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English 8

1 Module 3

The Literature of Mainland

Topic Southeast Asia Week No./ Dates 3 | September 7- 11, 2020
Informative Essay
Friday, September 11, 2020
Target Completion Duration 4 days
(11:30 AM)

The learner will be able to:

 read the Mainland Southeast Asia literary genre;
MELCs / Objectives
 define informative essay; and
 compose an informative essay that talks about the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this module, you will find out how we are connected to our Southeast Asian
brothers when it comes to traditions, beliefs and culture. You will know how to create
informative essay by the use of citing sources and on how to avoid plagiarism.

Activity #1: Comprehension Check (Refer to page 218- 223) (Monday)

Activity #2: Figure It Out! (Refer to page 233- 234) (Tuesday)
Practice Exercises
Activity #3: iWrite! (Wednesday)
Activity#4: #SUMitUP! (Thursday)

The learner is expected to develop written expressions which clearly provide

Highlights and factual information. The learner will be able to recognize the work of others by
Relevance indicating the sources that they have added to their work and acknowledge them. This
is one way of preventing plagiarism.


Šwaŝdǐ txn cheǎ Nakreǐyn!

How was your one-week travel experience from the place of Insular or Island Southeast Asia? What is your
realization after knowing Guno and Koyo? Do you think that they are the type of people worth emulating for?
All right! You have a brilliant idea and I can sense that you really enjoyed your trip in that region. Now, I want
you to prepare yourself for another experience to remember, to know and appreciate the culture, traditions,
beliefs and ethnic groups of the Mainland Southeast Asia.

Fasten your seatbelt for we are about to aboard a flight bound for Mainland Southeast Asia.

Now, you already know that Southeast Asia is known as a land that is characterized by one word
“diversity.” Diversity in culture, traditions, literature and even in ethnic groups. There are two areas of
Southeast Asia: the nations that lie in either “insular” (or island Southeast Asia) which you have learned last
week and those that lie in “mainland: (or continental Southeast Asia). Insular Southeast Asia is composed
of the following six countries: Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, East Timor, and the Philippines, while
the Mainland Southeast Asia includes Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (formerly Burma), and Vietnam.
In this lesson you are going to focus on Mainland Southeast Asia. The first four countries mentioned in
Mainland Southeast Asia are Indianized, having come under much Hindu influence, whereas Vietnam came
under Chinese influence. Notable literature of this region came from Thailand and Myanmar. Here is one of the
most notable literary pieces in Mainland Southeast Asia that originated from Thailand.

The Golden Harvest

From Thailand

Long ago in Old Ayudhaya, there lived a man named Nai Hah Tong, who dreamed of turning copper into
gold. His wife, Nang Song Sai, had little faith in magic. She believed in the wealth of nature and richness of the
earth. When her husband boasted, “Someday, we will be the richest people in Ayudhya,” she listened patiently;
however, when all their Tical (Thai Baht- currency of Thailand) had been used for experiments, she decided
something would have to be done about her husband’s great expectation.

She said to her husband, “Nai Hah Tong, you have experimented with copper and a monkey’s paw, copper
and a lizard’s tail. You have polished copper with the gold stripe of fur cut from the tiger’s skin, but the copper
did not turn into gold. Why don’t you give up this dream and go to work like other men?”

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English 8
2 Module 3

Her husband said, “Mai chai, that is not right. With each experiment my magic has grown stronger.”

“Mai pen rai, never mind, my husband, you must do what you must do,” she answered.

The next day, however, she went to see her father and asked him what to do about Nai Hah Tong’s
unreasonable search for gold.

Her wise, old father did not seem disturbed. He said, “Pai, go now, and say nothing of this meeting. I have
a plan to help your husband.” The next day, Nai Hah Tong received an invitation to dine with his father-in-law.
At mealtime, Nai Hah Tong was there on the mat- covered floor beside the elderly gentleman.

The old man said, “My son, since you desire power and a long life, you sit facing the east. I seek honor and
dignity, so I shall sit facing west.”

“Chai, yes, my father, I always follow the old belief. I never sit facing north when I eat, for I fear the bad luck
such an action would cause, but sometimes, I eat facing south because I would like to have esteem and

The old man smiled and nodded in agreement. A servant interrupted the conversation by placing a large
tray bearing bowls of white rice, hot chicken curry, roasted turtle eggs, vegetables, and namprick, a spicy
sauce made from beetles and fish paste. Another tray held bowls of fresh water for washing, cloths for drying,
and a lime scent for perfuming the hands. The men ate from the same bowls, using only the fingers of their
right hand. They did not speak very much while eating because the delicious food demanded their complete
attention. The curry was spicy, yet sweet with the added milk of the coconut. The rice was fluffy and fresh from
the top of the pot. The namprick bit the tongue, but it was good and made the mild milk drink more tasty by

When the meal was over, Nai Hah Tong felt as content as a baby gibbon sitting upon his mother’s lap.

“Ah, we are lucky for fish in the water and rice on the land,” he said.

“Chai, my son, but there is more to life than good food. I have asked you to come to see me this evening
because I need your help. Like you, my son, I have been looking for a way of turning copper into gold. Now I
know how to do it.”

Nai Hah Tong drew in his breath and made a long, long whistling sound. “Oh, it’s good to be true! I can’t
believe it!” he said.

“Listen carefully, Nai Hah Tong. I have all things I need for the miracle except one additional
ingredient. Because I am an old man, I don’t think I can work hard enough and long enough to get it.”

“Mai pen rai, never mind, Father, I will get whatever you need,” Nai Hah Tong replied.

“That is not easy as you might think, my son. I must have two kilos of soft fuzz gathered from the underside
of the banana leaf, and the fuzz must be plucked carefully from our very own banana trees. Furthermore, I
know the fuzz will not perform the miracle words were spoken.”

“I can say the magic words, and I can raise the banana trees. I will collect two kilos of banana fuzz for you,”
said Nai Hah Tong.

The old man smiled and said, “I know you can do this, my son, because I have faith in you. I will loan you
the money to buy the land you will need to raise banana trees.”

The young man bowed low to the older. In the hearts of each of them, there was a feeling of faith and trust.

Nai Hah Tong was determined to prepare his fields in a way which would be most pleasing to all the gods
who might influence his crops. For this reason, he went to his village wat and asked guidance from the priest
who knew how to look at the gleaming stars and interpret the wisdom of the night sky. The priest’s saffron robe
glowed in the moonlight. His bare feet made no sound as he walked from the wat to the open court. The
glittering stars seemed to light the sky as the fireflies lit the darkness. The priest gazed at the stars as if they
were the eyes of heaven.

Nai Hah Tong waited patiently for the priest. The only sound he heard was the lonely call of the gecko
lizard hiding in a crack of the stucco wall of the wat. He counted the lizard’s croaks nung, song, sam, see, ha,
hok, jet.

“Ah, it is rare sign of good fortune. The gecko calls seven times, bringing me good luck.”

The priest returned to his small, bare cell and opened a worn- out folding book. He said, “Since you were

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3 Module 3

born in the year of the Ox, you must begin plowing on Wednesday, the tenth day of the fourth lunar month.
Now do not forget to begin when the sun is midway between the horizon and the high point of noon.”

“Chai, chai, yes, yes. I shall do as you say.”

The priest continued, “Before this auspicious hour, you must build a shrine to the guardian spirit of the field,
Phra Phum. Give him an offering of the best rice. Lay it flat on a shining green banana leaf and serve him
graciously. At the north corner of your field, you must place three triangular white flags. As you mount them on
bamboo poles, ask the blessing of goddess who makes the banana tree fertile with the yellow fruit. Do not
forget to praise the Farm goddess and do remember to ask Phra Phum’s blessing. Ask these gods to keep
hungry locusts and nibbling worms far away from your fields.”

“Is there anything else that I must do? Asked Nai Hah Tong.

“Chai, you will ask your village chieftain to guide your plow three times around the field. When this is done,
again honor Phra Phum with the scent of incense and the beauty of flowers plucked by your own hands.”

“All shall be done exactly as you desire,” said Nai Hah Tong.

He followed the priest’s suggestion and added one more touch of magic. With the planting of each banana
tree, he uttered the special secret words given to him by his father-in- law.

The gecko had predicted good luck, so Nai Hah Tong was not surprised when his banana plants grew tall,
sturdy, and heavy with blossoms. Not very long he had thousands of firm yellow bananas and myriads of shiny
leaves with a soft layer of fluffy fuzz on the underside.

Each morning Nai Hah Tong gave Phra Phum an offering of the rice from the top of the pot. Then he
carefully collected the soft fuzz from the underside of the banana leaves and stored it in a pottery jar. Each
morning his wife, Nang Song Sai, gave Phar Phum flowers and incense. Then, she collected the beautiful
yellow bananas, took them to market, sold them, and placed her tical in a pottery jar.

After three lunar years had passed, Nai Hah Tong had half kilo of banana fuzz. His wife had three pottery
jars full of tical. Strangely Nai Hah Tong was intent upon collection and storing the fuzz that he paid no
attention to his wife’s profitable labor.

One day, Nang Song Sai’s father came to ask if he would have to wait much longer for two kilos of banana
fuzz. When he saw the pottery jar partially full, he appeared worried. “I am an old man. If you don’t get more
banana fuzz, I shall not live to see copper turned into gold.”

“Mai pen rai, never mind, Father. I will borrow more money to buy more land. Then there shall be more
banana trees and I can collect even more banana fuzz,” said Nai Hah Tong.

Now,Nai Hah Tong and his faithful wife worked for many years. The moon rose, waxed, and waned, days
after days until finally the time arrived when each had accomplished a goal. Nang Song Sai had collected
many jars full of tical. Nai Hah Tong had two jars full of banana fuzz. As you can imagine, it was an especially
happy day. Nai Hah Tong shouted to his wife, “Run, run, and bring your father here. Today he can test his
magic. If all goes well, we shall see red copper glow until it is gold as the sun of Siam.”

When the old man arrived, Nai Hah Tong bowed very low before him and presented him with the treasured
banana fuzz. The old man said, “Arise, my son, today you will be a rich man.”

Nai Hah Tong trembled nervously. Little rivers of perspiration ran down his face. His fingers shook like
banana leaves in the wind. The old man, on the other hand, was not in a hurry. He turned to his daughter and
calmly asked, “Have you made any money from the sales of bananas?”

“Oh, yes, chai, chai, my father,” she said.

Nai Hah Tong thought his father- in- law must be out of his mind. When the copper was waiting to be
turned into gold, why worry about the sale of a few bananas?

Nang Song Sai brought in a tray piled high with golden tical and placed it before her husband.

“Ah! said her father. “Now, Nai Hah Tong, just look at all this money that has been made by following my
directions. My son, I cannot turn copper into gold, but you and my daughter have harvested gold from the sale
of your bananas. You cared for the young plants until they produced delicious fruit. Is not that just a great
miracle as turning copper into gold?”

Nai Hah Tong did not answer because he felt like a fool, but he was a very rich fool.

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4 Module 3

His clever wife knelt before him to show her love and respect. When she a rose she said, “My husband,
you are a master magician. With the help of the gods you cleared land. You cared for the banana plants with
the same loving care we give our son. You made the gods you cleared land. You made the gods happy, and
they rewarded you with the golden fruit of the banana plant.”

“Mai Chai, that is not right, my clever wife. Do not put a story under your arm and walk away with it. It is
your father who is the master magician. He has made his honorable daughter and worthless son- in- law the
richest people in Ayudhya.”

Nai Hah Tong looked at the meaningless pile of banana fuzz mounted high on the table under the smiling
face of his father- in- law. Right there and then it is said, Nai Hah Tong mixed the banana fuzz with a little
water and carefully molded a statue of the old man.

“What are you doing?” asked his wife.

“I am making a statue of your father. I hope our son’s sons will treasure it as an heirloom. Each time they
look upon it, they will be reminded of my foolishness and your father’s wisdom.”

Note: The Golden Harvest is a Thailand Folktale. The moral of the story is “ if a person wants his or her
dream to come true, he or she must work hard for it and move, because Laziness brings us nowhere.

Activity #1: Comprehension Check!
Instruction: Let us begin this lesson by reflecting on what you have read above about the Literature
of Mainland Southeast Asia “The Golden Harvest” that originated from Thailand. Answer
the following questions.

1. From the story “The Golden Harvest” what was the husband’s plan to become rich? Did his wife believe
in such a plan? Why do you say so?

2. When all their Ticals had been used for experiments, what was the wife’s suggestion to her husband?

3. Why do you think the meal was important before heading into a serious conversation? Is this the same
way we do as Filipinos?

4. What did the old man need and what were the strict requirements?

5. What was the priest’s requirements? Do you believe in such things?


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English 8
5 Module 3

Informative Essay is to educate your audience on a particular topic,

to elabrate on a term or analyze data about the particular object,
person, event or phenomenon.
The writer must use facts and data to explain the nature of the
subject to the audience who may have little to no idea about it
beforehand. The task of writing an informative essay is
actually very important one, as you get to enlighten your
readers and increase their awareness regarding the subject.

 The basic purpose of an informative essay is to explain something to its readers, which
means that is based on the premise that the readers do not know yet the information you
are going to give. However, since the informative essay that you are going to write will be
used as basis for your persuasive speech, the goal of writing would be to provide ample
information that would convince the listeners to follow a specific course of action or thought.

We have already talked about what is an informative essay, but

knowing the informative essay definition is not enough for you to
craft a strong paper. Every good student like you needs to
understand how to write an informative essay. Then, it will be
simpler to compose other similar types of academic papers
(process essay, cause and effect paper, problem/solution and
compare and contrast essay). An informative essay should have
an introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. Here are
some writing tips that will give you a clear idea of how to write an
informative essay:
1. if you can choose your own topic, never go for a topic that
is too broad or too narrow. In the former case, you will have to deal with too much information, and in
the latter case, you may struggle with finding enough points to include in your paper;

2. look through a couple of informative essays example before writing your own essay. The examples will
help you understand the correct format of the paper and how to make every word of it count;

3. pay special attention to the statement, as it is one of the most vital parts of your paper. The thesis
statement summarizes your main point and will be used in every remaining part of the essay, so it
needs to be strong and memorable;

4. study every available source, both online and physical, to get the most complete understanding of the
subject of your essay. You don’t need to include every one of them in your paper, but they will help
you get a well- rounded look on the problem in question; and

5. after writing the first draft you will naturally check your essay for grammar and spelling mistakes. You
also need to check the content of your paper and whether you were successful in proving your points
or whether it still needs some work.


If you have already written your fair share of essays during your years as a student, you will hardly be
surprised to see the classic informative essay outline. This outline follows the traditional 5-paragraph structure and
usually looks like this:
 Introduction
 Body paragraph #1
 Body paragraph #2
 Body paragraph #3
 Conclusion

Now that you know the ideal informative essay structure, let’s find out how to write an informative essay outline
like a professional essay writer:

 In many situations, the introduction to your informative essay can either make or break your whole work.
So how to start informative essay in a way that will encourage your audience to continue reading?

 The first sentence of your informative essay introduction needs to function as a hook. Good examples of
introduction hooks include quotes, statistics, or even personal anecdotes, as long as they are closely
connected to the nature of the essay.

 After you attract the attention of the readers, you need to explain why exactly you chose this topic and
how everyone can benefit from being informed about it. Finish your introduction with a thesis statement,

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6 Module 3

where you will mention the main problem of the essay that you will then reference in other parts of the

Body Paragraphs
 You already know how to start an informative essay, but what about its other parts? The classic
informative essay format includes three body paragraphs, but, depending on the specifics of your paper,
you can go for a lower or higher number. 

 Each body paragraph should refer to a separate point, which is called the main point. In every body
paragraph, you will also include several sub-points, which help you paint the complete picture of every
main point.

 To make your informative essay more credible and give it more scientific value, you need to support every
main point and sub-point with relevant examples and evidence from literature and other sources. If you’re
wondering how to write informative essay like a pro, it’s also a good idea to use transitional words and
phrases — they take your writing to the next level.


 Knowing how to conclude an informative essay may be as important as knowing how to write an
informative essay introduction. The conclusion of the essay is what stays in the minds of the readers for a
long time, so it’s important to make every word count.

 In your informative essay conclusion, you don’t need to add any new information to what has been already
said before. Instead, you need to briefly summarize the facts from the previous parts of the paper and
finish with a strong sentence that will cause the readers to research the topic further.

Note: The example of informative essay is given in different sheet of paper.


Activity #2: Figure It Out!

Instructions: Go back to your chosen topics in Lesson 2. Start reading books and other reference materials
about them. As you read, you can come to a decision as to which topic to develop for your
informative essay. Let your teacher know of your final choice for his/her approval. Then do an
intensive reading on the topic.

Topic: __________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________

Instructions: Now that you have chosen a topic, generate ideas about it. Use any graphic organizer that will help
you systematically list the ideas that fill up your mind regarding your topic. Use the space below to
draw your graphic organizer. Draft an outline to organize your ideas you listed above.

Instructions: Do another round of research. Research about the ideas you included in your outline. It is important
to have an in- depth knowledge about the ideas that you include in your essay. Remember to take
note of your sources and complete your documentation.

GLOBE: 09562988312
English 8
7 Module 3

Instructions: You are now ready to write your informative essay. Use a strong introduction, provide a
comprehensive body, and end with a persuasive conclusion. Remember that your speech will be
most convincing if it is creative, original and sincere. Write your essay in the answer sheet provided.

Activity #3: iWrite!

Instructions: Compose an informative essay that talk about the Covid-19 pandemic and create a bibliography
for your research on the informative essay you are working on. Please follow the rubrics below.


3 2 1
Introduces topic Topic is clearly Topic is mentioned. Topic is not introduced.
introduced. Demonstrate Does not demonstrate
Demonstrate strong understanding of topic. understanding of topic.
understanding of topic.
Uses facts and Support topic skillfully Supports topic with Uses no facts or
definitions with facts, definitions and limited facts and definitions or provides
details. definitions. only opinions.
Organization Organizes ideas and Organizes ideas and No paragraph structure is
information into clear information into evident.
paragraph structure. incomplete paragraph
Uses effective linking structure
words to connect ideas.
Provides conclusion Solid concluding Weak concluding No concluding sentence
sentence is present. sentence is present. is present.
Grammar and Capital letters and Capital letters and Capital letters and
Mechanics punctuation are used punctuation are mostly punctuation mark are not
correctly. used correctly. used correctly.
Produces correct simple Produces mostly correct Produce incorrect or
and compound sentence. complete sentences. incomplete sentence.


There are many unfamiliar words that you encounter that may hinder your understanding in this lesson. They
are the following:

 Šwaŝdǐ txn cheǎ. This is the Thailand translation of the greeting good morning.
 Nakreǐyn. This is the Thailand translation of the word students.
 auspicious. This means conducive to success; favorable.
 Ticals (Thai Baht). currency of Thailand.

Activity #4: #SUMitUP: This module introduces you to the world of Southeast Asia, writing informative essay
by citing the sources, you use. With this answer the given questions and hit the bulls-

1. Why is it necessary for you to include the sources that you use in creating your research and writing
an essay? Explain.

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English 8
8 Module 3


2. After reading the story The Golden Harvest, you concluded that “if a person wants his or her dream
come true, he must work hard for it.” As a Maryknoller, how are you going to pursue your dreams?
What are the strategies that you need to do to have a better life just like Nai Hah Tong?

 The introduction to your informative essay can either make or break your
whole work.
 Informative Essay is to educate your audience on a particular topic, to ela
brate on a term or analyze data about the particular object, person, event or
 Research is very important for writing your informative essay as you have to
be well- informed and well- read regarding your topic.
 Plagiarism is derived from the Latin word, plagiare, which means “to kidnap.”
Summary the act of taking another individuals work and using it as your own, without
acknowledging the original author.
 Mainland Southeast Asia includes Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
(formerly Burma), and Vietnam.
 Southeast Asia is a land that can be best characterized by one word
“diversity.” From its indigenous history, through its long period of
colonization, to its present struggle of self- definition Southeast Asia remains
a world of striking differentiation.

“You can avoid allegations of plagiarism through awareness and honest effort”
- anonymous
The learner will create an informative essay that talks about the Modular Education
by searching ideas in the internet and indicate the sources that he or she used in his or
her essay.

Reminders Study the topic “Creating Bibliography.”

Lapid, M.G., & Serrano, J.B., (2018). The Mainland Southeast Asia, and informative
ECAS, English Communication Arts and Skills through Afro-
Asian Literature 8. Phoenix Publishing House.
to-write-an-informative-essay/.pdf. Retrieved from 28 August

GLOBE: 09562988312
English 8
9 Module 3

Score: /
Grade & Section:
Teacher: Ms. Michelle Marie D. Guangco Date:

GENERAL DIRECTION: This answer sheet will serve as your FINAL and ready-to-submit paper this Friday,
September 11, 2020 at (08:00 – 11:30 AM) . In each activity, follow the instructions given.
Lastly, please be reminded that there is NO EXTRA ANSWER SHEET that will be provided,
so, AVOID ERASURES! However, if you feel the need to use additional paper, you may do so,
provided it is a long bond paper. Thanks!

Activity #1: Comprehension Check!

Instructions: Let us begin this lesson by reflecting on what you have read above about the Literature
of Mainland Southeast Asia “The Gold Harvest” that is originated from Thailand. Answer
the following questions.

1. From the story “The Golden Harvest,”what was the husband’s plan to become rich? Did his wife
believe in such a plan? Why do you say so?
2. When all their Ticals had been used for experiments, what was the wife’s suggestion to her
3. Why do you think the meal was important before heading into a serious conversation? Is this the
same way we do as Filipinos?
4. What did the old man need and what were the strict requirements?

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10 Module 3

5. What was the priest’s requirements? Do you believe in such things?

Activity #2: Figure It Out!
Instructions: Go back to your chosen topics in Lesson 2. Start reading books and other reference materials
about them. As you read, you can come to a decision as to which topic to develop for your
informative essay. Let your teacher know of your final choice for his/her approval. Then do an
intensive reading on the topic.

Topic: __________________________________________
Title: __________________________________________

Instructions: Now that you have chosen a topic, generate ideas about it. Use any graphic organizer that will help
you systematically list the ideas that fill up your mind regarding your topic. Use the space below to
draw your graphic organizer. Draft an outline to organize your ideas you listed above.

Instructions: Do another round of research. Research about the ideas you included in your outline. It is important
to have an in- depth knowledge about the ideas that you include in your essay. Remember to take
note of your sources and complete your documentation.

Instructions: You are now ready to write your informative essay. Use a strong introduction, provide a comprehensive
body, and end with a persuasive conclusion. Remember that your speech will be most convincing if it

GLOBE: 09562988312
English 8
11 Module 3

is creative, original and sincere. Write your essay in the answer sheet provided.
Activity #3: iWrite!
Instructions: Compose an informative essay that talk about the Covid-19 pandemic and create a bibliography
for your research on the informative essay you are working on. Please follow the rubrics below.

Activity #4: #SUMitUP:
Instructions: This module introduces you to the world of Southeast Asia, writing informative essay by citing the
you use and creating bibliography. With this answer the given questions and hit the bulls- eye!

1. Why is it necessary for you to include the sources that you use in creating your research and writing an
essay? Explain.

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12 Module 3

2. After reading the story The Golden Harvest, you concluded that “if a person wants his or her dream come
true, he must work hard on it and move.” As a Maryknoller, how are you going to pursue you dreams to
make it come true, what are the strategies that you need to do to have a better life just like Nai Hah Tong.
___________________________________________________________________________________ ___

GLOBE: 09562988312

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