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Before Reading the article, I thought that…

The colonization of other countries like Spain, America, and such brought nothing but suffering
for the Filipinos and that Filipinos were able to advance in science, technology, politics, and the
economy like other countries independently.

2. However, after reading the article, I now think/learned that

In summary, from what we understand, those countries greatly contributed not just to
the development of science and technology but also to economic progression. Starting from
the precolonial period, it is said that settlers there had knowledge of making technology
necessary for their survival and that they also engaged in trading with other countries. They
also have a community based more on kinship than political groups called barangays.

In the Spanish Regime, it is said that the birth or beginning of modern science and
technology in the Philippines started in this period. It indicates there that they contributed
greatly to the advancement of science and technology, especially by the religious orders
who greatly helped establish schools and educational systems like the Jesuits and
Dominicans, which helped people gain knowledge that helped in the development and
advancement of science, technology, agriculture, and medicine. However, their politics are
rough because of the tribute tax, compulsory labor services, compulsory sales of local
products, and such. During the First Republic, there was very little development in science
and technology during the short-lived Philippine Republic (1898–1900). The Secular
Educational System was established, and it created the Universidad Literaria de Filipinas as
a secular, state-supported institution of higher learning. It offered courses in law, medicine,
surgery, pharmacy, and notary public.

In the American regime, this period marked the rapid progression and advancement
of science and technology because of factors like the encouragement and support of the
government for an extensive public educational system; scholarship grants in science and
engineering; the organization and establishment of scientific research agencies; and the
establishment of science-based public service.

In the Commonwealth Period, it marked the beginning of the country’s transformation

to a politically independent nation. The importance of promoting scientific development in
the economy was acknowledged. During this period, the public school system expanded to
accommodate the increasing number of schoolchildren. Higher education was provided
mainly by the private sector. The government established numerous government
corporations to achieve their goal of economic self-reliance, which greatly helped the
country in various ways, but at the end of the period it did not achieve its goal due to the
foreign trade policies still controlled by the American government and the occupation of
Japanese troops in the country, which began in 1941. The invasion of Japanese invaders
led to the destruction of many institutions built for the country’s science and technological

In the period since Independence, the support for scientific research and
development through education has continued. Several states and even private universities
and colleges were established. The increase in the number of learning institutions in the
country led to the birth of various science agencies of the government like the Institution of
Science and Technology, the Institution of Nutrition, and many more. These institution
overtime also developed and renamed to help and support the scientific research and
technological advancement in the country. The Philippines evolved to its current state
through the colonization of other countries and their influence, and the establishment of
institutions that would support scientific research and technological advancement.

3. For our synchronous discussion I would like to ask

for a vivid discussion so that we can better understand the interesting history that
has happened throughout our country and the world.

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