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Ponciano, Lester Daryll H.


When there was a pandemic, my friends
and I decided to travel using our bikes.
During that time, we do not know where
we are going because this is our first time
using a bike when traveling. What
happened is I suggested many places,
and they selected to go to Manila
Cathedral. At that time, I was afraid to go
because I saw on the news about the
number of covid patients, and I was not
already vaccinated, but my friends still
encouraged me to continue to drive my
bike. When we were near the destination,
I felt tired on my legs and foot, So I kept
drinking water. In this adventure, I
learned that traveling using a bike will
help you to burn calories, increase
cardiovascular fitness, and builds
strength, endurance, and stamina. I
realized that spending time with your
friends is a virtue because they can make
you smile, and they will motivate you if
you have a problem. I also realized that
doing this hobby which is traveling, helps
to boost your mental health because if
you are biking, you will see many cars,
trees, and buildings. Furthermore, if you
are at your destination now, all of the
hardships will be worth it because of the
view you will see.
When we heard the news that all museums in
Manila were open, we immediately set a
schedule. During that time, I was excited to
explore the three museums in Rizal Park
because this was my first time exploring the
museums. I felt tired on my foot because the
only thing I needed to do was continue walking
and look at the display that has on each
museum. After we explored those three, we
decided to go on Intramuros by walking only.
Even if we are tired, it still worth it because, in
Intramuros, I saw some beautiful views, old
buildings, and the place where Jose Rizal Wrote
the Noli Me Tángere. In this activity, I learned
that walking teaches me to save money.
Because at that time, we had our own money to
commute, but we still chose to talk even though
Rizal Park was far from Intramuros. In addition,
I learned that walking has an advantage for our
bodies. It helps to strengthen your bones and
muscles. I also realized if I continue doing this
kind of adventure, It will assist me to learned
how to appreciate the value of historical objects.
These can also be applied if you are suppering
with your mental issues. Things will get better if
you know how to explore because it will keep
you get busy, and you are enjoying all the things
you have appreciated

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