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Time Limit: 4 Sitting Each of 60 Minutes duration approx.

Q.1 Number of values of m e N for which y
em is a solution of the TYPE
D'y-3Dy-4Dy+ 12y-0,is
(A)0 (B)1 (C)2 (D) more than 2
Q.2 A function y f(x) satisfies the differential
equation f (x) sin 2x +(1
initial condition y (0)-0. The value of
cos x
+sin?x)f' (x) -0 with
f(n/6) is equal to
(A) 1/5 (B) 3/S
(C)4/5 (D) 2/5
Q.3 Suppose y =f(x) andy-g(x) are tvo continuous functions whose
(0. 4). (2, 2) and (4. 0) with
f () g (x) for0< x 2 and graphs intersect at the three
f (x)<g (x) for 2<x<points


4. If
[f(N)-g(x)]dx =10 and le(x)-f(x)]dx =5, the area between two
curves for 0x<2, is
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20
Q4 The solution of the differential
equation, e'(x+ T)dx +(ye-xe)dy=0 with initial condition f(0) =
(A) xex +2ye =0 (B) 2xex+ yey =0
(C)xe2ye=0 (D) 2xe- - -0 y¥e
Q5 Water is drained from a vertical
cylindrical tank by opening a valve at the base of the tank. It is known
that the rate at which the water level
drops is proportional to the square root of water depth y, where the
constant of proportionality k > 0
depends on the
hole. Ift is measured in minutes and k= 1/15 then acceleration
due to gravity and the
the time to drain the tank
geometry of the
to start with is if the water is 4 meter deep
(A)30min (B)45 min (C) 60 min (D) 80 min

.6 Let'a' be a positive constant number. Consider two curves C:y=e", C,: y=e-x. Let S be the area
ofthe part surrounding by Ci, Cand the y-axis, then Limequals
a-0 a
(A)4 B) 1/2 (C)0 (D) 1/4

.7 Ifthe differential equation ofthe family ofcurve given by y= Ax+ Be2 where Aand B are arbitrary

constant is ofthe form (1-2> = 0 then the ordered pair (k, ) is

(A) (2,-2) (B)(-2,2) (C)2,2) (D)(-2,-2)

8 A curve passes through the point 1.&itsslopeat any pointisgivenby Then the

curve has the equation

(A)y=xtan'(h (B) y-x tan "(n+2) (C)ytan (h) D)none

the ordinate ofthe point ofcontact.The equation of
Thex-intercept ofthe tangent to a curve is equal

thecurvethrough the point (1, 1) is

(B) xe =e (C) xex =e (D) yex =e
(A) ye = e

Q.B on DE and AUC [2

Q.10 The area oftheregion(s)enclosed by the curves y-x and y- x | is
(A) 1/3 ( ) 2/3 (C) 1/6 (D)T
Q11 A fumction y - f(N) satisfiesthe conditionf'(x) sin x + F(x)cos x - 1 , f(x) being boundedwhenx 0

If1-s()ds then

(8)1 (C)< (D)0<<

Q.12 A curve is suh that the area ofthe region bounded by the co-ordinate axes, the curve & the ordinate of
any point on it is equal to the cube of
(A) a pairof straight lines
ordinate. Thc curve represents
(B) a circle
(C) a parabola (D) an ellipse

Q.13 The line y

=mx bisects the area cencloscd by the curvey1+4xx & the lines x =0,x=
&y=0. Then the value of m is
(A) (B) (C) (D) 4

Q.14 Number of straight lines which satisfy the differentialequation -y0is:

(A)1 (B)2 (C)3 (D)4
Q.15 dy
Ifthe differentiable equation dx y=y(sin xtcos x) withy (0)=1 then y (7) has the value equal to
(A)e (B)-e (C)e (D)-e
Q.16 The area bounded by the curve y f(x), the co-ordinate axes & the line x =x is given by x.e.
Therefore f(x) equals:
(A)ex (B) xe (C) xe-x (D) xe+ e

Q.17 The value ofthe constant 'm' and'c for which y=mx+c is a solution ofthe differential equation
Dy-3Dy-4y =-4x.
(A) is m=- 1; c=3/4 (B) is m=1;c=-3/4
C) nosuchreal m, c (D) is m=1; c=3/4

Q.18 The slope ofthetangenttoa curve y= f(x) at (x, f(x)) is 2x+1. If the curve passes through the
point (1,2) then the arca of the region bounded by the curve, the x-axis andtheline x=l is
(B) (C) (D) 1
(A) 6

Q.19 ConsidertheLwo statements

Statement-1: y=sin kt satisfiesthedifferential equation y"+9y=0.
Statement-2: y= e" satisfy the differential equation y" y'-6y
+ =

The value ofk for which both the
statements are correct

(B)0 (C)2 (D)3

Q.B on DE and AUC
Q,20 dy
The solution of the differential equntion, x2cos
dx -ysin X -1, where y -

1 as
x-> is
(A) y= sin- CoS
(1B) y

(C) ycos +sin X+1
Q.21 The equation ofa curve
intercept made by a nomal at P on
for which the
product of the abscíssa ofa point P&
the x-axis cquals twice the the
squarc of the radius vector of the
point P.
(A)+y?= (B)x+y?-2 (C)x2-y2-4x (D)x-y-x
Q22 The arca bounded by the curves y--x and
(A) cannot be detemined
x--y where x, y 50
(B)is 1/3 (C) is 2/3
(D) is same as that of the figure bounded
by the curves y W-x ; xs0 and x=
-y :ys0
Q.23 The latus recnum of
the conic passing through the origin and having the
(xy) intersects the x-axis at (x+1), 0) is property that normal at each point
(A) 1 (B) 2 C) 4 D) none
Q24 The order& the degree of differential
the equation whose general solution is, y=c(x-c¥, are
(A) 1,1 (B) 1,2 C 1,3 respectively
D) 2,1
Q.25 Area of the region enclosed between the curves
x=y?-1 and x=lyl 1-y2 is
(A) 1
(B)4/3 C)2/3 (D) 2
Q,26 Ina chemical reaction a substance
changes into another such that the rate of decomposition of achemical
substancex present at instant t is
proportional to x itselfi.e. amount of unchanged substance still
present. Ifhalfof the substance present initially has been converted at the end of I minute then the time
tin minutes at the end ofwhich
(A) 5 and 6
99%of the substance will have changed liesin the interval
(B) 6and 7 (C) 7 and 8 (D) more than 10

027 The area bounded by the curve y=xe"; xy =0 and x=c where cis the x-coordinate of the curve's
inflection point, is
(A)1-3e2 (B)1-2e2 (C) 1-e2 (D) I

,28 A soluton of the differential equation, +y=0 1s

(A) y=2 (B) y=2x (C) y=2x -4 (D) y 2 x - 4

Q29 ynlCxI (wbere c is an arbitrary constant) is the general solution ofthe differential cquation
dy then the function
R(A) (B)

Q.B on DE and AUC

.30 If (a, 0); a>0 is the point
where the curve y- sin2x- V3 sinx cuts the x-axis
bounded by this part of curve, the first, A is the area
the origin and the positive x-axis, then
(A)4A+ 8 cosa- 7 (B)4A +8 sina- 7 (C)4A-8
sina-7 (D)4A-8 cosa 7
Q.31 The cquation to the
orthogonal trajectories of the system of
parabolas y ax is
(A)+y-c (B) -c (C) (D)x2
Q.32 The equation
of the trajectories which is orthogonal to the family of curves
(A)sin y=ce (B)cos y -ce (C)sin y ce
y ac* is
(D) None
Q.33 A
function y= f(x) satisfies the differential dy
is bounded when x o , The
equation-y- cos x -sin x, with initial
condition that y
area enclosed by y-f(x), y- cos x and the y-axis in the 1"
(A)-1 (B) (C)
Q.34 Afunctionf(x) satisfying f(tx) dt=n(), where x>0, is
(A)fx)=c x n (B)f(x) =¢*xn-(C)s(x)=c-x
(D)S(x)=c x-n)
Q.35 Area enclosed by the curve y= (x +2x)e"*
and the positive x-axis is
(A)1 (B)2 (C)4. (D)6
Q.36 Acurey=f)passingthrough thepoint dy
Satisfics thedifferentialequation+xe 2 =0.

Then which of the following does not hold good?

(A) f(x) is differentiable at x=0
(B) f(x) is symmetric wr.t. the origin.
()f(x) is increasing for x<0 and decreasing for x>0.
D) fx)has twoinflectionpoints.

Q.37 Acurve passing through (2,3) and satisfying the differential equation JIY(t)dt x?y(x). (x>0) is

(A) x2+y2= 13 (B)y2- C) D)xy=6
Q.38 Consider the following regionsin the plane
P, {(x, ):0SxS l and 0sys1}
R-{(x, y):x2+ y2 s 4/3}
a3 +br
", where a and b are integers. Then the
The area ofthe region R,nRzcanbeexpressedas 9
value of (a + b) equals
(C)4 (D)5
A)2 (B)3
transform the differential equation,
for which the substitution, y u " will
Q.39 ofm
The real value

intoa homogeneousequationis: (D) no value ofm
(A) m- 0 (B) m- (C) m=3/2
Q.B on DE and
Q.40 A function y=f(x) satisfies (x+ 1).f'(x)-2(x2+x)f(x) V
X> -1
If f(0)=5. then f(x) is

(B 6x+5 6x+5 (5-6x e

(AX+1 (C(x1 (D)

Q41 Infiniterectangles eachof width I unitand height (ne N) are conistructedsuch that ends

ofexactly one diagonal ofevery rectangle lies along the curve yThesum ofarcas ofall such
rectangles, is
(A) (B) (C) D)I
Q42 Area enclosed by the figure described by the equation x*+1 =2x+y', is
(A) 3 10
(B) (C)
Q.43 The area defined by Iy|s erlxl - in cartesian co-ordinate system, is

(A)4-2/n2) (B)4-In2) (C)2-n2) (D) (2-2 n 2)

Paragraph for Question Nos. 44 to 46
A curve y=f(x) satisfies the
differentialequation(1+x)+2yx=4x? and passesthrough the origin.
Q44 The function y=f(x)
(A) is strictly increasing VxeR (B) is such that it has a minima but no maxima.
(C)is such that it has a maximabut no minima (D)has no inflection point.
Q45 The area cnclosed by y=f-0), the x-axisandtheordinate at x=2/3 is
(A) 2 n 2 B) n2
(C)h2 (D) h2

Q.46 For the function y =f) which one ofthe following does not hold good?
(A) f(x) is a rational function (B) f(x) has the same domain and same range
C)f(x) is a transcidental function D)y=f(x)is abijectivemapping.
Paragraph for question nos. 47 to 49
Let C bea curve y=f (x) passing through M-3,1 such thatthey-interceptofthe normal at any
point P(x, y) on the curve C is equal to the distance of P from the origin.
Q.47 Which one ofthe following statement is correct?
A)1(x) hasexactlytwo points ofinflection.
(B)fx) has maxima but nominima.
C)The equation f(x) -2 has two distinct real solutions.

(D) Inclinationofthe tangent line drawn to fx) at (1, 0) is tu

Q48 The area epclosed by the curve C and the co-ordinate axes is cqual to

(A) 6 (B) (D)

Q.B on DE and AUC 161
Q.49 The shortest distance betwecen the curve C and the circle x2+ y2-2y 0 is equal to
(A) (B) 2-1 (C)6-1 (D)5-1
Paragraph forquestion nos. 50 to 52
Consider three real-valued functions f.g and h defined on R( the set of real numbers).
Let fx) 2+3|1 x2 +3(n2- a) x +b where a, be R and g(x) 6
Also h(x) is such that h"(x) 6x-4 and h(x) has a local minimum value 5

at x= 1.

Q.50 The trie set of values of a for which f{x) has negative point of local
minimum, is
(A)-a,0) (B)(1, o) (C) 0, 1) (D)(1,o)12}
Q.51 The complete set of values of a for which vertex
of parabola y= g(x) has negative ordinate, is
(B)(0, o) C)R-12) (D)(1,) 12}
Q.52 The area bounded by y= h(x) between x=0 and x=2, is
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.


Q.61 The equation of the curve such
thatthe distance between the origin& the tangent line at an arbitrary point
is equal to the distance
between the origin& the normal at the same point is
(A) x*+y?=c.etrctan (y')
(B) yx+y? =c.erretan(y/s)
(C) +y' c.eare tan(is) (D) x +y2 =c.e-arc tan (yh)
where c is an arbitrary constant

Q62 The area bounded by a curve, the axis of

co-ordinates & the ordinate ofsome point of curve is
to the length the
of the corresponding arc of the curve. If the curve passes through the point equal
the equation of this curve can be: P(0. 1) then

(A) y- e-+2) (B) y- +e*)

(C) y= 2
Q.63 Let Tbe the triangle with vertices (0,0), (0, c*) and (c, c-) and let R be the region between y = cx and
yx where c >0 then
(A)Area(R)=-6 (B)AreaofR= 3
(C) Lim
Area (R)
(D) Lim Area
c0 Area (R)

Q.B on DE and AUC 171

Q.64 ldentify the statement(s) wlhich is/are True.

(A) fx.y)-ev+ tan is a

homogeneous function of degree zero
(B)x.h d sin
dy-0 is ahomogeneous
C)x.y)- x2+ sinx. cos y is not differential
equation ofof degrer
degree one
(D)+y2)dx (xy2-y') dy-0 is a
homogeneous function
homegencous differential equation.
065 Suppose f is defined fromR >|-1,T|as j(x)=
statement which does not hold is 2where Ris the set of real number Th
(A)f is many one onto the
(B)fincreases for x>0 and decrease for x <0
(C)minimum value is not attained even though fis
(D) the area included by the bounded
curvey=f(x) and the line y =1 isTsq.
Q66 A function y =f(x)
satisfying the differential equation dy sin x=y cos x+
y0 as x o
then the statement which is correct is
0 is such that
(A) Limt fx)= 1 r/2
(B)fx) dx is less than
C) fx)dx is greater than unity
D) f(x)is an odd function

Q.67 Let +y= f(x) where y is a continuous function of x with y (0) =

l and
if 0SxS2
fx)- -2 f 2Whichof the followingholds) good?
if x>2
(A)y1)=2e- (B) y (1)=- e (C)y 3)-2e-3 (D)y'(3)=-2e

Q68 Consider f(x)=

such that fis periodic with period r, then

(A)Therange of fis
(B) fis continuous for all real x, but not
differentiable for some real x
(C)fis continuous for all real x
(D) The area bounded by y=f(x) and the X-axis from neN
x=-nr to x= nr is 2n 1+tor agive
69 The tangentat anypont P ona curve f(x, y) -0 cuts the y-axis at T. If the distance ofthe point
from P equals the distance of T from the origin then the curve with this property represents a amily of
circles. Which of the following is/are CORRECT?
(A)Any arbitraryline y =mx cuts every member ofthis family at the points where the slopes ofthese
members are equal.
(B)fx.y)= 0 is orthogonalto the fam iy ofcircbe x+y2-ky0 V ke R
(C)if f(x. y)=0 passes through (2, 2) then the intercept made by its directorcircle on they-
cqual to 8.
(D)Ifrf(«.y)=0 passes through (-1. 1)thenimage of its centre in the line y x. is(,0
defined as
R and are
Q.70 Consider the functions f (x) and g (x), both defincd from R 1/2then
f(x)=2x-x and g(x)=*" where ne N. Ifthe area between f(x) and g(x) infirst quadrant is
n is a divisor of
(A) 12 (C) 20 (D) 30

Let C family of curves f(x, y, c)

be the 0 (no member of C is x-axis)
= oat
such that length
Q.71 of subtangent
to four times that ofthe length
subnormal at any point P(x. y) on the curve C is equal
correct ?
the same point. Which ofthe following statement(s) is(are) to thec
line with positive y-intercept passing through (4,
2) and perpendicular
(A) Equation ofthe
curve C is x+2y 8.
lines having gradient +2.
B) Orthogonal trajectory of C is family ofparallel and 2 respectively.
of family of curves C are 1
(C) Order and degree of the differential equation
D) Differential curves is 2y +x=0.
equation offamily of
curve y 2 - x & the straight line y=-x.
Q.72 Find the area bounded by the

Find the area enclosed by the parabola y=l+x*

anda normal drawn toit with gradient- 1.
the curve
such that the slope ofthe tangent at any pointto
Let C be a curve passing through
M (2,2) x = 2 is expressed
Q.74 bounded by curve C and line
isreciprocalof the ordinate of the point.If the area

(wherep andqare in theirlowest
form), then find (p+ q).
as a
9 A
created by rotating the tangent
line tothe parabola y=x* at the point A(1, 1), about
Q.75 Let/be theline Let B be the other intersection ofthe line/with y=x*. Ifthe area enclosed by

by an angle of (-T/4).
where a, and a, are coprime, find (a, +a,
line/and the parabolais
Q.76 Let d)-sinxVxe 0.f+7-x)-2Vxe
and fx)-[2n-x) Vxe (7, 27].
thenfind the value of (a~ +b).
f(x) and x-axis is antb,
Ifthe area enclosed by y=
0 and
(0, oo) such that y(1)

function on the interval

Let y(x) be a real-valued differentiable
hx+2 Find the value of [y(e)-y'lc)
satisfies y(x) = -

x Inx
than or equal to k.]
[Note: where [k] denotes largest integer less
QB on DE and AUC
and g(X) is equal to the area bounded
X-x and g(x) ax. Ifthe area bounded by f(x)

Q78 fx) =

then find the value of [a]

bythecurves x 3y-y2 and x+ y -3,

lessthan or equal tok.]

[Note: [k] denotes the greatest integer

Q.79 Let C, and C, be two curves which satisfy the differential equation
and passes through M(1, 1). If the area enclosed by curves C, ,C, and co-ordinate axes is

(m, n e N) then find the least value of (m + n).

Q 80 Ifthe area bounded by the curves f(x)- (cos"| cosx|. g (x) (cos |cosx|) and x |
- =

is an+ br +c, then find the minimum value of (|al+ |b|+ Icl).

Q.3 C
Q.2 D 9.4 B
Q.8 A
Q.5 C
7 A Q.9 A
Q6 D Q.10 B
Q.12 C Q.13 A Q.14 B
Q11 A O.15 A
Q.18 A Q.19 A
Q16 D
Q.17 B
920 A
023 B 9.24 C
A Q.22 9.25 D
Q.28 C Q.29 D
26 B Q.27 A 930 A
Q.32 C Q.33 A Q.34 A 0.35 C
Q31 A

Q.36 B Q.37 D Q.38 C Q.39 C Q40 B

Q42 B Q.43 D Q.44 A 9.45 C
Q41 D
Q47 D Q.48 D iBQ.49 B Q.50 A
Q46 C

Q.51 C Q.52 D Q.53 B Q.54 D Q.55 D

Q.56 B Q.57 C Q.58 A Q.59 B Q.60 A

Q61 BC Q.62 BC Q.63 AC Q.64 ABC Q.65 ACD

Q66 ABC Q67 ABD Q.68 AD Q.69 AB Q.70 BCD

Q.71 ACC Q.72 sq, units Q73 A sq. units

Q.76 4 Q.77 0 Q.78 1

Q.74 19 Q.75 287

Q.79 =So, (m+nast 9 Q.80 1

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