SSC112PT3 Finalterm Group4

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“PaIO: Pass It On”

Aiding Families in Conducting Development Approach Towards the Next Generation


Today when almost everything is losing meaning, we need to realize the importance of
family more than ever. Its values and principles remain the same even as the world becomes more
contemporary and sophisticated. A group of people related by blood or ancestry is known as a
family. These individuals are connected not only by blood but also by empathy, love, and support.

Your family influences your character and self-identity because you spend your earliest
developmental years with them. They have served as your first-ever teachers. As you grow up, you
learn and experience new things under the guidance of your family, which creates the bond you
have with them right now. Numerous components constitute your family's foundation: love, which
teaches us to love without conditions; loyalty, which leads to better interpersonal bonds among the
members; and ultimately, acceptance and understanding of our flaws and mistakes.

Your background significantly determines your perception of life and how you conduct
yourself beyond the walls of your home. An individual must grow up not only in stable conditions
but also in a nurturing environment. Raising a generation cannot be defined just by providing the
basic human needs – but rather by instilling the correct values and principles in a nurturing and
caring approach. These obligations make up the true and realized purpose of having a family.


• To recognize the true, nurturing values and principles that each member must
adhere to.
• To teach elder figures of every household on how to raise the younger generation
in a caring and nurturing environment.

Date: December 17, 2022 (Saturday)

Venue: Don Gregorio Evangelista Memorial Elementary School Covered Court, Kasanyangan-
Talon-Talon Road, Brgy. Sta. Catalina, Zamboanga City


not funded:
• Chairs
• Tables
• Table cloth
• Speakers
• Microphones
• Laptop
• Projector
• Electric fans
• Digital camera

• Tarpaulin (for on-site program) 3 by 4 ft (240 php)
• Production of attendance sheets and memorandums 10 php
• Foods and snacks (to accommodate 150 people, excluding speakers and special guest/s)
• Lei of honor (for special guest/s)
• Special paper and printing services (for production of certificates)
• Noche Buena packages
Budget Plan



Tarpaulin (for on-site program) 1 pc 240 Php

3 by 4 ft

Production of attendance sheets 10 pcs of bond paper 20 Php

and memorandums

Lei of honor 2 pieces - 100 each 200 Php

Flier Printing 50 pieces - 4 each 200 Php

Food and Snacks

Sliced bread 15 packs 975 Php

Chicken Spread 2 jars 650 Php

Juice Box (Zesto) 15 boxes - 120 each 1800 Php

Noche Buena Package 50 pcs - 300 each 15000 Php

Juice Cart (Del Monte Four 10 pcs 350 Php



Program Flow
Monitoring and Evaluation

Leading the monitoring of the venue, materials, and participants are Gabriel Antonio Bazan and
Josh Osinsao, with Areej Ahadi, Claire Belle Bucan, and Mikylla Lumapas for the three phases of
evaluation done during the event.

Baseline Evaluation
• Through this evaluation, we can determine the participants’ perceptions and preconceived
thoughts about the topic. It will happen before the first session starts.

Midline Evaluation
• We will assess the progress and establish a basis for comparison before and after the first
speech starts. Meanwhile, we will be inferring how effective the campaign is. It will happen
at the end of the first session.

Endline Evaluation
• It will happen during the open forum session. The endline evaluation will measure the
overall outcome and impact of the campaign in improving the families of the program
Promotional Campaign Poster

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