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Al Rhakeem H.

Guludah BSPA 2-1 9/28/22

1. What is the contribution of the primary source to the history of the Filipino people (relevance of the
primary source to today's time)?

Primary sources are usually defined as firsthand information or data that is generated by witnesses or
participants in past events. Under the revised curriculum of the Commission on Higher Education,
college-level Philippine history will be taught using primary sources. This assures that The Filipino people
would learn history without any filter and without any added or omitted details.

2. Differentiate History from above and History from below.

History from above is history from the point of view of those who are above the commoners, the
wealthy people, and the victors of colonization. While history from below is history from the point of
view of the common people. The workers, the minorities, etc. Anne Frank’s diary is one of the best
examples of history from below.

3. Why is it important to understand history using our own perspective (Pantayong Pananaw)?

It reflects how we are taught history in school. Because history gives us the tools to analyze and explain
problems in the past, it positions us to see patterns that might otherwise be invisible in the present thus
providing a needed perspective for understanding current and future problems.

4. Why do you think we have different perceptions of history?

Because we are taught history in different ways and different perspective, thus, we adapt the ways and
perspective in which history is taught to us and even improve or change upon it when we learn more
information about the History.

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