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Jose Aaron D.

XII- Ford

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Quarter 2: (Weeks 10-12)

Module 4

Lesson 4: The Human Person in their Environment


1. D

2. A

3. D

4. D

5. D

6. D

7. B

8. A

9. A

10. B

 ACTIVITY 4.0: Human Person in their Environment

1. The surroundings were so clean and the air was so fresh.

2. We used to love swimming in the river back then.

3. The environment develop so much so as the factories and the buildings but
it cost the environment for the change to happen.
Jose Aaron D. Casama
XII- Ford

4. Yes, the air we breathe, the food we eat, everything we need to survive
every day was all from the environment.

5. Ecocentric is like saving the environment for its own sake while
anthropocentric is like saving the environment for human benefits.

6. Humans get everything they need in the environment and sometimes we

abuse the environment by getting what we need but did not giving back even
a piece of what we have gotten.

 ACTIVITY 4.1 Notice Disorder in the Universe

1. A. We can make a community garden by starting on our own yard. It’s also
beneficiating for moms to lessen the expenses they have.

2. No, both human and the world doesn’t deserve this kind of place or
environment but it’s also the consequences of human behavior towards
environment. It will always start on disciplining ourselves and next in our
home and society hopefully next the world.

 ACTIVITY 4.3. Show that care for the environment contributes to

health, well-being and sustainable development

a. Humanity is the big part of being a human and it can be extended in nature
because just like nature reflecting humanity is the peace in all people its
within us that we may not know or recognize but it is always in us.

b. We often get ahead of greed than humanity and kindness, we when we get
opportunity on something we do everything to have it and during that process
Jose Aaron D. Casama
XII- Ford

we often forget what we just need and we can’t get enough that sometimes
lead into destroying others for our own good.

c. we all have boxes of our own and one of those hindrances that holds us back
into being kind and one of those is selfishness that we need and want to
overcome. The world is too beautiful for some selfishness isn’t it?


1. The college student that have been mention is so hard working and
practical, anyone on his place could have used the extra income to buy their
wants but instead he saved it up that he might need in the future.

2. Frugality

3. Nowadays, especially that everyone are struggling to earn money or even

find a job, having extra money more than what you need to spend is a great
thing and saving it is really a practical thing to do because we may not know
what will happen tomorrow.




Jose Aaron D. Casama
XII- Ford

A. Check your knowledge

1. The different theories are for example the deep ecology; which believed
that all who live have equal right to exist, social ecology; which is an ethical
approach concerning in society.

2. It is the total amount of greenhouse gases like the air and water that are
resulted by our actions.

B. Check your understanding

1. Anthropocentric is the environment for human beings, while ecocentric is

the nature itself that gives life in to the ecosystem we have.

2. Absolutely yes, animals have their own life too, as much we need food and
habitat animals also need those too. Respect are earned not given as they say
so they are animals that a bit away from the humans because they might saw a
human being not respecting them or abusing them.

3. One of the examples may be we only get what we need in nature, we should
think of the effects of what we are about to do in environment before doing it
and we should also learn how to preserve things for the next generation and
for the environment itself also.


1. D
Jose Aaron D. Casama
XII- Ford

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. D

8. B

9. D

10. D

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