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Plant Body Organization is a vascular plant consists of:

1. Root system, which is underground -Anchors the plant, and is used to absorb water and minerals

2. Shoot system, which is above ground -Consists of supporting stems, photosynthetic leaves and
reproductive flowers

A node is the structural part of the stem of vascular plants, which forms a slight swelling in the stem.
Nodes contain either scars or generative structures such as axillary buds, flower buds, or buds of cones.
The axillary buds are responsible for the development of branches. Aerial roots also develop from some
plant nodes. Internode is the part of the stem that occurs between two consecutive nodes. The length
of the internode provides a proper space between the two consecutive nodes. But, some plants such as
dwarf conifers always have short internodes. Therefore, these plants can be pruned or sheared into
different shapes.

A taproot system, generally found in dicotyledons, is made up of a central, large root that is called the
taproot. Lateral roots arise from the pericycle. This is a cross section taken through a root where two
lateral roots are emerging. The apical (Terminal) bud of a plant is the primary growing point located at
the apex (tip) of the stem. Axillary bud is an embryonic shoot located in the axil of a leaf. It is also called
the lateral bud.
Roots plays the role of anchors which helps in creating better stability. In addition, the roots also fuse
the development of the plant and stock reserve food material. They also store food that binds the soil
together. The stem is the part that stays above the ground. A stem usually bears leaves, fruits plus
flowers. It distributes the nutrients and minerals all the way from the plant to the leaves. Furthermore,
the stem is the support system of the plant. A leaf has three basic parts which are petiole, leaf base and
lamina. The leaves of the plant help in photosynthesis. Moreover, they help in removing any excess
water via stomata. In short, it is for transpiration.

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