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Becoming an Entrepreneur

Directions: Read the description below of how Kristina Kallur became an entrepreneur and complete
the exercise that follows.

Kristina Kallur was a health food counselor in Sweden with two children, ages 5 and 7. How did
she end up being an entrepreneur and owning her own baby food business? Kristina’s motivation—and
her inspiration—to start her own business came from the birth of her third child. When her son Lukas was
born, his skin was bright red, dry, and chapped instead of the smooth,
baby-soft skin that healthy babies have when they’re born. The reason? Hypersensitivity to milk. As a
health food counselor and a mother trying to care for her new lactose-intolerant baby, Kristina contacted
several baby food suppliers to try to find milk-free baby cereal. However, she was unsuccessful, and
could not find a simple, convenient solution for feeding Lukas. She used this frustration as her inspiration
to start her own business as a baby food supplier that produces exactly what she needed: milkfree baby
food products. Kristina went back to school at the same time that she started her new business. She
realized that she lacked knowledge about the food production industry, so she took courses that focused
on those areas to build her knowledge and expertise while building the foundation of her new company.
Years later, Kristina’s business, EkoGo, produces baby food products that are sold in stores throughout

1. List 3 factors that led Kristina Kallur to become an entrepreneur.

2. Which of these factors that you identified best explains how most people become entrepreneurs?

3. Was Kristina just lucky or did she do something special that led to her success as an entrepreneur?

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