Position Paper

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Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly

features. However, social media platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and more are giving people
a chance to connect with each other across distances. In this Ted Talk video entitled “The Effects of
Social Media on Relationships” by Mayurakshi Ghosal is all about the social media that affects the
relationships between her best friend. Basically, Mayurakshi and her best friend they had not spoken for
almost two months and when they’ve met her best friend has already another friend.

As Mayurakshi said “Social Media can really have a huge impact on friendships”. As a matter of
fact, texting is so addictive and gives so much pleasure. So, in this case, I agree with the point of
Mayurakshi and I like what she said that get to know your friends better because I really believe that
friendships doesn’t really need a daily conversation. However, if you are really their friends they know,
understand, and trust you for not being active in social media.

In conclusion, we need to stop abusing social media because, in every aspect of life, too much
can lead to many adverse effects. As mentioned by Mayurakshi, you can stop social media from taking
control of your life before it’s too late.

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