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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

• Eat 1 • Work out • Eat 1 cup • Eat •Eat 1 cup • Eat

cup of rice for at least of rice and cereal andof rice with veggies
and an 1hr fish drink milkmeat and and egg
Egg • Eat • Do school •workout soup • Do REST DAY
Morning • Work- Veggies Activities at least •Do household
out (1hr) •prepare 1hr household chores
• Do for school •prepare chores •workout
Household for school•Prepare at least 1-
Chores for school 2hrs
• Eat •Eat •Eat •Eat •Eat •Eat •Eat
• Do some •Do plunk •Work out • Do •Do •Gardening • Do
school for 1-2 mins for at least some household •Do laundry
Afternoon works •Prepare 30mins to household chores laundry •work out
• Do for school 1hr chores •Gardening for at
household •Do some least 1
chores household hour
chores •Go to
• Eat an •Eat rice •Eat fruits •Eat 1 cup •Eat Rice •Eat 1 cup • Eat
apple and fish and rice of rice with meat of Rice veggies
•Pray Do some •Pray and and fruits with salad
• Sleep at school •Sleep at veggies •Do some veggies •Do some
least assignments least 8 •Pray school Soup household
Evening 8hours •Pray hours •Sleep at works chores
•Sleep at least •pray
least 8hours 8hours •Sleep at

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