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Choose the best answer !

(Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat !)

1. Bayu and Rangga are at Tino’s house. They want to finish their homewor. They ..... it seriously
a. are doing b. were doing . do d. did
". Bayu ..... badminton with his friend now.
a. plays b. played . is playing d. was playing
#. The students ..... their teaher in his house yesterday.
a. $isit b. $isited . ha$e been $isiting d. will $isit
%. Putri sometimes ..... to Tasimalaya twie a wee.
a. ame b. omes . was oming d. will ome
&. 'he ..... me this postard three days ago.
a. sends b. has sent . sent d. will send
.  am sure  ..... him two years ago.
a. am seeing b. ha$e been seeing . ha$e seen d. saw
*. +t this time ne,t month we ..... uniform.
a. wear b. will be wearing . wore d. were wearing
-. e ..... for you for forty minutes.
a. ha$e waited b. waited . ha$e been waiting d. are waiting
/. Today Titus has a tootahe0 all the time he is rying.  ..... him to a dentist as soon as possible.
a. bring b. am bringing . brought d. will bring
1. 2arina always ..... her own room after she gets up.
a. is tidying b. tidied . tidies d. tidy
11. Bayu 3 4here did you get the no$el from 56
Rangga 3 4 borrowed from the library last wee.  want to return it now beause  ..... it already.6
a. read b. am reading . ha$e read d. am going to read
1". Putri usually ..... to shool on foot.
a. go b. goes . went d. going
1#. The boys were swimming at the beah when the rain ..... to fall.
a. has begun b. began . was beginning d. begun
1%. Boss 3 47a$e you seen Putri 56
8anager 3 49es0 sir. 'he ..... a letter in her room now.6
a. was typing b. will be typing . is typing d. has been typing
1&.  get there at nine o’lo0 they .... out.
a. went b. go . are going d. will be going
1.  ..... my lothes for amping when you phoned me last night.
a. am preparing b. ha$e been preparing . was preparing d. ha$e prepared
1*. Putri always ..... her mother although she is just eight years old.
a. is helping b. helped . helps d. help

1-. 7e ..... the teaher is in the lassroom.

a. now b. new . nows d. nown
1/. They ..... the omputer game for two hours.
a. ha$e played b. ha$e been playing . played d. are playing
". e ..... senior high shool in the following si, months.
a. will enter b. is entering . entered d. enter
"1. :$ery $aation my brother goes away from home. 7e seldom ..... at home.
a. stay b. stays . stayed d. is going to stay
"". 7e ..... e$ery wee beause he wants to lose weight.
a. e,erises b. e,erise . e,erising d. is e,erising
"#. Putri started woring here in 1///. 'he ..... here for four yeras.
a. wors b. has been woring . is woring d. will be woring
"%. By this time tomorrow0 all the elebrations .....
a. will ha$e ended b. ha$e ended . ended d. end
"&. Putri often ..... in the li$ing room.
a. sleeps b. slept . sleep d. sleeping
". The passengers of the aeroplane ..... when the plane hit the mountain last wee.
a. are sleeping b. ha$e been sleeping . were sleeping d. ha$e slept
"*. 4here is your brother 56
4n his room. 7e ..... a omputer game.6
a. has been playing b. played . plays d. is playing
"-. ;o you now who ..... the boo <Treasure sland’ 5
a. write b. writes . wrote d. did write
"/.  ..... e,erises e$ery day beause  don’t want to get fat.
a. taes b. taing . tae d. is going to tae
#. 8y father ..... from his job already.
a. resigned b. has resigned . resigns d. will resign
#1. Rangga sometimes ..... fried rie for breafast.
a. has b. ha$e . was ha$ing d. will ha$e
#".  was sleeping when my father ..... the announement about me on the radio.
a. heard b. was hearing . hears d. will be hearing
##. 'he mustn’t belie$e what her friend has ..... her.
a. tell b. telling . tells d. told
#%. The $isitors of the $illage ..... to annual eremony already.
a. ame b. ha$e ome . were oming d. will ome
#&. Bayu ..... his biology assignment these days.
a. was finishing b. has finished . finished d. has been finishing
#.  ..... studying at '8= ne,t year.
a. will start b. started . is starting d. start

#*.  don’t ..... why he an’t ome on time.

a. understand b. understood . understanding d. understands
#-. Rangga ..... his homewor at present time.
a. does b. will do . is doing d. was doing
#/. 8y father ..... in that firm from 1/- to 1/-&.
a. wored b. has wored . has been woring d. is woring
%. 7e ..... to hurh on 'undays.
a. goes b. is going . went d. has been going

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