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General Information: Picture:

Once a proper
Other Discord account, if present:
Names: Alex & Jake Species: anthro wolfdog
Personal Information: Genitals:
Age: 23 Dick: Vagina:

image is
Original N/A
Male Type: Canine Type:


Attracted to feminine

2in, 3in

discovered (by
myself or
appearing individuals with knot. chested
6ft 2in 190lb Eye color: Gunmetal blue
Height: Weight:
(1.88M) (86kg) Special: appears dull
athletic and fairly toned, though his muscles are more compact thus
giving a slightly lithe appearance. (think a swimmers muscle type)
Special electrical tree burn along the length of his left arm, due to the pale
someone else) it
will fill in this spot.
notes: color it is difficult to spot under the fur. Fur smells of cinnamon.
Original Dark Brown,white along the belly moving up to under the chin, Shaggy,
Fur: travel worn, coarse
Current Dark Brown,white along the belly moving up to under the chin, Shaggy,
fur: travel worn, coarse
Original Whitesmoke, unkempt, travel worn but cared for.
Current Whitesmoke, unkempt, travel worn but cared for.
Tail etc.: Dark brown, lightens to whitesmoke at the tip, shaggy, travel worn
Dark blue undershirt that is loose fitting, grey leather vest, light blue
Common boxers, dark blue track pants commonly kept unzipped at the ankles to
clothing: not get in the way. A pair of grey boots modified to work with a more
canine physiology.

Dark blue undershirt that is loose fitting, grey leather vest, light blue
Current boxers, dark blue track pants commonly kept unzipped at the ankles to
clothing: not get in the way. A pair of grey boots modified to work with a more
canine physiology.

Knife stashed away in boot, Broken Silver Bell on a rope necklace,Weather
resistant white travel cloak, pair of snow goggles, one strap satchel
Alex:conflicted, factual but tries to be kind, savior complex (second type.), though
he sometimes has problems with surpressed emotions.
Jake:has some trouble controlling his emotions, survivalist, difficulty trusting, Blunt
realist, loyal to those who earn his trust, prone to need to know basis mentality.
Both are restless sleepers
Revealed Biography (prone to additions as details are revealed):

Biography: Abilities (possible for more to be added as he is taught):

The two personalities are aware they are not one whole individual, but could not Split mind makes it more difficult for him to fall victim to mental manipulation
really definitively tell you when the original personality fractured into two or which High pain tolerance paired with dulled sensations in left arm
of them is the base personality or even if there is a base personality anymore.
Though despite his rather... shaky mental state the wolf has managed to survive Skilled in both knife and hand to hand-combat, specalizing in throws and grapples
fairly well, traveling often and not staying in one spot for to long and as a result Has excelent visual recall
carrying light. what brings him to the realm of imagination? he is honestly unsure, enhanced sense of smell and vision.
something about the place calling to him.
Jake has a fair store of survivalist knowledge.

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