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To study the variation in range of a projectile with

angle of projection.


A measuring tape, large size protractor, PVC or a rubber pipe, a nozzle, source of water under

The movement of the water particles in a
jet of water can be taken as an example of a projectile motion
under the acceleration due to gravity g. So, its
range can be given by
A USin20

where, is the angle of projection and u is the velocity of projection.

Horizontal range R will be maximum, if
sin20 1 sin20 Sin 90°
20 90° 45°
Maximum horizontal range =
9 Rmax u
Setting up the Apparatus
1. Make the connection of a water pipe with the reservoir outlet and fix a metallic nozzle in the other
end of pipe (held in hand) so that the velocity of projection of water coming out from the pipe
remains constant.
2 Now, place the protractor in a slot in a horizontal base in order to make its plane vertical on the
ground so that its graduations can be easily seen.
Note For making a large protractor, take a circular plyboard or thick circular cardboard sheet of radius about
25 cm. Draw a diameter through its centre ana cut it along the diameter to form two dees. On one of the
with 0°.
dees, draw angles at an interval of 15° starting
Determination of Range Corresponding to Certain Angle of Projection
3. Put the nozzle at the centre 0 of protractor. Open the tap to obtain the jet of water and let the jet pass

through some suitable marking of angle (say 15) on protractor.

Notice that the path of the jet along which it moves should be a parabola and should fall back on the
slab at some distance. Mark the point
where the jet falls (i.e.point
5. Close the tap and with the help of measuring tape, measure the distance OB This will give you the
the angle of projection 15.
range (R) corresponding to
6. Now, vary the angle from 15° to 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and with the help of measuring tape, measure the
corresponding range (where the jet of water falls) for each angle of projection in the stepwise
7. Note down the observations in a tabular form and plot a graph between range and angle of
projection by taking them along X and Y-axes respectively.

80 90 100
260 250110 120

Jet of water 280 270


300 2

24040 230 20
220 140
8 J e t of water

Ground level
Horizontal range, R -Nozzle attached with
the pipe
Set up to determine the horizontal range of a jet of water

Least count of measuring tape .0..4 cm.
Table for Studying the Variation in the Range of
Water Jet with Angle of Projection
S.No. Angle of projection of water jet, 0 Range of water jet, R (cm)
120 m
45 130 m
5 75

Plot a graph between the angle of projection () and
and R along Y-axis.
corresponding range (R) by taking 0 along X-axis

1 max

O 15 30 45 60 75 90
Angle of inclination (0) (in degrees)
Graph between angle of projection and range
After plotting thegraph between the angle of
concluded that the range of jet of projection (e) and corresponding range (R), we nave
water is
(a) same for fwo complimentary angles (like for 15 and 75°, 30 and 60°)
(b) maximum for the angle of projection of ..4.S degree. This angle will be almost 45.
1. There should not be any leakage in the pipe and the pressure with which the water is released from
the nozzle should not vary during the
2 There should be a constant water level in the reservoir in order to keep the velocity of projection
3. The centre of area where the water strikes the ground should be considered for measuring the
range of ater jet.
4 The small nozzle should be used in order to get a thin stream of water
5. The measurement of angle of inclination should be done carefully.
6 The trajectory of water should exactlylie on the plane ofthe protractor.
7. The point of return of the jet of water should be sharp.

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