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1. Name a leader (foreign or local) that you admire the most.  What are his/her notable
leadership characteristics? Cite an instance in which any of these characteristics were
demonstrated.   (50 points)

Among certain inspiring leaders around the world, the one that I have truly admired was Leni
Robredo. I admired her because of how she had persevered with her mission, and her connection
with the people. I think that this is part of the notable leadership characteristics of Robredo. It is
that she is able to listen with what her followers suggests, she influences her followers and brings
out the best talents of oneself. This was demonstrated during her campaign which I was able to
witness how people came together and expressed their support to this former candidate by
organizing such events, donating their time and effort, which is critical to the success of a
group’s cause. Although she lost the election, she once again proved how she really cared for the
people by continuing their cause in a different manner. Thus, the Angat Buhay Foundation has
been formed. In an article of Antonio (2022), I was once again inspired by her to stand up for the
truth and become the best person I could be for my fellow countrymen. She displays a leadership
style of democratic, as she allows group governance through group effort, through emphasizing
“we” instead of “I” and “you”, there is a situation of trust and openness, and accepts constructive
criticism. In contemporary leadership, I also recognize her characteristics in line with a
transformational leadership as she attends to the needs and motives of her followers, she inspires
us and encourages our creativity, and has a huge influence on her supporters. I also believe that
she has a referent and expert power, as she can be identified as a leader and she is what we desire
to be a leader, in addition to her knowledge and competence as a future president which
personally, gained my respect.

I say this not because I am not over of the result of elections, but I sure can’t deny her best and
notable leadership characteristics that brought together people who supported her vision and
mission for the country wholeheartedly by donating or giving their time and effort, which was
something that I think is very hard to do. I wish her success in her future endeavors, and I know
that her newly founded non-government organization will help countless of people in this
country through her outstanding leadership to lead passionate people in lending a hand to our
fellow citizens.

2. CASE SCENARIO (50 points)

      You are a new nurse in an Emergency Department. You observed a very busy area where
rooms are filled with patients awaiting attention. The triage nurse is responsible for prioritizing
who is seen first. This often necessitates that certain patients are not seen for long periods of
time, so that more seriously ill patients may be treated or admitted. You notice that on a regular
basis, waiting patients and families become very angry. Often, nurses repeat
blood work for patients and there is general disorganization.
             You are convinced the head nurse is too laissez-faire. You believe the workplace needs
order and that if the group was called together, solutions could be found that would enhance the

⚫ What type of leadership style would be most effective in this situation? Why? Explain briefly.

II think the most effective leadership style in the situation would be an autocratic leadership
style. This is because in emergency situations, I believe that the team would be more efficient in
working what was directly instructed by the leader as fast as possible. While democratic might
have been an option, but it is ideal in an emergency for the leader to immediately call the shots
for a more organized work flow in the emergency department. My statement is supported by the
study of Sfantou et al (2017), where they stated that autocratic leadership style is ideal in
emergency situations as the leader makes all the decision without asking from the team the
opinion of staff. It does not mean that their opinion has more value, it is ideal because the team
gets to be focused, efficient, and would be able to render a quality care to the patients by possible
reduction of errors due to direct orders.

⚫ What leadership behaviors would be necessary to bring more structure to the flow and
treatment of emergency patients? Explain briefly.

As I have mentioned in the first question, a clear line of communication and order from the
leader to the team is much effective to bring structure to the flow of treatment of emergency
patients, which is a characteristic of an autocratic leadership style. However, I think one’s
characteristic as a leader should be bounded within one style. Effective leadership is one of the
critical components that can lead to successful outcomes. While being an autocratic might solve
problems in the flow in an emergency department, I believe that a leader must also possess one
of those of contemporary leadership which is a transformational leadership. One that promotes
employee development, one that can influence and inspire, encourage her followers and attend to
their needs and motives. In this way, employees or nurses would be able to grow and learn
beyond their current capabilities and would be able to render an effective nursing or patient care.

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