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Thermal Modelling and

Analysis of High-Voltage
Insulated Power Cables
Under Transient Loads
Department of Electrical Education, Kocaeli University, Umuttepe, Kocaeli 41380, Turkey
Department of Industrial Electronic, Düzce University, Uzunmustafa, Düzce 81010, Turkey

Received 29 September 2009; accepted 23 August 2010

ABSTRACT: This article presents a simple thermal model for transient analysis of high-voltage underground
power cables based on proper ladder diagram at MATLAB–Simulink software under various operating conditions
for engineering students. Available commercial programs created with commercial worries are not suitable
for students during the learning process, which involve different applications on power cable analysis. The
model gives an opportunity for students to solve the often-faced transient problems in utilities. The transient
model of the underground power cable system using the analytic procedures based on IEC60853 standards is
presented with an example solution of the 154 kV power cable in service in Turkish transmission system in this
article. ! 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 21: 516–529, 2013; View this article online at; DOI 10.1002/cae.20497

Keywords: power cable; thermal model; transient analysis; Matlab tools; computer simulation

INTRODUCTION cables have a normal loading temperature of 908C, overload

temperature of 1058C and emergency loading temperature of
Recently, computer-aided education has gained popularity with 1308C.
successful implementation in many areas, including engineering Sometimes power cables can be overloaded during the daily
education and today it grows with a great speed. It helps students load cycle. In this situation, there are some important questions to
and educators in engineering education for visualisation of the be answered by the operators [5];
concepts and provides graphical feedback during the learning
process [1]. Especially in power systems, experimental setups ! What is the allowable time for a specific overload for given
are very expensive and their capabilities are also limited. Some operating conditions?
software packages are widely using in electrical engineering edu- ! What will be the temperatures after a given period of a
cation for analysing complex systems such as high-voltage sys- specified overload for given operating conditions?
tems, electrical machine tests, power and measurement systems ! What is the maximum cable ampacity for a given period of
[2–4]. time for a specified set of conductor temperatures?
Underground power cables are the most important devices of
power system, and widely used in densely populated urban areas Answers of the questions similar to those mentioned above
for power transmission and distribution. The cable must be able to have been investigated by researchers in past years. In 1951, Neher
carry large amounts of current without overheating, because the has determined the transient temperature rise based on resistance–
useful working life of the underground cable is adversely affected capacitance (R–C) thermal equivalent circuit of a cable and then,
by its operating temperature. Therefore, the loadability of power Neher reported his famous other article in 1964 [5,6]. The article
cable is limited by the allowable maximum operating temperature. has stated the calculation of the transient temperature rise of buried
The temperature of the conductor must be restricted to protect the cable systems, that is, the determination of the curve of conductor
insulation and the jacket. For example, XLPE insulated power temperature rise versus time after the application of a constant
conductor current, which intrigued the more mathematically
minded cable engineers for many years. Another important article
Correspondence to F. Aras ( in Ref. [5], that is still used, has reported a simple method for the
! 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. thermal capacity of the insulation layers of the cable.


Resistance–capacitance analogues have been applied to the electric and the thermal parameters [10]. The most important
study the transient performance of cables and joints including parameter of the thermal–electrical analogy is temperature with
water cooled cables. Anders and El-Kady have presented a good the symbol u, and it is equivalent to potential or voltage, (V). The
study that comprised the review of past works in the thermal analogy can be written as follows:
transients in buried cables and the mathematical model based V1 #V2 DV
on a proper ladder network representation of the cable thermal R¼ ¼ ðVÞ (1)
circuit (Fig. 1) [5,7].
Today, many different software packages and recommen- uc #uamb Du
dations are available for the calculation of power cable rating in T¼ ¼ ðK m=WÞ (2)
market. The programs have commercial worries and restrictive
where R and T are electrical resistance and thermal resistance,
components. A program has been designed to teach students at
respectively. DV is the potential difference on electric circuit
different academic levels about power cable and its ampacity under
between the V1 and V2 potentials. Similarly, Du is temperature
transient and steady-state loads [8]. Normally, lot of formulas are
difference or temperature rise between conductor temperature and
necessary to find power cable transient response and most of the
ambient temperature on thermal circuit of the cable system. Other
formulas are dependent on each other. Therefore, the modelling of
parameters: I is the current that flows within the conductor and W is
transient response of the power cable is more difficult than the
the heat losses in the metal parts of the cables such as conductor,
steady state for students. In addition, the calculation needs long
metal sheath, screen and armor per unit (W/m).
time, cannot examine the cable response for various configurations
and conditions during the limited time. For these reasons, the
power cable simulations have advantages of permanent learning Cable Thermal Circuit
and time saving for students [8].
The first aim of this study is to present the simulation mod- Using the thermal and electric analogy, the equivalent thermal
elling of power cables rating under transient conditions using circuit of an insulated power cable can be obtained and consists
Matlab. The second aim of this study is to find the answers for of some parameters; Wc is joule loss ðI2 RÞ in the conductor
above-mentioned questions for real power cable system with a case (W/m), Ws is sheath loss metal part of the cable (W/m) and it
study: 154 kV power cable under transient conditions in Turkish can be calculated as l1 Wc . If the cable contains armor, Wa is
underground transmission system. This model uses analytic pro- armor loss caused by magnetic field effect and calculated as l2 Wc
cedures mainly based on the IEC60853 standards for transient as shown in Figure 2. Both l1 sheath loss factor and l2 armor
analysis and also consists of several modules to facilitate the loss factor can be determined as given by IEC60287 standard
perception of power cable parts, environment and the relationship [7,11].
between them. Thus, there is a need to perform computations On the other hand, when the cable is energised, dielectric
to answer similar above-mentioned questions, preferably in one losses (Wd) are produced in the cable insulation as a result of
study, for arbitrary combinations of cable types, initial tempera- the heat storage capability of the insulating material placed
tures and arbitrary loading conditions. between the conductor and metal sheath [5,11]. It can be neglected
for distribution voltages and calculated as in the following
where f is operation frequency, Uo is voltage between conductor
Thermal and Electrical Analogy
and screen or sheath, C is electrical capacitance per cable core,
The thermal circuit is then modelled by an analogous electrical tan d is known as loss factor of insulation.
circuit in which voltages are equivalent to temperatures and cur- T1 and T3 are thermal resistances of the main insulation and
rents to heat flows. The thermal resistances and capacitances in external serving of the cable, respectively, and they can be calcu-
thermal circuit are defined as the material’s ability to impede heat lated using Equations (4) and (6). Some cables include different
flow and to store heat, respectively [6,7,9]. By using these equiv- insulating parts such as armor as shown in Figure 2a. In this case,
alents, heat transferring phenomena in the cable can be easily T2 is the thermal resistance between the armor and the screen as
modelled and quickly calculated, considering the analogy between shown in Figure 2b and can be considered for thermal circuit of the

Figure 1 Thermal networks for short duration transient according to electrical analogy.

Figure 2 (a) Cross-section. (b) Thermal network for steady-state operation.

armored power cable its surroundings [7,12,13]. However, the thermal capacity of the
! " insulation is not a linear function of the dielectric’s thickness.
r Di
T1 ¼ i ln (4) Therefore, Van Wormer coefficient has been used to improve the
2p dc
accuracy of the approximate solution using lumped constants
! " for dividing the thermal capacity of the insulation between the
ra Da
T2 ¼ ln (5) conductor and the sheath layers in thermal circuit [5,7]. This
2p Ds
assumption gives a steady-state logarithmic distribution of the
! " temperature for the transient conditions [5].
rj De
T3 ¼ ln (6) Van Wormer coefficient p is used in thermal ladder circuit to
2p Da
divide main insulation p and external serving p0 into parts of total
where ri is insulation thermal resistivity (K m/W), dc is conductor thermal capacitance Q as follows [12,13]:
diameter (mm), Di is external diameter (mm) of the insulation, ra is 1 1
thermal resistivity (K m/W) of the material, Ds is the external p¼ # $ # # $2 (12)
Di D
diameter of the sheath (mm) and Da is external diameter of armor 2 ln dc i
(mm), rj is thermal resistivity (K m/W) of the serving insulation,
De is outer diameter (mm) of the serving. 1 1
p0 ¼ # $ # # $2 (13)
In steady-state operation, the effects of thermal capacitances De De
2 ln Ds #1
are neglected and the equivalent thermal circuit contains only Ds

thermal resistances and heat sources as shown in Figure 2. 1

p and p0 are the coefficients for times greater than 3 T Q in
Nevertheless, in transient operation, thermal capacitances must long-duration transients,
be considered to determine the temperature rise in power cable for
certain time interval. Basically, the thermal capacitance is calcu- 1 1
p& ¼ # $## $ (14)
lated by multiplying the volume of the material with its specific Di Di
ln dc #1
heat as follows: P P
p& is coefficient for P than 3 T Q in short-duration
P times less
Q ¼ Sc (7) transients, where T and Q are total thermal resistance and
where Q is thermal capacitance (J/8C m), S is volume of total thermal capacitance of cable, respectively.
the body (m3) and c is specific heat (J/8C m3) of the material [5,7]. As shown in Figure 1 main insulation T1 is divided into two
The equation is applied for all the parts of cable considering portions in thermal circuit for short duration. The thermal capaci-
their geometric sizes as follows: tance of the first part of the insulation is given by:
p p% &
Qi ¼ ðD2i #dc2 Þc (8) QI1 ¼ Di dc #dc2 c (15)
4 4
p 2 This capacitance is divided into two parts using the Van
Qs ¼ ðD #D2i Þcs (9)
4 s Wormer coefficient as follows:
p 2 Qi1 ¼ p & QI1 (16)
Qs ¼ ðD #D2i Þcs (10)
4 s
Qi2 ¼ ð1#p&ÞQI1 (17)
p 2
QJ ¼ ðD #D2a Þcj (11)
4 e The same procedure is applied to the second part of the
insulation as follows:
where Qi, Qs, Qa and Qj are the thermal capacitances of the
insulation, sheath, armor tape and external serving material of QI2 ¼ ðDi 2 #Di dc Þc (18)
power cable, respectively.
Thermal capacitances and resistances are the most important Qi3 ¼ p & QI2 (19)
parameters of the thermal ladder circuit of the power cable to
determine the temperature distribution of the each cable layer and Qi4 ¼ ð1#p&ÞQI2 (20)

Determination of Soil Effect using the thermal resistivity of the backfill material instead of that
of the native soil [5]. The correction is defined by
Another important issue is the influence of the soil on temperature ' ! " ! "(
rise of the cable at transient analysis. The response of temperature wt ðrs #rb Þ rb2 LG2
ucorr ðtÞ ¼ #Ei # þ Ei # (23)
rise depends on the combination of thermal capacitance and 4p 4dt dt
resistances formed by the constituent parts of the cable itself
where rs is the thermal resistivity (K m/W) of the backfill, rb is the
and its surroundings [7]. The temperature of cable reaches the
equivalent radius of the backfill envelope, LG is the depth of laying
steady state in more time because the soil thermal capacitance is
to centre of backfill. On the other hand, in steady-state operation
greater than capacitances of the cable parts.
(t ¼ 1), their effects can be calculated as follows:
The temperature rise due to the soil effect of the cable at point ! "
p, at any time, which is the sum of the temperature rises caused by r d&
upk ¼ Wt s (24)
the heat sources Wt and its image #Wt in Figure 3 is determined 2p d
using a well-known Kennelly hypothesis [5,7]. ! "
According to this hypothesis, if several power cables are rs 4L
u e ¼ Wt ln (25)
laid in a trench, the mutual heating caused by other cables 2p De
affects the temperature rise of the reference (centre) cable. The
! "
temperature for each cable is obtained at each time step by adding ðrs #rb Þ 2LG
ucorr ¼ Wt ln (26)
to its own temperature; the temperature rise at the location of 2p rb
the cable in the thermal field of each other cable is given by
Refs. [5,7]:
' ! " ! &2 "( Total Temperature Rise
w t rs d2 d
upk ðtÞ ¼ #Ei # þ Ei # (21)
4p 4dt 4dt The total transient temperature rise at any time and for any
where upk is the mutual temperature rise, d and d& are the distances layer of the cable is calculated as the sum of the temperature rise
from the centre of reference cable to the centre of other cables caused by own losses and the mutual heating due to the other cables
and its image, respectively, as shown in Figure 3, rs is the [5,7].
thermal resistivity (K m/W) of the soil, d is the diffusivity (m2/ uptot ðtÞ ¼ ui ðtÞ þ aðtÞue ðtÞ þ ud ðtÞ
s) of the soil.
In this case, the temperature rise at the cable surface in X
N #1 ) *
þ aðtÞ upk ðtÞ þ updk ðtÞ (27)
the soil at any time is calculated using the following equation k¼1
' ! " ! 2 "( where uptot is the total temperature rise at layer i of the cable, and in
w t rs D2 L the above formulation, N is the number of cables, updk(i) is the
ue ðtÞ ¼ #Ei # e þ Ei # (22)
4p 16dt dt temperature rise at cable p caused by the dielectric losses in cable k
where ue is the temperature rise for certain time t (s), L is the depth and, it is multiplied by a factor aðtÞ when the cable k is energised at
of burial of the cable and Wt is the heat source (W/m). time t ¼ 0. ud(t) is the internal temperature rise caused by the
The conventional procedure to take into account the effect of dielectric losses in cable p. The factor, aðtÞ known as attainment
backfill is to compute the external thermal resistance of the cable factor [5,7] is considered in transient analysis for the temperature
rise between the conductor and outside surface of the cable and it
varies in time and is given by
uc ðtÞ
aðtÞ ¼ (28)
½Wc ðTA þ TBÞ)

Conductor electrical resistance changes with temperature, as

well as the other metallic parts of the cable. The effect of these
changes should be taken into account when computing cable
metallic parts losses and related formula is given by:
ua ðtÞ ¼ 1
1 þ 234;5þu amb

Consequently, actual temperature of the reference cable is

obtained from the following equation:
uac ðtÞ ¼ uamb þ ua (30)


Computed and general parameters of the cable system should be

entered to simulink model considering installation and operation
conditions. Thus, the cable thermal response can be obtained by
Figure 3 Hypothesis of Kennelly. analysing cable system under different time periods and loads.

Figure 4 Underground power cable main toolbox.

This model can also be used for analysing any high-voltage under- Cable Parameters and Calculation
ground power cables in transient and steady-state condition with-
out computation of complex and long procedures. The thermal analogy uses the same formulation for thermal resist-
The transient modelling of the power cable system is created ances and capacitances as in electrical networks for electrical
by three main toolboxs in Matlab–Simulink as shown in Figure 4. resistances and capacitances [6,7,9]. Using these equivalents, heat
In the first toolbox, temperature rise of reference cable is modelled transferring phenomena in the cable can be easily modelled and
using a cable thermal circuit which includes thermal resistances, quickly calculated, considering the analogy between the electric
thermal capacitances and heat sources. In the second toolbox, and the thermal parameters [10].
mutual effects are modelled by computing a ratio of the tempera- As shown in Figure 4, the cable parameters and calculation
ture rise of the cable conductor at time t during the transient toolbox consist of subsystems as shown in Figure 5. The
condition and steady-state temperature rise in Equations (21)– model determines thermal resistances of cable circuit using the
(23). In the third toolbox, the complete accurate temperature rise of equations in Power Cable Thermal Ratings Section. The thermal
the power cable caused by the reference cable and the other cables resistances are used in transient and steady-state analyses as global
due to mutual heating including ambient temperature variation is variables.
determined. To improve the accuracy of the approximate solution using
Parameters of the model are of two types: time-dependent lumped constants, Van Wormer [14] proposed a simple method
variables and constants of cable system. The load and ambient for allocating the thermal capacity of the insulation between the
temperature parameters are time-dependent variables and they conductor and the sheath so that the total heat stored in the
should be entered as a matrix [1 * N] in m-file or simulink model insulation is represented [7].
before running the model as in shown in Figure 4. The constant The cable thermal circuit is derived by the method given
parameters are environment and cable parameters. The model above with the Van Wormer coefficient computed from equations
shown in Figure 4, generates and plots based on time-dependent and for long- and short-duration transients, respectively. pffiffi
variables analysing the results such as temperature rise, losses and In Figure 5, the inputs are defined as; V is voltage (U= 3), fr
mutual effect. is frequency, Tan is loss factor tan d, Rac is cable ac resistance, Eps

Figure 5 Cable parameters inputs and calculation subsystems.


is dielectric constant, Y1 and Y2 is sheath loss factor l1 and armor cs is the specific heat (J/8C m3) of the sheath, ca is the specific heat
loss factor l2, respectively. Both l1 sheath loss factor and l2 armor (J/8C m3) of the armor bedding, cj is the specific heat (J/8C m3) of
loss factor can be determined in IEC60287 standard [11]. the jacket.
The expended models of the subsystems shown in Figure 5 In Figure 10, the parameters are defined as uc is conductor
are given as Figures 6–11. The subsystem models compute and self-temperature rise symbolised uc, attainment_factor shown a(t)
generate necessary parameters for the analyses of the cable system. varies in time with load.
In Figure 7, the inputs are defined as; Plong is Van Wormer
coefficient shown r for long duration transient, Pshort is Van
& Environment Parameters and Calculation
Wormer coefficient shown r for short duration transient,
Pcowering is Van Wormer coefficient shown p0 for short and long The environmental conditions of the cable system affect the
duration transient. operating temperature of the cable. The operating performance
In Figure 9, the inputs are defined as; C is capacitance of of cable installed in backfill environmental which has high thermal
insulation (F/m), c is the specific heat (J/8C m3) of the insulation, conductivity is better than that of buried power cable in soil. As

Figure 6 (a) Parameter inputs, (b) thermal resistances, (c) resistance calculation, (d) TA and (e) TB calculations.

Figure 7 (a) Van Wormer blocks (b) for using long duration transient (c) for using short duration transient (d) for outer

Figure 8 Cable losses.


Figure 9 (a) Thermal capacity blocks (b) capacity calculation.

Figure 10 Thermal networks according to electrical analogy (armor is not contained).

shown in Figure 4, the second toolbox, environment parameters

and calculation are created by subsystems as shown in Figure 12 to
enter the environment parameters of the cable installation and their
calculations. The model determines mutual heating effects on
cable temperature.
In Figure 12, the parameters are defined as dy is symbolised
d& and defined as distance from the centre of reference cable to its
images, sigma is diffusivity of dry soil, rb is equivalent radius of
the backfill envelope.
Figure 11 Attainment factor.
On the other hand, the soil diffusivity is also important issue
for analysing cable system and dependent on its thermal resistivity.
The soil diffusivity calculation is shown in Figure 13 as expended
the sigma block in Figure 12.
The most common for installation of underground cables is to
lay them directly in the soil. However, to improve heat dissipation,
thermal backfill which has better heat conduction than the native
soil is used in the installation. In this case, a correction coefficient,
known as attainment factor, is needed for the transient calculation

Figure 12 Environment parameters and calculation subsystems. Figure 13 Soil diffusivity calculations.

Figure 14 Calculation of equivalent radius of the backfill envelope.

Figure 15 (a) Calculation of mutual effects cable own and other cables (b) exponential integral opened in the series.

Figure 16 Mutual heating effects on cable temperature.

of the power cables [7]. For this purpose the subsystem shown in Mutual heating effects on cable temperature can be calcu-
Figure 14 is created based on IEC Standard 60287 [11]. lated using the inputs which are the effects above-mentioned
In Figure 15, the parameter, - E(- x) is exponential integral in converted to the temperature rise shown in Figure 16.
series and calculated as Equation (31)
' (
x2 x3 Complete Temperature Rise
#Eið#xÞ ¼ #0:577#ln x þ x# þ +++ (31)
2:2! 3:3!
The third main toolbox as shown in Figure 4 is created for calculation
of complete temperature rise of the cable system. The model has two
subsystems, total temperature and correction block shown in
Figure 17. In the first block, some computed effects on temperature
rise such as mutual effect, cable temperature are combined in this
block as shown in Figure 18. The second block is used for the
correction of the cable temperature rise as shown in Figure 19.



One hundred fifty-four kilovolts XLPE power cables installed in

flat form and 1.2 meter under ground in Turkish underground
transmission system were used for a case study as shown in
Figure 20. The properties of power cable and environment are
given in Table 1.
Figure 17 Accurate cable temperature calculation blocks. Generally, two types of currents are important for the oper-
ation of power cables. First one is steady-state current based on
saturated temperature and the second is a short time allowable
current considering load change within the day or year [15]. The
steady-state allowable current of the 154 kV power cable is calcu-
lated as 1193 A for 100% load factor. But the real current is
different since the load is not constant during certain period.
For these reasons, transient rating of a power cable system should
be analysed for various load patterns. The transient responses of
the 154 kV power cable are analysed for following loading con-
Figure 18 Temperature combining block. ditions using above described model:

Figure 19 Temperature correction block (tetha_mutual is total mutual effect of cable system, tetha_ptot symbolised uptot
is total temperature rise, tetha_cable symbolised uac is the actual cable temperature).

! Temperature rise caused by cable itself and mutual effect.

! Various variables loading response of power cable.
! Primary operation of power cable for 3 days.
! Constant and cycling step loading for 10 days.
! Overload and spike loading responses.


Using above created Matlab/Simulink model, ratings of 154 kV

power cables are obtained and examined for various operating
conditions for transient loads. The loading of a cable depends on
current changed as a step function for any time interval. However,
the mutual temperature rise of power cable follows a slow variation
for the same time interval because of thermal capacitances. The
Figure 20 Cross-section of buried 154 kV cable systems. total temperature rise of the reference cable at any time is caused
by the sum of the temperature rise caused by own losses and the
mutual heating effects due to the other cables [7,15]. Figure 21
shows the temperature rise caused by self-heating and mutual
Table 1 The Parameters of 154 kV Cable System heating for 8 \times 105 s period assuming to be constant daily
load factor. It can be seen obviously in Figure 21, that the self-
Unit Values
temperature rise of reference cable reaches the steady-state point
in a short time about 6 h, the other temperature rise due to mutual
Cable properties effects reaches the steady-state point in a very long time. That
Operating voltage V 154,000 means the capacity increases and transient variation depends on
Frequency Hz 50 soil thermal resistivity and capacitance strongly.
Conductor — Copper On the other hand, the temperature rise is directly related to
Insulation — XLPE
the load current of the cable and power loss (Wc) for 24 h period as
Conductor cross-section (S) mm2 1,000
shown in Figure 22. This response is important to bring to light the
Insulation thickness (t1) mm 22
Thickness of the jacket (t3) mm 6 thermal behaviour of the cable for the step functions during a daily
External diameter of cable (De) mm 106.7 period. It can be seen that the temperature response of the cable is
Max. cond. temp. for XLPE 8C 90 lower than the current and loss increase. So that the temperatures
Conductor AC resistance (Rac) V/km 0.0252 rise does not reach steady-state point during each step load. For
Thermal resistivities ri, rj K m/W 3.5 that reason, the temperature response of the cable, assumed to
Environment properties service first time, is obtained again to see the steady-state points for
Length of backfill (y) mm 700 long time step loads during 72 h period as shown in Figure 23. This
Width of backfill (x) mm 1,100 result gives us an idea to determine the allowable operating time
Depth of burial of cables (L) mm 1,200
during the short time overloads. The step loads are varied from
Spacing between conductors (d) mm 330
Backfill thermal resistivity K m/W 0.833
65% up to 100% load factors for both Figures 22 and 23.
Concrete thermal resistivity K m/W 1 In addition, the cycling loads (from t ¼ 0 to 10 days) have
Soil thermal resistivity K m/W 1 been applied to the model and it can be seen in Figure 24 that the
Ambient temperature 8C 20 conductor temperature increases with days, continuously. That
means the temperature of cable conductor does not come down

Figure 21 Cable self and mutual effects.


Figure 22 Transient thermal response for 24 h load.

Figure 23 Transient thermal response for 0–72 h load.

Figure 24 Thermal response of power cable for cycling loads.


Figure 25 Overload response of the cable.

Figure 26 Thermal response for cycling spike loads.

to the initial value due to insufficient time interval and, it starts to 11th and 20th loads period in Figure 26 are zoomed in, it can
increase. Thus, the value of temperature reaches to the higher point be seen that the temperature values increase fast under spike load
than the previous period because of the soil thermal capacity. and also, after the load current comes down to the normal value
Sometimes the power cables are exposed to overloads in the temperature cannot give the same response to the decrease
service for certain time. These loads cause some stresses resulting since the temperature decrease is related to the ambient tempera-
in insulation faults or short circuits on the power cable. Therefore, ture and thermal diffusivity conditions. Furthermore, the amount
the exposure time is as important as temperature value of the of temperature rise is 13, 22 and 268C at 2nd, 11th and 20th loads
cable. To obtain thermal response of the cable under overload period, respectively.
conditions, load current is increased as 1.6 times of rated current
during 1 h as shown in Figure 25. In Figure 25, thermal response
to the load current is shown and, temperature rise extremely CONCLUSION
increases and after half an hour temperature reaches from 70 to
968C, at the end of the overload period it reaches to 1108C point of In this article, the modelling and analysis of power cables under
overload. various loading conditions were presented using MATLAB soft-
The other important issue is current spike caused by a sudden ware. The study allows the students to improve their knowledge
rise and fall in the supply voltage during short time, and this can and to solve often-faced transient problems of power cables under
cause damage to the insulation material. To show this effect, load various transient conditions. In addition, the model, based on the
current is increased to 12 times of rated operation current during IEC standards, is presented with an example solution of the
10 s period and it has been applied to the cable model for t ¼ 0– 154 kV power cable in service in Turkish transmission system
20 days as shown in Figure 26. When the small windows of 2nd, in this article.

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Faruk Aras received the BS degree from Yunus Bicen received BS and MS degrees from
Department of Electrical Education, Marmara the Department of Electrical Education at the
University, Istanbul, Turkey in 1994, and MS University of Kocaeli in 2004 and 2006, respect-
and PhD degrees from the Institute of Science ively. He is presently studying for his PhD from
and Technology, Kocaeli University in 1996 and the University of Kocaeli. He has been working
2000, respectively He held a research and teaching as a lecturer at University of Duzce since
fellow position at the Department of Electrical 2008. His research interests include condition
Education, Kocaeli University, where he is an monitoring and diagnosis techniques of power
Associate Professor teaching undergraduate and transformer, power cables and their thermal
graduate courses, and conducting research in analysis and aging.
power system engineering, power cables, power transformers and their thermal
analysis and aging.

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