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Name: Sabandija, Lijean IE:


Unabia, Bea Bianca R.

Course and Year Level: BPEB 3B

Subject and Section/ Schedule: Emergency Preparedness and Safety Management (BPED
69) MW: 10:00 – 11:30 AM

Instructor: Prof. Crispin S. Quilang

First Aid For Martial Arts (Group 10)

First Aid - is the first and immediate assistance given to any person with either a minor or serious
illness or injury, with care provided to preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to
promote recovery.

Martial Arts - are codified systems and traditions of combat practiced or a number of reasons
such as self-defense, military, competitions, physical training and spiritual growth. Martial arts do
not focus on fighting or a work out. It's a journey towards self-improvement of the mind, body and
soul through various challenges.

Types of known Martial Arts

Mixed Martial Arts Taekwondo

Karate Judo

Common Injuries in Martial Arts

The most common martial arts injuries are sprains, strains, cuts, and bruises. Broken bones
also occur. These injuries frequently affect the knee, ankle, shoulder and elbow. Hands are
particularly vulnerable to injury during striking martial arts.

Basic Equipment in First Aid Box

Gauze - First Aid Gauze pads are ideal for cleaning and covering cuts, scrapes, grazes and minor
burns. These pads are highly absorbent and designed to draw fluids away from the wound site and
help clean dirt and germs from the injured area.

Gloves- Disposable gloves help to protect against the transmission of disease and illness.

Wound Wipes- An essential in every first aid kit, they can be used to sanitise wounds and the
surrounding skin or to quickly clean the hands before tending to injuries on yourself or others. Our
antiseptic wipes are individually wrapped, making them convenient to use while on-the-go.

Ice Packs- Ice can decrease swelling and inflammation and help stop bleeding. The cold restricts
blood circulation, which in turn can numb the pain. It can also help limit any bruising.

Cetrimide Cream- Water-soluble cream for small wounds, cuts, abrasions, scratches and minor
burns. Contains cetrimide antiseptic to cleanse and kill bacteria on and below the skin surface.
Protects against infection and promotes rapid healing.

Slings- Supporting an injured arm or wrist. Immobilizing fractures. Elevating to control external

Adhesive Tape- Medical adhesive tape, or surgical tape, is used to attach bandages, gauze, and
other dressings to the skin around wounds. Most adhesive tapes are pressure-sensitive tape; i.e.,
tape that sticks and stays in place with firm pressure.
PRICE -is an acronym for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

-is the recommended treatment in common injuries in martial arts

The goal of this treatment is to:

- Reduce the pain and swelling

- Lay the foundation for a good rehabilitation.


-it means to remove or withdraw the athlete from play to protect against further injury.


-the athlete should not continue with any activity to prevent the injury in worse state.


-the aim in applying ice is to relieve pain. 20 minutes with an ice pack every other hour or
two has a good effect.


-is the most important aspect of first aid treatment for acute knee injuries.

-this can reduce swelling.

-Use an elastic bandage and start wrapping it around the knee. Start from below the knee
and finish slightly above it. The bandage should be as tight as possible, without stopping
blood flow past the injury site. Signs that the bandage is too tight can include numbness,
tingling and increased pain.

-reduces swelling and bruising by making it more difficult for blood to reach the injury.
Experts say it is best to elevate the area for 2–3 hours a day.


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