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DH 1.3 ZONES OF ATMOSPHERE F10q. “What are the zones of atmosphere? Explain Chemosphere ? ISPPU - Dec. 16, Apil 17, Dec. 19, 6 Marks 1UQ. What are the zones of atmosphere? Explain lonosphere and svatosphee.— NST AECNAATY | 'UQ. What ate the zones of atmosphece? Explain Troposphere EAA ‘+ Tho earth's atmosphore is divided into 5 layers based on certain intrinsic features, + Tho eriterin choson for the classification of atmosphere are temperature, chemica nysio-chemical properties. The five main zones of atmosphere are Troposphere 2) Stratosphere (ozone layer la present) Mesosphere (@)Thormosphere (6) Bxoephere Tho sequence of layers from higher altitude to lower attitude ean be remember by remembering word (Osr. 1) Troposphere This i the tude increases temper y of the troposphere is known as the Stratosphere opopause The stratosphere extends from the tropopause to about 50 kin, 4 6 o a 4 4 v y e Pa e ¥ © c ¢ cS ¢ & ce ¢ ° ‘Tempereture remain constant up t 25 km and then ineresses at lower rate. This is due to radiation absorbs by the ozone layer. om ia In this layer, ozone layer is present which prevents the direct contact of ultraviolet radiation with oo —e— on * Ozone layer consists of Os (ozone) which absorbs dangerous kinds of sunlight. Ozone (Os) present in troposphere isa pollutant, but in the stratosphere it is useful Boece ert tea pollobent, ‘he minimum temperature in this ayer 86°C and maxima tomporatore ig oc unimum temperature in this ayer zum omperature js ~ 2° ‘The boundary of the stratosphere is known as the stratosphere. » 8) Mesosphere ‘The Mesoophere extends from the stratosphere to about 80 km. 22222222 SEAL New Svs academic yeor22-23) (7-80 Tab recrneorucaton A saci sia 4 Rlegations) Page no (1-5) Potton and c + Inthia " perature with altitude * The minimum temperature in t * Tho pressure and density of air are vory low * Mesosphere has the lowest temperature due to the low concentration of air * All shooting stars burnt in this layer * _ Highest point of mososphere is mesopause =... Mesoenhere, Sraoephiore and iropoephore havo uniform mikng that why fey ar also caled aa Ronosphore >) Thermosphere * _Itis also called as heterosphere, * This layor is stratified by gases Os, Na, Ho, Hl + Tho maximum temperature inthis laer is 1200 * Tem, jure is incr a Perature is increase du to low ir density molecules or high nergy radiation absorbed by Na ee and Oz, as + Tonosphere is a Part of thermosphere, present at lower portion of thermosphere. > ©) Exoephere + _Upper part of thermosphere is exosphore * Very few molecules are found in this region the hottest layer in the atmosphere > ©) Chemosphere ‘The region of the upper atmosphere where photochemical reactions take place, Itincludes the stratosphere (top layer), mesosphere, and sometimes lower part of thermosphere. of number of * This region _ consists photochemical reaction involving atomic O, 0, Osete. a, > (7 Ionosphere + Ionosphere is the ionized part of the atmosphere. + Tes locate from 60 km to 1,000 km It includes some _part_of thermosphere, _mesosphere and exosphere + The radio waves are directed into the sky and reflected back tothe earth. — (SPPU-New Syllabus wel ‘academic year 22-23) (P7-89) BEEEECEOGEOCEEEELCOCCO za, 1.4.3 Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984 Air Polition and Control (SPPU-Sem7-Cial) (Ae Potato \JR1A4.2 Great London Smog 1952 , togislaione and Regulations) Page no (1-7) During the day on 6 December, the fog was not especially dense and generally possessed a dry, smoky The charncter, When nightfall eame, however, the fog thickened. Visibility dropped ‘o © few metres. following day, the sun was too low in the sky to burn the fog away. thickened. In many familiar districts, In The Isle of Dogs) ‘That night and on the Sunday and Monday nights, the fog again parts of London, it was impossible at night for pedestrians to find their way, even in area, the fog there was 80 thick people could not see their feet 1, with heavy snowfalls across the ber 1952, had been very col the people of London were burning large quantities of coal in their homes. Smoke ‘The weather in November and early Decem! region. To keep warm, was pouring from the chimneys of their houses, 1e atmosphere and disperse, but an antieyclone was ond. Under normal conditions, smoke would rise into th hanging over the region. This pushes air downwards, warming it as it des ve air eloge tothe ground is cooler than the air higher above it, So when ith pollution that the winds from the ‘This creates an inversion, wher ‘oke comes out of the chimney, it is trapped, along ws the warm sm ‘on the continent. east had brought from industrial areas arly on 5 December, in the London area, the sky was St, winds were light and the air near the round was moist, Acordingly, conditions ware des) for the formation of radiation fog. Along with the reer droplets of the fog, the atmosphere beneath che inversion ‘contained the smoke from innumerable chimneys in the London area. 1g, huge amouta ofimpuriios were released in We atmosphere. On each ML, the following pollutants were emitted: smoks particles, carbon dioxide, ulphur dioxide which were converted into sulphuric acid. hhad already taken a heavy toll. fog, but it could be many more. During the period of the fo day during the fogey perio hydrochloric acid, fluorine compounds § ‘The fog finally cleared on December 9 butit (2) About 4,000 people were died a5 # result of the (2) Many people suffered from reathing problems. () ‘Travel was disrupted for days. it dia, About 45tonnes of the ber 3, 1984, of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh state, In sect vnsecticide plant that was owned PY the Indian. dangerous gas methyl i firm Union Carbide Corporation: i ned 45 tonnes of Methyl eaked due to a backflow of ne te tauk att plat ve alleged to be the ease of the entre BE a a caused th gas to eac around 1.222» subsidiary of the American into the tank, which cont The gas was I Isoeyanate (MIC), caused a runaway ‘exothermic reaction spp and oy are the standard deviation .n distribution Combining these 2-D shape distribut distribution is 3-D ( 1U-New Syllabus we facedemic year 22-23) (°7-82 pian f these Fig. 215 tiplying fonctions together gives the shape of Pig. 215.2 Telrecneoritienions anc

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