Portfolio Task 9

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Portfolio Task #9-Finding One's Meaning to Life

Name: Joselito F. Gelario Section: Polaris 1-A Date Submitted: 10/31/22

Write a personal reflection of not less than 150 to not more than 250 words on how you
can find meaning in or to your life with the title: “How I Can Find Meaning to/in my Life.” This
is30 points. Refer to the rubrics in previous reflection tasks. Observe Tahoma 11, 1.5 spacing
between sentences, and encode directly on the page of the ePortfolio. Make sure the text is
readable in the background.

Note: Disregard what is not applicable to the ePortfolio.

“How I Can Find Meaning to my Life”

There comes a time in each of our lives when we ponder the question, "What is the
meaning of life? "As we grew older, we became more conscious of our surroundings and gained
a better understanding of life. Finding your purpose in life is like discovering who you are. We
continually learn new things as time goes on, and those experiences are what define what it
means to live. We can discover the meaning of life and the goal of our lives through self-

Knowing oneself and discovering who you really are is the goal of discovering life's
meaning. Every event in your life, whether good and bad, has a reason, and that purpose can
help you comprehend the meaning of your existence. Your life is impacted by each and every
choice you make and move you make. I am aware of how difficult and twisted life can be, but I
also believe that it is important to live it to the fullest and go with the flow so that we can
eventually arrive at our destination. As one said” You’re going to go through tough times-that’s
life. But I say. ‘Nothing happens to you; it happens for you.’ See the positive in negative
events.”. It implies that there will always be a negative aspect to life, but that this is for a
reason, and we must think of this as having a positive significance that can help us comprehend
what the purpose of life is.

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