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New Science inVidya Mandir

Everyday Life
Class III -IV
Chapter 14:
Worksheet 4 Our Earth
Multiple Choice Questions (IBT-based Assessments)
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does this experiment depict?

a. Day and night

b. Revolution of the Earth
c. A lighted globe

2. What does the picture given here signify?

a. Ship sailing in the sea.

b. Earth is round.
c. Both a. and b. are incorrect.

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3. What does the picture here depict?
a. Planting of trees
b. Collecting wood
c. Cutting of trees

4. Read the situations and choose the one who is environment friendly.
i. Jenny uses the leftover pages of her notebook.
ii. Jack eats his banana and feeds the peel to a cow.
iii. Jude switches off the fan and A/C when not in use.

a. Jenny
b. Jack
c. Jude
d. All of them

5. Which of these is responsible for the fact that while American children go to
school, Indian children are asleep.
a. Revolution of the earth
b. Rotation of the earth
c. Shape of the earth
d. America is very far away from India.

6. Which of these is common in factories and cars that affect the environment.
a. Both are man-made.
b. Both give off smoke.
c. Both are used by man.
d. None of these.

7. Fill the missing box from the options given here.

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Plants ?


a. Lakes Water
b. Mountain Land

c. Sea
d. Air

8. Choose the option that correctly signifies the meaning of three R's for a clean
and green environment.
a. Repair, Recycle, Rest
b. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
c. Ready, Reduce, Reuse

9. Which of these occurs when Neha throws her chocolate wrapper on the ground?
a. Water pollution
b. Soil pollution
c. Air pollution
d. All of the above

10. Which of these is false?

a. The earth is actually flat.
b. The earth spins around its own axis.
c. The earth moves around the sun.

11. Identify the profession.

a. Power Ranger
b. Actor
c. Astronaut

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12. What does the given picture depict?

a. Smoking is harmful to the environment.

b. Smoke from a cigarette is harmful to humans.
c. Smoking causes air pollution.
d. All of these.

13. Nina was narrating to her sister some facts about the earth that she remembers
from her class. Which is correct among these?
i. It has a unique shape than the other planets.
ii. It is a planet with plants and animals.
iii. It has two movements that make it special.
iv. It is the planet closest to the sun.
v. The planet has land, water and air.

a. i., ii., v. are true but not iii, and iv.

b. i., iii., v. are untrue, ii. and iv. are not.
c. ii., iv., i., v. are true except iii.
d. i, iii., iv. are not true but ii. and v. are.

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14. Which of these do you notice when you stand at a sea shore and watch a ship
sailing away from you?
a. The top and bottom of the ship go out of sight at the same time.
b. The bottom of the ship moves out of sight first.
c. The top part of the ship moves out of sight first.
d. The bottom of the ship is seen even after the top goes out of sight.

15. Akhil is fond of spinning tops. He has many colourful ones of different sizes.
Which of these is significant for the spinning top?
a. The top part of the top is rounded like the shape of the earth.
b. The spinning of the top resembles the revolving earth.
c. The top moves and rolls like a ball.
d. The top spins about a make-believe line through its centre.

16. Which statement best describes the picture given here?

a. These are empty household items.

b. These are waste cans and bottles which are of no use.
c. These are items that can be reused.
d. These are items that cannot be recycled.

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17. How much would the earth travel and cover in 182 days?
a. Quarter of its orbit path
b. Three-fourths of its orbit path
c. Half of its orbit path
d. One-third of its orbit path

18. Which of these should be done to replenish the trees that are cut for making
i. Grow more trees wherever we can.
ii. Pass a law to not cut a single tree hereafter.
iii. Reduce the use of paper.
iv. Create useful products from waste paper.
v. Use less of paper products.

a. Only i., ii., iii., iv. are possible.

b. Only i., ii., iv., v. are possible.
c. Only iv., iii., v., ii. are possible.
d. Only v., iii., i., iv. are possible.

19. Sammy who lives in the USA is eating his breakfast while his cousin who
stays in Russia is busy finishing his hot dinner. Based on this statement, try to
find out where the sun first rose?
a. Sammy's cousin in Russia was the second to see the sun rise.
b. Sammy's cousin in Russia saw the sunrise before Sammy.
c. Sammy and his cousin saw the sun rise almost at the same time.
d. None of these.

20. Which gas is produced due to incomplete burning of petrol or

diesel in vehicles?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Oxygen
c. Carbon monoxide
d. Nitrogen

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21. Plastic pollutes our environment if it is not properly disposed. Which of these
is not true about plastics?
a. Strong and waterproof
b. Can be moulded into any shape
c. Found in nature
d. Can be dyed in different colours


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