Final Mock Calculations

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one risky portfolio, one m

Probabilities (3 senario) CPS stocks (risky portfolMarket portfolio Inflation-Hedging Portfo
0.274000 -0.077700 -0.063300 -0.018000
0.487500 0.028700 -0.005200 0.005000
0.238500 0.075300 0.083200 0.021500
(X- Mean)^2
0.007808 0.004002 0.000426
0.000325 0.000027 0.000006
0.004178 0.006928 0.000356

(X- Mean)
-0.088361 -0.063264 -0.020633
0.018040 -0.005164 0.002367
0.064640 0.083236 0.018867

Risk free rate 0.85%

probability Weatern Canada Eastern Canada Market returns

2.350% -0.39180 -0.54060 -0.31430
31.250% -0.09980 -0.08120 -0.05630
39.100% -0.00670 -0.00530 -0.00300
26.400% 0.06110 0.08860 0.04520
0.900% 0.31200 0.38210 0.30080
Weatern Canada Eastern Canada Market returns
RE -0.0240761 -0.0133221 -0.0115128
weight 0.333333 0.666667
SD 0.089552 0.110219 0.067354

Weatern Canada Eastern Canada Market returns
-36.77% -52.73% -30.28%
-7.57% -6.79% -4.48%
1.74% 0.80% 0.85%
8.52% 10.19% 5.67%
33.61% 39.54% 31.23%

WESTERN &MARKETEastern Canada WE and market

Covariances 0.00595412689592 0.00736602055712 0.00689538933672
one risky portfolio, one market portfolio & one hedge portoflio with 3 senario to calculate Beta and Alpha

Risk-free Firm A
Expected Return 0.0107
vairance 0.003294
0.002500 SD 0.057397

A& Market
Covariance 0.002769466578

A& Market
Beta 1.0027
CPS stocks (risky portfolio)
CAPM return 0.0005
Alpha 0.01017

The Consumption CAPM

WE portfolio b)      Step Two: Calculations of Covar

-0.491 c)       Step three: Calculations of the co

WE portfolio Weatern Canada

-0.0169067666666667 Coefficient of A -3.36116450821926

we protfolio
Beta and Alpha

Market portfolio Inflation-Hedging Portfolio

-0.00004 0.002633
0.002762 0.000204
0.052555 0.014293

A & inflation-H

A & inflation-H
isky portfolio) CPS stocks (risky portfolio)
Variance SD
0.00653373305383903 0.0808315102781027

a)      Step one: Calculations of Expected return of each portfolio

Step Two: Calculations of Covariances between market portfolio and rest three portfolios
Step three: Calculations of the coefficient A (or depends on average coefficient risk aversion) for each consumption-tracking portfo

Eastern Canada we protfolio

-2.71690797559011 -2.90234517918022
87 89
sumption-tracking portfolio

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