication
F Visual art has more impact

25. Postnatal clinic--B

26 Trauma and dissociation----C
27 Surgery---E
28 Children’s clinic----A
29. Emergency and first aid----F
30. Gynecology clinic-----G

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雅思听力真题 Version 60137

Section 3
主题提示:Discussion on business plan course

21-26) Matching

A Program assessment 21. University -----C

B Budget management 22. Manchester-------H
C Crisis management 23. Liverpool------A
D Finding investment 24. Leeds-----------G
E Objective 25. Glasgow---------F
F Leadership skill 26. Cardiff--------B
G Team building
H Monitoring progress

27-30) Multiple choices (2/5)

27-28 What’s the purpose of designing the gas generators(solving problems of)?
A Deal with food shortages
B Deal with power cut
CProtect the environment
D Deal with employment
E Deal with insufficient revenue

29-30) What is the significance of the new greenhouse?

A Reduce air pollution
B Increase nutrition
C More children will have an education
D Pesticide reduction
E Provide more job chances

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雅思听力真题 Version 60126

Section 3
21-25) Multiple choices
21. How did they feel before they go to the activities?
A Lack of motivation B Enthusiastic C Confused
22. after attending…,they are mostly concerned about
A ***** B Careful about the record C The photo is
23. What did the women find?
A Fabric B Pot C Jewelry
24. What did they say about the people they studied?
A They have various food B ***** C They are not as tall
as people siad
25. What did they say about the people they worked with?
A They are from different countries B ***** C They work
26-30) Matching (Flow chart )
A Taking soil samples Process of excavating
B Making a comprehensive plan 26---E
C Save for future research 27---F
D Labeling them 28---B in great details
E Looking for tool 29---A
F Filling recording sheet 30---D

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雅思听力真题 Version 60124

Section 3
主题提示: Mona wants to make a presentation on design development
1-6) Choose a correct letter, A B or C
1. Mona’s theme:
A Design development from 1800s
B Relationship between design development and society
C Relationship between design development and art movement
2. Both the man and the woman agree that?
A The woman doesn’t know much about it
3. Ted’s suggestion to Mona is:
B It’s too broad
4. Mona’s view on computer?

A She is worried about the tutor’s response

B Computer has affected the traditional media

5.Why Ted thinks’Purism’is important?
A It’s important for architecture
C Ted admires this art
6. Ted suggest Mona to
A Meet one of his friend
C visit a museum
7-10)Matching:How to prepare a presentation

Write an introduction

Make further research of the topic

Statement of each pictures

Make text handouts

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雅思听力真题 Version 60120

Section 3
主题提示:Nursing in Australia
21-30) Multiple choice
21. Initial problem of Australian nurses
Poor paying
22. The very first problem of training is
Work time too long
Most of them cannot finish the training
23. Why nurses in 1940s found it difficult to find a job?
It tool too much time
Hospitals become more specialized
24. Why universities have nurse course?
They are patient but need higher skills
25.What’s the current situation?
Need further service

26-30) Matching
A Remain
B Add information
C Remove information
26. Background-- C
27. Categories of nurse-- B
28. Work conditions-- A
29. Courses--- A
30. Future of nursing--- B

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雅思听力真题 Version 60118

Section 3
主题提示:New inventions in 21st century
21-26) Matching
21.Energy-harvest----small electric equipment
22.Thin film solar panel----can be manufactured economically
23. Sport shoes----technology from space(the material is very thin and was used
in clothes for astronauts)
24. Wind turbine----energy demand all over the world
25.Package of fruits and vegetables----improve their quality
26.Electric sport car----better appearance more desirable look

27-30)Multiple choice
27.The feature of this innovation:
B Climate in North pole is dry and cold
28. Who can use these seeds?
Countries that buried seeds. Distractor: scientists and researcher
29. Why can’t the man do this presentation?
Limited knowledge
30. Why the woman is unwilling to make the innovation the topic of her
C money can be used in better ways

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雅思听力真题 Version 30125

Section 3
主题提示: Tapa blanket
31-34) Choice
31What’s unique about the pala?
A wide range of use
32 Small pieces are
A stuck together B sewed together C fold together
specific glue is mentioned
33What’s the feature of melbberry tree?
A It can also be used to make food B Local M Tree cannot grow in local area
C It can grow in any environment
34 Why stop producing tapa ?
BNew frabic was introduced from europe
C Locals find a better material instead

35-40):Match(tapa’s function)
A Recreational
B Practical
C Spiritual
D Commercial
35 Samoa-- C
36 Topika- B
37 Cook island - A
39 Tahiti - A
40 Fiji - D

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雅思听力真题 Version 11319

Section 3
主题提示:Discussion on an essay

21-23)Choices (3/7)
What helps can the students get from the mentor?
A Building confidence
B Preparation for exams
C Preparation for seminars
D Course selection
E Information about the subjects

24-25) Multiple choice

24 How do they think about the essay writing?
A Easier than expected B As expected C Harder than expected
25 Why does Alice think it is difficult to learn economics?
A It is the first time B She’s not good at numbers C She is not interested in

26-30) Matching
A Only Ahmed(male) 26 Theory to practice ------ A
B Only Tina(female) 27 Networking opportunity ------ C
C Both of them 28 Large orgnisation experience ------ A
29 Communication skills ------ B
30 Identify a career plan ------ C

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雅思听力真题 Version 60140

Section 3
主题提示:Feedbacks on course

21-27) Matching

21 Pre-class ----B need to be updated

A Suit different levels 22 Timetable --G
B Omit some information 23 Teaching system ---A
C Create/cause disagree 24 Tutorial ----E
D Inadequate resources Entirely excellent experience
E Entirely positive experience 25 Project group
F Not necessary 26 IT service ----F
G Not convenient for everyone 27 Library ----D
Limited information choice

28-30) Multiple choices

28 Dina want to study
A Accounting
B Marketing original plan
C Manufacture managing
29 Why to take a gap year according to the tutor
B To gain Work experience
30 Which material will the doctor provide for her?
A Write a Reference letter
B Good contacts with employers

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雅思听力真题 Version 50943(Renewed)

主题提示:Field trip to a marine research center

21-26) Matching
A. Too many people 21. Ecologist ----A
B Need more information 22.Dinner presentation after lunch---C
C. Repetitive information Good content yet the same
D. No opportunity 23.Journal writing----H
E. Inefficient information 24.Fieldwork----F
F. Well organized 25.Data analysis----E
G. Excellent facilities. 26.Briefing after lunch-----D
H. Time consuming.

(27-28) Multiple choices(2/5)

What’s the topic they chose?
A.Coral habitats preservation
B. Oil rig damage to sea bed.
C.Benefit for potential students

(29-30) Multiple choices(2/5)

When it comes to future potentials, it should also cover
The benefits of kinds of electrical cars

Source of information

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雅思听力真题 Version 50966

Section 3
主题提示: Debate

1-6) Multiple choice

1 Why Fiona selected the debate?
B It was planned in secondary school
C. She talked with her friend
2 What can student learn from debate?
They can practice listening and speaking
3 How did the D&F plan their debate?
A Select all students’ topic
B Vote for each of them
4 Why they divide student into 2 teams?
BInvolve them into debate
5 What benefit will it bring ?
B More confidence
6 What will the lecturer do after debate?
Make a comment.

7. Process----keypoints on handouts
8. Access resources----photocopy of article
9. Body language:----give a demonstration
10. Summary-------wirte on board

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雅思听力真题 Version 5085D

Section 3
主题提示:Rob and Sarah prepare a presentation on medicine

1-6) Multiple Choice

1 Why was Rob nervous?
Because he did not do well in the last presentation.
2 What did Sarah think of her presentation?
3 How to motivate the audience at the beginning?
Video clip
4 What did the man learn from the message?
The way to strengthen the relationship between doctors and patients
5 This presentation focuses on:
A Two different roles of therapy
B How therapy cure disease
C Develop a new therapy

6 What should they do next?

Overview all of the information

7-8 Choices:
What do they plan to do:
B Explain why they chose this topic
E Illustration: medical and therapy
9-10 What do they plan to add to the presentation?
Audience asks questions
Audience participation

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雅思听力真题 Version 40137

Section 3
主题提示:Environmental bricks
21-26) Multiple choice:
21. Why does the girl read this article?
A for assignment B presentation in the future C for seminar on her
22. What does the girl think about the bricks?
A. It can be entirely recycled B It’s without chemical substance C It’s easy
to make
23. What kind of characteristic of the brick makes the man surprised?
A Lightness B. Stableness C.It’s ability to absorb
24. What kind of method can reduce the research cost?
B. Existing method
25. The advantage of the material
No chemical reaction
26. What did the magazine introduce about the material
applied in hospital?
A How much material is applied
27-28. The two features of the bricks:
A Costly B Smelly C Light in weigh
D better colors E *****
29-30. The man and the woman both agree on:
A financial incentive
C future industry develop very fast

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雅思听力真题 Version 49001

Section 3
主题提示:Applying law school
21-25) Choice (Choose a correct letter from A, B or C)
21 Tutor says you need to send off your
A required forms B college transcripts C personal statement

22 Totor suggested that law school focuses on

A your essay B college reputation C age
23 The admissions staff at those schools believe that they like
A regular theme B students different from others C long essay
24 Knowing what has worked for other people might give you?
A XXXX B XXXXX C confidence
25 Admission officers want an applicant to write
A his or her own experience B essay samples C XXXXX
Not imitate what someone else has written.

26-30) Sentence completion:

26 The director of admissions said she wished that applicants would stay away
from books that offer essay advice and examples.
27 The student said he had problem in spelling and grammar .
28 The tutor encouraged him to have a good beginning that will interest the
29 Use active rather than passive voice .
30 The deadline for submission is 20th October

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雅思听力真题 Version 40891

Section 3
主题提示: Art portfolio

21-25) Multiple choices

21. What suggestion does Sara get from tutor?
A Development of art
22. Charlie is considering publicizing
A some photos B a poster C a flyer
23. The purpose of Sara drawing body movement
A need explanation
24. What’s the best advice from the tutor?
A Leave the best at the end B Strong first impression C Organizing the group
25. Who will check Sandra’s draft before she submit it?
A Her parent B An artistic critic C An artist

27-30 Matching

A Reflect in moods 26 Book coverage-----E

B Combine different materials (multiple) 27. A ***jewelry-------C
C High accuracy 28. A wood carving-------B
D Using letters 29. Forest painting-------D
E Originality 30. Hotel advertising----A
F All sources of media
G Personal relationship

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Version 60133 Section 3

主题提示:Tutor’s suggestion on a paper
21-24) Multiple choice
21. Why he is interested in the topic
B Exhibition(display)
22. What’s his source of finance
A He applied from an art institution
23. The main content of the presentation is
A King and Queen B People C Abstract Design
24. What’s his focus
B People

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雅思听力真题 Version 6019B

Section 3
主题提示:New software used in a furniture company
1-6) Choose a correct letter from A, B or C
1. What does the company do?
Specialized in XX
2. How do employers in the company get into contact with each other?
A Through leaders
B News article
C A new system designed by students
3. What’s the research methodology?
check the account
4. Why students choose to interview the staff face-to-face?
AFor better information
B It’s easy to ask more questions
C less disturbance
5. How do they think of the software?
Hard to predict
6. What’s the supervisor's view on the results of their questionnaire?
A it was disappointing
B it was above average
C. it was surprising
7-10) Choices
7-8. Influence of the new software on company:
C Extra staff(employ more workers),E Cut labour cost
9-1. Customers’ response to the software:
A it brings more contact B it allows household network
C it brings more involvment in design E it saves time

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雅思听力真题 Version 60129

Section 3
主题提示:Children’s obesity
21-26) Choose a correct letter from A, B or C
21. The theme of the paper is:
C children’s obesity increases
22. Why concern about exercise rather than diet
B Less is known about exercise
C Easy to collect data of exercise
23.If parents always accompany their children to school, it will lead to
A more crimes
B the increase of two-car families
C more car accident
24. The professor thinks that it will result in
A more incidents of the crimes
B more awareness in crimes
B the lack of accurate data
25. In the beginning of the research, researchers
don’t know where to start
26 missing:
27-30) Multiple choices(2 out of 6)
27&28. Criteria of the selection of participants in the experiment
A Brothers and sisters
C Similar age
D Same distnce to schools
E Varying height and weight
29&30. They expect to find that those children who walk to school have/are
A less rate of being obese
B different
C more sports activities
D less energetic

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雅思听力真题 Version 60145

Section 3

主题: Traffic jam and bridge

1-5) Choose a correct letter A.B or C.

1.What’s the problem?

A. Insufficient public transportation B. Increase in population C Traffic jam
2. What does the man think of the bridge?
A.Attracted B Traffic is very good C. It can reduce the use of private cars
3.What about the under-sea tunnel?
A.People don’t need to cross the city center anymore
4.Hows is toll entrance in the bridge?
free of charge
5.Who can be contacted for help?

6-10) Matching
A only john agrees B only professor agrees C both agree

6.North of X bridge is city center, and in the south is a parking lot B

7.Victoria bridge connects north and south C
8.Victoria bridge will be constructed as it was B
9.X bridge has a tunnel A
10.Both bridge can help to protect the environment

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雅思听力真题 Version 30189

Section 3
主题提示:Architecture in New Zealand

21-24)Multiple choices
21 Historical application for this research
A As a defense against attack from foreigners
B Building material
22 Why do the aboriginals choose to inhabit in the
Stone point?
A rich soil B more fish C
23 New terminologies
A can build the interests among the international
B the international students have no interest
C avoid talking about it
24 What does the woman suggest to focus on?
A focus on human aspect B ****** C******

A to be objective 25 distribution of fish ------ G
B keep short in length 26 modernization of stone ------ E visualized
C detail about the author 27 port ------ F hold a interview
D get official permission 28 reconstruction ------ C
E images 29 historical map ------ D get local permission
F carry out an interview 30 new public Park ------ H reconstruction
G more detailed description
H relocate the place

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雅思听力真题 Version 60109

Section 3
主题提示:The Extinct language of Maori’s

21-24)Multiple choice (3/7)

21 Compared with other languages; what’s the difficulties of preserving Maori’s
A The reason of extinction was complicated
B** is more endangered
C Too few studies on them
22 Saving language measures to be taken firstly is
B to raise money
23 The Maoris’ attitude toward outside language:
A very cautions
24 Which area preserves best?
A Hawaii B New Zealand C Polynesia

25-30) Matching (According to the sequence of time)

A First Newspaper(1842) 按时间排序
B Universities subject(1925) 25 A korao on New Zealand---C
C First Books published(1815) 26 Ko te karere moved to Nui Tireni---A
D Schools certificate 27 Parliament permit ----F
E Permits public speech(1915) 28 The 3rd Language---E
F Parliament interpreter(1860s) 29 First study diploma---B/D
G Television(1989) 30. Money on Social spread---H
H Radio(1980s)
I Court
J Simultaneous interpretation(2000+)

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雅思听力真题 Version 60128

Section 3
主题提示: Difficulties in research about sports (soccer) players
21-30) Multiple choice
21 The girl had
B not enough time
22 What the girl should do?
A Use less samples
23 What else is researched?
A B C Running
24 The reason the girl is doing this research is that
C she want to try new research fields
25 The main factor that surprised the guy?
A Increased heart rate
26The effect of high altitude:
A Less oxygen in blood
27-30) Choices
27-28 ) Recommendation for people who want to achieve good results in high
altitude sports:
Aim lower
React faster
29-30)The effect of high altitude on playing the sport:
Hit the crossbar more easily
Move faster than at sea level

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雅思听力真题 20107

Section 3
主 题 提 示 : A man went to his tutor and asked for information about course

21-23) Choices: (3 out of 7)

What one needs to pay attention when selecting a course?
21 Relevance to the future career

22 Structure of course

23 Selection of topic

24-27)Choose a correct letter A, B or C

24 which one doesn't need selection again?
A Time management (this one has been studied before)
25 Which one need going to details?
B Write dissertation, not reason for research
C The research was too complicated
A Method of data collection

28-30) Sentence completion:

28 First draft should be finished by the end of March
29 Dissertation should be registered by the secretary in
department office.
30 You can get the relevant database from the computer office

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雅思听力真题 Version 69534

Section 3
主题提示: Difficulties in studies
11 The problem of the girl:
A Still choose the one that she likes
B Better for job hunting

12 The problem of the boy:

A His father
B Others’ comments
C It is a challenging course

15 The point that both the boy and the girl think needs improvement:
A Attitudes
B Quality of the teachers

16-20 Matching:

Lots of options
Require lots of time and effort
Not well prepared
Need more feedback

16 final examination----Not well prepared

17 survey of dissertation-----Require lots of time and effort
18 write essay------Need more feedback
19 ____---Lots of options
20 dissertation topic------Difficult

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雅思听力真题 Version 60180

Section 3
主题提示:Two students discuss self-assessment

21-24) Multiple choice

21. What do the other students think about self-assessment

A An approach for tutor to save time

B An useful learning tool

C Valuable….
22. What does the male and female student agree on self-assessment?

B It increases the self-awareness

23. What happened when self-assessment is incorrect?

B The tutor will re-mark it

24. How the assessment is judged?

A. Students and tutors judge all the presentations together

25-30) Matching
A Higher score
B Lower score
C Not significantly difference

25. Male students to female students-----B

26. Female students to male students-----C

27. Female students to female students-----C

28. Younger students to older students-----A

29. Students to other universities-----C

30. Students who helped on making criteria-----B

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雅思听力真题 Version 50902

Section 3
主题提示:Discussion on trademark

1-6) Matching(Match each trademark with correct description)

1 Patent – need professional assistance

2 Copyright - time limit 有(valid within 70 years of the death of the


3 Company secrets- sign additional contract

4 Circuit-- not applicable overseas

5 Trademark-- automatically applied

6 Design--- increase company’s confidence

7-10 Flow Chart

Select the head office to each correct process of the following chart.
7 E project leader make project report

8 A XX committee check report

9 G Deliver manager communication

between departments

10 B General ( business ) manager

analyse the cost of the whole process

雅思听力真题 Version 30788

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Section 3
主题提示: Discussion on oil

21-22) Choice
21 The main point of the magazine is
A the large amount of oil used every day

B increasing expense of oil-related product

C the length of time for XX

22 What is the comment for financial investors?

They should be blamed for.

23-25) Completion
23. The oil level in 1921

26-30) Matching
26 Missing
27 Missing
28 We still have long time to find alternative resources
29 It’s already “Oil Peak”
30 Missing

雅思听力真题 Version 60282

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Section 3
主题提示:Course selection
21-23) Choose a correct letter, A B or C
21.Why students need to choose the course on that day?
A It would be fully booked easily.
C They are all busy later。
22. What is more important when selecting course?
Suggestions from other students.
23. Which new course is compulsory?
A Business B Language C Math
24. What are they uncertain of?

How to register the course they want

25.What’s the attitude of the woman’s tutor towards art and design?
A Confusing B Surprised C Valuable
26.What does the tutor think of the statistics?


26-30 Matching
Statistics——material is detailed and practical
Fluid mechanics---professor explained well and clearly
Computing----it improved skills
Metallurgy—— useful material online

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雅思听力真题 Version 70105

Section 3
主题介绍:Reliability of witness report
21-26)Multiple choice
21.What kind of people are more reliable as eyewitnesses?
A People who are respected in there community
B witnesses who have confidence
C People who can handle complicated language
22.What is the problem of the book according to the two people?
A No specific conclusion of
B Too few people as samples
C Data is collected lo ng time ago
23.Both of…agree that the most important point of valid evidence is
A Less weak vision light
B How long time ago did events happen
C Not at a long distance
24.Which one is true of “naïve observe”?
A People who have no record of police investigation
B People who don ’t th ink th ey have witnessed a crime
C Person who is not involved in an incident
25.Why did they all changed their testimony?
A Afraid of being look ed foolish
B Afraid of getting trouble in law consequence
26.What does authority think is the most difficult?
A Eyewitnesses cannot connect the photographs with the site
B Fail to dis tinguish the reality and the subjective idea

27.Radar --- afraid of being in an unfamiliar environment
Children will be frightened in unfamiliar environment, like the court ,cold
building, etc.
28.Open questions--- D confused by testimony
29Clousre enquiry---children cannot tell the truth
30.***---B distrust the interviewer

雅思听力真题 70118

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Section 3
主题提示: An archeological project

1. Fiona and XX are unsure about]

A what topic to be chose B the length of the presentation C research mothod
2. Which area needs to be avoided?
Marsh area (soil with water on the mud surface)
3. What is the man worrying about?
B The range of information might be too wide
C Misinterpreting the supporting data
3. What is the professor’s suggestion on taking notes?
A Comparing it with other students’ notes
B Every performance
C Details of the site in the note The professor says that students always ignore
the importance of margin areas
4. According to the teacher, from where can information be obtained?
A Survey B Internet(first priority) C Journal

6-10) Matching
A definitely present B possibly present C not present
6. Evidence of village --C
7 .Pre-flood soil --C
8 .Delta------ B
9. Mud of different size and shap----- A
10 Animal track -----B

雅思听力真题 50339

Section 3

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主题提示:Assignment discussion
21-24)Multiple choice
21. The leading actress:
resent things happened preciously
22. The feature of the first figure
Act in a foolish way, child-like
Has insight into human nature
24 The feature of the other figure
Being deliberately cruel to others (make others suffer a lot)
25-30) Choices(2 out of 5)
25-26What are their opinion on the lectures?
C. Lectures are well organized
E. Insufficient time for discussion
27-28) Improvement can be made to
B computers
C photocopy facilities
29-30) What are their opinion on the group discussion?
B easy to find chances of convenient meeting
E very useful for later study

雅思听力真题 Version 91129

Section 3

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主题提示:Relevance between math and music

21.Similarity between math and music?

A predictable

22.What will repeat in the process of clapping hands?

B patterns

23.What need to be included in both areas?

B special elements.

24. C blacksmith

25. What does the student need help for?

Extra help when compare western and eastern music.

26 Missing:

27-30) Matching

27 Play musical instruments---- B spend too much time

28 Play games----- C too easy

29 Film of piano----- F XXX

30 Different music----- A make audience confused

雅思听力真题 15138

Section 3

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主题提示: Presentation about an essay on marketing management

21-30)Multiple choice
21. What is the comment of the tutor on the first draft?
A Irrelevant to the topic
B. Insufficient support for the conclusion
C. Make own edition before submission
22. What else does the student want to know?
How is the final score determined.
23. Why do they choose the Q*** (a company)?
A It makes profit
B It is less well-known but has easy task compared to other big companies
C It advertised itself by using the mass media
24.Why is this company more successful?
A package image
24.What’s the student’s feedback on the presentation?
More visual input is needed
25.No interaction with audience
26. Search on internet
27-28.Existing problems in reference:
Data is not accurate
Book is outdated
29-30 In the next presentation, the student needs to pay attention to
Eye contact
Enough time left for questions with audience

雅思听力真题 80167

Section 3

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主 题 提 示 : A conversation between two science teachers regarding science

experiments carried out by one of the students.

example : the string one---g
a. Very boring
b. Too difficult
c. Easy to understand
d. Need special equipment
e. Cheap
f. Immediate result
g. Good math practice
h. Take longer time than usual
21.Course of steam engine---b too difficult too much equipment needed/special
22.Breakfast cereal---e
23.Paper talking---c
24.Paper making---a
25.Tie water experiment---h time-consuming
26.Extract glue from milk---f

27-30)Map matching---condenser
27.Metal container---f metal tank
28.Upper strainer---c internal refiner
29.Drip tip-- b
30.Pottery upper strainer---a

雅思听力真题 15441

Section 3

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主题提示:Nigerian sculpture,

21-24) Choice
21 Why they chose the “African arts” as the topic?
A They read some relevant articles
B They visited exhibitions
C Personal interest
23 Where does the money comes from?
A From an art organisation
B From his parents
C Newspaper agency
24 Where can they meet a professor?
25. Additional information
26. Beliefs
27-28 Missing
29 Data about subjects
30 Missing

雅思听力真题 70124

Section 3

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主题:Discussion on Argtha Christie

1-4) Choice
1.The similarity between her and Shakespeare:
A Ignored by critics B Popular in public
2.The feature of her works?
A The pace is slow C The plot is simple
3.The origin of the movies?
A Films were orginated from her books
4.What about her marriage?
Spent time with her husband
5-10) Matching
5 Script----well research
6 Set design----not enough fund
7 Light----too complex
8 Dress----adapted from local audience
9-10 Missing

雅思听力真题 40102

Section 3

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主题:Dialogue between a translator and an interpreter

21-30) Choice

21.What impresses the students the most?B

22. B
23. B.
24. What does Tom worries about?

Giving presentation in public

25. C. subtitle
26. B

27-30) Matching(Books and the comments on them)

Too long
Less research
Too controversial
Too superficial

雅思听力真题 70157

Section 3

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主题提示:Music and musical instrument

1-6) Choice
1-2) What musical background is required for
students admitted?
Can play more than one type of musical instrument.
Being able to compose
Have experience of performing in public
Have several relevant certificates
Have attented piano lessons

3-4 How to evaluate the prformance?

Listening to other people’s opinions
Pick the difficult pieces
Pick those that are less known
The teacher decides it.

5-6) How should students majoring in music practice?

A Practice alone
B Practice everyday
C The motivation comes from fearness
D Worrying that they have not practiced enough
E Practice different pieces

7-10) Matching
Difficult but enjoyable Easy XXX relationship

7 Solo
8 Perform with musicians of other schools
9 More than one type of instrument
10 Play with musicians playing the same instrument

雅思听力真题 70157

Section 3

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主题提示: Psychology and marketing

1-4) Multiple choice

1. Where do they want to carry out research?
XX office

2. What surprised the tutor?

The female student ‘s suggestion

3. Why does her carry out this research?

Because her uncle has a flower shop which they choose

4. What test will they do?

Send gift to those who take the elevator
(eg send flower or pen to guests and watch their response)
Guests choose themselves
They send gift to guests randomly

5-6) Choices (2 out of 5)

What are people’s responses after receiving the gift?

7-8) Choices (2 out of 5)

What is the problem of XX?

9-10) Choices (2 out of 5)


雅思听力真题 Version 80120

Section 3

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主题提示:Plastic house

21. The purpose of this essay is to:

Promote technology

22. What aspect is more emphasized in the essay?

Light and water

23. How to get important information?

A from journals, B phd students, C website

24. What is the advantage of this house?

Easy to keep clean.


25-30) Matching

Wonder house-----not actually built

Space house-----not much room inside

New Zealand house-----strong construction

Foam house------recyled material

Plastic house-----recycled material

雅思听力真题 Version 76001

Section 3

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Choice and matching

1. Where to collect information: a lot of websites

2. Interview subjects:study both males and females
3 What methodology interested her?interview old people
4 how to trace her relatives?one person living abroad
5. What might be her problem?cannot meet requirement of the university

introduction : clear
reference : original
methodology :detailed
conclusion: memorabl

雅思听力真题 Version 80156

Section 3

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主题提示:a project of role playing.

21 Report

22 Put theory into practice.

23 Spend too much time on tax benefit

24 Marketing.

25Give more time on preparation

26 Interview

27 Do not get the point at first.

28 Complex business

29 Inbox exercise

30 Surprise

雅思听力真题 Version 80158

Section 3

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21. First year.

22 .Complicated.

23 .Get more guide about online instruction.

24 .Social class.

25. Outline.

26 .Confusion

27 .Controversial and influential.

28.Out of date.

29 .Too low level.


雅思听力真题 Version 80190

Section 3
主题提示:Art course selection

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21.Why did James choose to study in the Baker?

A.It is located near his home
B. Its good reputation in his subject area

22.What did he find in his study?

B. He is surprised that he can finish the theoretical courses

23.What about the assessment of James’ course?

A. Done by himself
B. Marks given by students with each other
C. Marked by teachers’ comment

24. Why did the girl chose the English language course?
A. Make a living as an artist
B. Selling art pieces in a galleries
C. To have a future career as artist

25. Before she go to this collage, she wants to get more information about
A. Date of the course
B. Scholarships
C. Choice of modules

A. A lot of back ground reading 26. history of art –C
B. Stay at the studio long 27. sculpture option -G
C. Many outside speakers 28. digital painting -B
D. The most difficult course 29.theory of art -E
E. Student do their own research 30.photograph -F
F. Focus on display

雅思听力真题 Version 80174

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Section 3

主题提示:A study about how much time children spend on outdoor


1-3) Choices(2 out of 5)

1.Why children spend less time outdoors, as Ravi thinks?
less free time
Distractor: less interested

2.What’s the focus of math study?

Learn about how children know to evaluate risks
Help digestion

3.the difference between children nowadays and in the past

Less made-up games
Time is shorter

4-7) Multiple choice

4.Worries concerning children
More physical problems

5. Schools should
think about the aims

6. rural area

7. Dr. Chang’s comment on the report: Focus is limited

第 101 页 共 101 页

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