Carbohydrate Digestion Test

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Carbohydrate Digestion Test

Digestion of carbohydrate is carried out by amylase. In this experiment, we tested the digestion

of carbohydrate by using starch (carbohydrate) and amylase. We used Lugol’s iodine (turns

black in the presence of starch) and Benedict (form precipitate in the presence of simple sugars)

indicators. If the solution turns black indicating presence of starch and little or no digestion and

greenish brownish red precipitates indicate presence of monosaccharaides. For this experiment,

we took 6 test tubes and labeled them 1 to 6. In test tube 1, we added starch solution and amylase

and in test tube 2, we added starch solution and distilled water. The both test tubes were heated at

37℃ for 30 minutes. The mixture in test tube 1 is divided into two test tubes equally (1cc each)

3 and 4. Similarly, mixture from test tube 2 is divided into bottle 5 and 6 equally (1cc each). Two

drops of Lugol’s iodine was added in test tube 3 and 5 and ten drops of Benedict’s reagent was

added to test tubes 4 and 6. Test tubes 4 and 6 were heated for 30 minutes. The results for all the

four tubes were recorded.

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