PAS4 HBO MODULE 1 Guludah BSPA 2-1

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Al Rhakeem H.

Guludah BSPA 2-1 9/29/22

Case Questions

1. Identify several concepts and characteristics from the field of organizational behavior that this case

Almost all characteristics of organizational behavior can be applied in order to understand fully the
situation of Tony, however, we can identify why Tony might have trouble fitting in.

Using the Nature of People, we can see that people have Individual Differences, as the people from
O’Grady is different from the people at Reece. It could be that it is a different work environment, thus,
different people. It could also be because Tony is a new employee and they have such an unwarm
welcome when it comes to new people.

The O’Grady Company also had a very understanding manager as they got along well both personally
and professionally and truly worked together as a team. Their boss had been very supportive, giving
them the help they needed but also staying out of the way and letting them work. We can see that the
manager understands the concept of A Whole Person as the manager lets them do their thing and
makes sure to support them.

Using the Nature of the Organization, we can see that there is a contrast in the Social System, as both
formal and informal social system is different. In Reece, it is stated that the bureaucracy is more
prevalent as it is a more substantially large company, prioritizing more professionalism and a more by-
the-book type of workplace. Meanwhile, the O’Grady was described the firm was decentralized,
allowing its managers considerable autonomy and freedom, while also having an easy going culture and
an more open communication. A vastly different approach if compared to Reece Company. The Informal
social system is also vastly different among the two company as people from Reece Company declined
the offer of Tony to play golf, missing out on the chance to get to know him and form a good bond inside
and outside the workplace. Playing golf with workmates/managers and eating lunch together were a
common occurrence with Tony’s time at the O’Grady which formed a bond that further helped with the
work environment.
2. What advice can you give Tony? How would this advice be supported or tempered by behavioral
concepts and processes?

I would advise that he try to observe if the treatment changes, it could just be because he had been in
another company for so long that’s why he has trouble fitting in a new environment. If any social
treatment changes, he should try to work with the company, but also know his worth as an employee. It
should not bother him too much to the point where he has to unwind and ponder if he did the right
move getting employed in the company.

3. Is it possible to find an "ideal" place to work? Explain.

Finding and idel workplace should not be impossible if most companies have a good sense and
understanding of Organizational Management (how to run a company) and Organizational Behavior
(how to handle people in the company). Knowing these things can further improve the output of the
company, improve the quality of life of the workers and in turn, help in the long run to have loyal and
motivated employees working towards the company goals.

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