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Garcia, Janea Monica M.



Answer the following questions to know your understanding of the teaching cycle.

1. In which stage/s of the teaching cycle are the students involved? Explain.

 Since teaching involves an interaction between the teacher and the students, for me,
the stages in which the students are involved are stages 1-6. Because each step
demonstrates that the teacher should take into account the students' preferred
methods of learning and the potential for learning during each teaching cycle, This stage
demonstrates the need for creativity on the part of each instructor to design their
teaching cycles so that their students may quickly catch up or comprehend the lesson
that they want them to learn and understand.

2. Which stage/s of the teaching cycle requires the teacher to reflect on teaching and learning?

 Since teachers would assess students in these stages by teaching them the lesson
regarding activities in their classrooms and taking the time to analyze them from a
distance, they can identify more than just what worked and what didn't, reflection on
teaching and learning is required in stages 4, 5, and 6. No matter how wonderful a
lesson is, effective teachers are the first to acknowledge that practice can always be
enhanced and improved.

3. What do you think is the most important stage of the learning cycle? Why do you think so?

 In my opinion, the most crucial stage is assess learning and reflect on the result because
at this point, you will know what your pupils have learned about your lesson plan,
whether they have understood it, if they have been paying attention during the lesson,
and also if you are an effective teacher.

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