PrEd 129 - 1.1

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Marvel, Isabel, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Phone: 09157598113/09190852484

Learning Task No: 1.1

Name: Logroño, Mutya Kismet A.

Year & Section: BSED-ENGLISH I-A

1. How many answered Yes or No for each item? What percent is

Yes? No?

2. Which of the 10 item/s has more YES than NO answers?

3. What meaning can you derive from the results? (Limit your

answer to 4-5 sentences)

For the first survey, 148 respondents answered YES and the remaining 6 took the other option. And the second
one, out of 154 only 140 of them answered YES and 14 of them were NO. The 3rd and 4th items both answered YES
meaning the majority of the respondents is in favor of YES. As of the 5th and the 6th items only fifth got the majority of
votes in YES, while the 6th item got 80 respondents on the said survey. For the 7th and 8th items both garnered a
percentage of 79.9% and 83.8% of YES. For the 9th item, it has 89% of votes in the YES option, while the NO only got
11%. And the 10th and last item, 98.1 respondents answered YES and the remaining 1.9% answered NO.

In the 10 items in the survey, the 10th one has the majority of votes in favor of YES; it has 151 respondents
equivalent to a percentage of 98.1% than the remaining 1.9% respondents answered NO.

For the last question, In my point of view, ICT definitely enables teachers as use of ICT in education creates an
easy-to-manage learning environment where the delivery of information is much smoother and thus the learning
becomes easier. In other words, ICT makes teachers more effective and resourceful in the teaching learning process,
Where students can access information whenever and wherever they want. Such advancement in the current scenario is
much needed where teachers can incorporate various resources to make learning and teaching more effective. For
example, teachers can use various resources to elaborate on a variety of topics that are actually quite abstract and need
to be explained visually and virtually so with this they can enhance their classroom experience and provide meaningful
knowledge to their students. So for me ICT can be used in a very resourceful way and will definitely provide better results
in the learning process and knowledge dissemination in classroom situations, if it is used properly and teachers are more
equipped with proper training.

PrEd 129: Technology for Teaching and Learning I, 2nd Semester, A.Y. 2021-2022

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