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Below are the ELEMENTS OF DANCE.

Define and explain why it is necessary to apply these elements

in dancing with your own idea. Give at least 3 sentences each word. (5pts each)

1.Time - Time is necessary to apply in dancing in order to synchronize and harmonize with the music.
With correct application of timing and counting, we can correctly time the dance moves with the beats of
the music. Some people who don't know or don’t memorize the song will rely on counting in order to be
able to dance on beat.

2.Space - Space is where the performers or dancers do their performances. Space is necessary for the
dancers to perform as without space, the dancers wouldn’t be able to perform. It is important to have
enough space too, in order for the dancers to execute their dance moves perfectly without bumping into
each other while performing.

3.Body - Body is necessary in dancing because it is what dancers use to express the song or their feelings.
It is what the audience will look at. Without the body, dancing will be impossible.

4.Energy - Energy is necessary because it will tell us how the dancers are executing or performing the
dance. By looking at the energy the dancer is exerting while dancing, we can see the emotions and actions
being portrayed by the dancer. For example, with jolly and lively music, they would be full of energy and
we can see that the dance is overflowing with happiness and enthusiasm.

5.Action - Action is the body movements the dancers do. Action is necessary because that is what dancing
is all about, moving the body and doing actions. With the actions of the dancers, we can also see the
emotion being portrayed by the dance. For example, interpretive dance tells stories with the actions they
do in dancing.

6-10 . Differentiate between secular and sacred dance.

From the word itself, sacred dance is “holy and divine”. It is geared toward the worship of God. It is used
in religious ceremonies and rituals. Secular dance on the other hand doesn't have a religious purpose. It is
not related to religious music or lyrics.

11-15. Why is dance an ART? (3 sentences ) at least.

Dance is art because it brings out the creativity of the dancers, performers or choreographers. Everyone
can dance but not everyone can dance beautifully. Just like how everyone can draw but not everyone can
draw a good piece.Many people use art as a medium to express themselves and tell stories, which is
something that can be done with dancing as well. Also, I believe that art is made to be enjoyed and
appreciated by both the performer or the artist and the audience, which is true for dance.

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