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An advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the promotion of a product, brand or service to a
viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and sales

Types of Advertisment

Print advertising
Print advertising refers to printed advertisements, often seen in newspapers and magazines. However,
this category also includes other printed materials, such as brochures, directories and flyers. Companies
can place advertisements in local newspapers–whether throughout the paper or within the classifieds
section—to target consumers within a geographic location.
Direct mail advertising
Direct mail is a type of print advertising that sends advertisements to customers through the mail.
Examples include brochures, catalogs, newsletters and flyers. This approach enables companies to
identify an even more targeted market than other print advertising formats because it distributes ads via a
direct mailing list. For example, someone who opens a hair salon can create a flyer that announces their
grand opening. They can then send that flyer to a list of residents located within five miles of the salon.
To attract new customers, the owner can also include a discount coupon with the mailer.
Television advertising
Television advertising is a type of broadcast advertising where companies advertise their products or
services through 20-, 30- or 60-second TV commercials. It can be costly but enables companies to repeat
their advertisements regularly. The costs to air television commercials can vary due to the following

 The ad length
 The time of day
 The television show
 Frequency of airing
 The geographic reach
 The number of networks
Radio advertising
Radio is another form of broadcast advertising that plays ads during programming breaks. Customers can
hear radio advertisements while conducting other activities, such as driving or doing household chores.
Like television, radio enables the repetition of advertisements, which can give companies more
recognition with consumers. Companies can research what radio stations are popular with their target
customers. They can also learn what times of day these customers listen to the radio most. For example,
they may try to advertise during a morning time slot when they know many of their customers will be
driving to work.
Podcast advertising
In podcast advertising, companies can sponsor podcasts or have advertisements for their products or
services played during the episodes. Typically, podcasts play ads at the beginning, middle and end of
episodes. Similar to radio advertising, companies can research which podcasts are most popular with their
target audience. Some podcast hosts read from a script provided by the company or create their own,
which can be an entertaining way for listeners to consume advertising content. Often, companies will
offer a discount code available to listeners of a podcast. Besides attracting new customers, this code can
help companies assess how well this advertising strategy works based on its use.
Mobile advertising
Mobile advertising reaches consumers through any mobile device with internet connectivity, such as a
cellphone or tablet. These advertisements may appear to consumers through social media, on webpages or
within apps. For example, a customer playing a mobile game may receive ads for similar games between
gameplay rounds. The benefit is that these advertisements can reach consumers no matter where they are.
If individuals enable location settings, companies may even be able to target them via geographic
Social media advertising
Companies use social media advertising to promote their products or services on various platforms. Social
media advertising, like other digital advertising, enables companies to target specific audiences. They
may focus on reaching customers based on their geographic location, age group or buying habits. They
can either pay for the platforms to promote their advertisements, or they can use more organic methods.
Paid search advertising
Paid search is a type of online advertising, sometimes referred to as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
Companies who use PPC advertising only pay a fee when users click on their ad. They bid on specific
keywords, usually related to their business, along with the placement of their ad on the search engine. For
example, a company that sells folding bicycles include the keyword "foldable bikes" in their bid. When
users search that phrase, the company's products appear as an ad within the search results—typically at
the top of the page.
Outdoor advertising
Outdoor advertising refers to advertisements that consumers see outside their homes. As a result, this type
of advertising is sometimes called out-of-home advertising. Examples include billboards and
advertisements seen in public places or transit vehicles, such as on the sides of buses or inside subway
Public service advertising
Public service advertising refers to advertisements that promote a cause or initiative rather than a product.
Often called public service announcements (PSAs), these ads aim to inform the public about a topic in a
way that benefits them or others. Organizations can use public service advertising in various formats,
such as television, radio or online video advertising. Providers will donate airtime to these ads, though
they must meet particular requirements to qualify as a PSA.
Social media advertising
Companies use social media advertising to promote their products or services on various platforms. Social
media advertising, like other digital advertising, enables companies to target specific audiences. They
may focus on reaching customers based on their geographic location, age group or buying habits. They
can either pay for the platforms to promote their advertisements, or they can use more organic methods.

Why advertisement important

 Advertising makes your company money–

Advertising attracts customers to your business and increases your sales. When consumers see strong and
positive advertisements they are more willing to buy and ready to choose your business. Invest in
advertising for your business and you will watch it grow and succeed.
Advertising keeps your business at the top of your consumer’s mind–
With so many options available to consumers oftentimes they will want to shop around and compare
different products. Advertising ensures that your company is always at the front of a consumer’s mind
reminding them why they should choose you.
Advertising helps your business compete– There are only so many consumers in the market that are
willing to buy your product at any given time. Advertising helps businesses stay ahead of the game while
competing with other businesses. Advertising is how you convince the consumer that you are the one they
should choose.

Advertising attracts new customers–

The market is constantly changing and new consumers are moving in and out of your area. New
consumers mean a new target audience that your advertisements will reach. Advertising shows consumers
that are new to the market that your business is the top of the line and the one that they want to visit.

Advertising generates brand loyalty–

Advertising allows for companies to target their customers and form a lasting connection with them. It
instills a sense of familiarity and trust within the consumer, ensuring that they remain loyal to your
business. Advertisements use images, words, and ideals that target your desired demographic and
encourages them to stay

Factors that impact the Advertisment

 Focus On Attractive Design

Getting viewers’ attention is your number-one goal with advertising.  If you don’t get their attention, your
ad can’t accomplish what it’s supposed to.  Your ad space is limited, so you should keep your ad simple. 
Cluttered ads tend to get overlooked because people can’t tell what the ad is conveying right away.   An ad
that simply has your company logo on it will be more effective than one with three images and two
paragraphs of text.  You should only use photos when appropriate, usually to convey what you’re selling,
especially if a particular product is unique.  When you do use images, be sure to use a high-resolution
image so your ad doesn’t turn out blurry or pixelated.
 Convey A Clear Message

Clear and convincing copy is just as important as the design of your ad. Viewers should be able to tell at
first glance what your ad is about.  Use catchy words that provide a value proposition.  The value
proposition showcases the service or product your brand provides and calls attention to itself with
attractive products, special offers and prices, such as “High quality,” “50% off,” “Limited time offer,”
“Made in USA,” or “Free sample.” It should take up the most space in your ad and be the first thing that
you viewers’ eyes are attracted to.  Make sure you maintain hierarchy within your ad.  Your value
proposition should be prominent, followed by your call to action, then your logo.

 Keep It On Brand

From your logo to the color palette and font choice, your ad should reflect your brand.  Your company
logo must be included to build brand awareness. 

 The Nature of the Product

If the product itself is something that is needed or adds value to a reader’s life, it will boost the
effectiveness of your ad. However, the nature of the product will also determine which type of advertising
media is the most effective. If the product requires a demonstration, television and digital advertising will
work best. Items like wines, alcohols, and cigarettes are only ever advertised in print media. Consider the
type of product before choosing your platform.

 Cost of the Medium

Cost is an important factor to consider when choosing your medium. Ads in certain types of media are
more expensive than others. You will likely pay more for television and radio ads, whereas magazine and
newspaper ad placements are more affordable. Even within each medium, there are a varying of costs.
The advertising costs in newspapers that are national will cost more than local ones, especially because
they have a larger circulation and reach a wider audience.

 Reputation of the Medium

Newspapers and magazines carry a positive reputation. They are viewed as trustworthy, and highly
valuable for reliable information. This is why ads in magazines can be effective. You can create beautiful
illustrations that inspire readers to go shopping or visit your web site. Some newspapers and magazines
have an international reputation with a high readership. Choosing to post your ad in a reputable magazine
or newspaper will add prestige to your product and evoke trust from your reader.

Best advertismmet in Pakistan

Shan Foods Ramzan (2015)
Everyone fell in love with this TVC immediately. Living abroad to earn better for your family, and
missing your family more than anything in the world and wanting to go back to them, is something that a
lot of Pakistanis relate to. Honestly, we all love this sibling duo, making each other feel right at home
while they’re so far away from home.

Surf Excel Ramazan 2019

 Dedicating your prayers for someone in need, selflessly and open heartedly, is something which
everyone should learn, especially in our society. Surf Excel is one of the brands which always has the best
advertisements, not just the basics about sakth dagh and cleaning, but ads which observe important
themes such as this.

Worst ads

Tulsi TVC 2014

Tulsi was just a mouth freshener, which you ate after your meals to freshen your mouth. Do they really
eat Tulsi when walking the red carpet (lack concept)


Touch your nose with your tongue, DO IT, DO IT!

Advertising is an important communication tool for organisations. It facilitates brand recognition, and as
such, it assists in brand differentiation. It allows the organisation to set itself apart from its competitors
and assists the consumer in identifying the brand. Ad copy should be creative, concise and easy to read
but also have compelling and relevant content. Avoid using jargon or excessive information that doesn't
contribute directly to the overall message of the advertisement.

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