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Complete the sentences.

Choose one of the words in the box

everybody somebody anybody nobody

everything something anything nothing
everywhere somewhere anywhere nowhere

1. This bag is empty, there isn’t ANYTHING in it.

2. I’m lonely. I have NOBODY to talk to.
3. I lost my watch. I’ve looked for it EVERYWHERE.
4. She said SOMETHING__________, but I didn’t understand her.
5. Did you go ANYWHERE__________, interesting for your vacation?
6. I like the people here. EVERYBODY__________, is very friendly.
7. ’What are you doing here? ’ ’I’m waiting for SOMEBODY__________,.’
8. It’s a secret. Don’t tell ANYBODY__________,.
9. We don’t go out very much, because there’s NOWHERE__________, to go.
10. ’How much does it cost to visit the museum?’ ’ NOTHING__________,. Why?’
11. They live SOMEWHERE__________, in the south of France.
12. It’s a nice hotel. It’s comfortable and EVERYTHING__________, is clean.

Complete the sentences. Choose one of the words in the box

everybody somebody anybody nobody

everything something anything nothing
everywhere somewhere anywhere nowhere

1. Ken never uses his car. He goes EVERYWHER__________, by motorcycle.

2. I’m bored. I don’t have NOTHING__________, to do.
3. Tom lives SOMEWHERE__________, near Toronto.
4. I’m looking for my glasses. I can’t find them ANYWHERE__________,.
5. ’What did you have to eat?’ NOTHING__________,. I wasn’t hungry. ’
6. I don’t like this place. There’s NOWHERE__________, to go.
7. Let’s have dinner. EVERYBODY__________, is hungry.
8. I want SOMETHING__________, to read. I’m going to buy a magazine.
9. The house is empty. NOBODY__________, lives there.
10. You’re right. EVERYTHING__________, you say is true.
11. ’Do you know ANYTHING__________, in Tokyo?’ ’Yes, I have a few friends there.’
12. _____SOMEBODY_____, broke the window.

Complete the sentences. Choose one of the words in the box

everybody somebody anybody nobody
everything something anything nothing
everywhere somewhere anywhere nowhere

1. You can have a shower. There’s NOBODY in the bathroom.

2. Jack has a bad memory. He can’t remember ANYTHING.
3. Their house is full of books. There are books EVERYWHERE.
4. ’What’s in that suitcase?’ ’NOTHING It’s empty.’
5. Stay at home. Don’t go ANYWHERE.
6. Do you have ANYTHING you need?
7. Dan has gone SOMEWHERE. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going.
8. The tank is almost empty. There’s SOMEWHERE a station near here.
9. ’What’s wrong?’ ’I have SOMETHING in my eye.’
10. Tim doesn’t have ANYBODY to help him.
11. ’Do you know Bob?’ ’Yes, EVERYBODY knows him. ’
12.There’s SOMEBODY at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

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