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With the increasing number of bombing cases around the world and especially in our
region, security and safety is something that cannot be taken lightly. Bombing
incidents can cause severe loss of lives and damage to properties and to the
reputation of our country. All occupants are to put in extra efforts to be vigilant and
cooperative in following procedures laid out to deal with bomb threat situations, so
that reduction in loss of lives and damage to properties can be achieved. The three
most common ways that Bombs can be planted are:-

1) Bomb in plain parcel planted in crowded publics places

2) Bomb threat calls
3) Bombs being sent in the form of a letter or parcel

These situations can be real or hoax. However no assumptions should be made until

1) Suspicious or Unattended Object

 Stay away from the object.

 Do not touch or move the object
 Inform Supervisor (if available) immediately
 Warn others to move away from the object.
 Cordon off the object as well as the areas around it
 Report to the Police and Management immediately (Refer to the emergency
contact list)
 Evacuate the premises (Refer to Annex B Evacuation Plan)

2) Bomb Threat Calls

Action to take in a Bomb Threat Call

a) Remain calm and be courteous to the caller to prolong the conversation so as

to obtain as much valuable information as possible.

b) Alert the colleague or anyone nearby of the Bomb call by showing the Bomb
Threat Signage or write the word “BOMB” on paper and to notify the Police and
Management (Ref S/no. 4.1 Emergency Contact list) immediately.

c) Listen to caller's voice and tone, language and accent, manner of speaking
and background noises. Using the Bomb Threat Checklist and note down the
details as per Annex A (Page 5-7).

d) Drag the conversation as long as possible to enable the Police to trace the
call and immediately try to determine:
 the precise location of the bomb and exactly how it looks like;
 the detonation time and what will set it off;
 the amount and type of explosive used and;
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 the reason for such act

e) If the Caller says the Bomb would explode in a short while, possibly in 5
minutes, take the following steps:
 Place the receiver by the side of the phone so that the line will not be cut off.
 Inform Management (Ref S/no. 4.1 Emergency Contact list) and Police 999
 Evacuate if authorized by the Management or the Police.

f) If the given time is longer, say 30 minutes, follow these steps:

 Place the receiver by the side of the phone when the Caller ends his call.
 Inform Management (Ref S/no. 4.1 Emergency Contact list) and Police 999.

g) All suspicious objects are isolated and scene of bomb is cordoned off at least
100 meters where applicable.

h) If evacuation is ordered, activate the fire alarm call point to commence

evacuation (Ref evacuation Plan Page 11-13). If situation permit, made
announcement over PA system. DO NOT mentioned that there is a Bomb Threat.
Announce that there exist an emergency and the management is investigating.

i) To ensure that all are present at the Assembly Area, have a head count by
the respective Supervisors or Heads of sections.

j) Prevent any unauthorized person from entering the cordoned area.

k) Keep the Emergency exits and access route clear for emergency use.

l) Assist and follow instruction from the Emergency Service Provider

m) If location of Bomb / Suspicious Parcel cannot be ascertained

 Report to building management (Ref S/no. 4.1 Emergency Contact List)

 Wait for further instructions
 If a search is activated, the following will be observed:

 Search Zoning
i) Every Floor
ii) Tenanted areas and waiting areas
iii) Common corridors, areas and toilets, risers, plant rooms etc

 Search Personnel
i) At least 1 warden should be with each search team (Police, SAF, SCDF)
ii) Brief Police on situation and status of search
iii) Make note of areas searched and deployed men at each level to control
iv) Re-deploy personnel to resume their duties or depending on the situation, for
crowd control, wherever necessary

 Search Techniques
i) Inform the company staffs (e.g. Facilities & Operation personnel) of the threat
and the need for their assistance in the search. Do not cause any alarm to
other staffs.
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ii) Divide the area and select a search height (e.g. Floor to waist / Waist to
chin /
Head to ceiling / Conceal ceiling)

iii) Start back to back and work away from each other

iv) Go around the walls and proceed toward each other

v) Be alert to suspicious object, sound or smell

vi) Listen to ticking sound and be alert to strange smell

vii) Look out for and be suspicious of any parcels etc, left unattended. Make
enquiries as to ownership. Report anything suspicious for follow up action to
be taken by the Police / Bomb disposal unit

viii) Report to the management when the search in each area is completed.
Proceed to the next assigned area.

n) Closure of Bomb Threat

a) When Police / SCDF / Bomb Disposal Unit has completed the search and
verified no further threat, the management will inform the security personnel.
b) Incident report will be prepared to details the situation and steps taken
All involved parties will stand down the search and deploy back to their
respective deployment points and company operation resume to normal

3) Letter / Parcel Bomb

Steps to take when a letter / Parcel Bomb is received:-
a) Do not attempt to open the letter / parcel, as most bombs are designed to
detonate when the outer wrapping is exposed
b) If you are not sure of the origin of the letter / parcel but have reason to
suspect that it is a bomb, call the Police and inform the management
c) Place the suspected letter/parcel in a corner of the room, away from the
d) Evacuate the room and if necessary the building (Ref Annex B Evacuation
e) Leave all the doors and windows open to allow the blast if any and to vent
and mitigate the harmful effects of the shattering glass
f) All personnel securing the premises and evacuees should not touch anything
that look suspicious
g) If an explosion occurs and evacuation is effected, appropriate instruction shall
be given to re-direct evacuees to a safe route of escape
h) Tune in to TV or radio for announcement from the authorities

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Bomb Threat Checklist Annex A

Questions to Ask the Caller

 When is the bomb going to explode?   


 Where is the bomb?


 What does it look like?


 What kind of bomb is it?


 What will cause it to explode?


 Did you place the bomb?


 Why did you place the bomb?


 Where are you calling from?


 What is your address?


 What is your name?

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 If voice is familiar, whom did it sound like?

 Were there any background noises?

 Telephone number call received at which location of the


 Person receiving call:

Date: Position:

NRIC: Name:

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Voice Accent Manner Background Noise

Loud Local Calm Factory Machines

High Pitched Foreign Rational Bedlam

Raspy Race Coherent Music

Intoxicated Not Local Deliberate Office Machines

Soft Region Righteous Mixed

Deep Angry Street Traffic

Pleasant Irrational Trains

Other Incoherent Animals

Emotional Quiet

Laughing Voices


Party Atmosphere

Language Speech Familiarity with Threatened Facility

Excellent Fast Much

Fair Distinct Some

Foul Stutter None

Good Slow

Poor Distorted

Other Nasal



4. Alerting & Activating relevant parties according to Emergency contact

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S/No. Appointment Name Contact No.
1 CERT SMC Tea Hong Wei 9755 6123

2 CERT SIC Eric Goh 9235 6213

3 Security Manager Jason Tan 9769 6869

*SIC shall be responsible in activating CERT members (Contact list as ref Pg 12)

a) Alert the emergency contact list personnel. SMC/SIC will activate the CERT team
to commence evacuations.

b) Call the Police at 999 or the SCDF at 995. If you witnessed an explosion, tell the
Police what you saw.

4.2 Flowchart for Evacuation Decision Making - REF Annex C

This is a decision making flowchart for SMC & SIC reference.

4.3 Action Plan to execute Evacuation Procedures

a) Stay calm, do not run around in panic.
b) Activate the fire alarm to alert the other occupants. Evacuation procedures will
be the same as the Fire Alarm evacuation plan.
c) Leave calmly and quickly as for a normal fire evacuation (at least 500m away
from the affected area).
d) Bring along your personal belongings and those what is necessary only when
e) Listen to announcement or instructions.
f) Closely follow the instructions and directions given by security personnel and
emergency responder.
g) Station personnel at critical choke points or junctions to ensure that the
evacuees would be under control and prevent a stampede situation.
h) All doors, rooms, cupboards and drawers are to be left open to facilitate the
search by the SAF EOD teams.
i) All doors and windows are to be left open to minimize the effects of the blasts.
j) Keys are to be made available to facilitate search.
k) Bags and hand-bags are to be carried by the owners to the assembly areas.
l) Get the owners to search their own bags.
m) Assistants are to sweep the area of responsibility after the last occupant has
left to ensure that no person is left behind.

5. Preventing unauthorized entry to the affected areas.

a) Cordon off the area - The security officer to establish a perimeter.
b) Establish one point of ingress and egress. Cordon off the area using crime
scene tape or barricades.
c) Limit access to only necessary & authorize personnel (i.e. Police / Bomb
Squad & SCDF Officers).
d) Keep owners, staff, workers and management team who may have interest in
the building out of the affected area.

The recommended evacuation distances to which debris may be thrown should the
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bomb explode, are given in the following table.

Explosive weight in Kg Evacuation Distance in Dangerous Debris

meters Distance in meters
4.5kg 150m 50m
23kg 150m 50m
45kg 250m 75m


6.1 If You Are Trapped in a Building

a) Stay put and protect your head and face from shattered glass or falling objects.
b) Move away from unstable objects.
c) Brace yourself against walls without glass windows or mounted shelves

6.2 If You Are Trapped in Debris

a) Use a flashlight, if possible, to signal your location to emergency responders.
b) Avoid unnecessary movement
c) Periodically move your fingers and toes to ensure blood circulation.
d) Cover nose and mouth with anything you have in hand as filter.
e) Tap on a pipe or wall so that rescuers can pinpoint your location
f) If possible, use a whistle to signal to rescuers
g) Shout only as a last resort. Shouting may weaken yourself as well as cause you to
inhale dangerous amount of dust and smoke.

6.3 If You Are Not in the Affected Area

a) If you not in the affected area, stay away from explosion site.
b) Remain calm.
c) Do not call 999 or 995 unless there is an emergency.
d) Tune in to local radio or television for advice and updates.

6.4 Post Blast Hazards

Beware of post blast hazards such as;
a) Collapsed walls
b) Overhanging slabs
c) Damaged structure
d) Buckled columns/beams
e) Craters in the ground
f) Shattered glass panels/broken glass
g) Sharp edged debris
h) Fires due to heat of explosion
i) Smoke and toxic fumes
j) Water and gas leaks due to damaged utility pipes
k) Exposed live electric cables
l) Potential secondary bomb devices

6.5 Rendering Assistance

a) If you are trained in first aid, stabilize seriously injured casualties in place until
emergency responder arrive, Remove casualties only if there is imminent
b) If you are not trained, do not remain in the hazard area to treat casualties.
Note the location of seriously injured casualties and report their location to
medical professionals arriving on the scene.
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c) Do not enter a structurally damaged building to treat or rescue injured/trapped
e) Ensure your own safety before trying to save others

6.6 If You Are Hurt

a) If you are able to evacuate, move away slowly from the affected area
b) If you are unable to evacuate, signal your location to emergency responder.
c) Do not move unnecessarily as you may aggravate your injuries. The medical
professionals will stabilize your condition and evacuate you from the affected

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1. Evacuation Action Plan

 This is the signal to notify when an emergency is discovered and commence total
 When the fire alarm activated, the alarm bells will be sounded non-stop
throughout the building.
 A signal will be sent to the DECAM monitoring company.
 Contact DECAM and report accordingly.
 SIC and assistance shall immediate activate the Emergency Response team (Ref
S/no. 2 Pg 12 CERT contact list) to respond to the alarm.

1.1 Action to be taken by respective members :-

a. Evacuation and CERT Team members
 Upon hearing the alarm, Evacuation Team members shall commence evacuation
immediately. All staff to be informed that there exists an emergency situation in
the building and to evacuate by the nearest exit staircase in an orderly manner.
 Evacuation and CERT members to report to SIC for further instruction.
 Check all offices, stores, toilets etc to ensure that no one is left behind.
 Ensure that the disabled, children, pregnant women etc if present in their storey,
are given particular attention during evacuation.
 Leave the building after ascertaining that all the occupants of the floor have
complied with his order.
 On reaching the assembly area, conduct a roll call of the staff present and report
to the SIC in person of the evacuation status.

b. All Staff
 Upon hearing evacuation instructions, all staff shall lock important files, shut
down machinery etc and evacuate immediately guided by their respective
Evacuation Team members. Only to bring along necessary items.
 When evacuating, do not panic but quickly walk down the staircase by the
nearest exit and proceed to the assembly point.
 The assembly point is located at the vacant lane beside the main gate.
 All staff shall not re-enter the building unless instructed otherwise by the Police or
Civil Defence Officer in attendance.

c. Site-Incident Controller / FSM

 Ensure that the Police and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has been
notified of the emergency.
 Proceed to the Main Fire Alarm Panel and ensure that the Evacuation and the
Response Teams have been mobilized to respond to the situation.
 Proceed to the assembly point and obtain the floor evacuation status reports from
the Evacuation Team members (Building evacuation Status Chart)
 Await the arrival of the Police and the responding crew from the Singapore Civil
Defence Force at the main entrance of the building and report to the officer-in-
charge the status of the evacuation and situation report.

d. Security Officer
 SO to direct the Police and the SCDF Officer on their arrival to the bomb scene.
 SO to cordon off the area and prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the
affected area.
 SO to direct traffic to facilitate the movement of evacuees to the assembly point.
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S/No. Appointment Name Contact No.

1 Fire Safety Manager Kassim *deleted
2 Asst Fire Safety / Jason Tan
Security Manager
3 Site Main Controller Tea Hong Wei
4 Site Incident Controller Eric Goh
5 Secretary Catherine Wong
6 Emergency Response James Lee
7 Emergency Response Chua Seng Wee
8 Emergency Response Alain Chong
Team member 1
9 Emergency Response Desmond Lim
Team member 2
10 Emergency Response Sam Tan
Team member 3
11 Evacuation Team – Jay Yang
12 Evacuation Team - Asst Teh Siang Wee
13 Evacuation Team Fion Ng
member 1
14 Evacuation Team Alice Kusmawaty
member 2
15 Medical Team – Leader Catherine Wong
16 Medical Team – Member Ang XianYin
17 Security Officer Security Officer on duty

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Fire Warden : _____________________

Floor Level : _____________________

Evacuation Status
Dept Names of Occupants / Visitors Present Absent

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SMC is the senior member of the installation management. He is the person who is
overall in-charge of the emergency response operations in the installation and liaise
with senior officials of government agencies such as SCDF, SPF, NEA, etc. Under
circumstances whereby the SMC is unable to leave the plant, he may appoint
another suitable representative to link up with the Incident Manager at TACT HQ.


(a) Coordinate the activities of external emergency organizations and work closely
with the Incident Manager at TACT HQ during consequence management;
(b) Provide TACT HQ with the following information:
i) Site Layout Map;
ii) Building plan;
iii) Company Emergency Response Plan;
v) Overall workers population;
vi) Incident resources available at site;
(c) Provide the Incident Manager with the necessary information and decisions
to any actions that concerns the company SOPs and policies;
(d) Authorize the shutdown of operations in the installation;
(e) Authorize the release of information to the media and government
agencies; and
(f) Assist the Incident Manager in determining the termination of the
emergency and authorizing re-entry upon complete recovery.

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He shall be a senior member of the installation supervisory staff. He is overall in-
charge of the actual ground response operations. He is to provide assistance and
information to SCDF ground commander during operation.


(a) Establishing the on-site Emergency Response Team;
(b) Sizing up incident situation and recommending response strategy and
tactical plan;
(c) Determining incident control zones;
(d) Setting up field incident command post;
(e) Commanding and directing emergency response team;
(f) Ensuring emergency responders safety and monitor personnel fatigue
and stress;
(g) Deploying emergency equipment and appliances;
(h) Directing rescue operations if necessary;
(i) Maintaining constant communication with SMC and the emergency responders;
(j) Working closely with SCDF ground officer;
(k) Ensuring proper decontamination of the equipment and responders; and
(l) Coordinating recovery activities.


The RT consists of personnel trained in basic emergency response actions such as
fire fighting, HazMat mitigation and other supporting activities such as security,
evacuation, first aid etc.


(a) Conduct basic emergency response actions such as fire fighting and HazMat
mitigation under the command of SIC;
(b) Assists in emergency notification of neighboring premises and conduct public
protective actions under the command of SIC;
(c) Accounting for personnel inside and outside of the hazard risk zone under the
command of SIC / SMC and assist SIC / SMC to ensure on the smooth and orderly
evacuation of all company’s employees by guiding them to designated Evacuees
Assembly Area (AA);

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(d) Implementing In-Place protection (IPP) within the work place under the command
of SIC;
(e) First Aid personnel should perform basic first aid on any casualty;
(f) Security officer should secure the company’s premises and facilitate rapid
movement of SCDF responders upon their arrival.


(a) Ensure at all times that fire safety requirements contained in the Emergency
Response Plan are complied with;
(b) Supervise the maintenance of all fire safety works in the premises;
(c) Ensure at all times that the occupant load of any part of any building does not
exceed the capacity prescribed under the Fire Code;
(d) Conduct daily checks within the premises and remove or cause to be removed
any fire hazard that is found within the premises;
(e) Prepare an Emergency Response Plan for the premises and conduct fire drills for
the occupants annually as may be stipulated FIRE SAFETY (FIRE SAFETY
(f) Ensure that all occupants are familiar with the means of escape located within the
(g) Prepare fire safety guidebooks for the occupants of the premises;
(h) Train the occupants in the premises in first aid, fire fighting and evacuation in the
event of fire;
(i) Co-ordinate and supervise the occupants within the premises in fire fighting and in
evacuation in the event of fire or other emergencies;
(j) Supervise the operation of the Fire Command Centre in the event of fire or other
(k) Conduct at least 2 Table-Top Exercises within the premises each year and to
evaluate, together with the CERT Committee, the effectiveness of the Emergency
Response Plan for those premises;
(l) Notify the SCDF immediately upon the occurrence of any fire or other
emergencies and fire related mass casualty incident in the premises.

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The key responsibilities includes:
(a) Acquaint any new employee with the Emergency Response Plan including
his specific role (if any) during an emergency;
(b) Be familiar with the Emergency Response Plan and means of escape of
the building;
(c) Be familiar with the operation of the fire alarm system and use of first aid,
fire fighting equipment.


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Recognize and report potential incidents

Immediately notify Emergency Contact

Personnel and seek instructions

Activate emergency alarm systems to

commence evacuation if applicable

Activate Police and relevant authority if



Yes No

Safely evacuate occupants to

locate in a safe area

Determine when it is safe to mitigate the incident or hand

over relevant authority

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